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<br /> poymentr m�y no ton�er be required,at tha option oP Lender. if mort�a inwuarwo cavera�e(in tho amount nrd for�he period
<br /> thu Lc�der requlres)Providod by rn inwr�er�pproved by l,endcr a�dn ba�omea�vuiisble uid ls obtairod, Bomnwer�11 p�y
<br /> the premfum�required to maintain nwrt�age incunnca in ef�ect,or to provide a low�aerve.until the roquirca�an tar paott�a�e
<br /> irnuriu�ce cnds in�aoonlance with�ny wrluee��e�M between Borrower ond I.endar or�pplicable law.
<br /> 9.la�pecdoa.l�ender ar ita a�ent nuy nuke re�on�ble ent�ia upon ud incpoc�iaw oP thc Property. I.ender�iWl�ive
<br /> Barcower notia u the time nf or prior w an inspaKion specifying rcau�rwble c�use for the incpo�tion.
<br /> 10. CondanaWoa. The proceoda af any awrud or c1Aim for d�gea.diroct or consoqucnti�l, in eannecdon wilh airy
<br /> condemnation or other t�inE of�ny part oP the Property.ar for aonvoyance in lieu of oontlentmtion.aro heneby assi�nod and
<br /> - sl�all bo paid w Lcnder.
<br /> !a tbt event of a total wki�g of Ihe Property,the procaeds slull be applied to Ihe xuma cocured by this Savrfty Insuuma�t,
<br /> wbetlx�or not then due,wUh�ny exoes� �wid to Bormwcr. In�he evem oF a partial taking of the Pmperty in which tho fai�
<br /> muket value of�ho Property immediately 6efon the taking is equN w or g�cucr�h�n the amount of tho wms securod by Uds
<br /> Sa�udty Instrwnent immediately beforc thc t�icing,unlesa 8arrower and L.cnder otherwise ogroe in writing,the sums securad by
<br /> thi� Sccudty Inctrument shell be reducod by the amount of ihe pracads mull�plied by the following iraction: (a) the total
<br /> amount of the sums savred immodiately befon�he taking,dividod by (b) the fair market velue of�he Propchy immedi�tely
<br /> befon the taking. Aay balw�ce shall be paid to Borrower. in the event of a partial taking oP the PropeKy in which the falr
<br /> muket value of tha Property immedfately before�he taking ia lcss thw►tha amount of the sums securcd immodiately before the
<br /> tating.unless Borrower nnd Lender othcrwisc agree ln writing or unless applicabla law otherwicc providos. the praoeeds�l�WI
<br /> , �. • _ � be appliad w the sums eecured by thfs Security Insuument whether or not the sums ar�e then due.
<br /> " :,�. If the Property is abandoned by Borrower.or jf,after notia by[.ender to Borrower that the oondemnar of�'crs w make an
<br /> ` � ? awud or settle A claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days afler the date tho notice ia given,
<br /> r���;,:...
<br /> .��'r��,,:�R�: LJender is authodzed to collect and apply the procc,eds,at its optian. eRher to restor�tion or repair of tho Pmperty or w�fn wma
<br /> . t savred by this Secudty Instrument.whethor ar not then due.
<br /> • �����.�: �t'' Unless [.emler and Borrower otherwise agree in wdting, any application of proceods to principal shall not extend or
<br /> ;.�_ :..��, �
<br /> ,,,�F,,,,,,1.,,,�, ;�;Y'� �' postpone the due date of the monthly payments rePerred to in paragraphs I and 2 ar change the amount of such payments.
<br /> " •" ` � 11.Borrower Not Rdeased= Forbea�nce By I.ender NW A W�iver.Extensian of the time for payment ar madification
<br /> 7` ' �� � '�'(���C '�
<br /> ;;, :};,;F,; ..�;n�3;� , of enwnizalion of the sums secured by this Serurity Instrument grantod by Lender�o any successc►r in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> � '- �S � ��-"• ��' • nd operate ta release the Ifubllity of thc original Bonower or Borrower's successors in interest. l.ender shall not be required a
<br /> ,�.,, � ' ° . � cammence praceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to eKtend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization
<br /> .,l'S. ' �° of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by neason of any demaod made by �he original Borrower or Barrower's
<br /> . .,,,,��.i�. successors in interest. Any fafiearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a w�iver of ar preclude the
<br /> , �,`��- "'4;";,', eaerciseof any righl or�medy.
<br /> • ,: ,,t�., , ;���, 12. Suocessors and Assign4 Bound;ioint And Severai I.iw6iiiiy; Co�igarra�. 'i'iir �nvc�uu�t� suNi a���i�ntn of ihls
<br /> • � , , ,��• Securi�y Instrument shnll bind and benefit�he successors and assigns of I.ender and Borcower, cubject to the provisions of
<br /> '' ���i.�'�.�:;.�•::�•, .��,,°; paragraph 17. Borrower's covennnts and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who casigns this Security ��
<br /> '"" Y '''• �''`":; " Inatrumen�but does not execute the Note: (n) iti co-signing tBis Security Instrurnent only to mortgage, grant and convey that
<br /> ;1tii.f�i.
<br /> � � . , ,:`•�...��:
<br /> ' �:��;;�,:;,r, • Harrower's intorest in the Property under the terms of Ihis Security lnstrument:(b)is not personally abligated�o pay the sums
<br /> �,' '�•• • , ' '•�t`9I} secured by this Security lns�rument;und(r)ngrees Ihul l,ender and any other Borrower may agrec to extcnd, modify,farbear or
<br /> � �� � �;.;;;;, . .�, �1 make any uccommadatians with regurd to the termx of this Security la�trumen�or the Note without Ihut&�ROwer's consent.
<br /> ,��r ' :�� . 13. l.oan ChArges.If the loan secured by this Securiry (nawment i�subJerl to a law which rets maximum loan charges,
<br /> � ' e �,� „� ;�;;{``'�, and that law is finally interpreted so�hat the interest ar c�ther laan charges collectai or w be collected in connection with the
<br /> �,��"f, r . ' �����.� loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)uny �uch loan charge shnll be reduced by�he amount ne+:e�wry to reduce the charge
<br /> 'Y �'� � ` " '��"i`'`�'• ta 1he permitted limit; and Ib1 any sum+ulreudy collccted from 8orrnwcr which exce�tled permiqed limils will be refunded to
<br /> .,%`' �.;•;•��•. � •• Borrower. I.ender n�ay rhaase u� make thi. refund by reduring the principul oacJ unde� Ihe Note or by muking u direct i•��•
<br /> A
<br /> � � �''�'�' '•' • � payment ta �orrower. !f a rclbnd reilu�r� principul, the reduction will l+e treated as a p•rrtial prepayment without any -
<br /> � T :;.,i�, . ;..,.
<br /> .�����;�� � prepayment eharge under thc Nole.
<br /> ��;t','��; pj'�t, , .. .
<br /> ,.,;.,, _ 14. Nolices. Any rn►lice tu&�RUwcr provid�vl fiir in lhiti Sccurity Imtrumcnt+hall be�iven by dclivering it or by mailing
<br /> �i��"� •� i,i•; , � il by 6mt cla�x ttwil unlr��uppli�able laa reyuirc�utie of another methcxl. The nalicr�ba0 6e directed ta the Property Addrrss r`�'
<br /> �,,, ';,;i�, :� ' ' or uny athcr addre�x Borc��wer Jr+i�n�tr. by natirr tu I.cnJcr. Any� nutirc to Lender ,hall t+c givcn b� fin� cluss mail to ���.
<br /> .�"'"' „ , � L.ender's uddre+��IuteJ hercin ur uny uth�r addr�.� LenJrr dc�iEnut�w by nudce a�&xro�cer. Any nutire pr��vided far in this ,��,
<br /> . ., Security Instrwnen�shall hc d��cmed to huve Ixrn given�o&irrawer nr Lcnder when�iven as pro�•iJcd in thi,paragruph. '"�
<br /> '`� � } � 1S.Gaverning I.s�H�; Severability. Thi� Security In,trumcn� +hall he governed hy feder•rl la��• anJ the laa• of the .a
<br /> i � � , .o.. juriuiicti�m in whirh thc Property is I�uat��d. In the rvent Ihut uny provisi��n or rlau��uf this Security ln+trument or the Note
<br /> 4� ��.`~'' c o n fl i c l s w i l h a I i w M l e l a w, ,u c h r o n fl i c t.h•r l l n o t a f l'e c t rn h c r n►v i s i u m a l�h i�S e c u r i t}•I n,l r u m c m o r t h e N o t e w h i c h c a n l+e
<br /> ;.•,r.{��' ,., _ pp '.. r
<br /> •3' ��;,� ,� given eff��t withow the rantlirting pr�n•i.ion. Ta thi�end�hr pru�•i+iun��►1'�hi. Securiq� In�trument und the Note ure Jecl:u�ed c
<br /> fi� ' tobe�everablc. �1�'•„ '
<br /> � ' � � . ' . 16. Ibrrower's Cupy.&�rruwrr.hull bc gi�•cn on�contimiuwD capy ul'thr N�Nr•rnd of thi.S��urity Imtrument. i.; "
<br /> �,!: ,
<br /> �yy, j� . „ • '" form 3028 9/90
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