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<br /> �ppiicablo law may�pecfPy fot reinotatemcM) beforo cab ai thc PrapenY puauant to any power of r�le caetainod in thi�
<br /> Security Inetrument:or(b)entry uf�jud�ment enforcln��hir 3acurity Inwumen�. 71�ae coedlticMU�re�hat Bormwer. l�)
<br /> p�Y:Lender dl ruma which tikm would be due under thi� Sacurity Inrwment md the Nuto u if ao acoekadaa hd
<br /> accurred:lbi c�+�y�`wlt of�ny aher covotuntr or a�roementr:(c1 pny��II expenses incurtod in enfoncin�thi�Security
<br /> Inwnuncm,includina.bu1 nnt Ilmited to. re��ble�tiameyr'feea:and(d)raka�uch oction as l.ender may �euawi►ly
<br /> ioquirc to iusuro Uw Ihe Nen of thiR 5ecurlty InsWmcnt.Lenikr i dghls in Ihe Propeny and Bwr�werk abligWan w pay Ihe
<br /> *. wms eecwod by this Socuri�y Inctrwnent�hall cantinue w�ch�ngod. Upan nein�tatement by Bamwer, this Socudty
<br /> Insuvmeet and�hc abliQ�tions securcd her+cby ch�ll rcmaln Pully efTxtive�s if no acsaleratlan h�d accwrod. However.�hia
<br /> .�., ti�ht w rcinst�t��Fwll nw�pply in tl�c c�o�►iw;c¢k�liuu uixk:r parugraph 17.
<br /> .; 19 Sde d Noki Cb�s�e of Lao '4tn'far. The Nate ut a Parcial inu�a�c�t in Ihe Ncfte ltogetf�r wi�h this Socurity
<br /> � ° Instrument►may be wld om or mcxo�Imes witbau�pri�x notice to Borrawer. A sale may result in a clwn�e in the endry
<br /> lknown as�he"l.oun Service�"1 tlwt eolleats mcm�hlY puYmemw due under�he NWe and thir Security Insuument. Therc alw
<br /> � �I 4� � ms�y be one or mone changes o(the Lorn Servicet uerolatad to o cala of the Nate. If the�is a change oF the Loan Servfa�.
<br /> 8ormwer wiU be given writkn noticB ot the change in accardunce with p�uogroph 14 above ond opplicable I�w. The�rotioe
<br /> y.. .�. witl state�he nvne and addrtrs of'the new lawn Servicer ond Iho addresw to which paymentr slwuld be mode. The aotice wUl
<br /> - ...-�, .. . Wso rnntain any ather infarm�tion rcquirai by applicable Inw.
<br /> , : ;� "• :�,, 2q, Ha�rdou�Sub�t�wc�et. Bixrower�hall rwt rause ar pertnil tho pnascnce,use,dlsposal.slorage,or release of pny
<br /> ...�.•F�'''y—°`��.. Hazardcws Subsiances on a in the Prapeciy. Barower sh�ll nat do,nor Wlow anyone else ta do,unything afi'oedng�he
<br /> "`x..:��a.�.�'::` Pa►peKy�hat is in violation of any Fnvironmenwl Law. The pr�aceding two semences shall not apply to�he�xesence,use,or
<br /> �y:,.�,:..::�;�",� .
<br /> ,.�:,t�r,,.::��;,' storage on 1he Propeny of sm�U quantiUcs of Hu�ardais Subctanves thal we geaerally reco�nized to be apprnpriete lo nomul
<br /> _�,',:�. :,. ' ; residenual uses and�o m�ioten�nce of�Ae Piraperty.
<br /> r� �� .'' :.'�'�;'. Barower shall P�PUY 8ive Lender written nwice of ony inves�igodon.claim.demand.lawsuit or other xdon by any
<br /> _ . . " ]�.�.� . _ __,__% gavemm�mtal or regulatary agency or priva�e pany involvfng the P�operty und uny Har�rdous SubswncY or Environmental
<br /> r' ' I,aw of which Botrower has ac�u�l knnwkdge. If Bomower leams. or is natifial by any govemmenwl or �egulatary
<br /> . � � • authority,that ony removal or other remediatio�af any Haia�dous Substance oi�'ecting the Pmperty is necessary.Barnwer
<br /> ' p.. . . . � �shall promptly tuke all necesxuy mmedid actions in accordance wfth Envimnmental Luw.
<br /> As used in this pamgroph 20,"Hazardous Subsuinces"sue thnse sub�tunces defined as tazic or hsv�rdous subs�ances by
<br /> � � • ,-�K ' Environmenwl law and the follawing subswnces: gasoline.kemsena,other flummable or toxic petroleum praducts.toxic
<br /> �• pesticicks and herbicides, volz►rile solventti,materia�k conmining asbestas or fornwldehyde, ond radioactive materials. As
<br /> . . .� used in this parugraPh 20,"Environmenul l,aw"mesuis federal luwti and laws of U�e jurisdicda�wf�ere Urc Pnoperty is loca�ed
<br /> ,... ihat relate to health.sufety orem�ironmentsil prwection.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borruwer und l.ender further covenont and agrce as follows:
<br /> Zl. Acceleratton: Remedtes. I.eoder shAU give aotice to Borr+awer prlor►o occelerodoa[db�v[ag Bon+ower•s
<br /> � ' � brcach ot aay rnve�wnt or agreement in t6is Secu�ity Inslrument/but aot prfor to accekradoa unde�porsgraph 17
<br /> � .i:;�t?��. enless appiicable law provides othenrlsel.7Le noUce shall cpuclPy: 1a116e defAUlh,lbl the setMm nquired to cur+e We
<br /> ---- . '` ;'.' dcfaWi;!r)a dsle.sso!ks.v l�an 34�sys froan tl:r date tlsr notIrt!s�Irra!o ltor�+nwer,by�c�kh thr:l�iwll nmxt be
<br /> ��.:,'r:;�
<br /> , ;,.,.;��;:,::�i�,�:�t cured:and(d)lhat fwilur+e to cu�r Ihe detault on or before the dale speciticd in 1be notkr mny result ie a�eeleration of
<br /> '�;�::' ::.. .•.r,�. tl�e sums secured by thts Security I�nlrument and sak oi Ilw Properly. The notice shall fiurlher iaform Borrower ot
<br /> ` ;� ;�;�: Ihe ri�t to t�einst�te aRer acceleratton and the right to bring o court actbn w wsse�t Ibe�an�e�dstence ot a defoult or
<br /> ";�•::�;:;�� Any other defease d'Borrower to acceleriNbn and sWe. It the detault is not cured on or before the date specilled In
<br /> ' :'�': the notice.l.eirdti pl its option may require immediule puyment In full of all sums secured by tiis Securily lastrumeat
<br /> � ���� without fL�tt�r deawmd and may inv�ke the power of sale and any other �rmedies perneitted by applkable law ;��-.
<br /> � � � Lender shWl be entiQed to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing Ihe remedies provtded in Wic prra�rapd 21.
<br /> tncludi�,but not limited lo.reasonable nttorneys'fecs and costR af title evidence.
<br /> � If ihe powcr of'sale L4 invoked.7Fuslee slwll recurd a notice of default in each rnunty in whkh nny part ot We
<br /> � . Property Is located and sh�ll ms�ll rnptes of such�oUce in Ihe manner prescribed by appltcable I�w to Bormwer and to
<br /> ��*� the other pe�sons prescrilx�d by applkable lax: Mer the time required by s�pplicnble IAw.7Yustee shWl gtve publk �.
<br /> l a• � nouce of sale to the persons and in the mpnner presc�ibed by applic�ble I�w. 'Itustee.withoul dempnd on Ibrrower,
<br /> • •� eball seU ihc Property at public auctlon tu the hi�qhesl bidder at Ihc time nnd pl�ce and under the terms de.4ignated ia ••�
<br /> / ',1�'`., Ihe notice of sale in une or more parcels and in any order 71ru�tee determines. 7lrustee may poetpone sale ot all or aey �
<br /> ' � �� ps�rcel ot Ihe Prope�ty by public announcemeM wt Ihe time and pluce of�ny previously rschedukd z91e. I.ender or tts �`"•
<br /> • .7��•:��:.{ �;�;
<br /> r',;;;.;;�,�,,�,; �. .: ,:,' designee mAy purchase the Propert3•al any salc.
<br /> �' ,r'>;:�::;r:::;',,;. .• •..:;�,� Upon t�eeelpt oi payment of Ihe price bid. "IYustee shall deliver to the purchaser 7rustee's deed conveyin�the
<br /> ' �;�'?-:�'�:',::�;�','� ' "•��� Property. The recitais in ihe'I�ustce's deed slwll be prima facie evidenre of thc truth oP the slAtements made iherein. •�.
<br /> �.. : , .�,
<br /> ' � ` ` 7�ustee slwp apply!he prooeeds ot the sale in thr folluw�ing ordcr: la)to all cosl.s and expenses of exerrtciag t6e power �•
<br /> c' r, :f; :.1: .�:
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