<br /> ` s�-�� �-�
<br /> . ;`�t ' �f .
<br /> ..� ,��'
<br /> ��*rr N .r(�y�}� �'
<br /> .:,«. ..�4..
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<br /> ' 17.T�fer ot ttlie Aroperts�or�Bmellcld 1nt�mt In Ban�ower.If all or an 'art of tho Propeny or Any lntersst in it
<br /> e
<br /> ic�uuld or tnuuferrod(or if a benoficf�l interest in Borrowcr i�wid or tcansfernd ot�d rrower fs not a t�atural per�on) wUiwul
<br /> I.ender's p�iar wriucn consent, [.cnde� may, at its option, roquiro immodfac payment in full of all cums ucurod by thi�
<br /> Sawrity Instrument. Hawover.�hie option ciwll not be axercised by L.endu if o�erci�e i�pmhibitad by fedenl I�w as oP the d�te
<br /> .,•. • of�hia Securfty Inctiument.
<br /> If l.ender exercfses this aptk►n.Lender shall give Bornower notice of wxelerrtion. The noticx shall provldo�petic►d of nW
<br /> � `'� less thun 30 days from the date the notice ic deliverod or mailed within w6ich Bormwtr must pay all wms Focurod by this
<br /> Secu�ity inatrument. If Rorrower fails to puy Ihese s�uns priar ta the cxpirntion of thi�perbd,l.�nder may lnvoko�eny r�emedi�
<br /> . -• , � ._.. ;4 permittad by lhis Security Instrument without futther notice ar demancl on Bnrrower.
<br /> -�� �'�!-=+---�,�—=;���� 18. Bomowe�'s Right to Reinst�te. li' Borrow�r meets certein conJitians, Bonowcr shull huve the �i�ht to have
<br /> . r:n�'•l:�,�.'�'� "
<br /> •:--,�r}, enfarcement of thia Security In9trummt dfrcontfnuod at uny time prior to the earlier af: (a)S doys (or auch Wher pe�ial as
<br /> .��_,.;;;�:.. '��• epp8cable law may specify for reins�atemccnt) heforo �le of the Propeny pursuant to any power af sale containal in this
<br /> . �
<br /> 1 ; Security lostrument:or(b)entry of u judgment enforcing this Secu�ty I�suument.?hase conditions are that Borrower: (a)pays
<br /> � l.ender ull sums which than would be due under this Security Instn�ment and the Note�u;if na occeleration Iwd occurred: (b)
<br /> � •�'A'�' ��` " '`� cure��ny defuult of uny othar covenonta or ug�eements;(c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Secudty Inctrument.
<br /> �•'��.�•-�-� ��.�.••; including, but not limited to, reasoneble mtome�s' fecs;and (d)takes xuch action as Lendcr mey reasanably requit�e to assure
<br /> that the lien of this Security lnstrument. I.enJer s rights in the Property and Barrawer's obligation to puy thc sum�serured by
<br /> �',�I thin Security Instrument shnll rnntinue uruhanged. Upon rcinstatement by Bc�rrowe�, this Security In�lrument and the
<br /> � . " � obUgations iecured hereby ahull remain fully efiective as if na:�elerntion Fuid occurred. Howeve�,this right to reinsts�te shall
<br /> t�W; '•. . . ;.,�y;�� not apply in the cnse of acceleratiun under parag�uph 17.
<br /> �"�*�'•'��'•.�'•• 19. Sale ot Nate; ClumQe ot L.oan Servlcer.Tlie Note or a punial interest in the Note (together with this 5ecu�ity
<br /> • ,,, . .
<br /> � �•�• lnstrument)may be r�oki one o�mare�imes without prior naice to Borrower. A sule muy result in a change in the entily (known
<br />' '� � - as the "Loan Servicer")thut collects manthly puyments due under the Note und this Securuy Instrument.There also may be o�e
<br /> � ' ,,.':''f• or more chunges of thc Laan Sen•icer unrclated to a sale of�hr Note.lf there is a change of the Laan Servlcer. 6anoN•er wlll be �,�,:
<br /> ,. ,y,,...,.
<br /> ' � :;��tili?!"�.?;�"")�,.�,•�� given written notice oF the change i7 acca�dnnce N•i1h parag�a�h 14 above and applicahfr la���.The nntice will stute t�hr name and •� �i
<br /> , ; �.;,�::%lt��(���,tt�`E4;?�;���.:; nddre�,of the new Loan Sen�icer and the aildresc to which paymenls shua�d be mude. The nntice w•a11 also caniA�n uny ather
<br /> i�1�' -- '� '; /)r i��'�{4'i��i. intormation re�qWeee��bv applicAhle law•.
<br /> e,��;� ,�,,..''�° ; .•,.,,�;�,,�is;}.5+, �.`•''; 20. Hau�rdatrs S`ubslunces. &�rroa•cr shal! not cau.c or permit �he presence, use, diapo�l, starage, or rele�se of any •
<br /> s •`',�t!��;".° �`� Haz�udous Su'hstances an or in �he Propert�. 8onower shall not do, nor allaw anyone else to do, anything nifecting the ' ,:s
<br /> ' ` �'�1' � � ' �Y�{ �� �y�,'( ProFc:rty thal is in violation of um� Em�ironmen�al La��. The preceding twa sentenceti shaU not apply to Ihe presence, use, or 'r
<br /> ;�,�:� .�;y +!'::� r:�,:�:,,4;
<br /> :�'r�;Li 4,t, j�..�'t..;'l' -iui:'•\1,�. !F
<br /> :�,,, , , i ;.}���,,fy c�,-,,, storaFe�m the Propcnv of,mall quan�ities c�f Ha2ardouc Substances that ure generally recognized to be appropriate to iwrmal y,u,
<br /> 1�.�- 4
<br /> •�'., , ,��'v��•;�•:• �, residcntiu1 u�r:and to inaintenuncc of the Propeny. g�,
<br /> •,•M1,:�i;l��;�F,,�;,,�
<br /> Bnttower shnll pr�mptl}� givr l.endcr written natice aT uny invesiagation, claim, demand, luwsuit or ather action by any •�C+
<br /> ' � : go�•ernmental or regulatoq agenc��ar privute puny imolving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Emiranmental Lnw ,,y•,
<br /> ± �• of Wfiich Borrowcr hu�artual knowledge.lf Bom�wer Icurns, or is notified by uny governmentul or regulatory authority, that •>-
<br /> � uny remnval or rnher remediati.�n of•rny Hai.urdnu.r Substancc uPfecting the Propcny is necessary, Bonower shall prampdy take
<br /> _ __ J � ull necc��ury rem��liul uctlonz in accardanrc with Enviranmcntal Lnw.
<br /> — - .� --- A,u���1 in ihi.parugruph 20, "Flwnrd�wti 1ub�tunce�" nre th�sc tiub.rtunces detined ar�tozic or hazurdou�tiubs�ances by
<br /> • Envfranmemul l.aw anJ thc li�lluwin� +uh�tuncc+: gusoline, kcroKnr, �nhrr Ilumnwhle ur tozir petrcdeum �n�durts, taxic
<br /> �x,�iciJr,uix!hcrhiriJc,.�•�da�ilc,�►Ivcn�,.rnu�rriul.cumaini�ig u.fx+tm ur Ii�rn�ulJchydc.and ruJivactivc mutenul�.A+uK�l in �
<br /> , �hi.paru�ruph 211. "I:o�ir�numnial I.a��•" m�an. tcderul luw, uixl luw. ul th�juriulictiun whcrc �hc Pmpeny is I�xutod that
<br /> • r�lwc m h�•ahh.wlc�� ur�n�ir�mmrmal pru�rc�iun.
<br /> . Nt1N•UNIf�OIt�t('ll�'I:NAN'I'ti. li��rr.n��r uud I.rndrr lurd►er a��rnunl wid u�rcr u�tidluw��:
<br /> 2t. A�Ytilcrwdon: Rcnnrli��. Lcndcr�hull ki�c n�dlcc tu IN�rn�wc�prlur to wccekr�Uon fi►Ilnw•MR&�rn�wc�'ti Nra�ch
<br /> � " oP un� ro�cn�nl or u{�nrment in thl. tii�urll� In►Iruimnt 11►u1 not prinr lo a�welcr�Uon underpa rARrnph 17 unitws
<br /> � upplkublc law pru�Id�r otherui.al.7'be naUre,hvU �p�rlP�: Wl lhe defuult; Ib)Ihe uctlon reyuired lo curc tlx defAUlt;
<br /> Icl u dut�.u+�t k�r Ihun tll dv�� fr�Nn Ihe du�c tho natire h ul�en to Ilurn�aer. h� ��hlch the default must f�r cured= s�nd
<br /> ,�•_ • 1d11ha� fuflure to cun thr dePuult un ur IKfnre the dule ,p�rifiid in Ihe notice ma�• rcsult in accele�don �f the sums
<br /> �"`. � � ' recumd li� Ihi�ticcurlt� Imtrument und�ulc of thc Properl�. 7'he naUce tihall further Infi►rm sorr+nKer oP the right tu
<br /> reintitnle ufler �crelerutfon und thc rlkht lu brinu u rourt uction to a��crt the non-exi�tence at a defaull or Any uther ;.
<br /> ' � deteme nf&►rrourr to accelcruUun und �ule, If the dciuult i+ not cured on or before the date speciRed In the notice, � ."°
<br /> , I.a�nder. at it� aption, ma� r��u�rc imnxdl�tc pa�mcnl In full oi ull �umti urured b�� this Securily� Instrument w•Ithout
<br /> � • " further dcmAnd And mA� imulcc ti�c{w�tirr oP+•rlc and an� �Nhcr rcmcdi�w{xrmlUcd b�•appU��ablr luw•. Lendcr shyll be
<br /> , ' . enUtk�d to collcct ull c�pens�y incurmd bi punuinR thc rem��dit� pro�ided In Ihiti paruuraph 21,Includin�.But not limited
<br /> ' � to.reaMmablc utlo�ne��fctiw and co.t,of tiUce�idenrc. ,'
<br /> IP Ihep��wer of+ak is fn�ok��d. 'fru+t�Y.hull nrard u notice ut'del'oult in e�ch count� in Nhich s►m pah of Ihe .+�;.
<br /> , Properl� i�loculed und shall muU copitw oi.uch notice in Ihe manner pr�wcrih��l M applicahle laa tu IMrn»�er And to
<br /> . lhe nther per.w�nti pri�urilx�d b�applicuM� lu��. APlcr lhe limc rcyuired b�uppHcuMc laa.Tru�tee shall�i�e pul►lic notice
<br /> • oP wlc tu Ihc �xr+��m and in thc munncr pn�xrilxd b� upplicuble lae. Tru.tce. ��ithout demand on&�rrnw�er,tihyll sell
<br /> ' � the Propert�•at publlc uucNnn tn the hluhcwt 1►Idder ut the time und pluce and undrr thr term+detiiRnuted In the noUce of •.�G
<br /> � � s►ale in onc nr mnrc parcclr und in um nrdcr 7'ru�lar dMcrmB��y. 'I'ru+t�r ma� �i�tpnnc tialc oP all or an� parccl oP Ihr
<br /> t � �'�'�'�". Prnperl� b� public unnouncemcnt �t thc tlmc und plucc oP um prc�iou+l� uh�duled wle. I.ender ur ilc de�IAnee ma�� �y,�
<br /> . . Porefu�e tlk 1'rupert�at am sak.
<br /> �
<br /> ` ' � Fam 3028 8rQ0
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