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, . . `.:l`':1:';;� i . <br /> � ,�, n.��. � .. _�.. f;��.4 <br /> l ...• � . � <br /> 1 ,yy f <br /> � � ��'1r� �:�f... ]� <br /> �' . ��� <br /> , ." �_ ._.... I�-�.0�44� . . <br /> 'I'OCIETHBR W17'H�II thc improvema�w now or hereafter eroctod on the property,wd all w�ement�,appurtauaoa►�aad <br /> ; pxture� rtow an c�reafter a put of the property. All cq�l�cements and addition� alwll �Iw ba eove�ed by this 8ecurity <br /> Inurumcnt.AI!af the fangoing is mfcrcad to in thir Security Instrument ps ihe"Property" <br /> 80R[tOW6R COVBNANTS that Eormwer is lawfully �ised of thc cstote hercby conveyod and has the right ta Qrant and <br /> oanvay the Property and Ilwt the Propecty i4 unencumbend.exapt for encumbranoea aF record. Bomawer wAmnta�nd wiU <br /> � defend genernlly the title to the Praperty�ainat all claims w�d dem�uds.aubject ta any encumbrAnoes of neoord. <br /> THIS 36CURITY IN5TRUMBNT aombines uniform covenants for national use and non-unifatm covenantc wiW limited <br /> yf' ' v�allon9 by juriuliction to constitute a uniform sacud�y instrument wvedng real proporty. <br /> - � UNlFORM COVENANTS.Bocrower s+nd Lender crnenant arM agroe as follaws; <br /> .,: 1. Paymmt ot Piriacipwl�nd Inta�esti �P�Yment aad l.wte Chwr�es. Horrower ehall promptlY [�Y When due the <br /> � pdncipal of pnd interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prcpayment and late charges due under the Note. � <br /> 2. I�ndo[or Taacs and Insurance. Subject to appNcable law or to a written waiver by Le�de�, Bonfawer shaQ pay to . <br /> I.ender an thc dwy monthly payments are due under the Note. untll the Note is paid in full. a sum("Funds"a�fat:(a1 Xeuiy ca�ces <br /> And assessmentA which may attain prfo�ity over thia Securiry Instrument as a lien on the Property;(b)yearly leasehald paymenw ,.. <br /> or ground rcnta on the Property,if any:(c)yearly heznM or propeRy iasurance premiums; (d)yearly fl�d iasurance prcmiums, �° <br /> if any; (e)yea�ly mortgage insurance premiuma. if any: and (�any sums pnyable by Bonowe�ta �.ender, in Accordanc�:w11h <br /> i the pmviefon�of pArngraph 8. in lieu of th�payment af moRgage insurancc premiums.Thesc itoms are called "Escrow Itcma." <br /> •�, l.endor moy. at any time,collect and hold Funds in on emount not to exceed the maximum amoum a lender for a foderully <br /> ;... <br /> ,. • r y.t.� •,.��.,,�..�� related marlgago loari may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federnl Real Estate Setllement Procedures Act of <br /> 'k,' ��Fi�=�i�%.�}t i 1974 as amended Prom time to dme, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 e1 seq. ("RFSPA"), unless another law that appNcs ta the Funds <br /> �' ' "'�`+'"��w�"'''T'� �ets a lesscr amount. If sa, l.ender may,at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to esc�d the lesser emaunt. <br /> }-,��. �•'�"` " I.ender rrwy estimate the amount af Fuixls due on the baxis oP current data ancl reasonab(e estimat�s of expendilutes of future <br /> ; � �• � �,��;� � Bserow Items or athernise in acrnrdance with applicable law. <br /> `• ,�;,;;"�:�=`'�;;�1°j' � The Funds ahall bc held in an institution whose depasits are insured bq A fedcral agency, instrumentulity, or entity ��•;t <br /> . ��.;.;;.•;,'•�;;P ... s� <br /> �'� � includin Lender, if Lender is such an inSiitu�fun)ar in Hn Federal Hame Laan H�nk. l.ender sha11 a 1 the Funds to a the ���"� <br /> -.�;:,,�:::'��v�, l � Y pP Y P Y f,: <br /> � '•v��,;.r�'�='•�:�'�•+'�,�}G� Escrow Ilema. l.ender moy not charge Borrower for holdjng and applying the Funds,annually analyzing Ihe escrow account.or ' <br /> !:r,W,',:. .,, � �`,�. <br /> �- '�� ••�!. �':''�'��'�;� verifying the�.scrow Items, unless Londer pays parrower interest on Ihe Funds and applicable!aw permits l.ender to make such <br /> ,� ' f ., , <br /> '.�.'� ''`''�`�' '•�"����'�s':'�}� a cha e However, l.ender ma re uire Aarrower to a u une-time chur e fo�an inde ndent rea9 estate�ax r riin service <br /> .• i :% --;,:.,t ,•.;::,;;:��.;{•�;� � • Y 9 P Y F Pe � S <br /> ' f .,�,S�r�r;r :.,c,., � u�ea ny Lender in connectian with this�lann, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or ,�; <br /> ,., fi �a, • • ` applicablc law requires inlerest to 6e paid, l.ender ahall aot be required to pay Bo�rower any intcreat or earnings on the Funds. ;(;s; <br /> ' � �` :i o�,r�,;`�'' ';`:i�l�; g�nower and L.ender ma A ree in writin howeve�,thut interest shall be id on�he Funds. Lxnder shall. �ve ta Bart�ower. f'f t�y <br /> ••;;�ii ,. r�;;t`,'�. '.`.�::�.�:.,. Y S F• Pa R �a_ , <br /> � 3%�'4�.��e �r i�� �.,....;. .Rti <br /> ,�, ,�� ` • r�,'�,. withcwt chsu�e, un annual accaunting oi Ihe Funds, shawing credits and debits lo the Funds and the purpaxe far whlch each .•<.. <br /> .;`;,', r. r�i�_��t�]3�SG;m;•,�::r �irbli iv ii�Fuiid+1Yd5 i3�fi2. •i'i Uiiu:Bii}S�t���(:a:i au�iti008i SCCiiiii}' F.�r a::�Ltr�.�secured b}ihis Se:a�:t;-;:��rs:ssocssi. <br /> � '���'`�''�• "?'�''�f r''�"�F}���'��'�`''� If the Funds held b I.ender e�ceed the amounts rmitted to be held b a hcable law,Lender shall account to Eorrower � � �� <br /> �, <<,�;; . ..f.�,�„ -,.;�„s` Y Pe Y PP� <br /> � � �,�.�,'.,:r':�.��� •. .,�;,i for the excess Funds in accordAnce with the requireinents of applicuble luw. If the amount uf the Punds held b}•i.ender at any .r�. <br /> , • • � time is not sufficicnt ta puy the Esrmw Items whcn duc, l.�:nder muy uo notify &�rrowcr in writing, und, in such ra�e Borrower :�.. <br /> ' • ; . . shull pay tc►L.ender thc nnx�unt n��essury tc►make up the deficiency. Bormwer shall make up the deficiency in no more then <br /> � • twelve monthly puyntents,at l.endcr'.�olc dincrction. ' <br /> <+� „ Upim paymcnt in full of ull wms secumJ by thix 5crurity Intitnimcnt, l.cnJcr shull promptly rcfuncl to &�rrower any <br /> Funds hcld b Lcnder.lf,undcr um ra h 21,l.cixlcr�hull ur uir�ur,rll the Pr�� n l.cixlcr, rior t�►the Lr uisitian or w+le "�� <br /> Y P R P 4 i►� Y• P 4 '.:, <br /> r � , nf Ni�Pm�xny.�hull upply any Funds hcld hy I.enJrr ut Ihr�imr uf uryui.ition��r.rulc L�o rredit oguins��hc,um.r uwurcd by - <br /> •� Ihis S�tiurily Inytrununt. <br /> �1� : " � , �. Appliealion of Pr�ymenls.Unlrs�upplicahle law pr��viJe.��th�nvi.r.ull pa��mrnt+ receiv�rl hy I.enJer under parugruphs ' '" <br /> � . I urxl 2 shall t+e uppliccl: first, lo�ny prcpuymrnt rhar�r�Juc wxlcr thr N�NC; tirruiul,to anx�untti payublc un�kr parugruph 2; � . ,� <br /> � , third,tu interetit due:fiiunh,tu principa)Jue:und lu,t,to uny lute chur�e�due under�he N��te. <br /> � , • ' , 4. ChAr��: I.tens. &xrawrr tihaU pay ull tax�+,u.�+,mcnl�. rhar�;c�. linr�unJ imp�.iti�,n, uaribulablc to the Prnperty <br /> which may attuin pri��rity a��rr thi+Security In.trumcni, �n�i��.�i,�,ia r:�ynxnl+or gruu�xl rents, if�ny. Borrower shall pay <br /> ' , theu�obli ution�m the manncr nwiJcd in eru ru h 2, or i P n��t rid in that m•rnnrr, Burruwer.haH .� �hem on time directl ���� <br /> F P P' F P p' P' Y Y <br /> ' to thc�xnnn owc�l p•rynunt. &�rruw�r.hall promptly furni.h�o LcnJrr;�II natirc,al'anH�unt.tu lk�iJ undcr�his p�rugrliph. <br /> If E3nrr�iwer ntakcti the,e pay�rnm.JirecU�•. &�rrowcr,hall prnmpUy fumi,h!o I.rnder rerriph c�•iJcncing Ihe p:►yments. � <br /> � B�irrowrr,hall pmm�tly Ji�chargc uny licnµ•hirh ha.rriority u�rr thi,Srrurity In�trumcm unlc,. Horrow•cr:lul agrce�in '"i. <br /> � . ' writing to the paymem��f thr��hligutiun�crur�d b�•�h�lirn in a manncr iureptrhle to LcnJcr: �bi r�mtc�t,in g�xxl faith the lien �a�' <br /> • hy. ur defetkls ugain�t cnl'orrcment uf Ihr lien in. IcEal pr�xr�dings w•hirh in thc I.cnJcr'� ��ini��n a�xratc ti► prcvent thc <br /> 7 enfiircenxnt af the lirn; or(cl ucureti f'rnm�he huldrr��I'Ihr lirn un u�rcenun� �ali+furl��n tu IxnJer�utwrdinuting the lien 10 ::; <br /> � : <br /> �, . this Sccurity Instrom�m. If Lcndcr Jetrnninc•that any r;in „I'dir Pr�i�xrt� i. .uhjrr� tu a lirn H�hirh may attain priuri�y ovcr �':� <br /> �.i • this Security Ins�rununt. (AnJcr muy gi�•c Pkxn���cr a n�,ti.r idcntif��ing�h�lirn. I��rrua�r,hall.u�id}• Ilk licn or�akr�me nr ••`. <br /> 4� , � ;' I more of�hc uctions tiet fonh uhnvc w•ithin I O day.uf tix givi ng ol'nuticc. <br /> ,ti,: . .. <br /> ' j!�• ,' Form 3028 9/90 <br /> '•i_j• - � {�aqr 7 d ti �1.. <br /> c��� <br /> � � � ��� <br /> � i <br /> , <br /> . � <br /> r��. ; . . - . -- -._ .. _ . . . .- • . . �:�t�st�AY�Mcer!f�":6 . .. . .-� 1. .. ....._.... .... ... . <br /> ,� i . • <br /> _.. . r —_'—'--_._ :.: _. .. . ,. , ' � . . . - -' - . � _ . <br /> ._. -.�.�_�._. ..._ . ... ... .. .. .:.� . � _. .. . . . . .. .. .. <br /> ;. � �—'_ . . .. . , .. . , -" SP•° <br /> 1,'��.Sf� , � ' ��f l'� ' , . . �.� J � <br /> .'.,'. � ,`; ;ft,:::i•t: .. . i,,, ,. ', . . ;��''�; . <br /> ;i�;i ��' , ,� �' � •. <br /> '•��i�' :, �: , • � • ' ��. �,,� •,' ` ' .+. . , '. . <br /> � �"'�n .. • ;'r�fr ' � . • . � , , , ,:,� . , ,1 . <br /> t f�� , ' ' . • • ,��� :ii '.' �•,:`. �,; � :�� .�r.��: <br /> �1G � .. .. �tt�:'� . , , .. <br /> �� .+w� . �`���.}�;1. � <br /> �•" I�'"". '-=--, :� . � . .. <br /> �r I'�.. <br /> ' � <br />