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<br /> , po�iod�th�t L�ender roquira. fio in�ur�nco caRler pmvidfn�tlio lruurnncc phRil bo cixwen by Borrowcr subject ta Lenderti
<br /> epprova!whlcb�hsil�ot be unreu�nnw6ly whhhctd. If Bortowar Pailr ta m�intain coverago dascdbad�bovn,Lawkr nwy.u
<br /> l�wlerti opioo,abula covora to praoct Lerxkrk rl�hte in�he PrupoKy In a:caniAnc�wUh p�r��r+ph 7.
<br /> All inrurance poNcic� r000wah rlull t�o�ccopuble�o L,cnaer wM hhwll Inclu�lo u x�w�da�d mon���e ciw�re. Lender
<br /> chrli h�va�he rf�to hold�ha polkfer ax1 anewwln. rP l,cnder rcquir+cr,Bixruwer rhnll promp�ly Qivo lo Lendee all racaipts
<br /> of prid premiums ond rcnewol nWken. In the ovent of lo�.Bnrrower�hull Qivo promp�notico a�fio iiuur�nce cAnier wid
<br /> Lendor. l.ender mAy mnlce praof of lo�u if nat mado promptly by Bomower.
<br /> Unlew�Lende�utd Bnrrowrr dhcrwi�c Agrce in wriUn�,insurw�cc pmccedr�hpll be opplied lo rcclomlion or repMir oP
<br /> the �y duna ad, if�he rcstandon or rcpulr ia ecanomlcally f'easiblo ond l.endcr?� secu�ity is not Icsse�d. If Iho
<br /> re�torat an or repx�r ia not ecanomically feosible ar Lende�k xecurity wauld be le�+rened, tho insurance proceeds alwll be
<br /> opplied to Ihe sums socurcd by this Sccudry Inrurument,whether or not thee duo, with any exceqs p4id to Bortower. If
<br /> Borrower abandons thc Property.ar docA not answer wilhin 30 dayR u natice from Lender that Ihe insurance c.�rrfer hav
<br /> ot�'erod to settle u cluim.�hen l.ender moy coliect the insurance praceeds. I.ender muy use�he pracceds to repair or rcstorc
<br /> the PropeAy or to pay:um�xaured by thi�Security Inxtrument.whether or nat then due. 71�e 30�doy period wifl be�in when
<br /> the notica is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrawer atherwise agree in writing,any Appliea�ion of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> pastpane the due dnte of the monthly payment5 referned to in parugmphs! and 2 or chungc the amount of tha payments. if
<br /> under paragraph 21 1he Property ia acquired by Lender, Borrower's right ta any insurnnce policies and praceeds rcsulting
<br /> from damage to the Property prior to the Acquisition shAll pa.ss to Lender ta the eztent of tho sums secured by this Securiry
<br /> � Inawment immedin�ely prior to the ucquisition.
<br /> -�:.;.� 6. Occupancy, PreserwaUaa, MAintena�ce and Protection ot the Property: Borrower's I.oan AppUcadoa;
<br /> '` " I.eASebolda Bomnwer shall accupy,estublish.and use the Propeny a�Bomnwer's principal residence within sixry days after
<br /> - ' ,�''��-: the execution of this Secudty InstNment and shall continue to occupy the Propeny s�s�orrowerF principal residence Por at
<br /> •y�.{t�r i,�":.
<br /> r, �y ;^:;, least one year After the date of occupancy. unless Lender othenviu ugrees in writing, which cansent shall not be
<br /> � ���ti��..;.4�3:•��� unreasanably wllhheld.ar unless extenuating cireumstunces eaist which or�e beyond Bomower's control. Borrower shall not �
<br /> ' ��=�" �� '� �'' ` deatroy,damage or impair the Property,nllow the Propeny to deteriorate,or commit wnste an the Propeqy. Borrower shall
<br /> ` � ` �(}��•���'�`!��+��� be in default if any forFeUure actian or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun thut in Lender's good fAith judgment
<br /> 'J.....4 (�;�nf.���r')���`.!�Jli;l�..1
<br /> �� , . , couW resuit in fort'eiture af the Property or otherwise mnterially impair the lien creuted by this Security Instrument or
<br /> '� � ' � �; y Lender�security interest. Bomnwer may cure such a defnult nnd neinstate,s�provid�d In parngraph I8,by cauaing the action
<br /> �-� �����•� ^�•�'���'�`�+ g nr eedin w be dismissed�vith a rulin thai,in Lcndcr's �ad faith detcrmination, rccludes forFeiture of thc Horrower�s
<br /> •,• .,,..:�._, _. . ITM� 8 � B �d p
<br /> �,,, , ,,,, :. . ' � interest in tha Properry or other material impuirment of�he lien cmuted by this Security Instrument ar Lender's securlty
<br /> �.1.: .,. intereal. Borrower shull also be in default if Borrower, during the loan application process, guve materially false or �
<br /> :��;, inaccu�ata informt►tion or statemen4s to Lender(or fuiled to provide Lender with ony male�lal infarmation)in canneciion with
<br /> ;;;%_ . , '" �' � the laan evldenced by the Nae. including, but not limited to, representatiom concerning Borrower� cecupancy af the
<br /> �. ' ,:°y ••� Property as a princfpul residence. If this Security Inwtrument is c�n u leusehold, Borrower shall comply wi�h all t4e provisions ,
<br /> ;,.,..•• . , • of the lease. if Bonoivcr acyuircti fee�ide w Ihe Propeny.�hr le�.vehoid anci�hv fee�itie shaii not merge uniess I.ender agrees
<br /> , • to the merger in writing.
<br /> � •''�� •� 7. Protection oP l.ender•s Rights in the Prapertv If Borrower fuilti to pertami the covenants und ugreements
<br /> `� . '�`��I� � contained in this Security Instniment,or there is a Iegal procceding �hut mc�y.ignificundy affect L.ender ti righ�s in �he
<br /> �"' � , • Piropeny(such as u prcx:eeding in b�utkruptcy,probate,for condemna�ion or forfci�ure or to enforce Inws or regulntions),then
<br /> ' " 4ender mny do and pay far whatever is nece.,ary to pmtect Ihe vuluc ol'the Propeny und Lender ti right�in the Property.
<br /> T� Lendar:s udiuns may include paying uny sums xecunJ by a lien whirh hu�p�i�►��y uver thi.Srruri�y In��rument,vppeuring
<br /> in caurt, paying reuwnuble utiomey�'fi��unci entcring on thr Nm�ny�a muke repair,. AUhough l.ender muy iuke�ction
<br /> =� ' undor thi�;parugraph 7.I.end�r docz not havc���do x�.. �.�
<br /> ' � Any amount+divbuned by Lcnder undcr ihi. p:�ragr�ph 7 ,hull Ixr��mc udditiunul debt nf'Borruwer�ecurrd by this
<br /> ��.k . • • Security Intitrument. Unle�. Borcuwr�unJ Lcnder a�rce to othrr Icmn uf p:�yment.�he,r amoum++hall f+eur intcre+t fn,m the
<br /> q�'� � date of disburxmcnt at tlx N�we rwc und ,hull he puyuhle, wilh intrre,�, up��n nulicr fmm LcnJcr to Borrower rcyuetit ing
<br /> '1•l�� , puyment. ^
<br /> �' 8. MortRuge InsurAnce. If Lendrr rcyuimd mun�ugr imuruncc u.•r ronJitian ol'mu�,ing the louo+c�ured by this
<br /> �•. � Scwri�y Instrumeot.Bcxrnw�r+hall pay �he�remiwn. reyuired a►muimuin thr m�mgugr in.uruikr in efl'ect. If, far vn�•
<br /> �: >� -•�• • reason, Ihe mongagc in,ur��ue cuvcrugc rcyuireJ by LenJer lapk� �u rra.c. k� tx; in effcrt, Borrower shull pay thc
<br /> ±u ;. premiums reyuircd to uhtui�� mvcrrge wbsturnially eyuivuknt t�i Ihe mungu�e in+urance prenviiw.ly io eff��cl, al a ro�t
<br /> _ '-�'•-_--°-•"._ substantislly� eyuivulent tu the c��.t io Born►w�r of the mongagr insuruncr pnr��iuu�ly in cffrrt.fmm an ultemute mongaFe
<br /> insurer approved by Lender. If substuntiully ryuivul�m mi►rigagr in,uruncc r�weruge i.no�uvailuble, &xrower+hull puy to
<br /> Lendcr eACh month a.um eyual to onr-tweltih of th�ycurly mon�tagr in+urancc pRmium t+rinF pnid by Borrower when the
<br /> �t �. ''� � insurance coveragr IapseJ or ceased ti�Ix in el't'er�. Lcndrr will u.cep�.uk and miain the.r paymrnt�a�a I�r+re+erve in lieu
<br /> '�;;.� -^'-` ui uwngagc insu�anee. Lu,�mticn•r p•ryment�muy no longer he reyuimd,at Ihe�iption nf Lender, if mohguge in+urance ,�
<br /> °��' � � � coverage lin the amount und for the�xricxl that Lender reyuim.l pr�i�•ided hy an in+urrr appmved h�•Lender ugain hecomes
<br /> ,� • . •'-•: .��` '•' avnilable and is ob�ained.Bormwer+hull puy Ihe prt ntium�rryuinJ tu maintnin man�agr inwrnnce in effec�.or lo provide a
<br /> �. ;�>.;.� ; .� . � Mss reserve,until the rcyuirement lor mongatic in�urunce cnJ.in urrc�rJ•rnrc��•i�h am•uriltrn agrccmcm helwccn Borrower -
<br /> i�,�j�� , , and Lender or applicablc law.
<br /> :-:1 i: ` 9. lpsp�ction. Lcndcr or ii�ugcnt ma� makc rta�unaMr rntric.u�xm anJ im�xc�ium ol'Ihe Propcn}•. Lrnder shull
<br /> :�yt.. ? � . � give Barcower notice at the timc of nr prior lo un in.Exriiun,�xrif�in�.re•r.onahle cau.�f��r thr in.�xrtiun.
<br /> N 10. Condemnalion. TFn pr�kecd��,f any:nvurd�rr rl��im tirr J:unagr..dinci��r ron.rqucmiul.in connertion with:my
<br /> �''h '� �� Sinpk Fumd�-•Fannk 1fre�Freddk\fw l\IFt1k�1 1\57'Rl'A1F.\7'•-l'niforni c'n�rnanh 9/9p iµ�¢r?��t n�+d���++
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