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��,��`! '�li:':�.'. f�4� _�� � ti <br /> :y �, r, <br /> ,�.�,i(, <br /> • -.�:;.: <br /> �, . . .. .. ,•. <br /> y ':�� -:.ti.� ..- <br /> i <br /> e..� .� "�. <br /> , � � '- <br /> . .r_.......�.rqrll��lr� <br /> d <br /> � 10�� <br /> TOaBI'HSR WITH ail the improvar�ent�oow or her�flor arocted an 1he PropatY�u�d all �� u,appurtauaoe�.ad <br /> tLcturr,t now or hercafter A part of tho PrnpertY. All rcplpamentw And �idltionr shdl dco bo wverod by thi� 5acudty <br /> Incnumcnt.All uf the foregoin�i�rcPerrod ta in thir Secutity locln�ment as tho"Pn►peAy." <br /> BORROW6R COVENAN'f3 tiu�t�imawcr ia lAwthlly cei�ed oP tho erate heroby aanveyud nnd h�tho dQht to S�nt and <br /> ��;. ��� wnvay tha Propeny and that ihe Pro�ny is unencumt+ered. cxcept fnr encumbr�ncca oP rornrd. Borrovver wunuu��td wfil <br /> dofeM gene�ly tho dde ta the Propeny�ainct dl cloimc wd demwwlr.�ubjoct to rny oncumbrwica�ot rerord. <br /> , THIS 3�CURITY INSTRUMENT coml+ineA uniPorm rnvenAMe for nrticxul uco and non•unlform e:ovenqUt wfth Ifmited <br /> 'r vuiallons by judndictf�n to conatiwtc a unitiirnt�ecu�ity inatrument rnvcnnQ rcal pniprrty. <br /> �i� UNIFORM COVSNANTS. Bnrrowcr and l.enJc�covcnonl ond rgroe ar folluwr: <br /> 1. P�ymeM at IM�rcip�l aad InteraRi �pry�ut �nd l.wte CbArger. Borniwer ahall promptlY pnY wl�en duo the <br /> a * pdncipnl af�xf finerest on�hc deb�evidcncod hy thc Nc�te and any parnyment a�xi latc clwrgos duo undo�tho Note. <br /> � 2. Fbndo for Toxes ond Irow�na. Suhjcct Ic�wppUcAhle law or to a writlen waiver by l.cndo�, Hamower xhall pay to <br /> � tw,;'�"'h.'?'' ���`�'�� I.ender on�he duy mnntblv payments Aro duo undor the Noto,umU�ho Nnto i�paid in full,a sum("Runds")for.(a)yearly taxea <br /> . �.�: �',� . <br /> �+���� "`' anA acse�sments which ms�y attain p�fa�ity over thiR Secu�ity In�tmmeot us u lien on�ho Pmpeny;lb) yearly leasehold pAyment� <br /> .:a:�s�r:.� i trw <br /> ,; ;, ,. ..,� or ground rents on the Pmpehy,if any;(c)yearly hazand or pmperiy insurance premiums;(d)yearly tlood insurance prem u , <br /> ��'�.:`- �• ��� � �;' � if any;(e)yearly martgage insuranec premiums,if any;and(�uny sums puyablc by Borro�ver to Lender,in accordence wilh <br /> ,.� � '� .::�, � the provisions af paragrnph 8,in Ifeu of the payment of mortgage insurnnce premiums. These items aro callai"Bscrow Items." <br /> ;,�,. � � � Lender may, ut any�ime, collect and hold Funda in an amount not to exceed the muuimum amnunl a Iender for a federally <br /> ..,t-,.-. .,. •,�.'i� , <br /> " ,. , , related mangage loan may require for Borrower s escrow arcount under 1he foderal Real 6state SMtkment Procedures Act of <br /> 1� , r�. ` �� 1974 as amended fiom timc to limc, 12 U.S.C. SecUon 2601 e�seq.("RFSPA"). unless andher law Ihat applies to the Funda <br /> i �;� � , � sets a lesser amaunt. If so, I.ender muy, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not la ecceed the lesser amount. <br /> . �; ' ;• ,•t;"�';' • Lender may estirrwte the amount of Funds duc on the ba.ris of curnent date and m.asanable estimatea of expendiWres of future <br /> ��� i(' 4`'��`';�;'�' Escrow[tems ar otherwise in accordance with an�1licnble law. <br /> , �./�, '�9::.j .�, . I't' •.. <br /> s��,���� The Funds sh�ll be held in an institution whoscs deposi�s are insured by a federnl agency. instrumentality or entity <br /> [) �.;'y.:,.�i�, � <br /> � ��"�.1�;'?:i�S:T`,nsn,n��f.'`+ :$: <br /> . 1 . (including l.ender,if L.ender is such an institution)or in any Federul Home Loan Bank. I.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the '��;, <br /> � .�;�>?':�`it�'``:.:° r 4�`��'� Escrow Itemc. Lender ma nat chur e Bonower Por hnldin and a I in the Funds,annuall anal zin the escrow account,or <br /> :1; .:.:s�;r.:., Y B 8 pP Y � Y Y B <br /> ,� • ".- ' ,f�;�:�,?;F verifying�he Exruw Item., unless I.ender pays Borrower lnterest on the Funds ond applicuble law permits I.ender to make such <br /> . " � �,;� ' ��'���'�;`^ a charge.However.I.ender may require Bc�rrower to pay a one-time charge far an independent real estete tex repurting service <br /> � �. �'`i�'�+��}.�""��"'�� � ' used by Lender in connection wUh this loan, unless upplicable law provides otherwlse. Unless an agreement is mode or <br /> ,,;t;_:� 'r'�'f��'.cN.f�� ' <br /> � i :�';;1�;�i� �'�;;�,.f� applicable law requires interesi to 6e paid, Lender shall n�u be�equired to pay&►rrower any interest or esunings on the Funds. ����i" <br /> _•� .. '":�•1�F:'',`. �,..4`;1���;� Borrower and l.ender may agree in writing,however, that interc�t shall ba paid�n the Funds. i.ender shall give to Borrower, <br /> ��'•s� withaut charge, un annuul accnuntinR of Ihe Funds, tihawing crcclits and debits to�he Funds and the purpose for which er�ch <br /> .�•'y�::,� ; �.`;:�,�, , � � dPhit�o the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged ati udditional security for ull sums secured by this Security Instrument. <br /> r 'i}�'���� ' - If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amount,permitted�o be held by applicable law,l.ender shall account to Borrower <br /> �• „i}:,:.,,�.. . <br /> � %'i�.:;:;,.. for the excetis Funds in acc�rdance with the requiremen�s of upplicable luw. If the Amounl of the Funds held 6y Lender at any <br /> �'`�'!•�s"' ' time is not sufficient to pay �hc E�craw Itcm�whcn duc.l.ender muy ui notify &►r�owcr in writing.And, in such case Borrower <br /> .�..' • �: :,�f <br /> � •� 4ha11 pay�o Lender�hc s�moum necrcwiry ti�muke up the deliciency. Borrower shull make up the deficiency in no more thon <br /> . .�",•y"::a <br /> • '• t;j�`',�:: twelve monthly puymentx,at lender'.,��le discretion. ,; <br /> ,��•• :�f�i�':'�_;�J,.,'.,�"::`� Upon puyment in fuU i,(all �urn. ,ecured by thi, S�YUrity In+lrunxnt. l.cnckr shall prun�ptly refund to Borrowcr anY !,�i <br /> i',:�,i?:,',:,.;�•��•�^•� � Funds he1J by LenJcr. If, undcr p;iragraph 21, I.enJcr,hall acyuirr or ti�U the Pr�ipeny.Lender, prior io the acquisition or sale ��.��; <br /> ��• �'�•'' `T'�" " � of the Pro rt .hall u h any FunJs Ikld b LenJer u��he tinx iil'nc uitiition nr sale us a credit a anst the sums secured b •�"a; <br /> ,;:;:..�:<<f: � t�c Y••' PI�. Y 9 � • Y '�. <br /> �,��,, �t i:;��i�,�`l,t, ' :..• `}�;;. this Sccurity Instrunxnt. f•yr <br /> � r' � � �,,,`�i � ' �.• 3. A Ikation of Payment+.Unlc..u IicuMr luw roviJr���lhrr�ti�i..,ull q�mrm.r re��ivcd b� Lendcr under ara ra hs ' � <br /> pP r� r r� P 8 n � <br /> , ::�� ` � . }t{r:: <br /> ' I . ,,�', 1 anJ 2 +holl hc appli�nl: fir,t.lo uny prrpaynmm charge.due undcr th� \�ue: .r.und. to unxwnt�pa}•�+hle un�ler�ragraph 2: ,,.,�; <br /> f� • �-: �;:..;"i;'�.. , '.!',,�i:�'' ' third.�o intcrc�t duc:li� prinripal Jur:und la��, t„am lutr rhur�!r.Juc undcr�hc N�,tc. :.�•� <br /> , ,r.,, , . . ;`; <br /> ,�: t�,:�;';'.� :': ,',,;'; i a. ChAryGex: I.iem. B�,rro�eer�hull puy uU iaxe•, a,x.smcnt,. churEc+. tinc�:md im�xnition�uttnhuluh9e t:�the Property :�.., <br /> . _ ,`:;.',�, which mu)• uttuin priority rn�er thi, Srrurit�• Inn,, and I�a,chuld paymcnt� ur ground rentti. it'uny. B.,rn,w�r .hs�ll pay <br /> a•�:. <br /> ' .. ,; ;. ' thesc��blig•rtium in Ihr m�micr pru�•idcd in paragr.��h 2.ur it'n�,i paiJ in th•rt mannrr. Burr��Her�hall pa�• �hem on timr dirctitly � <br /> �:. �`.. ..~�'�1l�:,;.' �': <br /> '''�ti1 , tn Ihe�n�m��w�Yl paymcnt. B��rr���vcr.hall prumrtl} turni,h a,I.rixlcr all noti.r,af um„unt.a�he paiJ under this paruRruph. ',.:,�,f <br /> f?.,,�,:,rf-' • � if Borr��wrr make�1he.c ra�nxnt,Jirrrtl�. B�,rmacr,h.dl pr�►mptl�� lurni.h��,LcnJ�r rercirh r�•idencing �h.payments. '"� <br /> r};: '. .:;;'t':;�;�,i!;,;�, Burra��•rr�hall pnmipth disrharp�im� I�cn��•hi.h ha.priuritr �,�cr�hi.tirrurit� ln.lrumcnt unlc+,H��ra,wer. lal u�'r�v:�in :`['� <br /> :,����3��•�;r ��.. <br /> .'����'fyl�.,�;,;�p�.,p t�.� ;�' writing tu Ihe pa�•mrm�tl lh���hll�.`�Ili�l�+ciutad h) lh� Il�tl IIl:�Ill;lntle�:IiCe�N�hle lo l.elhl�t':Ih1 i��111eh1� In to�xl fUllh lhC GCII � � <br /> ,�.�, r <br /> ;.''��i�`,(�,',.� !t'.`�;,., by. ur defenJ, .�gain.� �nl�x�•�m�m „1 �h, lien in, leg.�l pnkccdin}• ��hi:h in Ihe Lr�xlrr'. ��pmi.,n�,�rale ta prevent the <br /> ,• � :';l;r•..';,,,.-.: . ' ' enforrenunt OI�I�ll`�ktl: �tt li 1 KCUM�11��I11 1�1C �1���dC���I 1�1� �ICO:111:ILiC�'I11QI11�:tl1.1:1iI�t1'\ Io L.n,l,r wtx�rdinatinF�hc lien to .��� <br /> -�.�• <br /> ���.•,.:: :� ah�.Sccurii} In.�runkni. li Lcndi�J�I��mu��� th.�i am pan „1'thr I'ra�xm �• �uhj.•.•t �.�:► li.n ��hi:h m.n altain p�iarit�• u�•rr �'. : '• <br /> • thi�Sccuril) Imlrwncnl. I.�nd:r �:ie� gnr H,�rr,n�cr e r,m:� iJrntil�im� Ih: 1::c lt,�rr.,,.�:• ,'�.�'� •.,•�.���n ur takr unc or '•,�,,;, <br /> ., ','•-• ,� • <br /> � . � . . more��f�he;K�iun.+et li►rth aM��e wi�f��n 0���'.e�•�•i ihr�:i�mg��I n��nrr. '• "�� <br /> ` � ;,� . . <br /> . Form 3028 9190 <br /> �-' • � <br /> . � PnHr J.•��• <br /> ' I.' , <br /> , � � <br /> � I <br /> ' t — . <br /> _ : �_ , - '_' . ' . . ' - . . <br /> �__ — ' <br /> -.—_ ;�—._._ ..._. . . ' . <br /> �� <br /> . � <br /> �t <br /> � � <br /> � t ' <br /> � � � � � <br /> � i •� <br /> • , <br /> , . �� ;� - ; . . <br /> , � <br /> , <br /> r ' <br /> I <br />