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<br /> applicable law m�y�pecify for rcinetatemenU befort sale of the Property pursuoot tc any power af wle contained In thi�
<br /> ' 3ecurity Inurument;or(b)entry of a judQment a�forcing�hi�Securlty Instrument. Thase condidona en�Fwt Hmrower. (a)
<br /> p�yt Lender dl �uma whfeh Ihen would be due under thia Securlty Instrument and the Note As if no ecceleretion had
<br /> accurred;(b)cures�ny defiult of wny other covenonts or�ernen�s;(c)pays all expen�ec incurred ln enfor�cing this Secudty
<br /> .. ' Insuumen�includM�. but not limited to.reasonable attomeya'faa: and (d)talces cuch srctlon as I..ender may reASOnwbly
<br /> require to arau�+e thu the lien af this Security Inewment.Lender�dghts in the Property and Borrowerg obligAdon ta pay the
<br /> � aums �ocured by this Security Insuvment ahall cont�nue unchwiged. Upon reinetatement by Borrower, thie Security
<br /> � lnatrumr.nt and the obliguions:ecurcd hereby 9hp11 remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. Howevu,this
<br /> riQht to rcinstate shell na apply in the case of acceleration under puagraph 17.
<br /> 19. 3de d IVote;CfaaBe o�Loao 9ervker. The Note or o partial intercst ln the Note(together with thic Securiry
<br /> � Inspument)may be cald one or mpre times without pdor notice to Borrower. A sale may rcsult in a change in the entity
<br /> ._. .��., �• , (known os the"[.oan Servicer")that collects monthly payments duc under the Nou and this 9ecurity Inswment. There alsa
<br /> � mAy be one or moro changes of tho l.opn Servicer unrelated to a sAle oP the Note. if there is a change of the Lcuu�Servicer,
<br /> ' 8orrower will be given written notice of tha change in accordance with paragraph 14 abovc and applicable lew. 71►e notice
<br /> ,.`::.;�;; , x�•,.'.
<br /> �� �,. �., .•• wili state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and Uie address to which payments shauld bo made. The notfco will
<br /> `°�V�'•'k°' also contain any ather informatian requi�od by applicable Ixw.
<br /> �'�t`'�"�`'"-":��'':'���'� 20. H�rdous Sub�tw�cea Borrower shall not cause or pem�it tha presence.use,dlsposal,storage.ar releaxe of any
<br /> ,r,;
<br /> ' ` Hazudous Substancea on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do.nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecting the
<br /> �,,'•• � � , ,,.�..:,.,r�,:.;,t:•3�
<br /> ;,�a� ;, . Properry that is in violation of any finvironmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence�use,ar
<br /> , . .. � ,. . ,;"�,,:.-.
<br /> �� ' ;'",; �.�i r;+ storage on the Propeny of small qu9uuides at Hazarcious Substances that are generally recognized to be appropr{ate ta naanal
<br /># ' '�"°: ,..�s,', �...;,+�;':,�: t+esidential uses and to maintenance of the Properry. demand 1
<br /> �•• ; � ''':'�' • Borrower shall prom pd y give Lender written notice of any investigation,claim, , awsuft or othar aodan by any
<br /> , :•.,�. �':. , ;":,,.. F
<br /> :. �_. +. • ;�:;��.
<br /> �y, ,.., �:;.�:,,�y.� governmental or regulatory egency or private party invalving Ihe P ropeny a n d any Hazar daus Su bs tance or 8nv ironmen ta 1
<br /> n�:�:�"� ; .�,;:.=;,;:�';,�,;,, Law of which BoROwer has actual knawledge. If Borrower learns, or is noti�ed by Any govemmental or reguletory
<br /> .�j.,,... .
<br /> X�s��T.• • �,-;°;,s;.�, authority.that any removal or other remediation af any Hazardous Substance affecting ihe Property is necessary,Borrower '��:
<br /> ���° ^^� shall promptly take all necessary remedial actians in accordance wilh Environmental Law. ,�
<br /> � ., ' . As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Su6stances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by ' �'
<br /> ��, . .,.. .+�'-, Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic pelroleum products,toxic �y;�;
<br /> .� pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents,materials containing as6estos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materfals. As k:�,
<br /> ,;..:,, ,.
<br /> i4,;: , , : used in ihis paregraph 20."Envlronmental Lew"meuns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located °. 6
<br /> _ " � that nelate ta health,safery or environmental protection. '�'�
<br /> " �.t�;.�' ''4"'�'` �' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawer and L.ender further covenant s►nd agree as follows: ��`'
<br /> �v ��
<br /> •�t ';�'z;;y�;'�,,.:;," 21. Acceleradon; Remedles. [.ender sFwll give notice to Borrower prior to accelerAUon following Borrower's
<br /> 4�:. � breach oP any covenant or agreement in this Security Instrument(but not prlor to accelerat ion un der paragrAph 1 7 ���
<br /> . .. "?�"; unless applkable law provides othenvLsel. The notice shall apecify: (a)the dePault;(b)the action required to cure the ,;',•
<br /> ��'��.'�" deiaull;(c)A date,not less than�0 dAys Prom the dete the natice is given to Borrower,by which Ibe default muat be
<br /> � _�" ��-��-�"°4'�;��-� cured;and(d)that�Ailure to cure ihe default on or bel'ore the date specifie�i in Ihe naiice may resuii in accekruiiuo uf _
<br /> �.:; " �'� ��,•,. •' '•:'•:�
<br /> ' t. , the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument and sale of Ihe Property. The notice shall Purther inform Borrower of
<br /> . ,�a�-.,r.��• � . ' c
<br /> ; :�,. ,,:�;• the right to reinslwte u�ter acceleratian and the right to brin�a court action to assert Ihe non•existence of a default or
<br /> any other dePense of Borrawer to acceleratian and sale. li the defaull iq not cured on or before the date specified in •���
<br /> ' the notice,Lender at its optiom m�y reqnire immediAte payment in i'ull oP all Aums secured by this Security Instrume�t z,
<br /> ' �•• wilhout further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicpble IAw a:'
<br /> �;, . . • I.ender sAall be entitled to rollect all expenses {ncu�red in pursuin�the remedles provlded in this parpgraph 21. �:'�
<br /> . . " including,but not limiled to.reasonable attarneys'Fees and coslr of title evidence.
<br /> IP the power of sale is invoked.'IYuslee shall record u nolice uf defuult in each county in wBich any part of the `��
<br /> ,�� • Property is located and shall mail copies oP�urh nutice in the munner prescribed by applicable law lo Borrower and to '
<br /> y the ot6e�persons prescribed by applira6le law. Aiter tMe time required by applfcable lew.'I�ustee shall give public �
<br /> 'i�'� r, ' ' noticN of wle to the persons and in the manner prescril►ed by applicable law. 7lrustee.without demand on Borrowec,
<br /> . �:,� , , r � shall rell the Prupe�ty at public auction to the hiRhest bidder at the time and place and under the terms dc�ignated in �' '
<br /> the nolice of sale in one or more parcel+and ln any order'Iruslee determines. 71�ustee may poslpone sale uP all or any
<br /> a !� � � � � parcel of the Propert�•by publir dnnuuncement at Ibe time and plare��'�ny previuusly scheduled sale. Lender or its
<br /> .:u, '' � ; ;, desi�nee muy purchase the Propertv at uny vale.
<br /> ;:•:�„� l�pon receipt of paymeot�b'the prke bid. 71�uslee yha01 deli�•er lu the pu�chuser Tru!�lee's deed con�eyin�the
<br /> .'�:'I Propertv. The recitals in the 7rustee's deed shall be prima turie e�•idence oi'the truth oY Ihe slatements made therein.
<br /> ' � ,':`'��•�' , 7YasYee ahAll apply Ihe prceeeds oP thr!iale in Ihe folluN•Ing urder: �a►tu a10 costs and expenres oP exercicing tbe pawer
<br /> .��;., , �
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