� � � �� ir-: • ••t�� ..
<br /> f• ":
<br /> . �
<br /> � �; Ji
<br /> �a.
<br /> 93�loe4�►
<br /> � paymentr.whlch�ro roferned w fnp�r�pt 2,ar cJunge the wnauu of wch paymemr. My eacow poco�d�over an
<br /> �mouatroq ui�ed to p�y dl outu�ndin�i- M,ednea wrder tta Note�nd th�Securlry lnrdw�ont�II be qW a We euWy
<br /> le�lly altilled thoie[o.
<br /> � e. Flea. L.cndcr mwy collut fas nnd chnrQes w�hodzed by�l�a Sccr+cury.
<br /> 9. ar�ouaae ror�cce�aaelon ot Deb�.
<br /> U)Dehul� Lender may,excepl a�limitod by reaulptiaw isoued by thc Sern[ary in the c�af p�yma�t defwlt�,
<br /> .� �..�r n�quirv immodia�a pwyment in full af all cume�eecw+ed by this Secudty Insaument if:
<br /> ��' (i)Bortower defaulu by failing to pRy in full pny manthly payrtKnt►eqar+ed by this Socurity lnauurtknt priot
<br /> to or on the due due of�he next manthly payment.or
<br /> �,'' Ui)Bomower defaullc by failing,for�pe�iod of thirty day�,to perForm rny other ubligatiau�cantained in thie
<br /> Security Instrumont.
<br /> _ . . ., ;� (b)Snle Witlwut Crtdit Approval. Lender shall.if parmitted by Applicabk law and wlth Ihe pdor rpproval af the
<br /> "'r`..�':� • • �� , Secrctary.rcqui�a immedista payme�t in full of all the aums xecured by this Security lacuument if:
<br /> �``' � � ' (i)All or pa�t of tha Property.or a baroficial intercAt io a truet awning all or part of the PropeRy,i:�old or
<br /> �''' '-� , ' otharwlse transferted(other lhan by devise or desce�t)by the Borrower.and
<br /> •� _ .. ' � '�� ' (ii)7'he Pooperty iR not occupied by the purehaser or grantee as his or her principal rcaidence.or the purchaser
<br /> • . or gruntee does xo occupy tha Pnoperty but his or her crcdit haa not been approved in accordance
<br /> .. .r - ,L .y,..�,�::f..,,.';,;;;;, with ihe requi�ments af the Secretary.
<br /> ;,..;'_ �"-• :�:..--.�:..:..,.,,,.w....... (c)No W�iver. If ci�umstances accur tha�would permit l.ender to require imrnediate payment in full.but I..endar
<br /> " 2�' ' does not requi�e such payments,l.ender daes nat waive its rlghts wi�h respect to subsequent events.
<br /> � ' (d)ReBulations ot HUD Seentary. In many clrcumstances regulatians issual by the Secretary will limit Lender's
<br /> Ils �� �-. � dghts. in � case of payment defaults, to nequire immediate ps�pment in iull and foreclosc if notpa id. Thia
<br /> � - -- �=-,,•�i:,�':,�--� 5ecurfty Instrument dces not autharixe acceleratlon ar foredosure if not permitted by regulations of the Secretary.
<br /> ''•� ' �'•'' 'f'� ' � •�• (e)Mortgaqe Not Insured. Borrower agrees that shauld this Securiry Instrument and the note secured thereby not
<br /> � •,'...:.: .t!
<br /> ' ' 'e ,f•�•,j��,'�?..r,;,+�;',;�' : be eli ible for insumnce under the National Housin Act withln from tha
<br /> �{ • � � 8 awntbs
<br /> �' ''�`"•'��`��"s��'•%%�'•. � date hercof,l.ender may,at its aption and notwlthstanding anything in Paragraph 9.require immediute puyment in -
<br /> � , r?.v:.':�:•;�:- .1'J;�.�:;r'i;:,
<br /> r" � �"`"�"'`' full of all sums secumd by this Security In�trument. A wdtlen sts�ement of any authorized agent af the Secrelary
<br /> �i!'.;. . ��.��-�,,� :;:•, ..
<br /> ' �•;���� dated subrequem to t from �he dote hereof,declining to insure this Security
<br /> �cr•�,;;'��� � � a mon he
<br /> . r• Inswmant and the note secured tf�ereby, shall 6a deemed conclusive praof of such ineligibility. Notwithstending ,�
<br /> the forBgoing,thiF option may nnt ba exercined by Lendcr when ihe unuvailability of insurrnce is solely duc to
<br /> °• „ , Lender's failur�to remit a m�rtgage insumnce p�mium ta the Secrr�ary.
<br /> c
<br /> l0. Refnstatement. Borcower hus a right tn ba rcinFluted ii Lcrtder hnr rcyuired immediale pnymcnt in full because
<br /> . � of Bortowerk failuns to pay an umount dua under iha�Nute ar thi, Security InstNment. ThiK rfght appllex cven ofter
<br /> foreclasure proceedings ura inntiiuted. 7i� reinnt�o Iha Securily Imlrunxnt, Borrower xhull t�nder m a lurop +�um ull
<br /> `- �-. , , .. „ amauntx requir�ad to bnng bnrruwerc account curnen� mciudmg,to�h�extem they are obi�guuonti c►f borrower under this
<br /> Securiry InFtrument,fbreclaFUr�cotit.und nu�ccmuMu unJ cuti�omury aa��rney.'feeti and exprnr;eK properly ur�tiociated with
<br /> ' the fo�clar;ure prcx;eedin� UFxm roin�tnwmem hy H��rn►wrr,Ihi�Seruri�y Instrument und�hc abligoti�mx Ihul it xecurer
<br /> Khall remain in effccl ux it l.ender hud nat r+e4uired fmnxdiutc puyment in fulL Nuw•ever,Lender ix not rcyuircd ta Pcrmit
<br /> ' " reinstutement iL• (i) Lendcr hu.acccptcJ re�n�tutumem ufter Ihe cammc�x:cmcnt of furcclnsu�praceedings with�n Iwo
<br /> , � yearx immediut�ly preceding Ihe commencement of u rumnt foreclorurc prareeJi�B, (ii) reinhtutement will preclude
<br /> forseclosure on different ground�in the fu�um,ar l iii>reinata�cmnn� will adveruly�f(erl Ihe priori�y of'the lien created by
<br /> �„ this Security Instniment.
<br /> ll. Borrower Nut Released; ��bearance bv Lender Not a Waiver. Eatension of the time of paymenl or
<br /> ; modirention of nmonixa�ion of the.ums�ecured hy ihi�Srcurity In,uument�rumed by l.ender to any succetixor in inlerest
<br /> %�� of Borrower shall not operute to relcuu the liabfli�y of the cxi@inal BnrroH�er or Borr��a�erk tiuccessot in interest. Lender
<br /> �; shall not be required tn commence pnx:eedings ugoinet any tiucce.wr in intrre,[or reTu,e to extend iime for puyment or �`
<br /> otherwise modify umonirution of the �um� ticcureJ by Ihi� Scrurity lmtrument by rcason of any demund made by the
<br /> �'`�� original Borrower or BoROwerk succetisorw in interes�. Any fort+earunrr h}�L.rnder in exercising any right or remedy shall �xr
<br /> '� not be a waiver of or preclude the exerci�c of:my riFh�or remedy.
<br /> r_ ' . 12. Successors and Assl�ns Bound;Joint and Several LlablUty: l'o•tii�Gners. T'he covenant+and agmements of ' �"'
<br /> . '� • this Security lnstrument shull bind und benetit the succe.tior,und a+r�igm af l.endcr und &irrower,subject ro the provision, ';''"
<br /> of Pars�graph 9.b. Borrower'x covennnt. und agrecmentx xhull tx joint und ,rverul. Any Bonower whu co-sign�this •
<br /> Sccurity lntitrumcnt but doc�not cxcrute the Nnte: la!i•.ru-sigr.in�thi. Scrurity ln�trument only to mortgage,gr.snt and
<br /> • convey that Borrow•eri imere�t in Ihc Pro�xrty under thr Icrm,uf Ihi.Security ImlrumrnC 1M1 i�not penonully oblignted to
<br /> :, pay the sums serured hy ihi.Srcurity Imtrumeni: and(c)agr.�cti that Lendrr anJ un�•otlxr B��rrower muy ugree to extend.
<br /> modify,forbeur or makc uny urromm�xlutiun,with rcgurd ta�hr tcrmr c�f thi.5rruri�y� Imtrumenl or 1he Note without�hut -
<br /> Borrower�conu nt.
<br /> "' 13. Notices. Any nu�icc to Burruu•cr providcd ti�r in thi.Scruritp lmtrumem�hall tx�iven by drlivcring it or by •
<br /> mailing il by fint clu+,mail unle+.:�ppliruhle luw reyuirr. u.c uf ano�tkr methe�J. The noiicr �hull be directed to the I
<br /> t �� Prnpeny Addres�or am��thcr.iddrc�� Rurrower dc�ign�uc.by noticr tu Lcnd�r. Any nuticr�o Lrndcr.hall tx given hy �
<br /> • first cla�s muil to Lender'. uddre+. �Iated hrrrin ��r uny addrr.+ Lrndrr J��ign;dr.b� n��lire tu Burt�►��•cr. Any natice
<br /> �ravided for in�hi�Securi�}•In,trwnrm tihull tx�decmcd tu h�i�c Fxcn gi�.:n tu H„rru��er ur l.cnJ�r wficn�iven��,proviJed �
<br /> in thi�purugraph. (
<br /> r � 14. (ioverninR I.aw;tie�•erabilily. 7�hiti Srrurit� In.�rument +hall I� gu�crncd h� f�rdrrul (uw unJ Ihe law of Ihr I
<br /> , �4 juri,diction in whirh thc Prupcny iti Iu�atrJ. In thc rvcnt �ha� any pro�ixii,n nr clau,c ut'thi� Srrurin� Instrumcm��r�he
<br /> � No�e ronllict. w•i�h ap�liruhlc I:n�. .urh r<mllict tihull n��t al'(rct uther prcn i.wn.ol Ihi+tir�urit�• In.lnnnrnt ��r tlx Nolr
<br /> +� � which cun lx givrn rtlrcl v►•ilhnu�thc rontlictinE pn►vi.�un. 'li,�i,�,�����rk r�����,�����. �d�hi.tirrurity Instrumcnt und thc .
<br /> � . Nule um drrlurcd t��Fx+cv�ruhlr. i .
<br /> � � � IS. Borruwcr',Cop��. liorru���cr�hull Ix givcn unr runtimn�d�up� ul Ih�.ti�ruriic In.�rwncnt.
<br /> ' 16. A*SI�Gnment oiRentx. BorruNrr uncondiliunsdly a.,i�n.anJ trurnlcr.�u l.cnakr:►II�hr rcnt�•rnd rev�nuc�uf thr
<br /> � � �operty. Burruwrr nwhorinti Lcnder ur Lenderl rEcn���o rolleri ih�renn and re�rnur+unJ hrr�b�•Jircc�,rach tenam uf
<br /> � thc Property lo pay thc mnt,to LenJer c�r LrnJer'�aErnt.. H��ac�rr,pri�tt lu l.rndcr:naticc tii Bi►rn►wer ot'Bortowrr:
<br /> ' •' brcnch of uny rovenant or u�rccment in�Ix Srruri�y In.irumrm,Hnrtuxrr�hall roll�ci unJ r�reivr all rentti ond rcvrnue�uf
<br /> '� . ,. Ihe Property ns Iru+tce f'ur the hunefil ul'Lendrr und N��rruwrr. Thi+a.,ignmenl al rcnt.con,liwtr.un uhwlute assignmrnl
<br /> , ��_:.� _ und not an ussignmcnt tix udditional+rcurity only.
<br /> -_= �--� . -�--- - ii i.ender grves notice oi nrearn�o isormwcr. �a�aii rrntr rcre�red h}•Hurroacr tihall tx hcld by Barma•cr u�wstce "
<br /> ,, • for benefit of Lrndcr anly, �o tx upplicd to thc.um. .crured hy thc Srcurity Imtrumcnl; 1h1 Lrnd�r.hull hr cntiticd tu
<br /> collect smd receive all of Ihc rents of the Propr:rly; unJ Irl rurh trnum��F ihe F'�roprrty.hall pay ull rrnt.duc�nd unpuiJ tu
<br /> , � Lender or Lender's agent on Lender's wriUcn demund to thr tcnant.
<br /> Borrower hux nol execwed ony prior asxignmem of the rent+ ond h:i�nat und will nut peHom�any act thAt would
<br /> . �' , prevent Lender from rxcrci tiin�it+nght.r under thix ParaEraph I 6.
<br /> ; ; Lender xhall nnt be reywred tu enter upon,takc conlrol ot'or mainlain thr F'ru�xrty txti�rr or aftcr�iving notic;ui' ;
<br /> ; � . breach to Borrower. However, Lcnder or a judicielly ap�ointrd receiver may do w u�any �imr thrre iz a bre•rch. Am• '
<br /> � . , epplicution of rents xhull not curc or waive uny defaull or invrlid�lr any other righl ur r�;tncd�i�f Lcndcr. Thi.a»i�;nmrnt �
<br /> �' . of rents of the Property shall�erminate when the debt scrured by thr Security In�trumcnt i.paiJ in full.
<br /> � , �, . ,
<br /> ; '' e�l !
<br /> ; ;_ . ��.;, .—• .�',r ,
<br /> : .
<br /> . i�x„r,•d„�.r�ux��s,
<br /> ' �
<br /> i
<br />