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<br /> � . • 'appNcable law np�y �pocUy far�Ia�tuanent)betbro wla of tlw Propaty pwswnt [o�ny power of sak caaWnal I��hl�
<br /> ' Sar�vity Insdumrnt:ar(b)er�try ot�Jud�a�eet cnforcin�thl�Sa,w9ty lnurumau, 71a�o conditioru�ne NW Ba�towet: U)
<br /> pqr� L.ender vl Runp whicl� tl�en woWd be due undar tbi� �y Inwuntenl and tbe Nate as U nn�oeeleradon bd
<br /> occ�medc(b)curc�any det�uit ot�ny dher covat�nw ar�teart i�a►ts�(c)WY�dl oxpaa�os incwrod fn eetarain�tht�Secu�it5r
<br /> tn�tnuna►►. iacludln��bui na Wni�ed a�ra�aubb aaorneys'focs; and(d1 udceA �uch �cdan� i.ender mry �rawn.b�y
<br /> roquiro w�cwro Uwt Uio lion ot�his Socuriry Inwumen�,L..ardarti ri�hta in tNe Property and Bomawcry abligadon to psy d�e
<br /> �um� aecurod by �hlo Sacudty Iniat�anait sh�ll canunue w�n�ed. Upon rein.sutemau by Barwwer. this Se�uity
<br /> les�rumcnt and�he obll�tla�n�ocurod I�by rh�ll remain fully effocdve a if no acoebradon h�d aocurrod. However.dd�
<br /> rl�ht W roinal�t+o chall not appfy in the cace of Aoccleradon under p�ra�r�ph 17.
<br /> 19. S�k af Naqi�'w�ot Lo�n 8trviar. 'ibe Note a a patid inte�e�t in�ho Noto(to�dher vv�th Ihl�Secudty
<br /> In�rumprt) mry be wld ona ar moro dmcs wlthou�pricx naice t��oirower. A wdo may rewlt in�ch�nge in the cndty
<br /> (iwown w tla"l.oan Suvker")that collxtr monthlY PaYmrntc duo under Iho Nae and thio Sooudty Inwrument. 71Kxe alco
<br /> awy be ano�mona chonges of ihc L.aan Scrvicer unoelpted to a sale of the Nate. If there i�a ch�nge ot the La�n 3avlar.
<br /> Borrower will be given wripe�nod��e of�ho chonge in accord�ncc wlth puagraph 14 obovc ond applkabb law. 'R�o notice
<br /> wlil Wate U�e n�mc and sddrccs of t�e oew Loan Servlccr and�he�dd�s to which payment�chould bo m�de. 'Ibe notice wUl
<br /> alco conWn wny oil�er infa�matioa nequired by applicable law.
<br /> 29. Nwrdom� Baauwcr�hall not cause or permit the pneseace.uce.disposol�stara�e�or rclease of any
<br /> Hazandous Substaaces an or ia ihe Propetty. Bamower sholl mt do.aor,Jlow anya�e el�e a do.anylhing aft'xdng tha
<br /> Property that is ia vioWiaa of any Envi�aunetnal Law. 77rc pra�eding twa sentences sl�ll mt opply to the pmenca�use.or
<br /> storage on drc Ptoperty of small qwuKities of Hazadous Substanors Uwt�re�en�r�lly ro�o�izod w be apPi°P��°to aam*1
<br /> -„�, ` �'°•` residemial uses wd to maint�nance of�he Property.
<br /> . •, ;?�
<br /> .y„ . �;,.� Bonu�er ahall promP�Y Siv�L.ender written aotke of any invesUgation.claim.dem�uid.lawsui�or othar��tion b�jr any
<br /> -�•_ `-� goveromratal ex rcB��Y��Y a P�va�e party involving the Prope�ty a a d any H o r m d o u s Su b s w rc e ar F a v i�o�a n e a t a l
<br /> ''�' L a w o i o r A i c h B o r m w c r h e s a c t u a l k n o w l e d g e. I f B o r r o w e r l e a m s,o r is notitied b y an y govemmenwl or �r g u l a t u r y
<br /> ;;f�; n '��.�,�,. .�M. � aut6oriry.tl�at eny removal or aiKt rcmediation of any Hazanious Subswnce afixting the Prt�perty is ncasu�ry.Bamowa
<br /> ' ' t •'' af�l1 p�omptlY wlce all necxssary remedial xdons in accordance with Environmental L.ow.
<br /> ': • � � ~Y''•�,�:. As used in this puagruph 20.'Hazardous Subswnces"are Uiose substanoes defined as toxic or hazardous wbstanccs by
<br /> !,r�,;;.^ .�� " F�vironmenlal Law aad the following substances: gasoline.kerosene.olher fl�mmab�e or toaic petroleum productr.wxic
<br /> ,:�,r::
<br /> � ,,�i4,.. ';� p e s t ici d es a n d h e r bic i d e a.vo la q l e s o lve n t s. m a t e ri a l s c o n t a l n i n g a s b e s t o s o r f o r m a l d e h y d e,a n d r a d i o a c t i v e m a t t r i s. A s
<br /> ' ''� �����! , . • used in�his paragraph 20."Environmental Law"means federal I�ws end laws of tbe jurisdiction wt�ene drc Propaty is Iceated
<br /> ! �•w".,�:''`' ��• safety or envirrx�meotel protection.
<br /> �„ . �� : ;�..u.�.
<br /> .i�s;:':.°: tlwt talate to health.
<br /> ��t�,� ° NON-UMFORM COVENANTS. Bonawer and l.ender f u n h er covenant a n d agrce as fo l lows:
<br /> u '�"r',.. . �� 21. Acc�leratloa; Aemedles. Leuder shaq give notloe to Borrower prior lo a�caleratloo tallowing Barrower's
<br /> '.�.�'�.� �'' ..•;;��!`� breach ot aoy oovenont or agneea�eat Ip tbfs Securlty I�eat lbul not prlor b nccekratioo under p�raSrnPh 17
<br /> •:" � udess appllcabk IA�p ProvWe�Mherwtsel. Tde aotloe elwll�peclfy (s)Ibe detwuU;(b)tbe actloa re9Wred to care the
<br /> .;,-i;..-_ deiAni�ic)a d�e.ooi iess Wwa 38 d��tiro�t�daie ihe aatke i�R3rca!c SasrasYrr,by a!�t6t��lt�•st Ue
<br /> '��'�" " ' cured;w�d(d)R6at t�flure to curr the defwult on or betore tl�e date spa�illed in the notloe awy resW�In acoel�raa°°°f
<br /> ic;�;��,
<br /> �"s<;. ° l6e sums stcured by Ibls Security la�strumeat and sAle of the Property. T6e notice s6�11 tWrther taforro Borro�ver of
<br /> � ' • �°.�.;,�, ., ' d�e�ight to rei�tate atte�accekratian and the rlgM to bring A courl retlon w wasert We non-e�tence af a ddault ar
<br /> � � ,��°�;:," ��• � � �ay ot4er detense ot Borrov►er to accekmtbn and sWe. If thee default is aot cured an or 6etors t6e date specUled in
<br /> ;,� , . .. ; the ootice.I.ender at Its optbn ms�y require immedl�te pnyment in(ull ot'all sumsaecured by tbls Secnrlly Instrument
<br /> ��(�::� � r�it without fwMt�er demand and may invoke Ihe p►wcr ot sale Aad wny other remedies permitted by�pplicable law
<br /> „:��;�,��; Leader shall be endUed to collect all expenses incurred ia�ursuln� tde remedles pra ided In t6t� MragrAph
<br /> ;,,,;y;•., .. „.
<br /> , , �..,.;.. ti Zl.
<br /> .. , � iadudiog,but not Ilmlted to�reasonnble pttorneys•fe�and casts ot title evidence.
<br /> � , , , . � it tde power ot sWe is invoked,l�ustee siwll record a notice of defauN in �ch counly in whk6 any p�i ot the
<br /> ; „ �'' � Property is located aad sbWl moil copies of'such notice in the m�nner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower wd to
<br /> -�'�,• � ' the otber persoas prescdbed by applicable law .�Rer Ihe qme required by appYca6le law�'Itustee sdaU glve publk
<br /> ` � n o d ce o t s a l e t o t h e p e r s o n s a n d i n t h e m a n n e r p r e s cribed b y a p p Ucable I�w '[hstee.witLout demnuud on Borrower,
<br /> ;,��`;{ ' ..,, shall sdl Ihe Property s�t publlc AucUon to t6e I�i�hest bldder at lhe time and place smd under We terms destgnot�d in ;�s
<br /> n;;f�, •- the noNre ot sWe in one or more parcels and in any order 7Trustee dMermines. '[lvstre maY postpone sak ot n0 or smy .
<br /> +��'' . �.., �,,,:: . parcel af tl�e Property by public�nnouncement at lhe tlme and place of any prertously scheduled sale. l.ender or ifs �.
<br /> � de�lgnee may purchace the Properly at any sale.
<br /> �° "..; `q r;f� � " ��_- U�cu�recelp!�'!'�a,vment oi tbe prlce bid.'[lrustee shell deliver to�i�e g�urchaser 7Yustee's deed conreying the �3r
<br /> �..':.�; �. � Prope�tg: The reciWs in the 7Yustee's deed shall6e prima tacie evldenre oi''the Iruth of the statements made Iherein.
<br /> ;;�r;;��• • 71ru�s��ll apply the proceeds a�f�he s�de in/he iollawing orc�rr: la1 to all costs wd expenses ot exercising tbe power
<br /> ,.
<br /> •;�u': �:..,� .�
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