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<br /> condemmulon or ahr takin�of�ny put of�he Property,a for eamey�noe in liw of ca�deau�adan.ue hmebY auiW�ed ad
<br /> �h�ll be p�W to l.e�der.
<br /> In tho avcnt ot s twal udcin� of the Pto�crty. thep�oce�ds siWl bc appUed�a tha sumr saured by this SocuritY
<br /> Ins�rumem,whether or na then duo.with wny c�ccess pai td o Bamawer. ]n�he avent af a pwtial td�inQ of�he Propaty in
<br /> which the fair market v�lue of thc F'mpc�ty immedfately beiono iho taking is equal to or grcater thrr��he unount of the�um�
<br /> �� cecured by this Se�urlty Instrument immodiWely beforc!hc taking,uoless Bomnwer wu!Lender otherwi�e �roe in writln�.
<br /> Ihe sums secured 6y�his Securiry Ins�rumenl ahull bc reducod by tho wmcwnt of the procce�ds mul�iplied by the followln�
<br /> �=� ir�ctian: (a)tha total�nt uf thc ium�kcuRd immediately befa�the taking,dividcd by(b)�he feir markb value of the
<br /> P�operty immediatcly before�he lakfog. Any bulunce shall bo paid to Bwmwer. In Ihe evem of a p�rtial wking of the
<br /> Property in which the fair market value of�he Property immedi�tely befare Ihe wking is Iess thu��he wnount of the Ram�
<br /> secured immedietely bcfon� the taking, unkss Bomowcr nnd Len�ler atherwise agRe in writing or unks.4 applicable law
<br /> aherwise prtwides.tha pracealb siwwll be wpplisd to�he sums secu�+ed by this Security Inswment wheiher or na tho cum�aro
<br /> tlkm due.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Born►wer,or if.uftcsr natice by L.ende�to HuROwer thut�he condemnor affers to mWce
<br /> - an uward or r.enle a cluim fur dumage�,Borrower fail��o respand a Lendcr within 30 dnys after�he dute ihe notice is given,
<br /> t ',. Lender is aulharized to collecl amd apply�he pwceedg,at ils aptian,eithesr to r�estoralian or repnir of Ux Ruperty or lo tho
<br /> aums securcd by�his Security Ing�rurncnt.wheiheror na then due.
<br /> ; ..��ti+.,�:.-.� Unless Lender und Borrower alMrwise agree in wridng,any appliaatian of praceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> " ���•:'Qs�s���`t���i,�:? pas�pone 1he duc date af�he manlhly puymenta refemed to in psungmphs I und 2 w change 1he amount of such paymema.
<br /> _,.{ • i.r,:�.-F:. I1. Rorr�we� NM Released: Fo�bea�nce By l.ender Not a Walrea Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> � �:�"�`•� '-+ modificotion af amoniz�atioo of�he sumK recured by this Secu�ly In�ctniment gronted by Lender lo ony wccessor in interest
<br /> r . .' ����='�''�� �"' � of Bamwer shall na operate to release �he linbiliry of the orlginal Borrower or Borrowe��succecwrs in interesl. L,ender
<br /> . r�_ _ . --:_
<br /> ��-• shall not be reyuired to commencr praceedingF uguinxt s�ny huccessor in imerest or refuse to extend time or paymenl or
<br /> ' �•� • � ntherwise madify nmonizatian of�he wmx secured by this Security Instrument by reasan of any demand mtide by the original
<br /> Bomower or Bomnwer's succcsson in intcrex�. Any fcrbearancc by Lender in exercising any�i$ht or n�medy shall nd be a
<br /> waiver of or precludc the exer�isc of any righ�or nmedy.
<br /> • • • 12. Successorr and Asslgt�Bound;Jolnt pnd Sevemt l.iability;('o-signers. The cavenanu and agroements of this
<br /> Securily Instrument.holl bind nnd bei�efi�th4 successon:u�d�sigm of Lender und Borrower.subject ia the pmvisions of
<br /> paragraph 17. Borrower's covenams und agreements shAll tx jaint und severul.Any Borrower w6o casigns this Secut�iry
<br /> � Instrument but dors nut exc�utc thc Natc: (al iti cari�ning ihis Seturity Instrument only lo martgAge,grant and convey that
<br /> �•� Borrower�intcrest in the Propeny undcr�he�ertns of�hi.Security Inxaumem; (b1 i�not personally obligaled to pay the sums
<br /> :n: • secured by this Security Imtrumcnt:und lcl agreex�hat Lrnder and any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify.forbear
<br /> or make any skcommodation� W�ith re�urd�o the term� o( thi+ Security In�trument or lhe Nde witiaut �hut Borrower's
<br /> �p. 3.., : consent.
<br /> — !3. l.o�n Cherg!�. If Ihr I�um cccured My Ihis Securin• Instrumenl is subicct ta u luw which �etti moximum loan
<br /> rhuges,und that luw i+6nully imerprct�d.o�hat the inten+t or��ther lo•rn charge�collected or to be collected in conicection
<br /> with the laan excerd�hr perniitted limii+.�hen: la)un�•xurh loan churge�hall be reduced by the amourn necessury to reduce
<br /> u.°: �h�charge to the pemiiued limit:and Ih)any xumti ulre•rdy c��llerted fmm BoRrnver which excceded permitted limitr wlll be
<br /> ,,, !� rcfunded to Bormwer. Lender may cMx•,e lu mi�kc thi.n�l'und hy reducing the principal owed under Ihe Note or by m:+lcing a
<br /> direc�paymem lo Burrowcr. If u refund redure,principul,the rcduction will Ix trrva�d ux u panial pr��wyment withaut any
<br /> ' , prepa}•mem chargr under thc N��te.
<br /> ��� 14. Notices. Any notice w B�im�N•er pr�►viJrd ti�r in thi. Securi�y In+trum�nt.hull i+r givrn hy d�livrring it or by
<br /> ;�• mailing i�by flnt rlu.s nmil unlu++upplicaMr law rcyuirc,u+c ui unuthcr mr�hcxf.7'he niNKe.hull[x dire�ted to the Propeny
<br /> ,� Addresti or uny nthcr adJre„Burr��u�tr de+i�nulr.hy notir� to Lendrr. An�• noti.c w Lender+hull he given by fin�rlass
<br /> - �� , mail lo LenJe�:addreti,N:d�J hen in nr any�Nhrr uJJrc..Lrndcr Jc,ignalrti by nutice la Rorrower. An�•natice provided for �
<br /> • in �his Securiry In.trumcnt +h:�ll Ix JecmrJ t�� h�i�r Ixrn �i�rn tu Bum�w•er or LenJcr �ahen �iven u� provided in thix �`_
<br /> .uu ra h �
<br /> ;��. • P' Fj5 �;o�•erninR I.aw; tie�erabilk�. 1'hi. tirrurii� In+trumenl ,hall Ik guvrrnrJ h�- tcdrr�l law anJ ihc low- �if thc ��``
<br /> ..,t ` juri�dirtion in w�hirh Ihe Pnqkhy i, I�xu�rd. In�h�evrm �hat am pruvi,iun�,r rluu,r oi'thi.Sccurity In,�niment or�hr Noie ;i��
<br /> ; rnnflirt.with applicrMc la��.,uch ronll icl.hall nul atl.r��Nhvr pru��i,ion.��f Ihiti Sr.urily In,trumrm�x Ihe Natr w•hich cun
<br /> 't �' , • ' be given eftcr� u�itM�ut�hr cunllir�inE pr���•i.irn�. "li►ihi.rnd Ihc pr�»�i.iun, ul ihi,ticrurity Imtrument and the Nrne ura ".
<br /> . . derl:ued w br.e�•�ruMc.
<br /> ,� ' : 16. Borrmser's('�Kt�. l3�uru�+rr-.hall hr�:i�rn�,nr r�mt2rcmrJ rup�•uI thr Vatc anJ ul thi,Security ln+Irumrnt. �;tl
<br /> ' 17. 'llraosfcr nP the Prv�perly or u RenePriul IntercN in Borroacr. If:dl or an} pan ul th�Ifi�{xAy ar uny intrrc,t in
<br /> ��z ;• i��i��nld or trun.lcrrrd urr il a Iknelirial iiu�rc,l in li��rro��cr i.,uld ur tran.tcrrrd anJ Borr�»�rr i. n�� u nutur:�l �r.onl ..
<br /> ;,. with�wt Lrnd�r:pri��r arilten c�xitirm.l.cndcr m:i�.ai it.uptiun.rcyuirc immcdiatr pa�mcnl in IuU��t'nll wm,urured hy
<br /> thiv Sc�uri��� In.�rumcrn. H�n�r�•cr. Ihi� up�ion,hi�ll nu�Ix r��rri.cd b�•l.cnJ�r if rrerci.c i.pruhihitrJ hy frdcrul law•r.of
<br /> tht dyte of�hi.Sccuriry In,trumenl. +
<br /> � E. � N�l.rndcr cxrrciu�ihi.��p�ian.l.cndrr.hidl�i�•r Rurruw.r nuiirr ul acrrl��ratian. Th.notic�.hall pruvidr•r�xri�xl uf
<br /> nut le.r.Ihan;0 duy�,t'r�,m th.d:nc thr nanirc i.dcli�ered„r maikJ wi�hin��hich li�,ir����cr mu�t pay all�um,+�rurcJ hy Ihi� �'.�,
<br /> � ' Sc�:urity Im�rumem. II B��rn�ucr t;iil. 1��pa} thr.r .um. prinr lo thr r�piratiun nl Ihi, �xriikl. l.cndet ma�• invcike uny ,•
<br /> ��' rcmsdir.�xnnitirdh} thi,tircurii� In.irwnentHithou�lunikrnutir.urJiinandunHorru��cr. �)r,,:,
<br /> ' � f � 18. Borro���er's Rip�ht to Relnstuh. It Rurc�x��r mr�n cenain rnnditi�Ni.. N��rr����er .h:�ll ha�e �hc right tu h:n•c
<br /> ; " � • rn1'��rrenxm ol'ihi.Sr�urity In�uunxn� di+r�mnnur�l:u am nm� priur�u th�rarli�•r ul`. uu 5�I:n,���r,uch uthrr�xn�Kl a• � �
<br /> '�; tim:l.•haud�- Fanale�IarFr�ddk�lHl\I��)R\tl\51R1�IF.\'f•-lmt��mic'.n.n.mi. 4411ip.r��a�7���x�rr�� [
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