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�r � � • <br /> •� . . '• � n .. ,J <br /> :�, v�- :: . .. . l:. <br /> •1-� ',n,AtNn �:>. �-" <br /> ��..�io�4� <br /> i. P�ymeat ot Pelacipal.Intere�t�nd L�te Clu�rge. Barower�II pay when due�he principrl of',ruid intarest on,, <br /> tire debt uvi�anccd by the Note and Wte charges due under�he Nate. <br /> 2. Monlhl menb ot'i�xa,Iarurnaee Aad Other Cb�t�s. Borrower shall include in eoch manlhly pAymAnt <br /> Y <br /> together with the p incipAl end intercst iw set forth in the Note pnd wny Iste inatallmem of�ny 1�) qxea�nt� <br /> epeci�l acsessments levied or co be levied aguinst tha paymentc or ground r�enlr an tho PiopeKy.wtd <br /> ti��� � ' ' �f--�a� ' � (c)p�mlume for insurance rcquired by Parxgraph4. <br /> . , � Each monlhly installrr�nt for items (a),(b) and(c1 shall equsl ane-twelfth of lhe �nnual amaunta, as reasanably <br /> '�•�=°�-"�'� � estimnted by Lender, pluA en amount sufficien� to main�ain an uddi�fan�►t balance of not more than one•sixlh.of�tlw <br /> �`T`-� �" estimaud umounlx. The Pull annual umwmt for each item sh�ll be accumulated by Lender wilhin a perfad ending.ano <br /> .�,�.� �...� . <br /> ,.�,15;.:�;,.h ,�, <br /> ��,,�;�,;;,,, month before an item would become delinquent. Lender shail hold�he amounts collocted in trurt to pay item�(a),(b>und <br /> , .'w�,��•. . ,�.��F,�,. (c)before lhey becomc delinquent. <br /> '� ,.� �,''• � �"�=•�: If at any time thc taal of thc payments held by Lcnder for items la). (b)and(c).tagethcr with the Putune mAnthly <br /> ' ' ' �";�' paymenta for such items payable to I..ender priar to the due dates of such items. excceds by mo�e than one•xixih the <br /> �'�'` ' � " ;. estimated amount of payments required to pay such items when due,and IP pa mems an the Note ar�cument,lhan�endar <br /> �•``� .:�� . shall eithar rcfund the excess over one-sixth of the e�timuted payments or c�t the excess aver one•six�h of iha estlmated <br /> ,�;� '3N�, � _r paymenta to Rubsequent pnymenls by the opdon of Bortower. If the total of 1he payments made by Borrower <br /> for ilem(u),(b),or(c)is insufficient to puy 1he item when due.then Bartawer shall pay ta l.ender any amount necess�ry to <br /> �,;,i, , � �, make up�he deficiency on or before�he date the item becomes due. <br /> '• � '� .GL . .,t��{, '•,; As used in thia Securit�r Inswment,"Secretary"means the Secretary of Housing and Urban Developmant or hie or har <br />_`, . ,� designee. In any year in wluch thc Lender muat pay a mortgnge insurnnce premium to 1he Secretary.each monthly paymant <br /> . i,� �. . ' ?' shall alr.o include either: (i) an installment of the annual mortgage insurance premium to be paid by Lendar to tha <br /> 3 : Secrctary,or(ii)a monthly charge instead af a martgage insurance premium if this Security Instrument ja held by the <br /> �;•,,,._ . _ _ S. ^retary. Fach mu,ahl;installriem of the mortgage insurance premium shall be in an amount Fufticient to uccumuluta tha <br /> � ''� ' ' '' Y� full ennuel mongage inaurance Nremium with l.ender one month prior to the date the full annual mongnge inRUrance �' <br /> � „ . ,,..•.•. . . . <br /> '� ' s�;�•,i�;,,��"'s':;�;'��:'�r�';��� premium ia due ro the Secretary;or if this Security Instrurnent is held by the Secretary,each momhly charge shall ba ln un '+' <br /> ,q�°i":�i1�.:�1,;};;:�;-•��;,:., amaunt equal to one-twelfth of one-half percent of the autstand)ng pdncipal bala�ce due an ihe Note. <br /> i..�:.;�:�; .. �f{,,,:5;•�..;;�;•;y��.�1:.�,;, <br /> �' �" If Horcower tenders to Lender the full payment of All sums secured by this Security lns[rumem, Borrawar�account i � <br /> �.. . :� a;.;,.;.iFr ��„n.;�,�•a�.�•.:,,;: <br /> I:n �.'a��f�. „��Sf;;,:;',`� shall be credited with the balance remaining for nll installments for items (n), (b) and lc1 and any mortgage inFUrance !. <br /> � ` f;`_�`;;�'�>��"'•'�� premium installmem thut l.ender has not became abligated ro pay to the Secreuuy,and Lender shall promptly refund an `�:��� <br /> . � ��_. �. .. <br /> ;.,:. s;•;. ...�,.•. �::`�. ,;.;,,,�. <br /> +°���i' '"��� k•�;:;°:.::�::��:',•;= �-.�• •..,�• axceas funds to Horrawer. Immediately prior to a fomclosure sale of the Property or it.r•ucquisilion by Lender,Borrower :;;:�-,: <br /> �_,:� �� . ,..,�.:..,r .:. <br /> �''��;;.r::°�:;;:.:•� .�•:,,� .• aacount shall bc crcditcd with:u�y balancc rcmaining for all installments far itcros(a),(b)and(c). �'�r��. <br /> <:�._,i.r.. <br /> �'�, i ��},-;'.:•;,,:�". 3. Ap�lication of Payments. All payments undar Paragraphs I nnd 2 shnll be applied by Lcnder as folloWS; rit� <br /> ;":�::`.,: Fjg�Z,to the mortgu�e inxurunce premium to be paid by Lender to the Secretury or to the manthly charge by tha ,,. <br /> ;; �� ' Secretary insteud of Ihe monthly mongage imurnnce premium: `'� <br /> ,, � <br /> ; SECOND,lo uny ta�ces,speciul++s,ex�menG+,lea+ehold pAyments or ground rents.and fir�e.flood and other hu�.�ud <br /> ; insurance premiumx,as required; � <br /> ------ �jj�,{j�,lu inirrcwi Jur wKjrr il�c Nuid; <br /> •. i � FOURTH,to amonir.u�ion of thc principul�►f�hc Nutc; <br /> FIFTH,to lute chargeK duc under�ho N�ne. <br /> � 4. Fire.F'I�nd�nd Irihcr Hu�.ard Ingurwncc. Born.�wcr�hal I h„urc ull imprmcment+on�hc Prupeny,u�huthur nnw <br /> in exititeni:e ur tiuMheyucntly crec�ed,u�eam+�uny huiar�l.,cci�unUicti, :mJ r�mtingenrir., imluding fire,for whfuh I..�ndar <br /> n:quirc�.in�urancc. Thiw intiuruncr �hull Ix muinwincd in ihr umuu�ur unJ ti�r Ihc periixl.�hut l.endcr rcyuirux. Bormwer <br /> .i �hwll ulr.o inrun�all impn►vrmcnh un thr F'ro�xnv.wluthrr iiow in cxi�lrncr�►��ub�rqucntly cr�c�ed.ugainst lutiti by A�xx1r� <br /> � �o thc eztent rrquirrd hy�h�ti.rmtury. All m+urunc�,ludl Ik cnrrird wi�h cumpunic.upproved My l.enJer. 7'hu innunmce <br /> � ��Ifcie, anJ any r�ncwuly .hull br hrld by Lcndrr und tihull inrludc lu+� puyublc cluu.r+ in tavor ot', iuid in u form <br /> �r. arceptuMlu w,Lrndcr. ' <br /> ' f ' In thu cvem ul'I��++. B�xn�wer+hull pive l.rnJer unm�diuk rnHicc by muil. Lendcr may mvke pr�x�f uf lnnn if nat <br /> •�, maJc prumptly b� Bunuwcr. F.uch in�uruncr comp•rny ca►nrrrnrd i�hcmby aulhurisud and dirccted w mulcc puymcm f'vr :° <br /> �,. �uch la��direclly to l.enJer.insteud of to Rorcuw•rr and lu Lcnckr,���intly. All or uny p�r1 of�he inwr;u�ce prcx:eede m��Y ba .,�;.. <br /> • applied by Lcnder,ul i��uption,eithcr lal ta ihr rcJucii�m��f ttx:indcbteJnc+�unJcr the Note and this Security In�trumen4 <br /> tirst to uny dclinqucnt am�wnt,applird in �hc �xJcr in Parugrurh �, unJ then to pmp•rymcnt of principul, or (b1 to thc •r.••-� <br /> • . retitarution or repuir of�hc dum•r�cJ propeny. Any u�►liccnion ol thc�he pnncipal,hull not extend or p�►stpona ,�-=. <br /> • the du�date of the monthly paymrnls whirh ur�Rirrted �a in Parugraph?,ur rhungr Ihr um<�um af.uch paym�nth. Any <br /> exce�� insurance pr�xeeJx aver an umount required to pay ull ou�titanding indrbtrJnr.. und�r the Note and this Securiry <br /> In+trument shall t+r puid tu thr rntity Icgally enliticd tlnn to. <br /> In the evrm of foreclorurc ol�hi� Securily Instrumem or oihrr tr.�n+frr��f�idr m Ihr Pr���rly thul extinguinhc�the k 'a•• <br /> :;�. inJeMed�x:titi.ull riEht,titic:mJ intrrr+l uf Hurruwer in and io imuruixr puliri«in ti►rcc,hall pa,+tu�he pun:hu�r. � . <br /> 5. Occupancy. Pretier�•ution. �tuintenuncc and Protr�ti�m oP thr Property; f�orro��er s I.oun Appliwtion; <br /> � Leaseholds. Burruwer shuU�x:cupy,r.iubli.h. •rnd uK the Proprnq :iti Ri�rro��•rri principal rc�idence wilhfn ::ixry Juy� <br /> �,'' uRer�he ex�cuti�m of thi.Sccuriry In.lrumen�and.haU c�m�inur u,nrrup�• thr I'�u�xny a.Burraw�er� principul roAidence <br /> ,.. <br /> for ol Icu�l onc ycar aticr thc��f ixrup:mey.unlc�+Ihr Scrrclary Jctcmiinc+thi.rryuiremcnt will rauu unduc hnrdtihfp <br /> �� � ' � 1'ar Bcim►wer. or unless extenuatin circuni.i:�nr�. �xi.t «hirh arc Fx��md Hurra�rrr'. runuol. Burrou•er�hnll notifY <br /> F . � <br /> '�� �� �� Lender.of uny cxtenua�in�circmn,ianre.. Rurruwrr.h:dl nnl:�irnmit wa��c i�r Jc.tru�.Jamage �x.uh+taniiully chimgc � <br /> �� Ihe Prciperty ur allow�hc Proprrl}•lu dctrriur:uc.r.u.unablc w•rar and�car exccptcJ. Lcndcr may m,�xrt 1he PropeAy if Ihc � <br /> � Property is vurunt or uhunJ�►ned��r Ihc I�am def:iuU. LrnJer ma� �:d.r rca.unahle artii,n lu pruicrt und pn:,erve wch <br /> , .; � � vacunt or uhundnnrd Pru�xrty. Nurr�►w•cr,hall :d,�� hr in d�t:mlt i(13orn,�vcr. dunng Ihr luan a��pliraliun pror�,v, gavc <br /> �.• muteriully fal�c ��r in��crur:dr inlunnati�m ar ,I:u�mrnt. �i� I.rnikr �ur I:iilyd i�, pru�idr Lcndcr u•ith uny muteriul <br /> in(om�utianl in cunnerti�m wnh �hc losm cvidrnreJ hy�hc\�►rc. includinE. hut nut limitrd tu. rcpn�rnluti�►n�cunc�rning <br /> '� Borrowcr;ixcupuncy nl'ihr Ru�xrl�a�a principul rr.iJrnrr. If�hi.tirrwit� In,lrumcnt i,on a Ira.ehulJ.Bumiu•�r r.hall <br /> �„ ; '� rumply with�hr pruvitii�mti uf�hr Ira�r. If BnrruNrr aryuim. trr Ulk la Ih�Pt��pert).thc leauhuld nnd ler Ulle�hull Ilol , . <br /> 1f'. bc nxrg�d unlesy Lendcr a�trreti w�hr mcrEcr m�tiritm�. <br /> � � 6. Char�es lu Rorrnwcr and 1'rotcrtion of Lcndcr'x Righ!s In thc Propert�. BurroHrr.hall pa�•all puvtimmrntul <br /> nr municipul churgc+,tines and im��.itium Ihut airr nut mrlu�tcJ in I:�ragr.�ph �. BuiTUwrr+h:dl pa� thc.�uhh�auum un <br /> '� IimcdinxUy to thc cmily N'Illl'Il 1�I1Nl'lI Illl' p:qmuu. If fuilurr tn pr�• ��ould ad�rnrh a(frrt Lcndrr: imcrc�t in thc <br /> ,. Property.upon LrnJcr�rcyur�l l3urruwrr.hull prom�lly(umi,h tu LenJcr rrreipt.evidenrinE thc.r p•rymcnlr. <br /> !1� If Bnrrower fuils ai mukr thr.c pa}•mrnl� ur thr pu�mrnt. rcyuircJ hc Par•r�cr:�ph prrtimn any uther <br /> •.r, . � _ covenuntti und ugrcement.r•cunaunecl m ihi�ticrurilv In�lrumrnl.or Ih�n i�a Irgal pnxerdin�:�ha�may .ignilirsn�ly uf(crt <br /> � ..�. <br /> -.— � -. LCIIUCf ti fl�,'llls m�nc rruprny i,ucii u.+t�q�w-ccuiuF iu iam�tu�ii�j.i�a�i�iiiiuciiiii.iii.:ii vP iu iiii.STCi i.i::.,.:i"'rw�uii:n„i. <br /> then LenJcr muy du und puy whutrver i.ncrr++ary tu prutect tlk valur uf�hr I'ro�xn� �md Lrndcr:ri��he I'mExny, <br /> • •4" including payment af�axe�.huiarJ insurnnrc and uthcr itcnu menti�mcd in Puru�raph_. <br /> ��:, Any amoun�ti disbui.cJ Ay I.endrr undcr thi�F'ara�:ruph ,hall Ixrumc un additiun�l d�M uf licirru���r und lx.rrured <br /> l.. . ( �',� • , by thi�: Security lnstrumcnt. Thexe umounl+tihull Fxr•rr intcrr�t I'ro�n the dutr of di+hur.rm�nt,at the Nolc rutc, :+nd ut Ihr <br /> • � ! :• opuon of Lcndcr,.hall bc immediutcly duc anJ puyabk. <br /> , �.i • � 7. CondemnaNun. The pnxceJs of uny awurd„r claim f�tt d:unt�g�s.direcl��r con.ryuenlial. in cunncr�iur►��•ith un�. <br /> :1 , � . . • •, condemnation or othcr wking ot';u�y purt af thc F'ruExrly.�x fcx cunvcv;uirr in pinrr„f conJrmna�iun. :irc hcr.hy a�yignrd <br /> ''•`��'" und shall be puid to Lendcr to the ex�cnt ol'thc full unx►unt ol'thc indc�tcdnes.Ihal rcmainti unpaid undrr�hr Nutc•and Ihi> <br /> " � ' ' ' Security Instrument. Lendcr.holl u�ly+urh pnxccdti to the rrdurt i�x��if�hc indchtedrm.,undrr�hr No�r:md thi•ticruri�y <br /> ` ��' ' � � , '',"� �.' Instrument. firvt to any dclitx�urnt amuunt, applicd in thc �mkr provided in Paragr�ph ;, imd thrn tu prc r.+ymrn� �,1. . <br /> ' "i f,� '.�:" , •• principal. Any application ��f the procccdti Io the princip�l xhall nc�t extend ur �xixtpunc thr due dsite of i�e monlhly <br /> �� _ <br /> _ ' � ' I�M/R!':i f�/�N/��'�I <br /> / � <br />