. ._, . ,
<br /> 'r.!4. . . �s.t:
<br /> t � 4,� r,: � .
<br /> ,�1 • ' rµ � .�+ r
<br /> ,�.11Y'� � .
<br /> S .
<br /> �� •-
<br /> .�
<br /> � r ,� 1�
<br /> p�.Modc�hot Lcndcr reyuim. The inauranca ciuricr pmviding the inxurAncx�hall bc chosen by 8amn�wcr��u�ic��3���iderk
<br /> epproval whkh ah�ll rw�bo unro+�anobly wi�hheld. If Botrower faib to m�lnwln cover�c dar�cribad above.Lender may.�t
<br /> L.atder�op�ion,obloin rnvrn�go la protect Lcnder'��i�hl�in thep�operty in accordancc with p�rw��ph 7.
<br /> All insurancc palicicr�and rcnewdR shall be accep�ablc tn Le�u3er w►d sh�tll include a sturderd mortg�ge clau�. Lender
<br /> whall have tho righl tw hold�qe p►liciea nnd rcnewals. If L.cndcr reyulrea+,Bortc►wer sN�ll pmmptly�ive to l.ender All receiptr
<br /> ,, of paid prcmiums and mnewal aotices. In the event oP lo�s,Bamwe�Khull Qive prompt rwlfre ta U�e lnaurw�co crurier wid
<br /> l.ender. Lcnder rrwy make ptuoFof lass if nat madc pmmpily by Borrower.
<br /> Unlesx l.ender nnd 9arowcr othervvi�c ogrce in writing,lnsurance praceedy shall be applkd to rcx�oration ar ropair uf
<br /> -'� the Property damwged,iF ihc nwtorotinn or nepair ia economically feneiblc wid Lendcr's eccuriry is not le.r•sened. If the
<br /> rratoruti�n or reEwir fs not econamicully feagible ar I.ender:� r�ecurRy wauld be Ieaxened. Ihe insurwice praceedx shall be
<br /> applieJ ta the surns secured hy Ihia Security instn�ment, whether ar not then due, with any excess puid ta Bortawor. If
<br /> Borrower abandons the Pr�perty, or does nat nnswer within 30 duyx o�notice fram l,ender that the insurance carrier hus
<br /> offered a seule a cl�im,ttttn Lender may collect the insurnnce praceeds. Leruler may ase the praceeds ta repair or restore
<br /> the Property ar to pay snms securad by this Securiry In�trument,whe�her or not then duc. The 30�duy period will begin when
<br /> � t the notice is given.
<br /> Unle4s l.ender and B�siwer othen�vise agree in writing,uny application of praceeds lo principal shall not extend ar
<br /> �'' • �,c� ; prn�tpone the due dote af the monthly pnyments referned ta in�rngraphs 1 and 2 or change the mnount of the payments. Ii
<br /> r��� • � ' under paragraph 21 the Propehy is ucyuired by Lender, BoROwer's�Rht ta any insumnce poltciex und praceeds�sulting
<br /> from demuge ta the Propeny pdar to the acquisitfon shall pasa to l.ender to Ihe extent of the sumx xecured by this Security
<br /> ,;:�i ,; ,;.,�, i.:,,...;,,�;,�.. l�sirument immediately prior ta�he�cquisi�ion. �
<br />__,.,„�.�,, . �s�#�• '�':+!'i�"'1 a . b. Occupancy. P�eservatian. Mainteounce and Protectian of' the Property; flarrawer s I,aan AppBcation;
<br /> s.:. �, �� .�;';�'�'���I;-.�•t"��` � .� Leasehdds. Borrower ahall occupy,establish,und use�he 1'ropeRy as Borruwcr'.s principAl residence within sixty dayR After
<br />�,'.':t' `�; , , ��.,.
<br /> , .. �;� .��,�..�
<br /> <, ,�,� , u the execu�ian of this Saudiy Ins�rument and shull continue ta nccupy ihe Property us Harrower4 principal residence far at
<br /> �ss;a',.,� �, a��.�x��;.
<br /> }�.; ,,.,�,. „��.t,,..t„y;�}��;;4��.. • leu,l une year uf�er Ihe dm� uf uccupuncy, unle�s l.enJer olherwl�e ugrees in writing, which cansent xh•rll not 1+�
<br /> Uif� ; �.,. , ` �r�t,,.,
<br /> }�; \: ; ���,}��,a�F•`Fa w�; unreu�anubly withheld,or unless extenuu�ing circumxtancex exist which ure beyand Borrawer i control. Barrawer tihull not
<br /> e
<br /> ;L���`•..,:, ,. � . ,-� , destroy,damage ar impair Ihe Pmpeny,nllaw the Property lo deterioratc,ar commit wuste on�he Prapeny. Borrower ahvll
<br /> , � ,,,.�"r� be in default if uny fodeiture a�hion or pr�x:eeding,whether civil or criminul,is begun�hat in l.ender:gcx�d faith judRmem
<br /> . . , ,-�a�a could rex�ll in forfeitwe nf ehe Proneny or otherwiwe materiully impair the lien creuteJ by �hix Security Imtrument rn
<br /> . Lender�.ecu�iry imercM. Borrowrr may curc.urh a ckfuult and rcinst�te,ur provideJ in parugruph 18,hy ruusing�hc uction
<br /> ` • _,�'•�,•��:__.�,: s� or pmcceding to t�c di�mix+cd with u ruling ihut,in Lcmler.l g�r�J faiih dctcrmination.pncluJeti furfciture af�hc S��ROwer�
<br /> ;;;„ �-� . � - .. interc+t in �he Priry�crty or mhcr muteriul impuirmciu ol'Uk licu cnutcd by thir S�curh�� Intitrumrnt or l.endcr� rreurity
<br /> ,, ' ; ,� intrre.t. H�xrawer �hull ulu� hr in drliiuh if N�►rr��w�r. durin�e Ilk luun :���r«n��,n pnkes+. �tuvr matrriully tulx or
<br /> j� . . ' " . inucruru�c inli►nnuUon�rc.iweni��u,��►l.rnder lor 1'uiled w provi�k Lcnder with�my mal�riid inti,m�a�iun�in connrrii�x�wi�h
<br /> ' . � �hc Ic►un cvi�knccd hy thr N�Nc, inrlu�ling, hul nut limitcd lo, npn+cnta�ii►nr ronc�ming Hurruwrr+ �xcupuncy ��f Ihc
<br /> . .r :. Pro�ny u�o principul n�idcncc. If ihf.Scruri�y In.trumrnt i,nn u kutirhulJ.Nurn�wrr,hall rooipl�•wi�h ull�hc provi�ion+
<br /> _ ul'tlx ku.c. If Bum�wer ucyu in+1'ee ii�lr�u Ihr I'ro�xny.llK Ieuzrhold anJ�he ier Inle.hull�x�l mc�pe�mle�cr 4enJcr ugn:ex
<br /> • � a�the nxr�trr in writing,
<br /> , 7. NrotecNon nf I.cndcr'x Rlgbtv in the PropeH,r. II' B��rn�wcr fuil. ��► �xrli►rn� Ihr cuvcn�ni. und ugrcemornn
<br /> i .', am�uincd in �hi. Srcurity In.lNmrnt,��r therc is ii M�!:d pnkceding th�t maS• .igniticuntl�• id'fect LenJer: right� in ihc
<br /> •s ••, Pri�ny�such as u priKCCdin�in hankruptry,prub•rtr,li►r candrmn��i�n or ti�rfeiture����o rnti�rcr luws or regulutinn.).�hen
<br /> . � Lrnder muy Jn und puy f iK wha��vcr is neccxsury to prutccl Ihc vulu�ul'Ux F'ro�n�� unJ Lcnckr+ri�ht. in�hr Pro�x rty.
<br /> + � , l.cndcr;action�may in�ludc pa�•in�any .um+.rrumcl hy:i licn whKh hati prioriq�uvrr thir Scrurity Imtrumcnt.appetiring `
<br /> �: ' � •' � in court,puyin�e reaK�n�hlrutuKnry�'fe�r unJ cmcring im Ihe Pr�i{xny to makc repuir�. Al�hi�ugh l.ender m•ry take acliim '
<br /> unckr this puragruph 7.l.en�kr drn�niN ha�•c tu du,i�. V
<br /> t .• ,� �' � � Any amnunt.di,buruJ By l.rn�kr undrr ihi, par��graph 7 .hall lucume uddition•rl cicht ��f Borr�►wrr ,«o��a ny�n�. 4.,
<br /> � �., • •. Sarurity In,trumcni. Unl�.+l3orroHCr und Lendrr agrrc to o�hcr�crnn nl'pa�•mcni.lhe+r umount++hall lx•rr imcrest from 1hr
<br /> �' '+ � dute of Jitihunrmenl al Ihr Note rnte und shall he pa�•uhlc,wilh intcrest, upon nolicr 1'rom Lender to l3ormwer rryua�tin�t
<br /> <►� '� puyment. •
<br /> :;�y�, : ,:, � .. . . 8. Murt�a�e lawranee. 11'Lendrr reyuircd mi�n�aEr inwrnnce a.n c�►nditiun��I'making Ihe (oan +crured by thi. o�
<br /> ,r,�•.; .' , ^ Scrcurity Instniment. Horrowrr�hull pa�• thc prcmium.rrquimJ tc� mainluin thr mongu�r intiurunrr in cl'frr�. 11'. ti►r uny
<br /> ?�.✓,:•,�i. . . :. . �nson. �h� muR�:.;t: ; ....,w��.� �u�ciagc rryuircJ h�� LrnJrr la(��c� or r�u�« lu fx in cl'I�rl. Hnrri,wrr �hall pay Ihe :'.
<br /> ,;,. . , premium.r rcyuirrd u►��tain rovcragr .ub,tan�iully rqui�:dcni a► �he mcmEi��r in,uranrr pr�viuu+ly in ct7ert. at u c�nt �
<br /> • .' ' auhvlanti�Uy eyuivulrnt tc�the cmt to Rurn�wrr uf Ih�Inutl�.a�r inwrunre previou�ly in rffrrt.from un ultemate m��nguge
<br /> ` . . • . ..;'' ia:;urcr uppro��cd 6}•l.cndcr. lf•uh.�anliall� rqui��alrnt mong:ig� in�ur;mc•r rn�•cragr i.n��i a►ailahlc.I3orcu�ccr xtiall pap to •'...
<br /> .,�� � •• • Lcrnkr c:kh manth u �mn cyual la ink-t�vclflh uf thc�•rarl� mott�a�;c imurnncc prrmium Iking p:►id hy Hurrowrr whcn Ihr ,,.
<br /> !,: . , inxurunce cuver��ge lap�ed ��cra,ral lu Ix in cl'li•rt. I.rnder��ill arccpt.u,e nnJ rcluin Ihr,e pa�meni,n�si la,.re.rrvr in liru
<br /> . :''� �: , t•' ' ,.. af mortguge in�uranrr. L�N. re.rr�•c paymrntti ma� nu longrr Ix n�quircd.al thc uptiun ul L�ndrr, if murtgagr in+uranrr .��,
<br /> � �: ;,:.�:.�• ciwrru�c tin ilk�owum uixl 1 i�r Ih� �xriud Ihat Le�xkr rcyuirr.►provi�IcJ hy un m,urrr arpnw�d hy L�nJ.r u�uin tkromc� ..:.�
<br /> ' � �j�;�r:�;�:�•� � .•� ., uvuilaMe und ix uMuineJ. H�Kr��ocr,��II puy the premium,nyuirr�l tu m;�intain m��rl�:a��in.ur:uue in et'I'ert.ur to pruvidc u ',��
<br /> t jl� ,,• i;�:;:�.•�, ; lus,resrrvc.until thr reyuimntent titt mongagr imurimrr enJ,in acrordunre H•ilh an�•wriuen agrrcmrnt iklurrn Burrowrr •, f
<br /> �� � � . '.� und Lcndcr or applicank I uw.
<br /> �J, '1, , , 9. Inspertiun. l.rn�hr �x it.ag�nt may maF,r rca.unaMc rntri�>urxm and in.�krtiun,uf�hr Pru�xrty. L�nJcr�hall
<br /> •r' ', �;�:;; � givc Bi,rruw�r notire:n ihc linir ut'ur priur t��nn in,�kr�ii,n,�kriti�ing ra«�mahlr rau.r ti�r Ihr in,�xcti�m.
<br /> � ' ,.'� t.�:� 10. C'ondemnatlun. Thr pr�x•rcJ.ol'iai� ,n�ard or rlaim ti�r dam:ite�.dircrl ur�•umcyurnlial.in�•unncrlion with um
<br /> �,,�:• .. •
<br /> �1' ti�n�lelantdy M'uonle�t�e4reddlr�l�cl'\IF'ltk�fl\�'1'Rl'�tt:\f lndunn('u�.icmn Y�411 yai�r±.qn�u�.r�i �.
<br /> ��' '
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