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<br /> p�Ymenn nwy na lon�er be roquirod,�t tho option at i.ender. lf mortQa�e inrurnnce oovcr�o(io 1he�►nx�unt wrl for i1�e perfod
<br /> Ih�t Lcnder roquirra)Provided by an inwrer Qpproved by Lender�ain beoomer ovdlable ond ie oMalned, Bon+nwer slull pry►
<br /> Ihe pnemiums roquirod to rruint�in mortQu�o insurw�oe in e�'ect,or w provide a lo�s rcserve,until the roquirema�t for rao�t�e
<br /> i�uur�r�oe ends In acoo�dance with any w�itten�roar�ent betwan Borrower wd Lender or applic�ble law.
<br /> 9.la�pectbu. Lender or itr�ent trwy m�ke rqsanabla enules upoa ond inspection4 of the Property. LRnder slWl�ive
<br /> Borrower notice At the time af or p�ior to�n ir�spection cpocffyin��r,�ca�wble e�use for the inspectfon.
<br /> 10.Coademwitbu. The ptnce�ds of u�y owatd or ciwim for dwmwges,diroct or consoquenti�l, in oonneetion with apy
<br /> ,; oondemnuion or olhcr takin�ot any part of tho Praperty.ar for eoaveywnce in Uw of condem�wtion,�ue henby wi�d a�d
<br /> �ball be�wid ta Lender.
<br /> ' In�he event of a tatal taking of 1he PmpeRy,lhe prooeeds ehall be Applied to the suma secured by this Security InrmrmW.
<br /> ';� whdhcr or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. In thc cvent of a partial taking of the Property in which Ihe f�ir
<br /> market vWue of the Property immcdiately befon thB talcfag is oqual to ar g�ater than the amount af the cum�cecurod by thi�
<br /> Secudty Instrument immedietely before the takiog,untess Borrower end Lender otherwlse agree in writin��1he sums sxurod by
<br /> lhis Socu�ity Instrument shall be rcduced by the�mouat of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the totwl
<br /> ��<<�` �mouat of the sume securod immedi�tcly before the taking.divi�d by(b) thc fair market value of'1he Property immediately
<br /> > •� before tde wJCing. Any balance shall 6c paid to Borrower. In�hc eve�t of a partial telcing of the Property in which the f�ir
<br /> ' '1'�';' �,��'� ' market value of the Pro immedietel beforc Ihe taki �s less tl�an the sunount of the sums sacurcd imn�diatel befon/Ue
<br /> ,•�h�::. PertY Y n8� Y
<br /> . •:'�'°, ` Wiking.wdess Borrower and I.cnder otharwise agree in writing or unless applicable I�w otherwise provides.the prooeods sb�ll
<br /> " ' ' ' be applied to the sums cxurod by this Security I�wrument whether or not ttic su�c s�re tt�en due.
<br /> �= . `:'��'��,,y;�ii,�w.. •:.� If the Praperty is abandonod by Borrower,ot if,after natice by Lender to Barrawer ti�at tl�e condemr�ur offers to make xa
<br /> �,�. ��._.'.".z._.:...-;:-. award or settle a claim for damagcs, Borrower fails to respcmd to Lender within 30 days xfte� the date the notice Is gi�en.
<br /> '• '�'�p�P�'�-'�Y•°���` ` Lender is authorizod to collect and apply the pr�+��s,at its opUon,either to restoauion or rcpair of the Properiy or to the s��
<br /> °'L��'�t,"�ti s"� sxuRd by this Secu�ity Instrument.whether nr�wt tDcen due.
<br /> ' � ' '. '"�' . . Unless i.ender and Borrower otherwise a
<br /> gtt� in writing, any npplication of proceeds to principal aha01 not exteiwl or
<br /> w
<br /> � � r.: q�!�"i`;�'� postpone t h e due d ate o f t he mont h ly payments re ie r r a l to in paragra�+hs I a n d 2 or c h a nge t he arsx►up t o f suc h payrtien t s.
<br /> "�� , 11.Horrower Not Released;Forbearance B y l.cnder Not a WAiver. Bxtension of the taane for p a yment or madifacut9on
<br /> of amortization of�he sums secured by this Secud�y Instrume�t granted by Ixnder to eny successor in interest of Borrower sh�ll
<br /> . not operata to release the liability of the original8arrnwer or Borrower's successors in interest. l.ender ahall not be requirtd w
<br /> � commence proceedings ageinst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment ar otherwise modify emorNzation
<br /> `.��� ������.. '� of the sums sxured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by ttie originel Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> . � , y''� successors in interest. Any forbearance�y Lender in eaercising any right or remedy shall not bc a waiver of or pcecludr ahe
<br /> exereise of any right or remedy.
<br /> -� 4��,•�"^��� .� •• 12. 5uccesso�s �d Assi�ns Bound; Joint ao�l Several Llubiltty; Co-slgners. The covenants cu�d agteements of this
<br /> . ;,;.:..,�, , � .
<br /> � • %'�"������:�".�'.:;�.'�':w�' Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the sucressors and assigns of Lender and Bc►rrower, subject to the provisions of
<br /> t � >t:�`���•,�" ' <�:.� rs� h 17. 8orrower'� covenants and a reements shAll be oint and several. An Borrower who co-si ns this Secusi
<br /> ��:�.,.,,, . ,,r�N.. a- •�.,.: : Pa*e8 P B .i Y € �Y
<br /> � ' " �,;' �. � lnstrument hut docs not execute the Note: (a> is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortguge, grant and convey that
<br /> ����„'.:;;.'. ,..
<br /> .�r,r;a> ��,,:{,� Barrower'a interest in the Propeny under thc terms of this Securlty Instrument; tb)is not penanally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> •` secured by this Securfty Instrument;and(c)agrees thut l.ender and any aher Bonnwer may agree to catcnd,modify.fort►ear or
<br /> $. :�'+r4 . , . . make any eccommodations with regArd to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> "i � ,,i . 13.Loan ClwrgeR. lf the loan secur«i by�his Security Instrument is�ubject to a law which sets maximum loan charges.
<br /> :�• . .. ��'���' • and that law is finally inrerpreted sc�t1�nt the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the
<br /> ;, . ' '"'•��"�°� ban exceed the permitted limits,then: (al uny auch loan churge+h•rll be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge
<br /> 1,�� . to the permitted limit;and(b) any sums already colle:ted from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will 6e refunded to .
<br /> „ Borrower. Lender ma�� chcx�se to make this refund h�� reduring Ihe principul owed under the Note or by making a direct
<br /> ,��, payment to Borrawer. 1P u refund reduc� princi�ul, the reduc�ion will be tm,�ted ac u partiul prepuyment without any
<br /> .�''; � prepayment chnrge under the Note.
<br /> ,.,..
<br /> ' 14.Notices. Any noticc to Borrawer pmvided fiir in thi. Securit��Instrument shnll be given by delivering it or by muiling
<br /> . , . ' � it hy firct elacc mail unlesv upplict�ble law requim�u�e nf xnnther mrlhocl. The n�tii•e�hell he dimeted to the Property Address ";.
<br /> . ot any other address Borrower designate� by nntice io L.endcr. Any notice tn Lendcr shall be given by first class mail to E '''
<br /> +� � , . ' Lender's nddress ti�atcd hercin or uny other�idreti� l.ender dc.ignatez by noticr ta Borro�ti•�r. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> ,;a�,�� . ;:i;� Security Instrument shall t►e dcemed to have been given tu&►rrower ur Lcndcr whrn given a�provided in this paragraph. :�.�
<br /> .�';;,' IS.Governing I.aw: Sevcrabilily. This Security In�trumem +hull he govcrned by feJer�l law and �he luw of the �,,,�,;
<br /> �:;; � .;'�i;,�,��:+� jurisdiction in which the Property is I�x�t��f. In thc �vent that an}•provi�i�in or rlau�c��t'thi+Securiry lnstrument or the Nwe
<br /> °"' � � conflicts with a I�cable luw,tiunc�onflirt,hvll nat uffec�othcr ruvi.i��m af thi,Scrurit In�trument or the Note whinc�un be
<br /> :.t''�"', .. . PP'.. p Y
<br /> .�,,. t:��. �,' � , given effcct wilhoul thc ronflicting prnvitiinn. To thi,end thc prrn isinns i�t'1hi�Srcurity In.trument and the Note ure declared �
<br /> �:,� ' . 3,, ,'.,, ta be severable. �
<br /> r` , � �•�� • �'•• 16.Barrower's Copy.&irruwer.ha11 he gi�en une c„nli,rmrJ�np�uf tlk Nute and i►f thi.Sctiuriry Intitrumcnt.
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