, �. ' . .�t.�NMV1A
<br /> • �. 'i�.•.� ' _ �,x � .K . .,,
<br /> ..1. � - . � . , �
<br /> .i�,- .
<br /> . if
<br /> ' � . ` . �1
<br /> (93=1oe�s�
<br /> periodn that Lender reyuircr. 'li�o incuranco cwnkr provldinQ!hc Incwuncc�hall bo chaen by Barrawc�cul�oc�ta l,cnderl�
<br /> pppiavAl which dull not 6o unrcacao�biy withheld. li Bixruwrr PMilx to mwint�fn covc�a�c described�buve,l.ptde�muy.w
<br /> Landerh option.abtain cave�n�e ta ptotcct I.rndcrk d�h�x in the Propcny in accwdancc wi�h��raph 7.
<br /> All insu�x poNciea�nd rcnawalA shwll bo ucceptrble to Lcniicr and ah�ll ir�clude p standard mat�r�o clpwie, l.ende�
<br /> xh�ll hAVC the right tn hald ihe palicies wnd renewdK. If Lcnder�oquirec.Bairawer shall pmm�lly givc�o l.cixlcr�II roceipto
<br /> of�id prcmiumK rnd renowul naice�. In 1ho evem uf loss,8ixmwer Yhuli�fve proinpl nWico ta the iowranre cru�ier end
<br /> � l.ender. Lendcr may make�i'of Ima{f nrn mwW pramptly by Born�wer.
<br /> �: � Unlesv l.e�der and Hormwe�othenvi�e Aptrcc in wd�ing,inKurw�cc pmceed�.xhwll ho applied to rc�tion or mp++ir of
<br /> ;•?'�, the Propeny damn�tcd, if�he restomtian ar repafr ix ecanumically feusihle and l.enderk aecu�ity ix nat les�ened. If�he
<br /> rr��orutian ar repuir is nat econamicully fcaxiblc ur Lcoderk necurlly wauld 6e le+�xencd, the insuron�e procecdc rJwll bc
<br /> '�,� nppNed to the sums recured by�his Secu�i�y Inslrument, whethe� or oot�hen due,with uny excetis pafd to Hom�wer. IY
<br /> Barrower ubandana the Property.or doeg nat tmawer within 3Q doye a natice from L.ender�hw the iosuranco carrler hsu
<br /> off'ercd�o set�le u clufm.lhen l.ender may colleci the in�urnnce proceedx. Lender may use►he pmceeds to tepai�ar�extare
<br /> the I'ropeAy or to pay sums xecu►cd by�his Secud�y InRmiment.whe�he�ar na�hen due. The 30-day parfad will bagin when
<br /> �•-�-_ - Ihe notice iR given.
<br /> Unle�c Lender a�d Bornawer othenvi.e agree in w�iling. any applicution of p►oceed.�o p�incipul slwll not eatend c►r
<br /> ' '° � poslponc the due Jute af the nxmlhly p�rmenic refeRed ta in parugruphs I und 2 0�chnnge Iha umc►unt of the pvymentx. If
<br /> a,�,.' ' under pamgrnph 21 the Rupehy ic aeyuired by Lender. Baemwer�right�o any insurnnce�xdicie�and proceeds resuldng
<br /> � �'�"�`'' `'``' from damoge to the Propeny p�ior h�the:kquisNion shull puaw ta Lender lo iho�xlent of Ihe sums secu�d by�his Security
<br /> '� ;�'�-`••j Inatniment immcdfutel or to the ucywsition.
<br /> . K:.,.,, ;.,.,.,....�., _.�''' Y P�
<br /> }�;' �: w�a� 6. Occu�wnc�; Prrse�valion. M�iatewance suid ProtecUon of Ihe Property; Barrowe�'s Loan AppNcANon;
<br /> �'. ' � Leaseholda Borrower shall occupy,establish,wid use thr Pro{►eny us Borrower�p�incipnl rexidenee within sizty days after
<br /> , . ;.,� ,,
<br />- ..,., t , �t:,_�.,��... _. .'_., lhr exctiuliun ui ihi.Srcurity in.t�un�i�t und ahall c�tintk to�xcupy the Propetiy ur,Rarrawer\ptincipal�esidence far ut
<br /> , �
<br /> • leu+t ane yeur ufter the date af �xcupancy. unles, Lend�rr �Kherwi�e ugrees in wriling, which com+ent shull nat b�
<br /> �i'�:t�: Jtr.:���:` unren.sonably withheld,o�unless exlenuuting cireumztatnes exist whkh ure beyond Barmwer�caniml. Bam►wer sholl not
<br /> � � � ' des�ro dama e or im .�ir�he Pra n •,ullow thc Pm rt lo det�riorute,or commit wugie on the Pm rt . Bormwer xhull
<br /> Y• 6 P' I� 5 F'4 Y I� Y
<br /> '" '4 ; . .:; �' be in default if any forfeiture ac�ion c►r praceedinF.whether civil�u criminAl,is begun thut in Lender�goad faith judgmonl
<br /> 'o•�� could mxult in forf'eilure af Ihr Pro�,erty or oiherwi.e muteriall�� impuir the lien crea�ed hy �hir Security Instrumenl o�
<br /> '"� ' n�i��'';, Lenderl xerur�ty intemst. Borrower may cure such u default und relnslute,uti provided in purng�uph 18,hy cuuying the uctinn
<br /> "�`�"'�'f'�":`����` or pro�:erdiog to Ue di�mi�sed wilh n ruling�hut,in Lendcr:good i'uiih determinuti�in,pmcludc+forfeiturc of lhe Borrowerk
<br /> ��u�' '..' ' �� imerest in Ihe Propeny ar ather muteriul impuim�ent of the lien creuted by Ihix S�:curiry In�Irument or Lendert security
<br /> ": • "'� ' . ,.,�,,.. � inlerest, Scxrawe� xhull ul�o be io dei'uult it'Borrower, during Ihe kwn upplicotion pracess, guve muteriully fal� or
<br /> �.,y�r � , � �� '�;r';"i' inaccurut�informotion or zlutcmrn�s tt�l.tnder(or fuiled�o pmvi�L.enJer wi�h uny muterinl iniarmmionl in ronnection with
<br /> '�;:'�;,• '•'• ' � `i��;;�r. the loan evidr�ced by the Nae, ineluding, but nm limited tu, reprcxrntution+ conceming Hormwer� occupancy af Ihe
<br /> ''�� �����`'`:� Pmpeny us u principul.re.idence. Ii ihis S�curi�y Inxlrumen�ix on u Icutirhold,Borrnwer zhnll comply wilh all the pravi�:ion+
<br /> �•,
<br /> ""- � � • •„ .. �+';lh;,, of the leatie. If Bnrmwr�aryuires Cre Iille to lhe Pra�hy.thc leu+ehold and thc lee�i�le.haU nnt marge unlesr I.ender agrce,
<br /> • • to thc mcrgcr in writing.
<br /> • ; •• �` '' 7. Protcctlun of Lender'+ R��;Ms in the Nroperty. If Rnrn►wcr iail. tu perform the covenunls und ugreements
<br /> � ' ' '�����•r, � romained io thi.Sccurit�� In.Irument, ar the�i. u Ic�al pr�xceJing �hul may .igniticuntly uffect Lenderz rights in the
<br /> � ` .,�;�;r,`i�• Pn�xny Ixuch uti a praeeding in b.ml�nip�ry,pr��u�e,f�K condemnulinn nr fi�rte�ture or lo enPorce laws or regulations►,then
<br /> ' •.�;•i�.:'�r �` l.rnder muy do und puy f�x what�vcr i+neceti�ary In pmlecl Ihc vuluc of thr Propeny imd Lendcr:right� in�he Piri�perly. ,�
<br /> ' "�;'-���:; •i��''�:����� Lrncicr;action.mu inrluJc �� in•un �umti �crurcd h .�lirn whirh ht�. rnxiey ovrr�his Sccurit Inxtrumenl,u udn
<br /> �. ,, . :,4; Y P Y b Y• Y ' P Y PpN F ,,�.
<br /> }^ ..':�,:':,:�. < � in ciwrt.paying nu.onahle:�ttnrnry�'Icr�u�xl cmrring on�hc Pmpeny �o ma1,�r rcpuirx.AI�M►u�h Lender mAy take urtion �''y.
<br /> "•�'���,�;;� • •. unJer this pura��u�l� i,l.cndrr duc�nol huvc�o dn,o. •
<br /> ` , . •.�� •. Any�mouni�dixhur�ed by Lrndcr undrr Ihi.puru�!r:�ph 7,hull tkcank a�lditi�mal dcht ut�Sorrowcr�ccu�ed by lhin .+.�.
<br /> � „ , :�''',� Security Inslrumrnt. l:nh,�Burro�rcr and Lrnckr a�rcc lo�Nher Icrrn.�.i�paym.n�.�h.�r am�xm�.shull txur imcn�st t'n�m�hr •'��,t�
<br /> :';r�� Jule of dishuncmcnt ul thc Notr ratc ;md +hall I+r puy�iMlc,��ith intcn ti1,u�xm noiice from Lcndrr in Borrowcr rcyucstinF
<br /> �1 � . .. . . ;. p�ymcn�. �;;
<br /> l
<br /> " � 8. MurtRaRe Insurunre. If L�ndrr reyuirrd mc+niaEr in.ur.mce a. a�onditiun uf m�ikin�Ihe In:m ucurrd hy Ihi. • ��.
<br /> �,,• ' ' Srcurity In.trumcnt. B��rn,a•er shull p:�y thr premium,rcquircd lu muintain thr mongagr in,ur+mce in efl'eri. 11'. li�r uny ;.;,��
<br /> ) �� ; �•:�"'�, R'LWII. (NN mongagc inriva�ncc r„�cr;igr rri�uind hy l.rnd�r larxti or rra+c. ta Ix in e17cr1. Horrowrr ,hull pay Ihc
<br /> � '-� :': `•t; p�emiunn reyuind lu�rblain c�werag. �uh,�arnially eyuirident t�► thr nwrlga�r invur:mce pmviou.ly in cl'Iect. ut a ro,t
<br /> ' ,r::� ..,} �ub.lunliull�•eyui�•:�I�m n�thr ru,i�n Rurru���rr uf Ihc m�ttt�!u�!r in.ur:inrc��revi�,u.l� �n�ilrrl. Irum un•rltematr m�mEa�:r
<br /> ' �. .(;ur�,; inwrrr appro�•cd hy Lrndrr. !f,uh.t�imi�ill} cyuiv:�l�nt murl�!agr in.uranrr c���er:r_•r�.nut:i��aflahlr.Fiurruwer,hull p:ry to t��f
<br /> •., .,`�,1,: Lrnder ruch manlh a.urn equal I��nnr-iwrlfih „f�he�r:irl�•m„ng:��:.in�urc�nre rremium tking p:iid by B��rrawer wl�en Ihr
<br /> , : ,�, in.urunrc rovrra .I�� .�d��r cca,rd ta Fr in el i�ci. Len�kr��ill:irrr H u.r unJ rr�ain Ihe,� ��menl,n,a lu,.rc.crve in lieu
<br /> . ,��..,,,�, �. r., i , r; ,
<br /> .�;�.,� ';� �H'nwngugc in,ur•rnrr. Lu., rc,en•c pa�m�nl,m:n nu I�m�cr Ix reyuired. •rl Ihc upli�m�•i l.e�xler.il nu�rt�ag� imu�•imrc
<br /> '�� , covcruge lin thc am�ront anJ li�r�he�krind�hat Lriider reyuir�•.l pnnidrd by an in.urcr approeed hy l.rndrr:iEuin Ixrumc�
<br /> �",:.;. � uvuilahlc�md i�i�hluin�d.Nurru�ser,Ir.�ll��a� Ih��pn�miunn rc��uir;�l�n mciinlain nwrl�ag�in,tu:im.in cflecl,ix lu pn��•ide a
<br /> �f ; ; ' �„����..: ksti�rc.rrvr.until�hc rcyuir�rncnt I��r nH�ng:►gr iu.ur:inr�end. in;irr��r�la�kr�ciih�m� ��rinan:i}�ccctta nt hrtwrrn Burr�iacr
<br /> • � und Lendcr or appliraMc li�w•.
<br /> �, 9. InspectH�n. l.�ndcr or ib a�rnt ma� m,�i,:r::i,un;ihlr cntric, upun:md in,prc�i�,u..,t�h: Pr.7,c•n�. Lrndrr,hull �
<br /> � .r�,,� givc i3urruwcr noiirr ai�hr�imr�,f or priur lu c�ii in.�xcnun ykcil�ing rra,nn:d�k r:m.r Ibr��ir in,�x•rlu,n.
<br /> ; . .(�. . IQ. Condemns�tbn. The pr�kred�ul any;i��:uJ ur cl:iim li�r.lam:ig�,.Jirrct ur c�m.t.�sienual.IIl l'Dlllll•l'llllll N'11I1:111)' t
<br /> �. - 'r:'' �� �,
<br /> �. •' . .,��;';;. . ti�n�lr l.nnd� FonnM�lur Mrcddk\Iuc l�If11R111�ti1'NI�IF:�7 I u�t.,nn Cn.rnaw. 9,40 ryx�er t��/n�w�rr.� i, '..
<br /> ,;'
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