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<br /> S. lla�M or Pnoperty lawnace. 8orrower �h+�ll Iceep �e impmvemaiu now ealuinp erooted on Ibe
<br /> Pmperty ip�wrod n�aln�t lacs by Oro.haz,��d�includod within tho term"e�terdod wven�te"and my dhar h�w�� Includio� .
<br /> flaodr or 800din�, for which Lendor roquir+ea inwnnoe.Thir irwunnco ctull be m�int�inotl in 1he+u�xwnu�nd fa 1ho pododa
<br /> tlut Londer roquircs.The insunMCe c�rric�providlnQ ihe In�urntKro alull bo clw�en hy Botmwer ru�ja� ta Lenda's appruvd
<br /> which sh�ll not be unre�soruhly wi�hheld. If Bc►rtower P�ils to moinuin ouven�e dewrihod rbova, t.endar m�y.�t l.er�der'� .
<br /> ,, option.abtoln caver�c ta protat Lender'r�Ipht�in tho Prc�pchy in�cconlancc wlth parn�r�ph 7.
<br /> All inauranoe policiea and rcnewafY shAll be acxeptablc to Lcnder wr�d xtull fnclwb a rtandArd man��e clw�o. L.onder
<br /> .��� shall luwe the righ� ta huld thc pulicfe�wiJ renew�le. If Lendcr ruyulrc�,9arruwer r�hull promptly Sivc w Letulcr dl recelpts af
<br /> .,� peid prcmium�and renawal natices. In the event of lor�,Borrower�iwll Qive prompt�wtioe to 1he i�wurmee cnrrkr ud Lender.
<br /> ' Lender may malce pmof of loss iP not mode pmmptly by Bamower.
<br /> ' ' � � r:• Unless Lender end Borrower wherwice pgrea in w�iting.insurancc prace�dr ahall bo upplled ta rc�toratbn or►epoir of tho
<br /> a
<br /> .'':,;,�.';��. ': �.:r; Property demeged,if the rcstara►ion o�rcpair is 000nomically Fcasibk and I.ender's�ocu�fly ie not ksscnod.If thc restoration or
<br /> repair is nw oconomically feasible ar lxnder's security wauld be lasened,ihe inRUmnco pmcoeds ehall be oppNod lo tho sums
<br /> - � . .,.,�� 6ecurcd by Ihis Secudty Instniment, whether or nnt Ihen due. wNh any a�cess puid ta Baimwer. If Barmnwer obandon�the
<br /> m
<br /> • a;,J::i:'rK•c"v!' prope,mr,or does�ot anewer within 30 duya a natice fram Lender that the i�xurnnce cutrier hss ofPeted to cettla�claim. �hea
<br /> .fJ •.�•...:
<br /> � `� ��::. ; .. • l.ender may coilect the insurnnce proceeds. I.ender may uee tha prcxooda to repalr or restaro the Property or w pey sua�s
<br /> ' �" cecw�ed by this Socurity Instniment.whether or not then duc.Tho 30day perfad will begin when the iwtice is given,
<br /> ���.
<br /> -.,,,,, ��4��`.'.'^ Unkss I.ender and Borrower otherwisc agree in writing. any applicution of prnceeds ta p�(nciQal shall twl extend ar
<br /> �+.:�. .� =•'''`� postpone the due date of the moothly payments roferred to in pa�grapha I and 2 or chango thc amourt oP the p�yments. If
<br /> r�.R. �_`' ,':. '_- "^`''';�'`; under pa�►aph 21 the Pmperty ix acquirod by L.ender.Borrower's right to any insu�policiea sud pr000ads newlting fmm
<br /> ' �.°''` damage to the Propeny pdor to the acquisition slwll pass ta[.ender to Uie extent of the sums secw�od by�his Securiry Instmrnent
<br /> k � , `:.'1�;' •, .. immediately pr�or to�he acquisidon.
<br /> �• �`: 6. Occupancy, Preservado�,MalatenAace s�ad Prolectlon nt the Property; Aon+ow�er's I.anu Applicatbn;l.d�olds.
<br /> '�` &m�nwer shall occupy,establish,and use the Prapeny as Borrower's pdncipal residence within sixly days after the eaecution of
<br /> � ,;;,:`�>>i� thi�Sc�cu�ity lnstrurnent and sF�9E�ontirwe to cecupy the Property as &�nower's principal residence for at least one year after '��,i
<br /> �� �`"�;�;:;,�,. ' the date of a:cupancy, unless i.ender otherwise agrees in wr�ting. which conseM shall not be unreasoru�bly withheld. or unless ���v
<br /> '''�, � �` �" �' '�� ' extenunting cireum_.iances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Barrower shall not destroy. damage or impair the
<br /> ;,� • ,�.. , _....
<br /> • � Property, albw!he Property ta deteriornte, ar commit waste on �he Property. Borrower Rhull bc in dePault if any forfeiture
<br /> ' ^?' ' � aMian or mceedin whether civil or criminal, is be un that in l.ender's ood faith 'ud ment could r�e.wlt in fortbiture of the
<br /> '� �� �'�,, ,�'� P S� 8 B J 8
<br /> f � '���;�� Propeny or otherwise materially impair thc lien created by this Secu�ity Instrument or L.ender's securfty fnterest. Horrower may
<br /> .,..,•. a
<br /> ; . � :.�.�p��.;�.��...
<br /> ,,., ,�:.,1,�:;..�., cure such a defauli And reinstate,as pravided in paragraph 18.by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a tvling
<br /> ^�' t;•.. • .;, .,� . ...�„�rr� that, in l.ender's g•��od faith detetmination. �+recludes torte�ture of ti�e 8orrower's interes[ in tiie Propeny or other ma[eriAi
<br /> Y;',;;:;�"';�:;;.;,,,,fr,•; impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or I.ender's security interest. Barrower shall also be in default if
<br /> • ��5''•'��f.••r Borrower,during Ihe Icwn applicmion pmce�s,gave muterially false or inaccurate informution or statements to I.ender(or failed
<br /> � ' ;.,,..�-.,.
<br /> ,� • '.�'%`•.'?'�•L•�' to provide Lender wi�h s�ny mnteriaf information)in connection with the loen evidenced by the Note,including,but not limited �tr
<br /> :•.,�.,+:..,;.�,
<br /> •!.u����- ta, repre.centations conceming Borrower's�xcupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Serurity Instrument is on a
<br /> •� leasehald, Borrowc� shall comply with all �he provisions �if the leuse. if Borcower acquires fee title to the Pra�erty, the
<br /> �: . leaaehold anJ thc fec tltic shall not merge unless Lcnder ugreNS to thc rncrger in writing.
<br /> 1 . 7.Protection of l.ender's Rl�htc In the 1'roperly.lf Borrower fnils to perform the cnvenants and agreements comained In
<br /> ».r this Secu�ity Instrurnent,or there is u Iegal proceeJing that nu►y +ignificanUy affc�t Lender's rights in the Propetl} tsuch as a
<br /> ,�•.�:�� � ,,. prc�ceeding in bunkruplcy, pmhatt, liir condemnalii�o or furfeiture nr to enforce luws or regulutionsl, then I.ender may da and a:'
<br /> !; , ` 1`• .
<br /> �
<br /> '• puy for whutever is necessary to pr��tect the�•afue of thc Property and L.ender'x �ights in the Propeny. [.ender's actions rrwy
<br /> � �;. ! :� ':r."�;,, ' ' ^:
<br /> include paying any surns srcured hy n �ien a�i�ich h•r� priurity aver �his Security Instrument, ap�aring in court, paying F:..
<br /> • �� {"I��lrt'�- re;ru►nnblc an�irneyr,'fecs�nd entering on the Pmperty tu makc reprirs.Alihough LenJer muy take Artion under this parugraph
<br /> , ' '•; •.,,.,,. ,,. ., -:
<br /> ' . . �' • ;. ` `%�:,i r���..•�: � 7.Lender Jces not tu►ve�a d��so. ;.ni
<br /> ., � • '''�''� �� Any amouMs Jisbunud by� l.endcr under this p•rra}:raph 7 shall txti��nc udditianal deht of&�rcower se�ured by this �a,
<br /> . . ' . Security Instrument.llnle�� li�mnwer arni 1 cndrr�igrec ta�uher tcm�s i�f paymrnt.lhe�amrnim. .hiill Fx:ir imer�.t from the <<.•r•
<br /> � � date of disbursemeni ut Ihc N�ne rate anJ shull t�c puyuMlr, with intemst, u�m �x►tice t'rnm I..endcr ta Borrower requesting
<br /> �;�
<br /> paymeni. ���.
<br /> • 8.Atartgage Inwrance.If Lcndcr reyuircd monga�r in.uranre a�u candi�iun�►1'makinE thc Inan�ecured h��this Security ��
<br /> '� lnstrument. Bnrrnwer shull p•ry �hr pr�miums tcyuireJ tu muintuin the mortguge in.uruncc in eftect. If, 1'or any reason, the �'•�`
<br /> . ' � mortgage insur.inee envera�e reyuircd hy l.en.ler lap�c.ur cea�rs In he in el'I�cl. Hurc���rcr.hull pa� the premium�required to ,��
<br /> ' obtain coveragc suh�ian�iully eyuivulem t�1 the mon�aEr in,ur�nrc pr���iuu�ly in rf'I'ect, at a rutit �ub+tantially zyuivalent ta lhe
<br /> . ' � , cost to &irrowcr oP the m�ngage in•uran:e pre�•iau.l�• in cl'fcct. Gum un altrrnute mnng•rge in,ur�r aprra�•ed by Lender. If '' �
<br /> subs�untiaUy equivAler�t mnrtFag�inauranrr cu�rragc i.not a�•ailuMe, Borru��•rr�I�ull p.n•ta Lcndcr carh nx�nth a sum cyual to �1f'.'
<br /> � < < � •�.. �• one•�welGh of the yearl� m�r��:a_e inwranre prcmium hcinE paiJ h�• Hurr��arr��hcn Ihr in,urunec ru<<rage Iap.rJ��r ceused to ,y'�,'
<br /> ' ' i � �� be in cffecc.Leaulrr a6�1 nccept,usc anJ retain thc�e puymrntti a� a lati� rc+cn•c in licu of mung�ge in.urance. I.i�ss reyen�e � '
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