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,� - . . .,^.,,}� I <br /> ��,: �c. <br /> 1 - • ♦� <br /> .��",� .�1..' � . . :��.I <br /> � �� � <br /> . H .. • <br /> ��� <br /> cc�ndamn�tlim ar�NiKt I�kin��+f Mny purl nt Ih�Fh+apeAy�nr fot conwy�nc+e In Ileu of lan�w+r.baaby wlOnd wid <br /> d�ll bo prW ta I..ender. <br /> In the ovant ut w tatd IMklna of ihe Propetty.�he pnrceeJr �h�ll ho �ppUai w �he wm� �ecwad by �hl� 9ecudly <br /> Inwtrument,wha�hcr ar nat�hen duc,wl�h any axca��prid!o Bnmowcr. In tho ovcM oP r pwti�l wklnp ol thn��y In <br /> whlch tho i�lr marl�ei v�luo uf tue PropaAy immodi�toly bcforo Iho U�kin�iw e+�wl ta or greale��hw�Iho rmauM oF�ho xum� <br /> rxuied by thlA Secwity Instrumont Immcdialely before�ha tokin�.unkrr Borrower md Leixlar aherwl�o.a4pao!n wri�ln�, <br /> tha eumr recurcd by Ihix Securlly InRlNment Khdl be rcdured by Ihe amnunt nP Iho pracoodd muIllpNad by the foilawinO <br /> fuk�iwr (�)�{��u�ul wn�uunt uf tl�xuu�r�ureJ inmroJiwtely 6ofim�he�rkin�,Jividad by(b?�fiir markct v�luo uf tho <br /> _ Propehy f�diately bcfae Iho takinQ. Any balonce �hdl bc paid to 8orrowcr. In the ovont of w�uNu1 takinp of Ihe <br /> ,.y, Propcny in which the fuir mwrket vnluo of�he Property immediatcly before thc uikin� ls la��han tha amaunt of the auma <br /> securcd imnKdiutely beforc ilw i�king,unlesa Hortowcr ond Lender othcrwise egrec In wriling or unleu applica6lo taw <br /> otherwise provide�,�lio proceeda�hall be applied lo Ihe sums cecurcd by�his 5ecu�ity Inatrumenl whathar or nat tha sumn arc <br /> � than due. <br /> IP the RvpcAy is abandoned by Bomower,ur if.ofter notice by Lender to Burrower that tho condomnar offen�to make <br /> an aword or seala a claim for damo�ea.Borrower fails to rospond ta Lender within 30 dAys aftar thc dato tha notica ia givcn, <br /> � Lender is uuthurized to coilect and upply the proceeds,at its optian,either to restonubn or repalr of�ha P�+q�arty or to the <br /> � :umx securcd by this Security Inatrument,whether or not�hen due. <br /> Unlesv Lender and Borrowcr atherwise agree ln wrillog.any ePplice�ion of proceeds to principal s6all nat extand or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly paymenu referred to in pnragrs+phs 1 and 2 or change the am4unt of euch paymants. <br /> �;.e 6� 11. Borrower Not Relepsedi Forbepronce By I.ender Not A Waiver. E�tension of tha tlma for payment or <br /> ,••a�• modification of aroartizaUon of the surns secured by�his Security Instrument granted by Lendar to any suacessor in int�mst <br /> ____�_;. . . . of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of�he odginal Borrower or Borrower'a suacassors in lnte�st.Le�der <br /> ��.;�,_r <br /> � � -�;,-_,. shull na be requered to commence proccedings ag�inst any succesxor in interest or rcfuse lu extend time for pnyment or <br /> � ' �� ���,�:{;A,,��f�':• ' atherwisc modify anortizatian oi the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument by reason of any demand mt�da by thu originul <br /> ;'.r.•>t�:' �:°��iv�?.;,;l..:.� <;!;?; <br /> ,,T};,,,�,. � Borrower w Borrower�successors in ioterest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or temady shall not be a <br /> �,a;<•. �.y.r.�.,, . � t,t��:; <br /> `���1�. ' '!'i,�'' ' . <br /> I . . 'rt�f�;T��: :,.M`1t;��t,:� waiver of ar preclude the exercise af any right or remedy. <br /> , , iy{�(� ,�,�#, _•:.;w j.�., 12. Succea4ors and Asaig�s Bouindt Joint and 9everal Uubiltly=Casigaera Thc covenuntA and ug�emontA of thie <br /> �`�' ��'�'�''• �' Security Inslrument shull bind and benefil ihe successors and a�signs of l.ender and Bormwer,subject to the provisions of . :t :• <br /> ., c,.�, �. <br /> r. . ;•..�. , • . .�: �� <br /> ,�:�..�.,_�_. paragraph 17.Bormwe�k covenants and agreements shul!be joint and several.Any Borrower who co•signs thig Security ��. <br /> <<• � �';.��;':'�'�N. �� `� '-`� lnstrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is casi gnin g this Secu�iry Instrume nt on l y to mo rt g a g e,g r e n t n�d c o nv e y t h a t ";s�� <br /> )'�. • `;��`'��`� Sorrower's inter+est in the Property under�he tenns of this Securiry Instrument; (b)is not personally obligated to puy the sums <br /> ...+�,• . .. <br /> . ',; , a:•:��.., <br /> ;•.�•;;;., ;��,:ti:;.. . secured by this S.:curily Instrument;nnd(c)agrees that Lender und any other Borrower may agree to extend,modiPy,�Of'I)68( �jr,� <br /> ,';,;�';,,;�•; +a;}r�r � r ar muke an uccommadatians with re ard ta the te g of this Securit Instrument or the Note without that Borrowerls ,.}•.: <br /> - ;�,,.,�#r,.�i.�.._. ._ Y 8 �• Y <br /> , • t+,F,..,,.., . . ;:�:.: � consent. ti`�, " <br /> — `' "�'� ' � ''� !3. l.oso Clsar�s.s. !f stk losr. �ecumd by tt�is Securitp lnstrument is subjcci ta a law uhich sci�s maximum laan <br /> t. SC <br /> �.�:;;�i�;:'�+'' , - •.�;` charges,And thut luw is finAlly interprelecl so Ihat the interest or other loun charges collected or to be collected in connection <br /> �• � '�"r� ' �`� with�ha luan exceed thc pertnilted limits,tFren: (a)uny such loun aharge shall be reduced by tha nmount neccssary to reduce <br /> i. ihe charge to the perrnitteJ limit:und(b)an��sumx ulready collected iram Borrower which exceeded parmjued Iitni�K wlll ba <br /> �. �� ' refunded to Bonower. Lender may rh��osc to muke this refund by rrducing the principal owed undor tha Note or by making a <br /> direct payment�n Borrower. If u rcfund reducex principal.�he reduction will be ireuted as n purtial pnapuymant withou� ony <br /> � ' , I prepaymant chargc undcr�hc Note. <br /> � � 14. Notkeg. Any n�nice u� Bnnuwer pruvided for in this Security Inslrument shall be given hy delivering it or by <br /> :,:i.'.; mailing it by fint cla,.mail unleti.upplicablr luw require+u�e af u�other methad.The notice�shull t�e dimcted lo thc I�upeny <br /> '� ':�:, Addrc�s�x any other uddR.�Burrower de.rignutr�by nntire to LenJrr. Any notice�o Lender xhall be given by firxt cluss <br /> '�'�� '��''" mnil ro L.cnderti udJrc..��:ncJ hcrcin or any othcr uddmti.Lendcr dr+i�Cnute�by notice Io Borrox•cr. Any nuUce provided for <br /> �"' :�,�+ in thix 5ccu::�y In.trument .hull tx d�Ymed �a huve Fk�cn given u� Borrowcr or Lender when given a� providesi in �hi� <br /> ,.,.,4r,i. �rog��. <br /> ��'� . IS. CovernlnR LAw; Se�•erabNity. This Security Imtrument shall br gmerned b federc�l low and tho law of �he <br /> Y <br /> �� ' � juri,dic�ion in which Ihc Pn�prny i,lixuled. In thc«�cnt thal uny provi�ion ur rl•ru.c of thi�.Serurity Inurtiment or the Note . <br /> .,�- , . .,-�•� conflictr with upplicaMe luw..unc�ontlict�ha0 iiut�ffect uihcr provi�ion.of thi.Security InKrument or tho Nute which cvn <br /> Ne given effect wiihcim the c�mtlicting provi.ion. To Ihis end the pmvisions of this Security Inc.aumenl and che Nae are <br /> , -- - ---- dec:lured t.f bz.�,l.. <br /> , 16. Borrower's Copv. Burrowcr�h•rll Ix�!i�en one conf.xrnrJ copy uf Ihe Note and of thl►.Security lntittument. �� � <br /> 17. Transfer of Ihe P�opertv or a Itenelicial Inte�ecl in Horrower. If ull or uny pun oF�he Propeny or uny intem�t in ` <br /> M, , it i��old or trun,fcrrcd(or it'a hcnMicia!intcrc.t in BorroH•rr i. tiald��r Irrn,tertrd and Burn�wer i+ not u nuwml penonJ <br /> ' --� "- ,• wuhoul l.cndcri pnor w•ni�en ronrem. Lrndrr may.lit i�,cry�tion,rryuirc immediute pa��ment in fuU of all sum�,ecured by <br /> �' ,,y. �hin Securiry In�trum�nt. Huw•evrr,lhiti��pti�m.hull na tre exercixed by Lenckr iF exercik i.r pn►hibNrd by federal low ns of '•�S <br /> : • the du�e of this Security In.trumcnt. :�:�''� <br /> ; ' ; .� � .,���� If lxnder cxcrci.r.this option.Lrnder+h•rll gi�•e Bortower nntice of acceleratiun. The n�Nice�hall pmviJc v periocl of `-`'.' <br /> ;� ��� not Ic���han 3U day.imm thc datr the notirr i+dclivercd or mailed �aiihin w•hich Borroa�er mu«pny all+um�+e�un�d by this r���� <br /> Z•.:. <br /> r� 5rcurity In.tnim�nt. If Binmwcr faih �o p•ry �hcyr .um,priur tu the expiration of thi�perind, l.endet muy imake :uiy ' <br /> ,.c ' �. , i.:',.;. <br /> ..-� temedia�perniiurd by ihi.Srruri�y In,trumem w ithoul funhtr n�Nice or demand on B��rn�u•er. Z,„ <br /> fi'� � 18. Borrow�er's RiRhf lo Reinstale. If Borr��wcr nk���rcnain runditi�m.. Born�a•er�hull have the righl ta huvc �:•�:�.� <br /> �, �..,,�,, <br /> { � �, entorccm�n�of thi+Sctiurit}•In.irumen[Ji�runtinurd at any linx priur I�i the rnrlirr uf: lul 5 du�.�,�r.urh uther�riod •r. ���::� <br /> � � , ,,., <br /> t f". Smgk Frnul��- Fannk�1oe•Freddk\1�l\IF'ORS)I\STRI�1BNT••Gn�G�n Cu�enum. 9VY qwY.•�./nn,��r�� <br /> �";, ` <br /> r^ ;�; . <br /> � . � j <br /> �,�: <br /> ;�-. . <br /> � <br /> .. f .. :•�::.;-- -�-- -- -- - - -� -- - <br /> ., .. .. . . rq'.na�k�'►�:�tin•vd.ivr��.., . . ... . , . <br /> �� 1 . � � � . � . <br /> �`i. •.�, i�''", • . , . <br /> - , <br /> t • � <br /> •r•�. „ � <br /> y. ,:�:', .. <br /> t •• <br /> � � _ „ , <br /> . .�. . ' � .��ia.^ , <br /> - � --- -�:— � - -- . . . .. ,. - . <br /> � �` � ,.��. ' , _�r;. <br /> ,. * ' . <br /> � <br /> . , � . � <br /> ., � <br />