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<br /> TO(lE1H@R WITH a!1 the improvemema now on c�rcefter erectcd on the pmperty,and all easemaits,AppuAcnancer.
<br /> and tixtures naw or hercaf'ter a part af the praperty. All roplacemenls and xcWUions ahall dro be wvaod by this Sa;urity
<br /> Incpument. All of the faregofnQ is rcfcmed to in thfe Securlry Imtrument as thc"Praperty."
<br /> HORROW6R COV�NAIVT3 that Bo�rowcr is Iawf'ully seiced of thc eslaee hercby rn��veyed and tua tho rf�ht ta grant
<br /> �nd convey Ibe Property uid that the Property ic unsncumbercd,except fot encumbrr�nces of acord. Bartower wurr�ntr and
<br /> :,,4 I wil!defend generwlly the dtk w the Property against�II claims and demanda,ru6ject�o any encumbrnncr.a of rxord.
<br /> .:�, THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants tor national use and non-unifam covenantr wilh
<br /> _.f: Umited variatlons by juriadictien to constiwte s uniform s�curity inswment covering reol propeny.
<br /> �•,, UNIFOItM COVENAIV'fS. Bartnwer and Lender covenant and agrce as followa:
<br /> l. Hnyment of Principwl nnd Interestt Prepoylnent and Late Chorgea Borrower ahall prompQy pay whcn due the
<br /> '`' � � principwI of and interes�on the debt evidenced by tha Nate and any prepayment and late chugea due under the Note.
<br /> �.' �:'¢,;; t. 2. Fbads for 7yuces and Insurance. Subject ta applicable Inw or�o a written waiver by I.ender. Barower shall pay to
<br /> �� '�•� '` " Lender oa the day monthly paymen�e are due under the Nas.until U►e Note Is paid in full.a sum("Punds")far:(a)yearly
<br /> ,. . �,�....
<br /> � `' '.� ""`:. „ •",r laxes and assessments which may attaio priariry ave�this Secutity Insuument as a lien on the P[operty:(b)yearly leacehofd
<br /> �--..,fi•.�r..r:;, , s ar d rents on �he rt . if An • (e) ead harrrd or ro n insurance miums: (d) yearl �ood
<br /> P�Y� B� �p� Y Y• X y P Pe Y P� Y
<br /> ��`�� ��'���Y . � � insurance premiums. ii any: (e) yearly mortgage insu� pmmiums.if any: aad (f� any sums pay�Me by Borrower to
<br /> �:,.� . : .:' �.:,, •� Lender,in nccadance wi�h the provisions of pura�-.�ph 8,in lieu of thepaymeat oi mortgAge insurance premiums. These
<br /> ;,,• �;,�,.;. • . . :;� items ate called"E.scrow ltems.' Lender may,at any time,collect and hold Funds oo an amount not to eaceed the maximum
<br /> �.�� �.� '� , �,':;�•, amount a lender for a federally relat�d mortgage laan may require for Borrawer�esc•row account under the federal Real
<br />+ � ;. , � � ;`� Estate SetUeme�t Procedures Act of 197A us amended irom time ta time.l2 U.S.C.�2601 el'c4�,(.,RESPA"),unless enother
<br />� �`; 'y.'.. ..•� � + I aw thet applies�o the Fu�ds sets a lesser umount. It'so,l.ender may,at any time,collect end hold Funda in an amount not to
<br /> ��. �^�_'�` ''``j ' exceed the lesser amou�t. Lender muy eslimate t!� umount ai FLnde due on Ihe basis of cument dota and reasonable
<br /> �; ,����'"r- V•�-j estimates of expenditures af future F.xcrow ltems ar oi�henvise in accordance with u�plicable Iaw.
<br /> � ,� � �� ' 'ilie Funds shall bc held in an institution whase depagits qre insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entlty
<br /> "� �" ' �� " ' (includin g Lender,if L.ender is such an inslitution)or in an y Federa9 Home Loan Sunk. I.ender shall apply the Flrnds to puv
<br /> .���� A y � � 1he Escrow Items. l.ender may not ct,arge Barro�ver for holdin� ,�nd applying the FLnds, annually analyzing the escr���•
<br /> • , account,or verifyfng the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Bortower interest on �he Funds and appUcable law permits
<br /> " � ' Lender to make such a cherge. However,Lender may require Borrower to pAy a one-time charge for an independen[real
<br /> '� , • estete tea reporting aervice uaed by Le�xler in cunnection with this loan.unless applicable luw provides aherwise. Unless an
<br /> ,� agreement is made or applicable Iaw requires intere9t to be paid,Lender shnll not be required to pay Borrower any intercst or
<br /> :��E"��� earninga on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in wr�ting,however,that intcrest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender
<br /> '���,�� � '•:.t:"� shall give to Bortowcr,wlthout churge,an nnnual accounting af the Funds.showing credits a�d debits lo ihe Funds and thc
<br /> S� ::.,r„� ,
<br /> l,� ..,
<br /> f`.,; � .•, purpose for which each debit to the Fuad�was made. The Funds ate pledged es addilfonal securiry for ell sums secumd by
<br /> . this Security Inauument. �
<br /> -- If thc Fi�nds held by [,�n�Mr ea�Ped �he nrn�nntc l,ermitted tn iw held by A(/l1I�CGIIIP law, I.ender chall account to
<br /> ; ., Bo�rower for the excess Flmds in nccordance with thc requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> � ' � � f• -' }•t Lender at a�►y time is not suf'ficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing.and. in
<br /> ' �� + • ��:. ,';;, such case �orrower shell pay to Lender Ihe nmount necessury to make up the de�ciency. Horrower shall malce up the
<br /> ;,f,;.,; , �',%�y,;' deficiency in no more than twelve monthly paymems.nt Lender's sole disscretion.
<br /> . � Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Sccurity Instrument,l.ender shall pramptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> .� . Funds held by Lender. li.under parngruph 21.Lender shull acquirc or sell the Propeny,Lender,prbr to the acqui�ition or ;
<br /> sale of the Property,shall apply any Funds held hy Lender ut the time of acquisition or sale as a credlt ugainst the sumx �+��
<br /> a. secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> 3. Application of Payments. Unletis appliclible luw provides othenvise, all pnyments received by Lender under ��'
<br /> .�,� • •- " ' paragraphs I and 2 shull be upplied:lin�,to any pmpayment churgeti due under�he Notc;second,to arnounts payuble undcr '
<br /> i".;'• ara ra h 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to nnci al due;and last,ro an late chur e5 due under Ihe Note. '"'•'
<br /> � ' P B P P � P' Y 8 • e'�.
<br /> '�• .=,�i;;.�.., n 4. Chprges; Lkns. Borrower sholl pay a0 �axcti, a,sessments,charges, fincs and imposi�ions attributablc to the ti':;�
<br /> Property which may auuin prforiry ovcr�hix Securi�y In,trument,and leusehold payments or ground rerns,if uny. Borrower '�i j'
<br /> � ' ��.:• ' shall pay these ohligations fn�he mAnncr provided in pzuugraph 2,�r if not paid in that rnanner.Bonower shall pay them an '`
<br /> ` ' ' !'��� time directly to thc person oweJ paymem. Borrc►wcr shull promptfy furnizh to Lendcr all rx�ticc,of amoum.to lx paid under -
<br /> �•'•'."�� this parngraph. If Borrower muk���hetie paymentti directly, Borrower shull promptly furniah to Lendet receipts evidencfng
<br /> ' , the payments. .
<br /> • Borrower shall promptly diticharge any lien which hnti prioriry ovcr thix 5ecuriry In,trument unlex�Borrowce(a)agrees .�,_
<br /> . ' in writing to the payment of the obligution.ccurcd by the lien in u munncr acccptublc to Lendcr.(b)contests in good faith thc .,
<br /> lien by,or deFends agains�enforcement of Ihr licn in,Iegal proceedings which in Ihe Lender'ti opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> � enforcement of the lien;or(c1 securex from the holdcr of the lien an ugreement aatisfuctcxy to tiender subordinAting�he licn
<br /> ' ,; to this Security Instrurnent. If Lender drtem�inrs�hut uny part of the Propeny is�ubject to a lien which may Attnin priarity
<br /> t . , over this Security Insirument,Lender muy give Bortower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall saiisfy the lien or mke t,;,
<br /> one or more of the uclions set fonh above within 10 days of�he giving of noticc. ��,,•
<br /> ;;,�,,.,;,� 5. Ha�rd or Property Insurance. Borrower xhull kerp the improvcmenta now cxititing or hemafter crected on the 4 .
<br /> � Propeny insuTed against loss by fire,h�rrard,included within the term"eztended coverage" and an}�other hazards,induding
<br /> ,` : ,-�• :�� floods or f➢oading, for which Lender requires insurance. Thi� insurance shull tx maimained in thr amounts and for the
<br /> ; . � 'r;fl�, �.
<br /> � ' .,,,:;'� � �
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