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<br /> � NON-UN�ORM COVBNANTS. Bama+cr�nd Lendcc flulher cove�nant rnd s�oo��follows:
<br /> 17. rt�dawra Procidw�e. If L.enderroquit�immocUiW p�yment In fwll underpa�gr�ph 9.1.,sMer nuy invdce dte
<br /> power ot a�le�hd�nY�a�uer rcmedMs��ea bY�lceMe l�w. l.enler sh�ll be entltled to collect atl qxpenRa iecwrod
<br /> in purwin�Ihe�emedie�provWo�d in Ibis prsQwph t7�includina,but not limited W.rcssoru�bk Nttomey�faa�nd c�ow of
<br /> Utk evidcnce.
<br /> If IMepower a��srk i��voked.7�wtee rbaU recoe�d�q01I�Q O�Al�Alil!ID l�II�OIIAty III WIIIf�ally pil'�qt IIIE
<br /> PropeMy hlacnted aad Wull null copks W'�ucY notioe In tre mrpner pracrlbed by ppplkable la to Batrawa��nd
<br /> a tbe otbet penom Prescr�bed by t�w ARer Iht time reqntred by applfca�ble I�w,�wAee slWl �v e
<br /> puWk noHa of r�le to tbe pe�sons � In tMe aau�onet pracHbed by�pplkabk 4w 7Yustee,�vithout dea�ndoa
<br /> Borrower,eb�ll iell tlie Properl s�t puW{c aucdon to ttw h est bidrer at tbe Ume aad place and under tbe term�
<br /> e y �e
<br /> desiawted In tba aotice ot ade m one w moe��parce4 and ,u� order 7lruuee determtne�. 7tuctee nuy po�tM
<br /> s�le of dl ar�aY parcel ot Ihe Property by�1blk�anouoceman�at the Hme and pitoe ol�ny previo�Wy oled
<br /> We. Leoder or Its desiQna maypurc lliQ PrOpl�ly�L�Al�ly sAle.
<br /> Upon nrelpl otp�y�aenl nf tbe pri�ce bid,'IYustee sf�W deliver to the pureh�ser'Itusta''dad coaveyinQ 16e
<br /> Property. The ncttafe in the 7�ustee a deed slull be prim�facie evidence ot truth o�tbe statamenls aude tbenln.
<br /> 7Fwtee sb�ll apply the proceeds ot!he s�le ia tMe�ollowing ordar: (a) to All east� and expen�es of eurcWa�Ibe
<br /> power ot snle.and t6e uk,includlog the paya�ent ot the 1Yustae'A tees actusdly incurred,aot to exoeod �i� 9b
<br /> of the p��incipal amouot ot tde aok at the tiroe ot the dectarAtlon af dePsult,And reASOnable attorneys�eea ps
<br /> �rmitted 6y l�aw;(b)W dl sams secured by l6W Secu�ity I�wtruwenti+�d(c)ony e�xss to N�e persoa or per�s
<br /> gAl!y 4t11ifkd t01f.
<br /> ..•� 18. Recooveypnce. Upon pnyment of all sums secured by thie Scxurity Instrument.l.ender shall mquest 7iustee ta
<br /> � reconvey the Property and sha8 surrender�Ius Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured lay this Secudty
<br /> .� lnatrument to 7�uste�. 'Itustee shall reconvcy the Propeny wi�hout warranty and wfthaut charge to the person ar persona
<br /> legaQy entided to it. Sucb persun ar peraons shall pay any recordation costs.
<br /> , ,�.,.,�,;{ :.�.�;:,>. �.�;i, 19. Subatilute 71�ustee. l.eadcr.at 1ts optlon,may from time ta time remove 7Yustee and appoint a auccassur trust� •
<br /> ;•,;:���,�R:,;�:��;'.: �. y�. to any 71ru�tee sppainted hereunder hy an instn�ment recorde�l in the county in whieh this Security Instmmvnt is rocorded.
<br /> •,a,;.�;,�?����G� +��,e;r.�� Withom wnveyance af the Property.Ihe successar trustee shall cucceed to all the title,power and dulias coniemed upon
<br /> �,;�tis:,�. :���'yt� 'I�ustee herein and by applicable law.
<br /> �:;.' � 5���' 20. Request for NoUces. Borrower re�uests lhat capies of the noNces of defauit and salo be sent a Bomowerls
<br /> ``•. •.'��r , ;^..."� :'�. . ' addr�eas which is the Property Address.
<br /> t,- . r, :'�.6�..
<br /> °""�`'�'�"���� .�'{��`"`� Riders to thls Security/n.gtrument. If one ar more ridcrs arc exccuted by Borrawer und recarded�ngelher with this
<br /> �Q.t`�.� .l p 1 C '�;
<br /> .t�'"��e�``,t. 3[xurily Inslrumenl. ihe covenuntw of coch such rider shall be incorporuled into and zhull umend nnd supplernent Ihe
<br /> '�•`•:�.;�':':`': �' :' covenants und ugreememR af thia Secutity laKUUmcn�ac if�ho ddorl�l wcre in u pan of thix Sexurity Inxtrumen�.
<br /> `s��^;t;, : �Check applicuble box(er)�.
<br /> ��,':� .• +�wr;�-...;- ;�."; ' .
<br /> -..;;� - �Condominium Rider �Oruduut��d Payment Rldcr �(�ruwing F.yuily Rider
<br /> �L
<br /> .r1' ... . .
<br /> ,�• �^ • • �Planned Unit Uevelopment Rider �Othor�Spocit'y�
<br /> �<<' ,' , BY SI(3NIN(3 BELOW. BoRUwcr ucccpiti and ogrccti �o ihc Icnns contufned in pagcs I through 4 oi Ihis Security
<br /> y,,,., In�tnrment end in ary riderix)executed by Borrower und reco�ded with it.
<br /> . . .t.� ,
<br /> • . 1 0sses:
<br /> � . �� • .. , ` t��2.�+�.t.'. �'h cPn �� �seu�)
<br /> ' ' A� ' R)1 6F.�1 I; 11CCR11Y Bnrro�cr �
<br /> .. .:,�,�,
<br /> ..� ���� ;��:F,s��F. ..' � � (Seoh ,��.
<br /> �, ..��" � Bortowrr
<br /> �,!!•%,, t . . . OM L MCCRIIY
<br /> ..� ,, . . . ,,....
<br /> � (Senl) r?h•.
<br /> ,������ ° . _' ' _- Bnrrowcr
<br /> �'
<br /> �„ ��.� (Seal) ��:
<br /> Burrowcr
<br /> � ..• }�
<br /> ��� � ,4� • � STA'fEOF NEBRASKA. NIILL Cnunry�ti:
<br /> �. '"''" f'Y:�;.'_'�
<br /> �'.� '!��•• On lhiti 24tb day o�' September, 1993 .Ixforc me,tix undersigned.n NWUry ,� �
<br /> !,��,. ,, •�...,"
<br /> ;'$�': Public duly commi�sioncd and yuulificJ tiir�;►iJ ri�unt�•,peroonally camr ._,,
<br /> ���4� •, � IUZQLSBN M11RIE l►ND OMY L !lCCRAY WIFB M1D HUSBAND . . , . . :•'t:'•.:
<br /> ��, .w mc kn��wn a► Ix Ihc
<br /> � identg�pcnoniti)whosc namcl,►ure,ubscrilxd tu�hc Ii�reE��in�;in,lrununl and uck�Hiwl�J�t�J lh<<x�cWiun thcreof to hc •.,��;
<br /> ,:. ' n ir vnluntury acl unJ decd.
<br /> �!'y ` # Witnes,my hund and no�uriul�col at Q�'1D ISL11lID in+c�id county.�hc '
<br /> t; . `� _
<br /> � ;� , da�c aPorcsoid.
<br /> .. �._ � . . �
<br /> ,.; � ,
<br /> r, ^ O�
<br /> � •s.:'' � r�.� g9 a e b� NeS�a.ta OB Tl� L RBLD �— — N��ory wmi�
<br /> :.niA�...�:�.. -
<br /> -� y� , . e��: . ` �''� ....'� F.�....:.��.0 I'���y
<br /> � . TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> �r " ' � • The undersigned is thc huldcr of thr note or natcs secured by Ihis pecd of 7ivst. Soid noic nr nWes,�ogether with ul l ,
<br /> J •,.1�
<br /> ��' :�:,�_� � ,;.; r�•:. ';;� �, other indebtedness securcd by �his Dced of 7i�ust,huvc Ixcn paid in I'ull. Yuu arc hrrrby dircr�cd tu cunrel suiJ ncNC or
<br /> ; ' �`���`�`� �" " notes and this Deed of 7}ust,which om Jelivered hcrcb and a rcronvr withnul warranl aU thc cxtutc now hrlJ b au
<br /> ; Y�' Y• Y• ' Y Y
<br /> , ,.,,: � �:,:,�• : ,
<br /> "`' . .�; ' � under thls Deed of'fi�ust to thc pcnon or persons Icgully enlitleJ thcrct�i.
<br /> • , ��.
<br /> . �' .. . �, ::.;, Date: �.
<br /> ,:. .,.. .,
<br /> ��� :�;, �'��
<br /> t"- ,�t: • „r;;:,�,�;. rp�xrd.,ja�;�x..,, � .
<br /> • �.. . yi,�l., � '� '.i:,•..:.y":•.-.�� .
<br /> fi ��,�: . •°i;t•ii��.Y.'
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