.-9�. " �
<br /> , yLl J ,,t^ 1 .. - ���
<br /> ' '�_.� 1 .A V._. 'Y"___��1���'
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<br /> �g3- 1�43.3
<br /> pe�iods Ihat Lender t+equias. The insurance corrier pmvidin�Ihe inRUrwioe xlull be chosen by Rorrnwcr cubjocl to l.endak
<br /> �xov�l which�hall not be unrcrc��ssonwbly wi�hheld. If BaROVV�r fail�to m�inuin covenge dcscribed wbovo.L.endor m�y.a�
<br /> • Lenderl�option,obloln coverage�o protect L.ender's rights in Ihopropeny In acrnrdw�cc wHh�wm�raph 7.
<br /> All insurance policies and rcnewals siwll be nc��eptpble�u I.end�r und xhall incluJc w K�andrud m�rt�w�e rluwit. Lcnder
<br /> shall have ihe rigM to hold Ihe policies und renewuls. If l.ender rcyufrcx.Bc►rmwer whall pmmptly�ivo to Lcndcr pll receiptR
<br /> .� � of p�id premiums and nenewal natices. In�he event of loxe,�orrawer xiull ylve prompt natke tn�ho inwnnce cartler md
<br /> Leoder. L.ender may make proaf uf los�if na mwb pmmp�ly by 8amwer.
<br /> Unless Lendcr and Bonowcr othcnvise agrec in wr�ting,insut�ncc proceedx shull be applicd to rrs�omlian ar rcpu�r af
<br /> ;'�; the Propeny dumuged. if the restorntian or repair ix econ��micully feusib� and l.ender4 �ud�y ix n�N IeKSCned. If�he
<br /> resloratia�or rcpair is not econamicaliy feasiblc ar Lender� sccurily would tie IexRened.the inxurnnce pmcced.r shull be
<br /> applied lo�he sums secured by this Securily Intiaument,whe�her or nd Ihen due, with tmy eKCens pafd�0 8orrower. If
<br /> Borrower abandans the Froperty, or dcxs not answer wUhin �ll daye u n�►tice f�om txnder thut tha inYUrwicc cwder ha.r
<br /> affered to senle a claim.�hen Lender may collec��he insurunce pmceeJx. Lender may u�e the pmreed•��u repair ar rrxtare
<br /> the Propeny or�o pay sums secured by this Security lnurument.whath�sr or na Ihen due. The 1lW�y periad will begin when
<br /> ,�.� -�-�. ,-�.,.��° the notice is given.
<br /> ,,;_°�,;�:' , Unleag l.ender und eorrower otherwisc agrce in writing.uny applicalian ol'prcxeed+tu princip�l xhull nw ex�end ar
<br /> po+tpone the due date of�he monihly paymentx referred lo in paragraphs I And 2 or chonFe Ihc amount of Ihe puymentti. If
<br /> t:r;�.,_��^ ; ��i.x� under paragraph 21 �he Property is ucquired hy l.ender, Bnrrower's ri�iN to uny in�urunce polwiex and pr�eed+ re.rui�ing
<br /> '��' �.�����a ,:� F:;•. from dwnuge ta the Propeny pnar ro�he ucquisition xhull pa�c�o L.end�r In the ex�ent of�he xumx�ured by thi�Securiry
<br /> li�!'�v IV��I �
<br /> f
<br /> '!'�,:rj) . . :; ;, . �.'•��„ InKtrument immediaiely pnur ta�hc+�cqui�itian.
<br /> -�•�; • � �w 6. Occupancy, Prcservation� Maintenance and Protectio�,ot ihe Propertyi Borrowe�'s I.a�n Appllaitioai
<br /> er�. ''�,•:• Leasehdda BoROwer tiholl ixcupy,establi5h.�nd use tha Pmpeny u.�Bortower ti principul rexidence wi�hin Fix�y duys aiier
<br />=���' • - � �;" '`�}�.:r,,,:� . . �he exewtion of this Securi�y InstnimeM und shull contiaue to ix:cupy tl�e Prapeny u.� 8orrower4 principal residence for nt
<br /> . `• ,,:1,�3.�;;;.;;•,°;�' IeoM one yeur uf�er the dat� af occupnncy, unless Lendar otMtnvixe ugrees in wri�ing, which consent shull not be
<br /> t° "„ � unrea�onubly withheld.or unles,eztenuuting circum��uncex exi�l whish aie beyond Sorrower'x control. Borrower shall not
<br /> ' • , , ��,;+. destroy,damuge ur impuir�he Pmpeny.uQua the Prc►perty�u deteri�xate,or cummit wuste an the PruEx:ny. Borrower xholl
<br /> '� . , � 6e in defuult if any forfcitum aciion or prareeding,whe�hor civil or criminal,is t�egun thut in Lendorr gcwd fai�h judgment
<br /> " " ;' • _,,;,�,. could reaul� in forfeiwre of the Piropeny o�rnherwixe muterially impair the lien ereutec� by �hix Security ln+�nimeat or
<br /> �; .. • k�. Lender's security irnerest. Borrower muy cun:.r•uch u dei'uult nnd r.inwtnte,n..provided in pnrngruph 18,hy cuusing Ihe nrtion
<br /> • . � :;;..�,�',: or pmceeding to be di�mix.ed wiih u rulinF thi�t,in I.endcr:gcxxl faith detenrinuti�n,prerluderc Pi�rfrilure of the B�rmwer's
<br /> ..�,,: interest in �hc Propeny or ather mut�riul impuir►nem of thc lien rRat�d by �hi.Scrurity In�lrumom cx l.cnder's security
<br /> � � , ,;�;� interest. BoROwer shull ulsn be in d�foul� if Burn�wer, durinl, the t�un applicution prcer,ti, gnvr mu�erially lal�ce or
<br /> c,,,l,f,,, • inuccunHC infbrmntion or�tutemen��to Lencler lor f'uiled ta pnwi�k Lender with any m�+leriul infinmu�ion 1 in conneclian wiih
<br /> ;::�.;s: • �he loun evidenc��cl by Ihc N��te, includin�!. but ni►� limited u,. reprc.enatiom canrerning B�xrower ti acrupancy of the r.�>
<br /> ,.:;:.•..�.
<br /> '�:�� .• �.:•'- � Prapeny us u Qrincipol residencc. If�hi.Srruri�y Inunim.�m i.nn a leacrhnki,R��rn�wcr shull comply wilh all the provi�ion�
<br /> �"�•"'��~ of thc leu�e. If Bnrrower ucquise�fec tillc lo Ihr Pn►perly.�he Icutiehu�td und�hc fcr tille shull m►t mc:rge unless Lender ugrees
<br /> ; � , .,,.
<br /> � �o thc mergcr in wri�ing.
<br /> . ' � 7. Protection of l.ender'.c Ri�htr in the Propert��. If Hnsrower fuil+ tn�xrfom� �he rnvcnunt+ und agreements
<br /> ' contuineJ in Uiis Security In�InimcnL ur thcre i. u kgnl prcxerJing [hai may ,ignificuntly :�ffect Lender: ri@ht�in �he
<br /> � •• , • „ . Prop:rty Izuch us a pnxecdin� in hunkruplry,pmhute,l'or cundemnatiun iK tiirl'riturc or to rnfi�rrr luw�or regulutionsl,then
<br /> . Lender muy da und puy tix wh•r�rvrr i�necrxsary tu prahrl Ihe o,►!tk of Ihr Propeny und Lrndcr�ri�hts in the Pm�xrly.
<br /> V � Lendcr:iu�inn.muy includc p;�ying uny.um�.rcured by a lirn��it�:h ha�pri�Kity u�•er�hi.Srru�ity In,�rumem,uppcarin�
<br /> �• ,; � in court.puying rcu�onaMr uuwnryti'Icr.imd emrring un Ihc Pn�nrl� to mukc npuir,.Ahhough Lendcr muy lukc actic►n
<br /> <.' • under thi�paragruph 7.Lcndcr di�c�not hu��c lo do.�►,
<br /> . -.� - Any vm�wnt.di+hunrd hy t.rndrr undrr thi. parc��r.�ph 7 .h�ll f+�romr addilion;�l JrM af Bam►wcr.rrured by this
<br /> � ..s": - Securily Imlrum�nl. Unlr.+Rurruu�r rind Lrnder:i}:rrc ti�u1h�r I�rntir nt'payrncnt.the.e amount,�hull txur intcrcst from the
<br /> �f° , �,�° �.�:� ' dute of di.huncmrnt ai �hr Notc ralr smd tihull Ix p:iy�iMe. Nith inGtrt.t.u�x�n ninicr I�nm l.rndcr�u Ei�xmwrrrcyurtiting ti�„�
<br /> x �.. ���`�'''+ puymem, w�i�
<br /> : , ,. � S. MoMRa�c Intiurunce. It'Lrndrr roquired mortg:�Er in�uruncc ;n u rnndiii�m nl'mnking thc I�,un,crured by thi. ;;i`1�
<br /> �' ' �' Serurity In.lrununl. Burnm�cr �hall p:n•thr prrmium. rryuirrd k,anainiain �hr m„n�agc in.un►ncr in r(I'crt. II'. f'or any ..
<br /> �. , � . • '�:;, rca�un. Ihc mongnge inwrnncr cuvrrugr rrquired h} LcnJrr I:qv�c� itt cc:i.r, tn Ix in cfl'�c�. B��rr�,wer Khtdl �y thc • .
<br /> � ..��`,. premium+ requircJ tu uhlniu r�wrr��gc ,ubtit;mtiallc rip�i�.dcnt I�, th. nuKt�agr in,ur:mre prc��iuu�l� in rft�rl. ut a co,i ��;�,
<br /> ., :_..�;�' +uh�lunliully��yui��idrnt 1u�hc cu.t w Hurn»�cr ul ihr nwngugr m.YUrance prr�•u�u.ly m rl trcl. Irum;in ulicmatc mongage
<br /> , ' in�urcr appruved hy l.�ndrr. Il�,uh.l;nttiallv eyui�,drw nwnga�e m,uran�cc.�e.ragr i.nut :n•;iilnMe.Rurrower+hi�ll pay to "
<br /> .. � Lcndrr c;Kh momh u.um ryu:d lo unc-���•rlllh ol'Ihr��arl� uu�ng,iFr in.uranrr��rcmium hrin�paid hy Burr��Hrr whcn �he
<br /> • , inwrancc ruvrr.iEc lap,rd ur rr�,cd Iu Ix•in rl lert. l..ndrr��ill ucccpt.u.e anJ rr�ain�hr.c�,a�•mcnt,a,a la..r�.crvr in licu
<br /> , i�l'mon�a�c in+uru�K�. La,. re,cn�c paymrnt. nuiy nu I��neen c�rrquirrd. :n ih�a�li�ai��I I.rndir,il� nwn�uge in,uruncr a;.^ai
<br /> �� covcra�r lin tlk amwunt imd tix�hr�xri�xl ihat Lcnder rcyuirr�i pr���•idrd h�• an in,urrr aprrnrcd hy l.rndcr a�uin Ixromc� � •:^
<br /> :1:�4 � ,{�5„
<br /> EH,, avuilubk:md i,��hlaincd.Burc�.��•cr.hall pa� �hr prrn►iwn.r�quircd�i,mam�:�in mun�::��:r in.urunrr �n rflcrt.��r io provide a t�;.,
<br /> t � � lo��rc�rn•r.until Ihc rcyuirement tur mongi�gr in.in:mcr rnd. in:�rrurd:nx. ��ilh am ��ritlrn acmrm.n� Ixiw•rcn liam��cr � �:,
<br /> u�xi LrnJer ur applir:�Mr laa.
<br /> `', • ' 9. Inypection. l.�ndcr ur il,a�:.nt mti�� mnl,r r��i.�xr.�hlo�mric. upm :mJ in.�xr�iun.uf�hr Pto�un}. Lcndcr�hall �
<br /> ° give Borto��rr nolir�at thr timr ul ur priur I�r;�n iu,�x•riiun,�wril'�in�rcu,�x�:�hle�au,�li�r�t�r in,�k rtiun. �
<br /> f �I i 10. ConikmnutN►n. 1'hr prucc�J.uf any:avn�d ur.I:iim ti�r dainazc..�lirc�•t nr.•�ut.rqurnlial.in�•„nn��rtinn��ilh uny � .
<br /> � , tim�lr I.mnl� F'aonic�tw F'reJdk��I•rc 1�IF111i\11\\IRl�IF:�I 1 nd.nm(1���•n.un. 4;V11 yh�l�?,./n�qr��•.�
<br /> �� .. �m�,n Ldn Hu.iMr.hM�n,hn � �
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