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<br /> condemnation or ahcr wkinQ of eny psut of tho Property.or for conveyonco in lieu of coadcmutl�n,�e heroby N+i�ned rar1
<br /> �holl be paid w L.ender.
<br /> ln�ho event of a taal wking ot the Proporty.tho procada shal� bo �ppNed ta the wms cecured by this Security
<br /> Ineuument,whether or nat then due. with any excesa ppld to Bomnwcr. In tha cvont of a puti�l ukin�ot tho PropMy in
<br /> which�he fuir murket valuc of the Property immediutely bcPore tha tWcing ia equal to or gnceter thu�tha omount of the sum�
<br /> secured by this Secudty Inatrument immedietely beforc the talcing,unless Borrawer and Lender otherwise Agreo in writing,
<br /> the sums secured by this Securlty lnsuument ahall be rcduced by Ihc amount of the proccals multiplied by the folbwing
<br /> •; fraction: (ay the towl amount of the sums sccured immodfately beforo Ihe taking,divfded by(b)�he fair market vNue of the
<br /> - Aropc:rly immcdiuk;ly bcfore thc luking. Any balance shnl!be pnid to Borrower. In Ihe event of a partiel uking of the
<br /> Property in which the fnir market value oF Itie Pcoperty immediately bafo�e ihe taking is less than the amount af tbe sums
<br /> Recured immediately before the taking, unless Barrower wid l.ender otherwlse agrce in writing or unleas applicable law
<br /> otherwice provides.tha procee�is sh�ll be applied ta the sums secured by t6fs Securicy Luaament whether or nat the aums�re
<br /> '� � • then duo.
<br /> -, ;� : If tha Property ls abandoned by Bormwer,ar if,after notice by I.crMer to BoROwer thsu the condemnor offers to make
<br /> a on award or settle a cluim far d�r�wges,Bortower fails to respond to Lender within 3(1 d�ys after the date the nwice ia given,
<br /> ,; Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds.ot its aptian,either to eestoratim or repair of the PropeAy or ta the
<br /> ..: �-:�:�;, suma necured by this Security lnstmmem,wheihar ar not th�n due.
<br /> : �, .
<br /> Unless Lender und Bartow•er athanvise apree in writing,any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> �� � � � ' '- ' ' poAtpane the due date of thc monthly paymemc refeRed ta in parugraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paymenls.
<br /> ""�'. ��"„' �".�'`�'•`''" "`°��`' ll. Barrawer Not Relea4edt FbrbeArance By Lender Not A Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> li� � -,t�.:s.':,,�, �� : ,• -,:.Y...� modification of amartizatian of the sums securod by this Security Instrument grnnted by Lender to any succeasor in Mterest
<br />� .;� , , :,. �,: ' �._ of Borrower shall not operatc to release the liability of ihe original Borrower or Borrower�s sucecssors in interest.L,ender
<br /> �'::f �'� ;��>'' shall not be required ro commence pmceedings against any successar in interest ar refuse to axtend time for payment ar
<br /> '��� ¢.:,: � .+ � atherwise modify amortiu►tion of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason af any demand made by the ariginal
<br /> ��,� .
<br /> .�Y�• �'� - • , 6aRawer ar Borrower's successon i�Interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or romedy slwll nat be a
<br /> `:�� ; " -��"•', waive�of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> ' � • 12. 3uccessors und Assigns Bound;Joint and Several I.iabillty;Ca-signers. 'Ihe cavenants and agreements of this
<br /> n � Security Instniment shall bind and l+enefit the successars und assigns of Lender and Hanawar,subJect to the provisions of
<br /> ��� ' "' � �arn crnph 17. BorcowerK covenants and agreements shnll be joi�t und severnl.Any Barrowcr who co-signs thfs Security
<br /> �`�' °� � '•;, � •lnstrumeM but dnec oot execute the Nate: Ia1 is co-signing this Security lnstrument only ta mortgage,grant and convey Ihat
<br /> +,kig •„, . � 8ocrpwer's interest in Ihe Property under the terms of�his Securiry Instrumenr (b)is not persanally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> � • . secured by this Security Inrtrumenr,and(c)a�rees that Lendcr and any othe�Bortower may agree to extend,modify,forbear
<br /> • ' . � : or makc uny uccomm.xiatians with regurd to the terms of lhia Security lnstrument or the Note without►hat Borrowerh
<br /> ` �� .a � .,_ � consem.
<br /> ��� ' li. l.oan Char,�ea. If Ihe loun secured by this Security Instrument is xubject to a Inw which set�maximum loan
<br /> _"i_. ,- . ..
<br /> rl�a*�c�,nnd tha�la�w�c fina77.•in�emreted r,o thut the interest or other loan charges collected or to be coUec�ed in connaction
<br /> ';��"'•, � ., •, � wi�hihe lonn exceecl tfie peranitted limi�s,then: (u)any xuch loan charge�hall be reduced by the amoum necessary to reduce
<br /> � +�`•`', �he chnrge ta the pennitted IimiG and Ib)uny sumx ulreudy cull�cted from Borcower which eaceeded permitted limits will be {
<br /> �� ;l•„
<br /> :•. At;.S , �.,�;,. r+efunded to Borrowe�. Lender muy choose�o muke this refund by reducing the principal owed under the No�e or by making a
<br /> ,; � ;��„y!,;, :�•` direc�payment to Borrower. If u mfund re:duces principal,tl�r teduction will be trcnted ux a partiul prepayment withoul any
<br /> :��% . .� ;�.:,; prepayment charge under�he Note.
<br /> �� . ' �'�•''• li. Notices. Any notice ta Bonower provided tor in t7ii+Security Imtrument �hull be given by delive�ing it or by
<br /> muiling it by first claxx mail unless upplicuble luw reyai�r.u,e of unother niethod.The nmice shall be directed to Ihe Prapeny
<br /> � � Address or any rnher uddrcs�Borrower designat�,by notice to l.ender. Any notice to Lender shAll be given by first class
<br /> �" muil to Lender's uddrr�.,�uted herein or uny othrr addre,.Leixier ik:signa�e.My no�ice�o Bortower. Any natice provided for
<br /> }'�� ; • , ' in this Security Ins�rument .hidl hc decmed to huvc haen given ta Borrowe�or Lender when given as provided in this
<br /> parag�aph. '`'�
<br /> �'} ° . , I5. GoverninR Law•; Se�•erabillty. Thi+ Srcuri�y Imtn�ment tihull he govemrd hc federnl luw und thr lax af che `�
<br /> � � �� juri�dicticm in which the Property is lixulyd, In�he evem that;m} pmvision or rluuse of t�ii.Security Instrumem ar the Notr .
<br /> �' / •, con0ici.w�ith upplir;�bl�law.�uch cunllicl ahall not uffert uther prrn�.i�m.�f thi.Seruriiy ]nstrumem ar thrr Note w�hich can
<br /> ' be given effect wi�huut �hr contliciing provi.ion. 'li►thir rnd ihe pro�i<iom af this Sirurit� lmtrument und ihe Note are
<br /> f; �;� .
<br /> .,� � '. '' �:' �.� � declarcJ to t+r�rvrrublc.
<br /> �' � !6. Borrower's C np��. BnROw•cr.hall{x givrn one roniarnud rnp}•ol'ihe Note und of ihi�Seruriq Jn.trument.
<br /> '� ' '•'�'�" 17. 7Yansfer of the Properlti ur e Beneficiul lnterest M Kurrnw•er. If ull��r uny part oF thc Propeny ar an� interest in
<br /> i1 i.wld or trumfrRrd lor il'a txnctirial imrr�.t in Bom�acr i�tiolJ ur tron.ferreJ and Borrower is not a n•rwral perxonl
<br /> withoui LrnJrr;pri�►r urittcn romrnl.L�i�lcr may.ul it+upti�m.r�yuirc imm�diatc pa}•ment in full of ull sums secured by _
<br /> � , � ,, Ihi+Sccu�ity Imtrumcm. Huurvcr.thi.��ption+hull not Ik excrritied by Lernler if exerci+e is prohibited by federnl law as of �ic.�
<br /> '.:,i
<br /> , Ihc datc uf thi.Serurity Imlrumrnl. '
<br /> li LenJer crrrci�c,Ihi,optiim. L�mdcr.hall givr Hurn�«rr nntic�of ucrelr�ation. Thc niitire shall provide a periad ol'
<br /> .� � not I.s.than 30 Jay�t'rom the Jate thr nutice i�d�livered��r mailed w•i�hin whirh Burruucr mu�t a all tium��rcured hy this
<br /> �'Y' !
<br /> Sccuri�� ln.trumem. If Nurro���cr t:iil. tu pay �hrx .um. pri��r �o thc expiratiun of thi. �xri�xl, l.rnder mny invoke any
<br /> , rcmedic+Exnni�t:d h�thi�Srrurit�In,lrurncnt��i�how funhcr n�,�icr i�r dcman�l im BuRU�v�r.
<br /> i ; 18. Borro+.er's Ri�ht to Reimtula If H��rru���cr m�e�. crnain r„nJitiun,. H��rr����cr ,hull hacc the right to havc I
<br /> enf'onemrm ot thi.Scruri��•In�trumrnt�li,raminurd a�am tim,priur t��Ihr carlicr uL (�i 5 Ja)•>(nr�urh�thcr periai •rs �
<br /> t - � ' ;,;;, r
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