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<br /> . � 1T.Traeder ot t1w PropMS�cw'�Bsaf kid In��erat(u Bo�*'owtr.If dl or Rn Mrt ot the Propaty or aay i�in it
<br /> MS u
<br /> i�sold or trwferrod(ot If A benefi ial lnterat in Borrowe�ii cold or I�ansferrod a�d rrowe*i�na�natunl Pereon)M+1tl�out
<br /> (.ender•o pdor wduen oonsent. I.adcr m�y. �t iu option. roquiro immedi�tc p�yment in NII of dl sums �xured by th�s
<br /> Secudty lnat�ument.Hawever.lhis aptfon d�sll nat be exercl�ad by l.ande�it exerci�o i�prohibited by tederd 1aw�of the date
<br /> of thi�Securlty Inutument.
<br /> , If I.mder czerci�thi�optian, Lencfer shwll ive Borrower notice of�ooelcr�tlon.'11ie nWicr chall provide�pedod of not
<br /> kss than 30 dAya fmm the Jate Itio notica i�del�vered or mallad within which Borrower muat pay dl wm8 �ecured by thfo
<br /> Socudty Instwment.if Borrower f�il�to pwy thao aunr priar w thc cspiration of thia poriod,LeMer au�y invoke nny nemedia ;
<br /> permftted by thia Security�I�_urumeut without fWrtlrcr natioe or demard on Bortower.
<br /> i
<br /> � lA, Borrower's R�1� b RelnctWt. If tinrtowcr meels certuin condidons. Bormwcr shall have the �ight ta have
<br /> enforcement of thir Security Inunimont di�oontinuad wt any time p�ior to the earlier of: (a)S day� (or such aher pariad as
<br /> applicable IAw may specify fbr rcitutatement) befaro salo af the Propeny punwant to any pow�r of sale cantained in this
<br /> Socu�ity Instn�ment;or(b)entry af a judgment enParcing this Socurlty i�stn�ment.Thase condltians are that Bor+ower:(a)prys
<br /> I,ender all sums which then would be due under Ihis Secudty lnstnunent and the Nota oc if�Acceleration had oceumed;(b)
<br /> o„�, , cures any default of uny other rnvenants or agroements; (c) ppys all oxpenses incurnod in enforcing�hiF Security In�t�ument.
<br /> � ' including, but not limitod to,neasanable altorne�re' fees; aM(d)takes such ection as Leader may reasonubly requiro to assw+a
<br /> '6��^��' �hat�he lien of this Secudty Insuu�nt. l.ender s�lghts in the Property ar►d Borrower's obligsHon to pey Ihe sumis securod by
<br /> _ �. . �,.�y,� �his Secu�ity Ictst�uanent sholl oontinue unchaoged. Upon �instatement by Borrower. lhis Security Instrument and the
<br /> " ;:� ,: �• obligptiau soc��od hereby ahall rcmain fully eFFective�if ro accelerntion had accurretl. However. thlc right to reinsiwte shall
<br /> � n:<<�;����y:�;.•,�:,:�� not�p ly in the casx of acceleratian under pamgrapA 17.
<br /> ` `x .,;�.,_ ' 19. SAIe ot Notet Clwn�e ot I.oAn Servica'. 7'he Note or a partial interest ia the Note (together wflh thia Secu�lty
<br /> .� ` : .• �.:.,,;•, Inst�ument)may be sold one or more times wi�hout prior aotice to Born►wer.A sale m1Y result in a change in the entiry(known
<br /> ':_.'. � . ':��: . as tbe "Loan Servicer")�hat rnllects monthlY paymeMS due under the Note and this Secunty lospument.Thero also moy be one
<br />�, 1 ,,�•.: . . ..' .+r•r,+
<br /> '�.: , .,_i_� or man changes of the l.oan Servicer unrelated to a sale af the Note.If there is A c�g e of the I.oan Servicer, Borrower will be
<br />- :� ., � . _�-. ` ° .. given written notice of ihe chang e i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h parngraPh 14 alwve iud�pplicabie law.The nwice will 6tate the narne and
<br /> �• .� . ' �t��^.� address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be msde.The notice will also contain ony other
<br /> �k;��� �! .: infom�ation tequired by applicable law.
<br /> ' .�.', i i.�ti���i;t.4 '
<br /> �,�� ,;.;,;� ,
<br /> . , , „ 2p, Hazardous Substances. Borrower slwll not cause or permit the presence. use, disposal, storuge, or rcleuse of any
<br /> a; �,�:•,�.. .t_;.
<br /> :•�:• ' Ha�ardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allaw anyone else to do. anyihing affecting the
<br /> • � . Propecty that is in viola�ion of any Environmental Luw. The preceding two sentences shall not apply lo the prcse�rce, use,or
<br /> ^';�,;�,�-.,Y�; � storage an the Property af small quantities of Hazerdoua Substances that ar+e generally reco8nized to be approprfate to norn�al
<br /> ;' ,' . r reside�ntinl uses and to maintenance of the P�openy.
<br /> °� ' . • Borrower shall p�omptly give I.ender wntten notice of any investigation. claim.demand. lawsuit or wher actian by eny
<br /> . "' governmenral or regulatory agency or p�fvate party involving the Property and any Hazatdoua Substunce or Environmental Law
<br /> q��' of which Horrower has actual knowledge.If Bc�rrower learns,or is notitied by any governmental or regul�tory authority,that �
<br /> � ' : ony removai or other remedie�ion of any Hnzardous Substence affecting the Property ia necessary,eorrower shell promptly taka
<br /> ,,.:- ;., ,�;., al� necessary reme�ial actions in accardance with Environmenlal Law.
<br /> --" .' ���.���,� ,�s:��,;�,•, As used in this paragreph 20, °Hazardou4 Substances" am thase�ubaitui��dcGue�i r�s ioxic or haTatdous substat�ccs by
<br /> i,���'}:'''S:^�• t'� Environmental l.nw and the follo�ving subatances: gasoline, kerosene, other Oummab➢e or toxic petroleum Qroducts, toxic
<br /> . �f;;,�:,�,�'�.'i;?�;•.,", . .,.
<br /> ��^,;::s4+�?U'y�'vF'�',:' ' pesticide�s and herbicides,volatile snlvenls,muteriuls cantaining A�bestos or formaldehyde, And radiouctive matenals.As used in
<br /> ; �,�;?��t��•,:.� • ;�+=+ th9s pAragrnph 20, "Emironmental Luw" meunt federul laws and laws oi th�jurisdiction where the PropeRy is located that
<br /> '" ��,?�'� '�,' • "` telate tohealth.safety orenvironmental prntection. '
<br /> . ,r.. ..
<br /> j° _° •�.. ;. , NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. &�rcowcr und Lender further covenur�t and agree us follow�: �,
<br /> ;,.;�r,>,�:.; ,;T�•� 2 1.A c e e l e r n t M n;R e m e d i e l s.l.e n d e r s h a l l g iv e no tice tn Aorrower prlor to acceleraflon Poll�wi�n g Borrower's breach
<br /> n
<br /> ' :;;:�{�' o f any covenan t or egreemen t In t h ig S e c u r i l y l n s t r u m e n t (b u t n o t p r t o r l o a c c c l e r e t b n u n d e r p a r A g r a p h 1 7 u n l e s s ��''
<br /> .,�':� . ; �`. .,�� ..
<br /> •, ; , ., applicAble law provldes otherwise).The nodce shall speciiv: (a)the default; (b) the uction requlred to cure the default; '•.�t
<br /> � '� (c)a date.not les�than 30 days Prom the date the nntice is given to Horrower.by which the default must be cured;and
<br /> ��w� � (d) that�allure to c�re the dePault on or befnre the dete rpeciticd in the notice mey r�ult in aceeleradon ot the sums ��
<br /> Y+ secured by this Security Instrument and sale ni ihe PrupeMy. The natice shall fur►her inPorm Borrawer oP the right to ,,�
<br /> �.o � • reitutate aiter aecelerAtlon and tbc right to brinp e court acti��n to u�.sert !he m►n-exlstence of a dePault�r any other ,��.
<br /> ,���;:':'?, , defense of Borrower to mccrleratlon and sule. IP the defeult is not cured on or bePore the date speclfled in the notice, tt�
<br /> � , .. y�,�:�� � l,ender,at it�s option, may� requlre immediate payment in full of�all xumti secured by tbis Secur(tv Instrumen! without �{'
<br /> ���. �. tuMher demend and may invokc the pnµer of u�lc and an�•other remcdles permltted by appUcablc law. I.ender shall be "
<br /> • ' • entltled to collect all expensc+incurred in pursuinR the remedies prnvided in thls para�raph 21.Inctuding.but not Umited '`'��
<br /> lo,reavonable attorneys'fe�s end cnstc oP tiUc evidence. .
<br /> �• If thep�wer of xale is in�nked. Trustee tihall �c��rd a nutice of default in each a�unty in whkh any part oi'the ��
<br /> PropeMy is locnted and sAell mnll cnpi�w of such m�tice in the manner preKrilx�d b�• applicable law- to Borrower and to , ,
<br /> the oiher persans presrrilxd b} upplicable IuN.After the time reyuircd b��appUcable lae,Trust��shall Rive pu6lfc notice
<br /> . of cale to the persunr+s�nd in thr manner prr.xrilxd b�•upplicable IaN. Tru�t�ti. �cithout demand on Borrower,shal!sel)
<br /> " :•;a � �;� the Prope�ty at publlc Auctiun to thc hiRhest bidder at the time und plucc and under the termz desl�n�ted In the notice of
<br /> sale in one or morc pnrrels and in am•ordcr Trustcc determin�h.Trust�r mu� po.tpnnc wlc of all ur any parcel ot the �
<br /> j � „ .t;•��:v Properly bv public announcement ut thc timc und placc of am• pre��inusl� xch�duled tiulc. I.ender or its designee mAy _
<br /> ;�.(�� . �I�C�73LSC�IM PI'O�INI'�J'A�All\ SUIC. r
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