<br /> ... �
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<br /> ;�. 108�99
<br /> ca�kmnatlon w otbcr taicin�oP�ny pat of the Propeny,ot far convoyance in liou of cade�maifon,aro haeby�i�ned and
<br /> �hall be paid to Lender.
<br /> !n 1he evrnt of� tot�l takln� of the �nperly,tho s shdl be ��liad to Ihe wms�xurod by lhi� Secudty
<br /> Inslrumrnt,whahcr ar not then duo�wlth�ny oxcess pai to Bart+ower. In the event of n partinl takin�of the Property In
<br /> which�ho fair nwket value af the E'roperty immodiotely befnre Ihe talcing ie aqual�o ar Rreater�han �ho iunount of�he Rwns
<br /> aecured by th3s Secudty Instrument immediately befixo�he taking.unks�eorrower and Lender dhenvisc�grce in wridng,
<br /> �he icumr secured by this Socudry Instrument xhall be Kducod by tho wnaum ai itie p�eeds multiplied by Ih�following
<br /> ., . haction: (u)�he total rmaunt of�he sum�securcd immodiAtely befaro!he�aking.divided by(b)tho f�ir mukn value ot tho
<br /> P�opcny immediately before the wicing. Any bulwx:c shs►Il tx puid to Borrower. !n Ihe event of a panial taking oP the
<br /> Pnnperty in whkh ihe fair market value ai the PrapeAy immedietely beforc the taking ia lcss �hon thc amount of tho sums
<br /> secuied immediately befare the taking, unless Borrowar and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unle�x applicablo law
<br /> otMerwise provldes.the proceedc ahall be applied to the sumc secured by thia Securi�y Insuument whe�her or nat the:um.g anc
<br /> lhon du�.
<br /> If�he Praperty is abandoned by Born�wer,or ii,after natice by Lender to Borrower thnt the candemnor offe�x to maka
<br /> ,�,� en award or senle a claim far damages,Borrower Puilc ta respond to Lender within 30 days after Ihe dale�he notice is given.
<br /> � ��" Lender is suthorized to collect and�ply the proceeds.at 11s option,either to restorntion or repuir af the Praperty or ta the
<br /> .� ,.�. , , ,; sums gecured by this Security lnstrument,whethar ar not then due,
<br /> -" ��, �t� Unless Lender and BoRawer othcrwlse agrec in writing. any upplicution of pracecds to ptincipal shall nat extend or
<br /> �;'� ;�:�k`•,1:;�;x`�:�'�'�'���y��� postpane the due date of the monthly paymentA refcrred to in paragraphs 1 und 2 0�change the amcwnt oF such payments.
<br /> ��t! il. Borrower Nat Relea�edi Ro�bearanee sy Lender Not a Waiver. �xtension of Ihe�ime for payment or
<br /> �`�' '�'�" ��i�'� '�ui.• modification of amonizulian af the sums secumd by this Security Insuument�eranted by Lender to any successor in inarest
<br /> :.''. � f af Borrower shall na operate ta relea�o the liability of the original Borrower or Borrowerk successors in interest. L.enckr
<br /> ,;:.�� {�' ahall na be required ta cammence pmceedings ugainst any succescor in interest or afuhe to exlend�ime for payment or
<br /> • fi."1 .
<br /> •a•.�'' b r u�n ot�m demund made b the ori inal
<br /> �. �' ��?� '� o t h e r w i s e m o d i f y u m n r l i�.a d o n o f t h e g u m�y r c u rc d b y t h i s S e c u ri ty I n s t r u m e n t y e a y y g
<br /> �p"'�a`t`^':�' Borrower or Barmwerk xurces�n; in intere+t. Any farF►earonre by Lender in exerciwing uny riQh�ur rcm�Kly vhatl rnu be a
<br /> �+`.s��{:-•..,.-. ;.
<br /> • �'•' ° ' •• . _ waiver of or precludc�he exerci+c o`any right nr rrmcdy.
<br /> ri ., •: ; .: � ' 12. tiuccer�ora and A�IRn�Bounds J�dot pnd l�e��r�al I.Iwbllllyt('�MxlRnerx� 11k cuvunun��an�l op.rcemcnt�al'Ihi► ,
<br /> ,;O�f.��`� ��;'!'�'.�, S e cu rit y Inr�numen� �hull hind und he�klil�tnr,u�•cr�w�ro wxl u��i�tn+nf I.cn�kr und Ei��ra�wc�.*phjecl tu(IM�ttUYI�1�Nlr at� '
<br /> , d. _.�.,., purugruph 17. Norn�wcr:ru�ciwnt�und u��r��m�nl�,I�ull 1+► jnh�t und �rv�rul. Anq I��rrowcr whu r�.-�iKu,Ild. ticcu�ily.
<br /> • �� In,�run�cnt hut J�K�n�n cnccutc ilx Nute: �ui h r��•el�tnin��hi*tircuri�y In+�trununi unly��+muhgu�tc,�trunl aix!c�m�•ey Ihxl
<br /> - .. . Sorcowcr+imrre.�io ihc I'ra�x ny un�lrr thc tcnn.��1 ihi.ti.ruri�y In,irumcu�: Ihl i,n.N(�•ra�iiully��hlig:ucd a,pa�•thr,um.
<br /> ',..�r'�'�•. , n�cun�J by Ihi,5ccurf�y In,inmxm:aiul�c�a�rur.�hut Lendcr imd ony�nhcr N��rr��w�r muy uµnc w c+lci�l.oxKlif�•,I�INMBf
<br /> . �. .. . . ,. •• ``�' nr muMc uny +irri+mm�xlutii�m w�flh ruganl �a�tK �crni� .►f d�i� tieruri�y Inetrunxm �K tlk N�Ne willuwi Ihm tlarrnwer:
<br /> • � •"' R • , : ccNlflenl.
<br /> • �. :,.,,,�;.. • 13. l.oan C:hery�ex. If thc luun ,rrurud h�• �h{* S�rurity In�trument i. wbjec��n u luw which +c�ti nwtiimum Inan
<br /> , . � � ' � ,., �hargrs.and th� ls�Y I.,litea!!��inttsprrtrJ�v lhnt thc intert•��•r���hrr I��;m�•hnrpe�cnllecled or lo Ito cuUec�eJ in comk�.liw�
<br /> r
<br /> 1 ., +!- ••.,_, '�,.n,.; with thc loun ezceed�hc�xrmiuttil limit+..ihen: 1 c�l uny+uch luun churge tihall tk reduccd hy�hc umaunt nccrtiwry tn reducc
<br /> �he charge to thc Ex:rmiueJ limit:urxl Ih1 an��.umr ulre�aJy c�►Ilecled from BoRUwer whkh exccrJed p�rnii��ed limit.will t+e
<br /> + ., , refunded to Bnrmwer. l.ender may ch�x�,r�u mukc�hi.rct'und by r�Juring thc principul nwed undcr�h�N�HC��r hy making u
<br /> � direct paymenl to Bom►w•er. It'u refund mJucc. prinripal,lhc rcduclion will he trcutcd u. u puniul pmpuymcnt w•i�hout uny
<br /> prep•rymem char�e undrr the Nrne.
<br /> 14. Notices. Any nntirc�n B�rcrow•�r pruviJeJ lirc in thi.Security In,trument .hall I►e given by delivrring it cx by
<br /> �` � muiling il by fint cla�s muil unle..r upplicable la��•reyuire.uu ul'unnthrr mrth�xi.Thr nwi�c�hull 1+�dir��led ta thr Prnpert)•
<br /> � ' � � � Addrex.or uny rnhrr udd�e�, Borrci�scr de�ignute�hc natice tu Lender. An� notice to Lunder,Iwll I+e given hy firxt cla�.
<br /> , ����� muil to Lcnderi udJre.s}tuted hcrcin or uny�►Ihcr addre++ LcnJcr de.ignu�r.by n�Nirr �o Borr�wrr. Any nntiee provided fnr j�,',
<br /> �� ; :"��`. ' -:����'':• in�his 5ccurity In+trumem .hull tx decmed la huve Ixen givcn �o B�xrower or l.�ndcr when given us provided in thi�
<br /> '�"�, �ra ru h.
<br /> �M. ., . i ,. , . •'��?�,;,;� P F P
<br /> �'�r% � ' 15. Cu��ernin I.uw•; Se��erablNty. T'hi� Sccurit In+trumrnt .hull t►c nvcm�d h tcJeral law ancf thr law c�f the w
<br /> �_�,;;;,i; •. ' • R Y F )' '
<br /> �� " '� jaritidictian in which Ihe Prnpeny i�I�xalyd. In ihe event thul un�•provi,i�in�x cluutic .�f ih i.Srrurily In�l�umrnt or the Note � ��
<br /> ` '.;����"•`�`�� . . conflict,with uprlirahlc law.,uch c��nllici chall n�H�dl'ec� �Hhrr provi,iun.uf�hi.Sec urii�� In.trumrm or thr Natc which ran , ,�
<br /> � . , i::�,: . i.: . `
<br /> ? . q.��;,,�"'1'-�.• � be given efi'ec�w•i�h�,ut �hr cunflicting prn�•i.ion. Ti� Ihiy end thr pruvitiion,of�hi. S�rurit�• In,trumrnt and the Nc,te ure
<br /> ,t i�`(��a�, ..;'}1 -_
<br /> ' ; ,;t:�y�: ,: ' ••,,�r declured to ixr+evcrahlc.
<br /> �;,rF_ • 16. Borrnw�er'x Copc. Durrnwrr shall tx g��•cii�►rn runf�mncd rup�ol thc N�N� anJ ul Ihi,Srcuri��•Intitrumcnt. . "
<br /> .�t'"�:,:, ' . 17. 7'ransPrr oP Ihr Yroprrl,v or a Beurlirial lntcretit M Bnrru«•cr. II':il!ur a�t�part��1'th�Pr�hx•h}�,r am iMerr.�in �.t'-�
<br /> :,� ,;:�„.'.;.•
<br /> ,�•..� . it i+,old�►r tran.fcrrcd �or if'u tknrtici�l intcrc.t in Borrourr i. ,oIJ ur aan,frrrcd aml 8orr�»ccr i.n�a:�nawrul �:non► �';:,':
<br /> . ::,.r,�,�:=t,C•:� � .. wilhow Lcndrr: pri�x wriucn runum. I.rndrr ma�•.at il���ti�m. rcyuirc imrordiulc ra�nicnt in fuU of �II,um,,rcurrJ h� ";' '
<br /> � . ,,��1���
<br /> • thi,Security Intitrument. HoH•cvcr,ihi.oMiun.hull noi tx cx�rci,ed hy Lrn�kr il'ra�rci�r iti{�rahibiicd h}•fcJrrul law u,of �`,;,�
<br /> ; � '� - � thr datc of thi�Sccuri�y In.trunxnt. �'�-
<br /> �• .',�,�, . . If Lender excrri�c.thi�option.I.endcr tihull�ivc H�+rn�w�r n�Hicr�d'arr�lrratiati. The nntice ,h:dl pn,.ide a�ri�xi�,F ,
<br /> r,� �'*'*d� not Ic�x than 30 duys from ihe du�e the natire i+drli�•crrJ��r muiled�vithin w hirh H��rra�ucr mu.t p�rv all,um„crurrd hy thi. �n,;
<br /> .i� .� _
<br /> �:: �,,:c.,,:. � '" Sccurily Inslrumrnl. If Hurrowcr 1'�iil� Iu puy thr.c �um,pri��r tu Ihr .xpir:ui�m ul'ihi. �riuJ. Lcn�i�r may inv�,ke an� ;►-�
<br /> �;f � '..� remedicx prrtniltrJ h��Ihi.SeruriK�In,trunt�nt���ilhuul I�unlxr nrnicc��r dem�nd un Hi,m���rr. �°�
<br /> i_, , " .:;,,, 18. Borrna•er's RiRht to Rrinslute. I( H��rtu��cr mrrt.rertain runditiun,. H�xr�,«cr ,h.dl h,��c thc right to ha�e �''''
<br /> ; . , eniorcemeM ol Ihi�Securit Imtrurn�m di.c��ntinurd a�an�timr ttinr t��Ihr rarli.r cif: i:u S da�•� �or wrh nthrr ri�x1 a. �
<br /> 'tn :. ��,1,. . . �• 1' 1 . Pc �.,
<br /> ,�. . . �:.� r ' � A �
<br /> ,:'�'!, . SmNI�1•�uod� •Funnk�1rr;Fhddk�1uc 1 \IFI)k�f 1\ti'IRl\IF.\'1'--1 int�nm c'u�cnam. 9 MI q���¢r�,�/���xilru °
<br /> s`f" '�� . ��
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