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<br /> TO(iEl1�BR WITH wU the Irnprovemenb now ar heroatter eracted on the proparty�and all c�e�m�mt��a�ppurten�nocs. .
<br /> �ad fkturoa aow or berwRer n p�et of�be property. All replocemrnu and oddidon�sh�ll�la be cavered by this 8eoutity.
<br /> lowwna�� All of the foreQoiaQ ic aPened to in Uii�5ecurity la�wment a the"Pnnperty." ,
<br /> BORROWER COVENAN7'S that Borrower is I�wfully xi�ed of tho ertote het�eby convoyal wul h�►thn ri�ht ta�ant
<br /> u�d convey the Pr�npaty ond tfwt tl�e Pmperty fa unenannber+ed.except far encumbranca of recard. Borrower warr�uts+u�d�
<br /> � will defrnd generAlty tlie dd��o Ihe Pnnperty a��in�all claims uid demonds.rubixt w anv encumbruicei of rocord.
<br /> } THlS SECIJRIN lNSTRUMEM combines unifotm rnvenwntc for iwtianal use and nan•unUoraa coven�aw wlth�
<br /> - Npzited vadutions by jurfsdiction w constitute a uniform secu�iry instrument covering repl propeny.
<br /> � ' UNIFORM COVENAIVTS. Bo�rower and Lender covenont end ag�x s+s follows:
<br /> y � 1. PMymeut ot Princlppl ond Guterati Pr�P�Y�at aad I.ate Cbor�a. Horrower shall premPUY PAY What duo thp
<br /> -�- � prir�cf of and lnte�st on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment end lata charger due undor�he Note.
<br /> � Fund�toc 7lucee�nd l�uraoca Subjxt ta applicable law or to a written waiver by I.cndcr.Boncower eha{I pay u►
<br /> ' Lerder on the day monthly payments are due under the Note,unUl the Nate is pald in fuli.a sum("FLnde")ior.(a)yeuly
<br /> � teaea and asses9ments which may aaein pdairy over thla Secwiry Inswrnent As a lien on the Property;(b)yeuly leaschald �
<br /> � payments or ground nents on the Property, if aay: (c) yearly hazard or property insurance premfums; (d)ycarly flaod .
<br /> i inswance premiums, if any;(e)yesvly mortgage insuronca premiums, if aay; and(�any suma payabla by Borrowcr.to
<br /> �:�, Le�der.in accordaace wl�h 1he provlsions of paregraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortguge insurance premlums. T�ose
<br /> •���.:; iten�s are colled"Escraw Items." Lender muy,at any dme,cnllect and hold Punds in an amount not to cx�eed�he maximum .
<br />-".'�. �� •��� �"'�{�f�`':::�k g Estau Settlemenrt f�Procedures Acl of 974 asrta�ineoded from dm�o to timer Bmrower's escrow account under �lass anathar
<br /> i ;,: , ����;i: i¢,,��F�``, �''� 12 U.S.C.§26Q1 et seg.C'RESPA")
<br /> �� law Ihat applfes to the Funds sets a lesser amounl. If so,Lender may,at any tfmc.collect and hold FLnds in nn amount nat ta
<br /> _._:�l,ti';: :�S��t�l�` �� � , exceal the lesser amount. Lender may esdmate the amount af FLnds due on the basis of current data and reasanAbla
<br /> •` ���:�;!����; � estimates of ex p enditures of future Escmw Items or otherwise in accordance wilh applicable law.
<br /> ''�:�' �"i�;•�""-'�;rx�u;, The Flmds shall be held in an institudon whose deposi�s are insured by a ie dera l agoncy, instnunen t a l ity, or en d ty
<br /> � �s���'��1z`'''`f�R'�� '" '� (includin I.ender.if L.ender is such an Institution)or in any Federaf Home Loan Bank. L.ender shali upply the Funds to pay
<br /> � ;h;.,.`:':s:;:;� ,,.�''� , B
<br /> . the Escrow Items. l.ender may not c6arge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds.annually analyzing thr escrow
<br /> ' •ti� " . �� `°"'' account, or verifying 1he Escrow Items, unless l.ender pays Borrower lmercat an the Funds •�nd applicable law pern►its
<br /> '���'`•' Lender to make such a charge. However,Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-lime charge Por un indepe�xlent roal
<br /> .�l..v .at.,.;. .
<br /> : }!.�,;.,�....•�". estate tax report�ng service used by Lender in connection with�his loan,unless applicable law provideR othenvise. Unlass an
<br /> ;A � agceement is mede or applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not bc r�equired lo pay Borrawer any interast ar
<br /> � •,r • � � earnings on the Funds. Borcowerand Lender may agree in wriUng,however,lhal intercst shall be pAid on 1he Funds. I.ender
<br /> � '• • shall givc to Borrower.without charge,an annual uccouniing of the Funds. showing credits und debits ta the Funds and Iha �.�r
<br /> ('. �• -' ' � pur�wse for which each debit to ihe FLnds was mede. The Funds are pledged as additionel Necudty for all sums securad by
<br /> � � . "� . lhis Security Insavmenc.
<br /> :�. ... .•,'•
<br /> --- . .., . !f t8c Fus�ds hc}d by I.cndcr cxtced the amounGs pemritte8 to 6e hetd by nppl3cnble I�w, Ix.nder�ehall ncxoum in.
<br /> �. Borrower for the excess Funds in accordunce with the requirements of applicable luw. If tha umount of the Funds held b��
<br /> ' • . ° " Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay ihe Escrow Items when due.Lender mny sa notify Borrower in wri�ing,and,in,.
<br /> , � ,, , such case Borrower shall pay to Lender �he amount necesssuy �o meke up the deficiency. Borrowcr nhull make up thn
<br /> � �,. deficiency in no more than twelve monehly payments.ut Lenders sole discretion.
<br /> � Upon payment in full of all sums secured by thix Securiry Instnxnent.Lender shall prom�ly refund to Barmx�er any
<br /> '� • ' ,, Funds held by I.ender. IP,under pare�roph 21, Lender shull acquire ar sell Iha Pmpeny.LenJer,priur to the acyuisition ar
<br /> isule of Ihe Property,shull upply uny Funds held by Lender at the timo of acquinition or sale ax a crcdi�uguin,[ ihe sumti
<br /> ' � 1� " � secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> 1� " . 3. Applkation of Hayments. Unlesti applicablc luw provides otherwice, oll puymonts rcceived by Lender under
<br /> ' �'�' � ' "'��' arsi ra hc 1 nnd 2 shall be u I�ed:finl.to sm rc a ment char e�due under the Note;�econd,ta um�un�� a ahld under
<br /> Pa� B p • PP� Y P P Y B � P'Y
<br /> ���. : °- purugraph 2;third.to intercrt due;fourth,to principal duc:and lutit,to nny late chtuges dua under tha Nntc.
<br /> . I ' . ' 4. Charges; Uens. Borrower +hull puy all uuces,u,se.smern�, charges, fines and impohiponK uttrihutable tc� UtP
<br /> ° � ' . • � Property which may attain prioriry over this Security Imtrumrnt,and Icu.r•ehold puyments or ground rentK,if any. Hurniw�:r
<br /> r. I � shall pay�hese obligutions in the manner pmvideJ in puragru�h Z,or if n�►t paid in Ihat munner,suRUwer shall pay th�m�m
<br /> � ', J ° � •� � ume dirccQy to 1hc person owcJ paymcnt. Borrowcr slwll prompdy fumish tn Lendcr all nntice�af umounls tc►be paid urxlr.r
<br /> f . this parngroph. If'Borrower make5�heu paymems directly. Bonower shull pmmptly fumish to Lxnder receiptc evidencing '
<br /> _ i __ � Ihe payments.
<br /> • , � Borrower shall promptly dischur�ee any lien which has priority over this Security Insuumcnt unlans Borrow�er:(u1 agre��::
<br /> �� ' in writing to the payment of the abligatian�crurcJ by Ihe lien in u munner acceptuble to Lender,Ib>comcstx in g«�fuith th�e
<br /> licn by,or defends ugainr�enforcement oP the licn in,kgul pr�xc�dings which in�he Lcndcr.opinian oparute ta prevenl:tae -
<br /> �� . '=��'°� enforcement of the licn;or(c)secures from thc holder nf the licn an 3gmement satisfactory to Lendcr subardinatin�th�lit�i. ' •
<br /> . r-�—,,,.;., ,}:i.,�.�.
<br /> ;� • ' lo this Security Inswment. If Lender detcrniine,that uny pan of the Propc�rty i.subject to u licn which may ahu+n prioritp ,��.,i
<br /> r. � , � �'�" over Ihis Security instrument.Lender rnry eive Borrowcr a notice idcn�ifying the licn. Borrow�er shull sntisfy th�lie�or t� �•
<br /> � �+::' : �. � `•' I ! one or more of the uctions set fonh vbove within 10 days of the giving of notKe. '�s��
<br /> '�i;'�� ; . • ��`;, , 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrower�hall kccp thc improvemen�s nou�exis�in�t un c�rcuf�er erected on Uu ,'}'�
<br /> Pro rt insur+ed a amtit los,b fire,haturJs included within �hc tenn"extrndcd covcragc"and any nthcr hatsuJ�,in:fu.9ihp ''`�
<br /> ��t ( _;:: ��•• Pe Y S'� � Y
<br /> � �� floods or flooding,for which Lender requircs insurunce. This inwrun�� shull bc; muinluined m Ihe amounts arnd fiir tht 4,.,,,.
<br /> � (, } � ' rs, ����+.
<br /> :��:; ' � ' , ,P': : Fann�028 9190 rpux�.,e�a�n�a�vi <<. .
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