. � ::.
<br /> 1a�M
<br /> .. (1�� � 4•� ''��}i
<br /> .. .r� '��,! .
<br /> f) •' _ ....,.�.v f.
<br /> � 1�3♦ soe�3 � .� .
<br /> p�ymentc mry no lon�er be tequirod.at tho oplian oP 4.�deq if maAa�e iniunu�oe oovarn�o pn the miount aW for Iho perlod
<br /> tlw Laider roqui�)providod by m incuror approvod by I.e�ler�aln beoama+�vdlablo�nd is abWned. Pocrowa�hall p�Y
<br /> the premium�roquirod w mdnhin moripye inwniaoo in affoct.ar a provida A lor�raorve�uatil Ihe roquineaient far owitp/e
<br /> iawnu�ce end�in�000rdu�oe with wny�written�Q�oement bawoeo 8ornnwor and Lender or y�plla�ble I�w.
<br /> 9.lorpectbn. Lende�or ite�yent mry make ro�otwbla artria upon�nd inspectioru oP tho Pnnpprty. Lender sb�U dive
<br /> Aorrower noticx�t the time of or prior to an inspection�pxifyin�rcacon�ble cau�o for tho inspection.
<br /> 10. Cawkma�don. The proaoda of w►y awu+d or claim Por datnr�ea. diroct or oonsoquaul�l. in cunnocdon with�y
<br /> oa�demnAtion or othcr lakin�of any part of the Propraty.or for convay+xnoe in lieu of aondann�tlon,�re hereby wi�ted ttd
<br /> ..,-�,. �il be p�id to Lcnder.
<br /> in the event of a topd wking of the Praperty.�he procoods shwll be applied to the sum�secured by�hi�Secudty InsuumaK.
<br /> wl�etl�er or�►ot the�du�, witb nny eacess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partfol uking of the Propenty in whkh the fdr
<br /> marlcet value of the Property immodietcly beforc 1he tekjng is oqual to or greate�thon tha wtwuM of thc wmi�ocurod by thia
<br /> .;�;:. Security I�uument immediately befaro the wking.unless Borrowu and I.erder otherwise wgra io writin�.the�umr�ecuned by
<br /> ��` '�' ' this Secudty Inst�ument shall be raduad by the�nount af the procads muhipUed by the follawing fraction: (a) �he taul
<br /> • •I N 1.
<br /> prr�ount of thc sums sxured immediately bcfore tho taking.divided by(b)the fai�madcet value of tho Prapc�ty immedi�tely
<br /> :"•�,•(. before the taking. Any balance shell be paid to Bonrower. In the event of a partid taking of the PropeRy in which the fdr
<br /> (s���`r``'•' market value of thc Property immediatcly before ihe taking ia less than the anwunt of the cuma sacured immediately befora Ibe
<br /> . ��;
<br /> ':� � � taking.unless Bnrrower and Lender cNherwise ugra in wrhing or unless epplicablc Iaw othenvlsa provide�. the procceds otull
<br /> ..,�;�,::;,, =: be applied w the sums cecurcd by this Security Inswment whether ar not the aums sue then due.
<br /> .....�
<br /> r�;�}y;.,� �. lf the Property�is abandoned by Borrower.or if,after�wtice by Lender to Bor►ower thsu the rnndem�wr offere to ms�ke an
<br /> � "• �:-'�" . award or settle a claim fo�damagcs, Borrawer f�ils m mspond to[.endcr withio 30 dnys aRer It�e datc thc ootice is given,
<br /> 4� .�4��', .
<br /> �,S�f'.•,;;� >"��' �,.�, ; Lender is Authodzad to coA��ct and a p pl y the proceeds,at its o p tion,either to restorwion or repair of the P�operry or to 1he swns
<br /> �t;'•`.,;,, ��;J=;'';.�.�ir;aj{f'�
<br /> �:;;t.,�,, �... ���� secured by tfiis Security]nstrument,wfiether or nd then due.
<br /> "�'���;��'' ` � '� � '^'4) U�Irss I.ender and Horcower oth�rwise agree in writing. tmy applicaticx� of proce�ds to principal shall nat extand or
<br /> !�jt�,: '�•, i, ' ::�in,;::;:�,
<br /> n;E;:, . �,.:;��..�..;.,,.'.,6,,.�;� �°!� postpone Qhe due date of the mont'hly paymerns referted ta in paragraphs i nnd 2��r change tfiee:�mount of sucle pa�nxnts.
<br /> �.;,��4. :. ,
<br /> r, , ,.v,. ..:•.. �,�+���►'�� 11.Harrower Not Released;FarbeArance 8y Lender Not a Waiver.Eatension of the time for payment ar mod1fication
<br /> :.;1Si,. >�:1,7�
<br /> '� � ';i����tiu���??i,��,��.,;�:�'. of amorti7ation of the sums secured by this Security Instrumenl grunted by Ixnder to any successur in inierest of Borrower siwll
<br /> ,;� , •� ;�s;�'�',, �;;'•�r?,,.si}y.�� not operate Ro release�lre IiabiNt}•oi the original Borrower ar BoRawer's successors in interest. l.ender shu!! not be requiredto
<br /> .:.4::r r,::....,��
<br /> ,•:�., �;,;.�y.. �.._•..:r:.;:,;� cammence proceedings agninst any s�cce�sor in interes�or refuse to exterd tirne far payment ar othenvise madli'y amartiaution
<br /> �`,„�;�.;. ���x j ��`���s�""1� of the sums secured by thls Security Instrument by&reason of Any demancJ mude by the original Bc�nower ot Bonawer'a
<br /> � Y..;' "t'?:.�.',•�..:.: n,�d:L
<br /> ����''��`�,�. ����•:�'`� �� '�. ��J successors in interest. Any�farbearance by Le►uler in exercising any right or remedy slwll not be a waiver of or,preclude tpe •
<br /> �':;�.�. •��``' , exercise of auy right or�emedy.
<br /> ;;�: � � � 12. 5luccessors aad Assigns Bound; Joint and Severel Liebllity; Co�igners. The covenents and agreemencs of tdis
<br /> . ' � . Securlty In�trument shall bind und benefit the suaessors and assigns of I.ender and eorrowcr, subject to the provisions of
<br /> '� . " paregraph 17. Borrawer's covenantR and agreement�s �hall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signx this Secudty
<br /> • � . Instrument but does not execute the Nate: (a) is m-�igning thiti Security Instrumenl only ta morigage. grunt end convey that
<br /> � Bcinower's interest in the Propeny under Ihc tcrnu of thiti Securfty Instrument;lb)is ncN per,nnully abligated to pay the sums
<br /> � �� s�ecurcxi by this Security Inslrunxnt:and(c1 u�tree+�hsa L.endcr und any�Nher Rarn�wer nwy agree t��cxtend, mudify,Porbearor
<br /> ��. p
<br /> � makc any uccomm�xluii�m.wiih�gard a�ihc tcrnis ot'Ihi�Sccurity Intitrun�ent�►r thc N�wc wilhout thut Borrowcr's rnnscnt.
<br /> ° ' 13.I.ntm Charge.c. If ihc luan��rurcd by thlz Securiry In.irumem i�whject lo A law whirh setc maximum loan charg�s.
<br /> ��a ; >' ' � und thnt law is fitwlly interpr��eci ,o thu�thr intrre.rt ��r a�her I�ian charge.c.�IlecteJ ur to he collected in conneclinn with the
<br /> ' luan exceed the permiued limit+, then: lul uny tiuch la•rn charge�hull he reducal by the amount necchwry to raluce the charge �""
<br /> �¢: i ta the permitted limit:und Ib)any.uma already a�Uccled frum &►rrow•er which cx�ti�eded permitted limits will be refunded la rV
<br /> ., .. �. ...
<br /> Barrower. l.ender may chaitie w muke �his rcl'und hy reducing �he prinripal uwai under the Note or by making A direct Y
<br /> ��,� � payment to Bcirrowc�. !f ;: .��'u�w ��w�.�, N����:ipal, the reduction will hc trcat�i us a panial prepayment withaut a►y
<br /> � ' ; � prepayment chs►rge under thc No1r.
<br /> � ' ' 14.Notices.Any notice to Borroa•er provided for in�hi.Security Instrunxrn.liull ik given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> � � :;;:;� i�by firs�cla.s muil unlcr,appliruhlc law reyuire+utic of nnother mcthud. Thc nuticc +hall be directed to the Property Address
<br /> or uny other uddres. &�rrowcr dc,ignatcti by ninirc �i� L.endcr. An}� r��ticc �o Lcnder tihall hc given by first cla�s mail to N �
<br /> • � "' l.ender's uddre�.+tut��l herein�ir any other udcire+� l.cixfcr de.i�!natc+ by noticr u�B��rrawer. Any notire pruvided for in this ��+'
<br /> '�r'<"�� • Sckurity lnstrumem�hall lx J��cm��l tu have hccn giv�n to&irr„wcr nr LenJer w�hcn giv�n a�prrnided in thi�parngraph.
<br /> -.i:L.'�.'. _
<br /> �. �,�,:;;,::r;�, • 15.Gmcrnin� I.aw•; Sever�Mlity. This Securit�• In.trunknt shall he govcrn��l by fcdcr�l law und thc IAw oflhe
<br /> �. � . •. `' ' �` juriuliction in which lhc Pro�xr1}• i� I�kated. In Ilk c�•ent that any provi.ion ur rlau.r uf thi.Sccurily lnstrument or the Note
<br /> :�t� '•" - :, .;: `.' ron0icts with upplir•rMc law. ,unc�untlirt.hall iHd uffcct oihrr pr�wiriom ul'U�i,Scrurity Instrumcnt or thc Nnte which cAn be
<br /> •j� : givcn effcrt a�ithout th�.�mllictin�e provi+inn. To ihi.cnd thr pr����i.ium uf thi+S�YUriiy In,trument and the Note nre declared .,�
<br /> ••� � •� to be�evcruhlc. �
<br /> I ,` ' � , 16.Borruwer's Cop�.t3urruu¢r+h•rll Ik�±iten unc«,nli�rnkd r��p���t'th�Nuic�nJ al'thi.�curity Inytrument.
<br /> 1�• •
<br /> Fam 3048 8/90
<br /> ��
<br /> ', Puyo 4 ul 8
<br /> �'± i ,
<br /> \
<br /> . �`T � nCr...��i:F�. �t- r r : a't�..-hv�1a. ..:t�. . .-,ai.. ,
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