<br /> . . .�,s�.
<br /> , �3�� ~5 rc �, l�.
<br /> ��.� , � . . � . . . .
<br /> 1��10l�4,43
<br /> S. HwM or PtqNHy lawniac�. Borrower �II koep 1he Impravemenla naw oxlWin�or berv�Aar orocted on the
<br /> Pmpeety In�urad �inu Irnr hy flro,harani�Includod within Ihe tcnn "cxtcnded caver�pe"md ony aher fuz�udi. includin�
<br /> flaod�ur flaodln�,for which l,cnder roquiro�inwnnoa. Thir inrunwice rh�ll be mainu�ined in tMe�nwunu and tor tho pai��
<br /> tiw� L.ender requira. The inwrance atrier pmvidin�Ihe inxurance ehull t�o chocen by Borrower rubject ta I.endor'r approv�!
<br /> which �hall not bo unreac�nAbly withheld. If Barmwer f�ile t�malntaio caverngo describod�bove. l.�nder nwy,At Lender'�
<br /> �.�
<br /> �ptian.obtain coverago w protect Lendcr'a rightr in the Propeny in accordance with puagr�ph 7.
<br /> ,', All incurance policies ond rcnowais sFwll bc aaxpt�blo to L.ender a�d ehall includc a standard mortg+�ga clouse. Lender
<br /> ;.� shall huve the�ight to hald the polielcs and renewals.1P Lender rcqufres,Rorrower siwll pramptly give to Lender�II receiptc of
<br /> � paid prcmlums And renowal not�ces.in the event of loss.Borrower�Iwll�Ive prnmpt notice to Ihe ineu�xnx cu�ier and L�nder.
<br /> .�:"� Lender may rnike proof of luss if nat made promptly by Horrower.
<br /> 'i`' '� " � Unless Iande�aod Born►wer otherwlse agreo in w�iting. insucance proceeds shall be applied to restatatlon or rcpair of the
<br /> :•.;,;;- � Property damagod.if the restoration or repair is economicully feasible wnd Lender's security is nat lessenad. If U�rcstoratian or
<br /> A ' � ' repai�is not econamicsdly feusible or Lender's secu�ity would be Ieuened, the i�urance pr�x�eds ahall be applied to the cums ;
<br /> s
<br /> :::;:,, '` :`���-:�;�,;+ secured by this Security Instrument, whether or nat thcn due.with any excess paid ta 8arrower. If Borrawer abundons the
<br /> �}�` f . { ��� Praperty, or does not Answer within 90 days u notice from[.ender that the insurance carrkr lias off'ered to settle w clalm. then
<br /> .;
<br /> �°�� K�� � Lender may collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may usc the praceeds to repair or �store the Property or w pay sums
<br /> �
<br /> n�.
<br /> �. ��',��� �c;•�.i�� � secured b thjs Securit instn�ment whether o o he d
<br /> .•� y y , r n t t n ue.The 30-day period w�ll begio when the notice js given.
<br /> �� ,�"�A� Unless l.ender and Borrower athernlse agrae in writing, any appilcation of praceods to principal al�all not eatend or
<br /> . ,..,�: �f .- .t;.:,.
<br /> `. �' .' ' ..+�=..:�{, , postpone thc due date of the monthly paymenls refen�ed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amaunt of 1he payments. If
<br /> � '�0'�'��`�'i`;i;,,,. under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender, Borrower's rfght t��any inxurance policies and procceda nesulting from
<br />- - „ ;::, �rr� �,�•�:
<br /> - c�-:`�+�• J'� dama e to the Pro rfor to the a
<br /> , v � �{�., ' B P�nY p cquisitlon shall pass to Lender to the eztent of the sums secural by tt�is Security Inawment
<br /> ���, f. �,��•ir.�� immediately prbr to the acquisition.
<br /> ., �,..,.
<br /> :._�:�
<br /> ; . :: ����.�:;t��:l � 6. Occup�ncy,P�servation, �laintenance and Protection o�the Property;Bc�rrower's Loan Applicntbn;Lcaseholds.
<br /> • �,�;,,�1:,;.`.Y{ �;_ Bonower shall occupy.estabiish,und use the Properry as Horrower's pr�ncipal residence within sixty days after the execution of
<br /> ' ' �;,jr;,• this Serurity lnstrument and shaU cantinue to occupy the Prapeny a.e Bonower's principal residence for at least one year after
<br /> �t`'��`�+'�`���t"` "`' the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which cansent shall no1 be unreasonably withheld. or unless
<br /> , ., �;;,. '-.
<br /> � � ;�.ir'- ' �;��'r,.::.:.•,�.
<br /> � ; �,��' g Y Y d B Pair the '�!
<br /> ;,,�;;,;;,,-;;. ,-:�;• ,.,,a+.••..� ex�enuatin circums�nnces exist which are be and Borrower's camral. Borrower shAll not destro . ama e or im
<br /> ;;:j...,..;,w ���;,,��{c�,r;�"„';;"° .1�;
<br /> +,,. ,. ;�.. ,�.,�;,,�.,.;��y;,,,_., Propeny. allow the Prope�ty to deteriorate, or commit wu�te on the•Properry. Borrower shall t�e in default if any forfei�ure ±;�,
<br /> � ,f x�•. action or proceeding, whethet civil or criminal, is begun thai in L.ender's�oad faith judgment could re8ult in forfeiturc of 1he ;
<br /> .�i;;,,;::;� '�;" � �;?::;�i7
<br /> �. ••�, ��• •.�,•, r`•,•••i
<br /> ,,.,:���, • �.:..J,,;�:l„�.l•,���• �r Propeny or othenvise ma�crially impair the 19en created by this Security Instrument o�l.ender's security interest. Borrower may
<br /> ��� '''-`''• �,?,f:,';r��',:;1)fk,t "��tiS�+� cu�e such a detau1t und reinstate.a.a
<br /> .:�';�.i:��j � ,r��,f����:,,;,••p ; �r provided in{�aragr�ph 18, b cAUSin ihe ac�ion or raceedln to be dismissed with a rulin
<br /> ...�.;,:�:.,� ...;,,,r�:.:,,��::,,.k� �_. Y F P R 8
<br /> :,,,,,.;_�;T;,,;�-i,t , t��., ir, i.e�xSrr'� gaKi i'iuii�de�erminution, preciudes forieiture ai�he borrower's interest m the ►'ropetty or other material
<br /> . •::.f.'" � impairmenl of the licn created by this Security Instrument or Lender's securiiy interest. 9orrower shall also be in default if
<br /> � . ' Borrower,during the loan Applica�iun prores,,guve mnterially fulse or inaccurate infonnation or statements to I.ender(or fuiled �
<br /> � to provide Lender wi�h any materiul infarmation)in connection with Ihe loan evidenced by the Note,including,but nat limited ;��
<br /> � �o, represemations concerning Bo�rower'��xcupvncy oi'the pmpeny as u principul residence. If thix Security Instnament is on A
<br /> ,� ' " Icaschuld. BoRnwer shull comply wi�b ull tix provi�iom i�f �he leuxe. If Bnrmwer urquireg fee title to �hc Property, the
<br /> �,, Ien.rehold anJ �hc fcc IiUc shull n�n mcrgr unlc,�I.cndcr ugree�t��the mcrgcr in writing.
<br /> 7.Prntectbn of I.ender's RiRhl.r in the Pmperiy. If&irrnwcr fuils tn perliirm lhc coverwotti arul ug�ecments rnntuined in
<br /> �hiti Security Instrument,ur�hcre i.L Iegal pr�K•ceJin�s that muy.igniticunUy uliiwt I..ctKler'� right�in the Property(such ac A
<br /> '� ' � pnxeeJing in 6anhrup�cy.pn�ba�c. fiir roiklenmu�ion�m li►rl'citure or t�i entiircc luu•x or r��tululi�m�), then l.ender may do ond
<br /> �� ' puy ii�r wlwtevcr is n���wwry t��prut�r� thc vuluc ai Uic Pro�ny unJ Lcndrr'� ri�ht� in�hc Propcny. l.ender's uctiunti may
<br /> include puying uny wm.r recur�d by u licn which hu, priuri�y over thi. Srcurity In�trumem, appcaring in court, paying
<br /> r � rcuumable uuomcyx'f��c+u�xl entering on�he Prx��Ny�o makr rep�ir.. Alth�iugh l.�ndcr nwy take actiun urxier this paragroph
<br /> ' 7, L.ender d�x:,not have to do su.
<br /> , Any um�wnts disbun�J by I.endcr unJrr �hi. paruEraph 7 .hall herunk •rdJitinn•rl drbt ol' &irn�wer secured by this ��'��:�
<br /> , Se�urily Imtninrenl. Uni��+, &►rruwcr and [.enJrr a�i�w lu ulhcr 1�rm�ui'p��nknl. �he+r am�sum� tihall bear interest irnm Ihe
<br /> �• Jate of dishurremem ut Ihe Nrne rute anJ �hull I+c payuhlc. wi�h inlerest, up�m notirr I'mm l.cnder to Borrawer requesting ,.,
<br /> payment. ,-
<br /> ' S.111ortR�e Insurance.If'Lrrxler rcyuir�d m�ingagr in,uruncc as�.oixliti�,n�►1'muhing thr luan.�tiured hy thi�Security •�+��
<br /> . . In4trument. Borrow�cr tihall pay thc prcmiumti reyuir�d tii ntuintain �hr rra►r�gage in.urance in rffect. Ii. for any reuxon. the • .',�
<br /> mortgage insuronce covrrugr reyuircd by Lendcr lap,c+��r rru,e.ta t+c in efl'er�. &�rruw•rr.hall puy the�remiums rcyuircd to
<br /> � ' , ' � nbtuin covcruge subuantially equivulcnt t��thr numga�r inxuruncc previuu+ly in cifert,at u r�„t+uh.tantially cyuivalent tu�he
<br /> ' . ' c��st tu Borrower c,f the nxmga�e inwurunrr �+revi�iusly in rt'frct, fr�m� an ultrrnatc mortgrgr in.urcr u�ruv�d hy l.enJ�r. If
<br /> . . substantially equiv:�lcnl murlga��imu►ancc�uvcragc i,n�K t��;iilablc.Burrower,hall pay a,LrnJcr rurh month a wm cyual to �
<br /> ' �� t onc-�wclfth�►f�hc ye•rrly m��ngage in.uranrr rremiwn hcin� paid h�• Burruwcr��hcn thr in+urancc��w�ruge lapxd or rcascd to
<br /> � , � be in effect. l.ender will urrept, urc anJ reluin thc.e payment�a, u lus. rckn�c in lieu uf munga�te in.uranrc. l.a�ti rc,rrve �
<br /> " ` Fam 3028 9/90
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