[� ,/_ 'Y`., .•'`J.�4.` .�'. � . . �f. .'�'* ..��` A.
<br /> u{' ,. :+�'�`:j �`"J - :.+r3��
<br /> 93-1oe4s�
<br /> � ' �condemnwlon or ahor tWcing oi'aay put of�ho Pr+nperiy.or for convaywrn;e in lieu of condamwtiaa.am bercby�i�ned md
<br /> �II bo pxid to Lender.
<br /> In Ihe event of A tatal u�king of the Propeny. the stwll bc appliod lo tqe suma securcd b� thia Serudly
<br /> ,�: Insaument,whcther or not Uien due�wilh wny excess pai to Borrower. in�he event of�paAfal taking of�he Propeny in
<br /> which tha fair murke�v�lue oi the Property immodiotely bcfure tho tnking is oqvnl to or grcater�han tha anwunt of thc sums
<br /> '` r,ocurc.d by ihia Secudty Insnument immedfately bePoro Ihe Io{;ing,unle��Bormwer and Lender otherwlse agrce in w�iting.
<br /> Iba sum�Fecurcd by�his Saurity lnswmem shull t�o rcduced by�he wnount oi the ptncteds mulliplied by the folbwing
<br /> fre�cifon: (a)the tatul amount of�he sumx uecured immediatcly bcfa�e the�uking,dividod by lb)the foir market vAtue ot the
<br /> Praperty immedfately before ihc toking. Any bulance shull be paid�o Bomower. In the even�uf u purtial taking of thu
<br /> Praperty in which�he iair rtiadce�vAluc of�he Propeny immediately boWre�ho�akiag is k�y Ihan thc umount of tho sums
<br /> �'• < , securcd immMiately befare�he lakiag, unless Borrower und Lendcr othorw:sse ugac in w�iting or u�less appliruble law
<br /> whenvise provi�,�he p►oceeds slwll he upplied to the sums secured by�his Security Instroment whelher or not�he cums we
<br /> Ihen duc.
<br /> If the Property is Abandoned by Borrower,or if.After�wtice by Lender to Bnrrawer ihat�he candemnor ofiens to make
<br /> � �} ?;�� '�:;+ an Awnrd ar senle a claim fordamagex,Borrower failti to respond ta l.ender within 30day�ntier Ihe dute the ncitice ix given.
<br /> „ ae,:.;F' Lender is au�orized to collecl And App{y�he proceed�,at i4c option,ei�her la rcstoanion ar repair of tha Propedy ar ta ihe
<br /> �' � sums securcd by this Securily Insuument,whether or nat then due.
<br /> ` ''•'��4.- ,.a Unless Lender nnd Bortower otherwi�e ugree in writing.anY APPIicAtion of pmceeds to principat shall rK►t eatend or
<br /> � `"` � t the due date of�hc mon�hl menln refemed to in m � 1 und 2 or ciun e�hc amount of such a ment�.
<br /> �`-R -:4."s
<br /> �� ,u��:�t�,.���•� P�P� Y!�Y P�� Ph' S P Y
<br /> ;, r ,,��• �;;�.: , ,, ..,_„�.� Il. BoROwe� Not RekaseAi Forbearnnae By Lender Not A Waiver Ex�ensian of the time far payment or
<br /> t ,c� � modiiicatian oi amonizution of the sums secured by this Seeurity Ins�niment granted by Lender to uny successar in intere�t
<br /> ''�� of Bamnwer shuU nat operalc to relca�c thc liubili�y of the original Botrower or 6nROwer's successon in intcrest.Lender
<br />� `���`' � r� . �,'• '',t-' �� shull nat be required ro commence pmceedingc ngnin��any .uccec�or in imerest or refuse to extend time for payment o�
<br /> - . 4' ..' ,..�f'F�w�.,..jy(�
<br /> - ' j +{.�, .. a otherwire madify amortizs�tion of�he�um+kcurcd by this Securiry In+�rument 6y re�.�on of any demand made by�he original �;;�,;!
<br /> p . • .p,t�,";.'. -�� ° Sorrower or BcHmwerk succes.wn�in in�ere��. Any forbeurunce hy l.ender in exercising any dght ar remedy xhall na be n '• �
<br /> ,,. • � � '; �,, wpiver of ur preclude�he exercise of ony right or remedy.
<br /> . ;�;:.. ,;. a=a; 12. Succescots And Ascigne Bound=Joint and Seve�l l.is�bility;Co-signera The covenantx+uid agrecmcntti of'this .
<br /> •.•�'r-=' '•'".'��•� Securiry In�tniment shuU bind und benefi��he�urcetison and A��ign+of Lender und Borrnwer,�uhject io�he provi+ions of
<br /> ' .� ° o ��,�� parugruph 17. Burmwerk cavenuntti und agn.•emeMx shull be joint and severul.Any Bonower whu co•signs Ihis Security .,�
<br /> Intitn�mem but daec not execute the NMe: Ia1 i�ro-�igning�hi�Security Inswment anly w mortgage,grnnt and convey Ihnt � �
<br /> . ' • . Bomiwer�inlere+t in Ihe Property undcr Uu term.of this S��uriry Instrumcnt: (b1 is not per�onully ohligated ta pay Ihe gums M'F;�
<br /> • � ' � ,ecured by�hi.Sccuri�y Instrument:und Icl ugrc�:s�hut I.ender and ony i�lher B�rrower may agme to extend,modiPy,inrheAr
<br /> or muke uny uccommcxlAtions wi�h regurJ Io Ihe terms of this Secu�ity Intitrumem or Ihe Note without Ihut Bnrrower�
<br /> . . consent.
<br /> � � 13. Loan Cha�ex. If the li�un.ecu�d by�hi+ Security Inwtrument i� yubject to a luw whirh w:��muximum loan
<br /> �- charges.an�i thai iaw ia fi�a{ly inte�retcd�n shat thc intcr.st or oiher loar.rh•rrges caBerted or to hc cs�!lecsed in canneetion
<br /> ' ^��`� •• ' with�he Ic�n excred�he pc:miiued limii..then: lul uny�uch loan chvrEc,hull tx reduceJ by the•rmi►unt ncce.�ary to rcduce
<br /> ' i . : :,;1�'�,�t'�'.. ;' � ihe charge to the permined limit:•rnd Ib)uny,um,ulrrud��mllectcd from Borc�iw�r which exreedeJ�m�itted limitti will he
<br /> i . , refunded�o Borrower. Lender may chai,e lu mukr thi,ntiunJ by reducing Ihe princi�l owed unikr�hc Nute or hy muking u
<br /> . � direc�paymem to Borrawcr. It'a n:fund redure�prinripal,lhr nduc�ion will ik trealed a+a paniul pnepuyment without any
<br /> �"' ' � • prepayment cha�ge undcr the Nutc.
<br /> � ' � 14. Natices. Any n�Nice to BoRU�vcr provided for in �hi. Security Imtrumem�hull he given hy delivering ii ur hy
<br /> .. mailing it by firnt rla.,mail unlc+s upplicablr luw•nyuirc.u,c ot'uM�Uxr mcihixl.T'hc noti�r�hall tk Jlrer�eJ�o�he Pni}xAy
<br /> y, � '.••, . Addrrti�or un nlhcr udJrr.+Burtow•¢r dr,i�natcti b nuticr lo l.cnJrr. An• n�xicc iu Lrndcr tihull Ix �nrn b finl cla+ti
<br /> •� Y b Y f 6� Y •1•_•,
<br /> • � � muil to l.ender�uddre...tweJ hercin„r uny ulhcr:alJrc,.LenJrr Jc,ign:ue.b.-m�t icc la�BnrcuN•rr. Any notice pmvided for �'
<br /> in �hi, 5ecurity lnhtrumcn� �huil 1►c dccmcd ta huvr Ixcn�ivrn to Burr�rwrr�,r l.cndcr whcn givcn o, provided in lhiti
<br /> {'� ��;•� . ,• , parugraph. ,
<br /> t:r' � ' 15. (iuvernina I.aw•:tie��erubilily. Thi, Srcurily In.trumcnl �hall I+r �n�•�rncd h� Yrderal lu�� anJ �hc luu•of Ihc :'.
<br /> 1 '.''"�?. � juriulir�ion in which thc F'ropcny i.I�x:urJ. In�hr c�•rnt Ihal an�•pruvi.ion or�lau,rot'thi�Scrurily In+lrumcm or�hc Nolr `..',�
<br /> � ., •:'`i.:''. ,, contlict+with applicuMe lu�v,�uch conllicl.hall nu�:dlcr�ulhcr pruvi.iun.��I'thi.Seruri�y In�tnimrnt or Ihc Nalc whirh run •+;'
<br /> j,;• � : , � . '. , bc Eiven rl'fcr�withuut the mntlkting pruvi.iun. li►thi,end 1hr pn,vi�i„n. uf Il�i,Srcurity hi+lrumenl and Ihe Note :ue •�`
<br /> � : declarrd to tx x vrruhlc.
<br /> � ' 16. Borro��•er's l'npy. Nurrnu�rr.h:dl tk gnen onr cunt��rnicJ r��py uf Ihr\a��e and uf�hi,Securi�y in,�rumrm. r,
<br /> , , �� . 17. 'IY�anc�'er of the Property iM n Hcneficial Interest in R��rruwer. II a 11 ar :m� ran��f thc Pro�xrty or any intere�t in 'r�j(
<br /> � . i� i,.o1J or tnm.IcrrrJ lor if n Ixnrlicial intrrr.t in Horr��«<r i•,�,ld ur�r•rn.fcrrcd and Borr��wcr i.iH,t a nuiural{+�r.oni '�'•,}�,,,
<br /> w+<., �,�`
<br /> ;.,• . ' , wilhnut l.�nJrr�prior��riQcn cun,cnt.LrnJrr ma�.at i1,ophun.t�.�uitc inm�rJi:�tr p:��nxnl in full uf oll.wu��ecurcd M l..
<br /> "�•:;;'N. i .. , ihis Srcurity Ins�rumcm. Howcvcr.Ihi.opii�m,hall n�H Ix rrrrc�.�3�p Lc�xlrr if�urri.e i. pn�hibilyd by IcJcrul law�a..ii ..'
<br /> , , ��'.. �-. r :., .r)��i
<br /> ., •: ' . �he dute of thir Srcuri�y Imtrumcnt. :' a
<br /> � a,i•. �' .
<br /> ,� ft'",,, . •..�`�,:,• If Lencicr excrci�c�1hi+uptNM. l.enJer.hall gi�•r RuRU��rr n�K�:�.�f arr�I.r.rt i�m. l�he n�Hicr.hull pruciJr a�xri�xl 01' ..;:�;
<br /> 1 5;;;,. . � ,;�;;,►��r;�,.r.. �' •s,•
<br /> , • ,,,••. ,,,•,,,,,. ni�t Ie.,ihan alld:�}r from�heJ:ueth�n�uir.i.Jeli���ndurmail�J��ithin ahirhB.uruHrnnint pa�•all.um„rrunJ h� �hi. � :,
<br /> � Security In�trumrnt. If Bortn�ver t:�il, �o pa� thr.r .um. p�inr i��ihc r�pir:r.�,�n: ��f Ihi��►�riixl. L�ndcr mu�� inv„I�c any i,,`;;:
<br /> '`�.,�.��,�',. mrneJic.�xnniurJ bp thi.Scruri�� In,Irum.�n���i�how 1'urthcr n„�ic���r ilrmanJ nrt �iorn►��cr. !. �
<br /> �f . '(.i:� ... �
<br /> ., .• . °� t IS. Burri�wer's Ri�;ht lo Rein�tute. It liorn,wcr nurt, cen.�i�� CI�IHIIU�MI�. N�aru��cr.hall ha�e U�e righ� �a h.i•r �
<br /> �.••, 5 enlimennn� ��f�hi.Seruri�y In.�runum dircuntinurd ui am tim.• pn��:t.•thc�:uli�r��I: iai �d:i�.lur,urh ulhcr�xri�xi.��
<br /> t..�,�., � ,
<br /> ��. i �° . timkl�•Ivunl�• Fvr.nte�Ire-Freddie\lacl�lluk�ll��IRI �IF.\'f_l nd�nnC�n.nrnn Y�411 �,•.ftrl.,l�/+��ar.,
<br /> a.� � :� '
<br /> � ;;~;....
<br /> ��.; � �� ..:��,�a. ' ���
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<br /> •.I;. �5�!. '•� .t�• . � , ' :'.!'(''. '�': ..��-•.�.' , � � .�,�.
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