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<br /> 'I�OOB1'tlER Wl'li�i�ll�he improvemena now ar here�tta arac�ad oo the property.�l �aa�u,appuetenar�ca��
<br /> �nd flxWre�taw ac h�reafkr��wt of the propaty. All tbplaceerxau�nd�ddido�u�II�Iw be coverod try thi�SapritY
<br /> IaM�waenl. Al!ot We tae�oit�it mtr,rred w iu thir 5acudry leuawaeat a�the"Property.•
<br /> 80RROW8R COVBNAMI'S tluit Bamwor b uwful{y�rl�ed of the e�t�te heneby oonvayed�d hw the d�ht w�rant
<br /> +iM canvoy theprop �od th�t the Property f�una�cu�nberod exotpt for encumbr�nces of rocord. Bamwcr w�rtrnts aod
<br /> will defaad genera!(y�I�io tieb w tbe PrapeAy agaiat all cldm�and dem�Mr�subject w�ny encumbnuice�ot rocord.
<br /> THIS SECl1RITY MSTRUMeNT combjnw unifam coveamu far mtlonal u�e�nd non-uoifarm covea�tNa wilh
<br /> lintited vari�don+by J�dadiction to consUtute�uniform�ecauity inswment covaiag rcal proputy.
<br /> 1JI�1�pRM CpygWAN1'3. Borrower and l.eoder covenw�t w�d Agroe�w followa:
<br /> 1. P�y�aeat a[Prl�dpd pad Inte++ati PrtP�U'��Lata Ctwr�e�. Borrower�hall I�mPUY PaY wheo due the
<br /> prfnci of and intercst on the debt evldenced by the Note aad any prepayment and late chugea due under the Noto.
<br /> �FY�nd��or 7Y�cei aqd Ipwraoca Subjxt w applkablo law or to a written waiver by Lender.Borrower cbdl psy to
<br /> i.endcr on 1ha d4y monthly payme�ta are due under tuc Note. until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yeady
<br /> t�uces wd useswnenu which m+�y att�iu priori over this Secudty Inswrroent as a lien on thc Property:(b)yearly lea�ehold
<br /> m
<br /> paymrnta or ground�rn�s on the Property. i any: (c) Yearly hsizard or p,rope�ty iasurance preroluros: (d) Ycarly flood
<br /> insurance qemiums�if w►y: (e)YeadY mw�t�age inwrance pnrtilum9. if any� and(� any sums payable by Bortower to
<br /> Lender.in accardancc wifh the provlsions of parag�raph 8.ia liw of�he yment of roortgage i�surence p�omium4. 7t�ese
<br /> pgi
<br /> items are caUed"Bscrow[tems." I.ender may.at any dme,collect and ho d Funds in an amount not to exceed the rnaximum
<br /> amount a lendcr f�a federally�lated moRgage loan r:�ay�+equiro for Horrower'c escrow account under ihe federal Real
<br /> ,•� :�;, I Eslat,e Settlement Proadures Act of 1974 as an►ended from dme to time. 12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RFSPA").unless another
<br /> ��.• law thet applics to the FUnds sets u lesser amounG If so�i.ender ms►y.at any t�me.collect and hold Funds in an amount not ta
<br /> ` '"' eaceed 1bc Icsser amounG Lender may estimate the amount of Amds due on the basis of cuaent data and toasonabla
<br /> �, ,•.�
<br /> ,:;� ��1::.:"�,��'�;�,; estimates af ex dltures of fuhu+e F.scrow ltems orotherwlse in accordance with applicable law. �;
<br /> pe� ture
<br /> `` •� ��,',+[��';9• : �,' The Pimds ahall be held in an instltution whose deposits arc insund by a federal agency. instrumentality.or eatlry .
<br /> ���.�(�°;:;a . t
<br /> ,},,, ��-��� ;�� '� (indudi�g I.endet.if Lender is sucb an institudon)or in any�ederal Hame Loan 8ank. I.ender shall apply the F�nds to pay
<br /> ,. r.. r ';t't?�i�;;t;,�?r.� ,... , �` the Escrow Items. l.ender may not charge Horrower for holding and applying the Funds. annually analyzing the escrow
<br /> r `•'t'` , �r,. accaunt,or vedf b the Escrow Items, unlesa Lender ya Borrower iaterest on the FLnds and applicebk law permits
<br /> �',1,:;'{'•); �ti�3f��.i�. .,•�'��., Y� B
<br /> :�,,;.�. +� .�.;��;!+�;{t;?:� -`_.. �.. :t Lender to mafce such a charge. However,I..ender may m�,quire Borrower to pay a one-time charge for sin independent resl
<br /> �� ' �z!�,..�' estate tez r�c►ning scrvice used by L.cnder in connection with this laan,unless applicable law pmvides otherwisc. Unless an
<br /> '.'���"' �•�-- � ' �' agreement ia made ur appliceble law requireR interest to be paid,Lender shell not be requiral to pay Borrower any inlerost or
<br /> y�,, ;�:.,:..,:•;..;:,�
<br /> ''!?j°.. ,�s"�., .
<br /> •. 1 eamings on the Funds. 8orrower and I.ender may agree in wdting.however.that interest shall be paid on the�nds. Lender
<br /> � .��.:w.e:'�'T'o�i�:`, shell give w Borrower,without charge,an annual accoundng oi the�Lnds,showing c re d il.g und debits to the Fundc and the
<br /> • � "° .. • purpose Por which euch debit to�he Funds�was made. Thc F1mds arc pledged us odditio�wl security for oll sums secured by
<br /> "°:e;•�.' . . thi�Sccurity InstrumeM.
<br /> � '��, , If the f�nds !x!Q by l�nder eacced the umounta permitted tn 6e held by upplirablc law. I.ender shall account tu
<br /> ;" . . • � Bomowcr for�he excess Ftundx in ucccxduncc wi�h the�equfremcntn of upplicabic law. If the anount oi thc Pbnds held by
<br /> ° h,�.. Lender at�ny timc is aot suffcicnt to puy thc Eumw Items when duc, Lendcr muy+a notil'y Burrawcr in w�iting,and,in
<br /> ,
<br /> � � �'�� • •' . s�uch cuxe Borrower xhall pay ta Lcnder�he amoun�necessury ta makc up �hc deficicncy. Borrower sh�ll makc up �he
<br /> �' � , �� , � ° . deflciency in no mare thun twclve monthly puymeM�:.at Lenderk xuk discrctian.
<br /> °•> • °' `�' '• Upon payment in full of all xums secured by thiz Secu�ity InKuument, Lender shall pmmpUy refund to Barrower any
<br /> � ° � .. Funds held by I.ender. If,under puragruph 21. Lender rhnll ucquirc ar�ell the I�openy.Lender,prior to the acquisition or
<br /> ' � •� sale of the Property,shall apply uny FLnds held by l.ender at ihe�ime of ucqui4ition or sule a4 a credit against�he sums
<br /> � secur�by this Security Inswment.
<br /> 3. Appikatlon oi Payments. Unlexs applicable law provides othenvise, uli payments received by Lender under
<br /> ° • "' '"" paragraphs I end 2 shall be applied:fint,to uny prepayment chargcs duc under the Nae;second,to amounts payable under
<br /> ° . .:.•�.. -.. , ...
<br /> • pmagraph 2;third,to interest due;faurth,to principal due;and laxt.�o uny late charges due under the Note.
<br /> �' 4. Charges; Lienv. Borrower shall pay all tuxes,a.g+csxments, charges, fnes and imposidons attributable to the
<br /> � ;;"� � � Property which may attain priority over this Security Intitrumerx,and Ieauhold pnyments or grouod rems,if nny. Bonower 4 h
<br /> �:,:�'
<br /> A:�•:-, �� f ,� �`�': . r„,: shall pay thesc abligationx in the manncr provided in p•rragrnph 2, or if not puid in that munner,Borrowcr shall pay them on .
<br /> jk: ��•.•. �;;;.'^;+,,: time direcdy to ihe person owed payment. Borrower xhull promptly furnish to Lcndcr all notices of Amountc to be paid under
<br /> ,i , , this paragraph. If Borrower make�Ihe4e payments directly,Borrower chall promptly furnfsh to Lender receipts evidencing �.
<br /> .. .. the paymen�.s. `�''tj;;;;
<br /> Borrower shAll promptly di+churge uny lien which bus pnonty over this�ecunty Inslrument unless k3orrower:(a)agrces ..�.�
<br /> ��."�:,�''�;; : .. ' in w�ting to the payment uf the obligutian secured by thc licn in u muimer ucc�ptuble to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the
<br /> •'�'%•�..; ° • � licn by,or defends oguinst enforcemcnt of thc licn in.Iegal pnxcedings which in thc Lendcr;opinion operatc to prcvcnt thc " '�
<br /> " �'�`� �� 4 . enforcement of thc lien;or(c)secom.from Ihe holder of thc licn s�n ugrcement satisfnctury w Lender subordinating thc lien •
<br /> "'� � , `�� :�., " to Ihis Security Inswmen�. If Lender dc�erminc+�h�u any pnrt oP the Pr��peny is subjcct�o a lien which may Attain priority
<br /> " •#•r•_ � '` •�. � over this Security Instrumen�.Lender muy give Borrower a noiice idcntifyin�t Ihe li�n. BoROwcr sh:�ll sutisfy the lien or wkc ;y� '�
<br /> ��r �4: -� � .',. one or more of U►e actions set f�►rth ubove within IU duyz of Ihc giving of no�ice.
<br /> y'�' . S. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrowcr shull kcep thc improvemcnts now• �xisting on c�reafter crected on the
<br /> r�*. � , ` " Property inwurcd ugainst loss by tire,h�zurds included within the trrm"ertenckd cuvrruFc"und uny other hazords,inrluding , ,
<br /> ` tloods or flooding,for which Lendcr requires in+urance. This inxurunce tihull lx rneiniained in the umounts and for the �.�,;;
<br /> �l;. � � .. ., Forot J02M 9/90 1/wRe 2 nf 4/ruKr�I .r4
<br /> �� .;�. n ., , . . , ,
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