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<br /> , perlod+that Ltnder tequirce. 'I'he in.ruranco cwrior providiag tha ineurunce xhall be chosen by Bomawor aubJect to l.enderl�
<br /> pppnoval which shall nw be unneasonAbly withheld. Ii Barowe�fails to maintAin covengc de�cribed abovo.Lender mry,�t
<br /> ' Lender�s optiun,t�laiin coverage to prntect l.ender5��IQhis in the�tty in occardanco wilh paraQraph 7.
<br /> p,. , Ali insuronce policieg and renewAls 41w1)bo acceptable�o Le er and Ahull ineludo w,u�ndud martgoge claune. Lender
<br /> shall hwvo�he dQht tu hold�hc policies And renewalx. If l.ender rcyuimc,Barrowcr Rhall p�omptly glv¢to Lcnder ull rcceiptx
<br /> '�,y. oi paid prcmfums und renewal noticex. In the event af lo4x.Scxrawer shull give pt+nmpt no�ice to the inruranco caaler and
<br /> ,; � l.etider. I.ender may make proof of la�x if nnt made promptly by Barrawer.
<br /> •� , Unless Lender ond Sorrawer aherwise agrce in wrlting,imur�nce procceds xhall I+e opplied to res�ora�ion o�rcpwir of
<br /> �",- the Property damrged,if the resrorutian or rcpuir is eronomicolly fea�ihle imd l.enderk security ix na Iestiened. If the
<br /> .,;�,:a' , restoraion or repair is not ccona;nicully Peacible or l.cnderk securi�y wcwld he IeFSencd,the insurance proceeds ahall be
<br /> r°��*����- ; •r applied to the sumx hecured by U►is Security Inxuument, whether ur na then due.wlth any excess puid to Bo�sowcr. If
<br /> �,����j�,: Homower abandana the Property,or doew nat unawer wUhin �0 dAys a nMice fmm Lender Ihat �he inaurnnce currier has
<br /> *f+:�;�.�:..�^:�-� offered to�senle n claim,theo 4ender may rollect the insurnnce pruceed�. L�nder may use the pmceedx la repair ar res�ore
<br /> ''•"':'".":' �. •'-.." the Property orto pay sums r,ecured by thix Secu�lly losiniment.whether or nM ihen du�. 1fie 3U-day period will begin when
<br /> .'v,:INu�. �....Ffi.r
<br />' .: : ._.r.. the nollce is given.
<br /> �� ,,,,,,,,.1.,:. ' Unless 4ender und BoRawer rnherwixe upree in writing. �ny applicutlon of pn�ceeds to principal ahall nat extend ar
<br /> I {�:;:: ����:.�•��-,';s�.t;�i postpone the due dute of the momhly puymems refemed p►in p:uuRruphs 1 und 2 ar change the nmount af the payments. If
<br /> wder paragraph 21 tha Property is acquired by Lender,Bam�wer w right �a uny inyurnnre policieg nnd proceeds resulting
<br /> �;. '�;��'•., firone dama€e to the Propeny prior�o�he acyuiaili�n r�huU�ws� to Lender to Ihe extent of Ihe sumx secured b�r this Securiq�
<br /> • � • InstrumenE icnenedfntely p�iar ta the ucquixi�ion.
<br />� . • � , i, Oarip9ncy. Preservatfon. Malntenpnce And Proteclion of Ihe P�operty; Barrower's Loa� Applics�tia�:
<br />,; � ' . l.esseholds. Borrower nhull occupy,estublixh,und ur�e the Pmpeny u.4 Borrower i principal residence within sixty days afler
<br /> ' the execudo�of this Secur[ty laxlnimem und xhull rontinue to acupy Ihe Proper�y uc Bortower'�principal residence for at
<br /> "�; '� UzuR one yeu� Afler the date uf accupuncy, unles+ 4ender olhenvi�e uCreet in writing, which crosent shati nut be
<br /> '�;�'.,.; .�1.-,:;, ... . �; unreasonably withheld,or unle�ex�em.wting circumst:uxe.exixl which arr beycwid Borrowe�'s control. Bcxrower shull not
<br /> �,�,., ' ' "'�`"'�� :' ,- '; destroy, dnmuge ur impair the Hr►perty,ulbw�the Prupeny to deierio�tr,a commit waste an�M.Propeny. Borrower shall
<br /> � �` �'' be in default if any forfeiture artion or pnx.r�ling,whelher civil cx criminal, is brFun�hat in l.ender s good fAilh judgment
<br /> �: :'. ' 1'• '�'`� could result in forfeiture oi the Propeny ur o�herwise muteriully impair�he lien created by this Security lnstrument ar
<br /> ": Lender's security interest. Bom�wcr muy cure such u defuul�and rein,tAte,u.provided in pamgrnph 18,by cauving ihe action
<br /> � or proceedingta be dismi�+ed with u rulinR ihu�,in Lender.Qood f'uith detertninAtion,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower�
<br /> S �., intereu in the Property or other muteriul impuirment of the iien creuted 6y this Securily Ins�rument or Lender's securiry ,
<br /> . � ��,-.7 � interest. Bormv�•er shall ulsa be in defnult if Borrower, ih�ring the loun �pplicntion process, guve mnteriully fulse or
<br /> n t . ,, • inaccurute infama�ian or stutementz to Lender(or fuiled�a pmvide Lendcr with uny muteriol informetion)in connection with '�•`
<br /> � the la�n evidenced by the Note, including, hut not limited tu, repre�enlutions concerning Borrower�s accupancy of the
<br /> - i propeAy u�A principul residence. If this Security Instrument ix on u Ie•rtiehoW, Borrower shall comply with all t�he provisions "�'
<br /> _,_ - of the leasc. If Borrower acanires fec�itle to thc Propcm•,the leu�ehold und�he fee�ide shall not merge unlevs�.ender egrces
<br /> to�he merger fn writing.
<br /> ' �� 7. PrWection of Lender's Ri�hts a� 1he Property. If Borr�nrer fuils to Exrfomi �he cn�•enants and agmements r�
<br /> . contAined in ihi> Securiry Inx�rument, ar th�re i+ u Icgul pnxcedin� th:u muy .igniti�un�ly uflect Ltnder+ rights in [he
<br /> _ „ ' Propeny(tiuch:�.a pracecdinE in bunkrup�cy,prahutr.for rondemnulion nr forfeiture nr toenfurce lu�vs ar regulu�ion56 then ;,1,�
<br /> . Lendcr muy do und puy Por whutcvrr i. ncrr.wry a►pro�ect th�vulue of�hc Piru�m• und Lender+rights in thc Propeny. ;
<br /> .� Lender'�netions may include puyin�!uny �um�+rcumd hy a li�n whirh ha.priorit����•rr this Securiry In.trument,uppeuring
<br /> .. in court,puying reationuhl�auurnry.'frr.und rntrring on thc F'n�Fxhy to makc rcpuin.Ahhough Lender muy tuke uction �'
<br /> � �.�,
<br /> " �� underthix pumgruph 7.l,cntkr d�x�nut hsrvc lo du�o.
<br /> ' Any amourn.ditihunrd by I.endcr undrr Ihi�par.�Eruph 7+hall Ixcomc�idditiiN�ul�kht��f Borniwer�ecured by thiti •
<br /> ��' Security In.trumem. Unlrss B��rrowcr und Lrndcr i�gre�io athrr icrni.uf puynunt,thc.e umuuntti xhall t�ar intere�t from the ;;�}i
<br /> •i�# date of Ji�bunernent ut Ihc N�►tc rntr und zhall Ix p•ryaiMr,wi�h interc.t, u�x�n notirc fr��n �..cndcr to Borrower reyuesting • l,;
<br /> . , puyrncnt. .
<br /> ' • � � 8. MorlQaRe Insurame. If LrnJrr nyuirrd m�m�u�r in.ur;mrr u.u ronditi�m of n�aking the loun x�cured by thiz '��"
<br /> -��!� �' '�. � 5ccumy Inslrumcnl, Bnrrowcr .hull pay Ihc premium. r�yuircd ti.m:iimaiin thc mongagc in.urnncc in cffect. If. for any '��
<br /> !. •',�`; .. • . � �, rcuxon. the mongagc in,uruncr rov�ri�gr rryuirrd by Lrnder I:ir,c. nr ce:►K. to tx in �ft'crt. Barmwcr shull puy Ihe .:��
<br /> ' '`.� : �'��,;`.;., p�cmiu�n+ rcquireJ to ohlain ruvrragr .ut+.�unti��ll�� equivalent t�� the mnrtgagr incuratuc prrviously in effea. ut a cusl
<br /> �`";:,.;,`: ^ subtilantiuU � ui�aknt tn th�co,t to R�xra��rr uf thr mnrt i,� in�tuanre re�inu�l�• in cffr�t. fr�,m tm id�emi�te mon�n e
<br /> ,!:.; ••::�. Y 'N F�=' 1' E F
<br /> ' � ;'i�;;.;:,:,' in�urer appruved b�� L�nder. 11'.uh.uuniall� ryuir:dent mongug�in,urance r�n•erag. I�MN:1�'JII11IlI@. Bnrruwrr�hull pay to
<br /> � `�''�'��' Lenckr cach mrn�lh u+wn cyu:d a���ur-t«rlf�h ul"�he yr:uh mi�rlg:�gc in.ur.�nrc rrcmium hring paid hy Bom�wer when Ihe �.�+a
<br /> .x�;�,;- - •
<br /> ,. ,,�... insur�xice r��cra�.c lap+cd ur rca.cd lu he in rt'frrl. Lrnder�eill arrrpt.uu:md rc�ain thr.c pu�mrm,us a lu„rrstrvr in lieu
<br /> '• '�� , ' �,,�;�;. � of martgng�in+uranrr. Lo„ rc,rrve p:��tnent.m:�� nu I�mgrr hr rr��uirrd.al Ihr upli�m of Lrndrr. il'mungage in,uranre
<br /> i '1 , ,i.r.�1•�. , , - .:
<br /> , , , �. rnvet���lin�hr nmc�unt:�nd for�hr�xriixl�ha� LrnJrr rcyuirc.l pr���•idcd h} an in.urcr a�raved hy Lend�r u�.nin txcomes .
<br /> •: �s`.�".' aivailablr and i�a�bluincd. flormwrr.hall p:q�Ihe pr�mium,reyuired I�,moim:iin inunga�r in.ur�nrr in rffrrt.ix a�providc u . <<'�
<br /> � , �. ,�.: iM,� �.,
<br /> ,�,.:,' losti rescrvc,unlil Ihr re��uir�menl li�r nx�rtEagc in.uranrr rixl. in i�r.urd:�ncc ��ith am �Lriurn ugrccmrnt txt���een Bon+owrr ,,.
<br /> •..;;�" s�nd Lender�rc applirahle I:n�. �';{
<br /> 9. Int�peMlun. l.cndcr ur ih a�:�nl m:q ma6r rra,ws�hlr�•nin�,u��un an.i in,}xrtiun.�,f�h�Pro�nny. Lendcr.hull
<br /> ��. ; � give Bornnvcrnalkc a11hr Iintr�d�ur pri��r lu an in.�xrtiun.��r�(�in}rra,an:�hlc c:u�+.1'�xihr in,�x�rtiun. '
<br /> ; , '-: 10. C��ndemnalion. The pnxred.„I am :i��:ud�,r rl:um lur d;un.ige,.�lirr.t or�•��nx��u.nti:d.in r�mnrrti�m with un�� r,�t.'}�'
<br /> (::;;'„ . a:,.-
<br /> .'�r� tim�l.•1-anuh •Fonnlc�tue'Fnddic\I+�cl'\IFIIN�II��'INi 11A:\'1 1 iu6�nntl��rn.�m. 9•YII qaiir?„/��p,�erv 1.,•.
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<br /> t�� ' ; ,i;};f�i�•�, , fi1Gl 1�Ytl B�1{nb kulnn.lm � �� .
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