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<br /> S. Hwrd or Prapaiiy Inwranoe. Borrowe��Iwll keep cho inip�CSw�meatc now oxiainR or he�fter craaod on.the
<br /> PropeAy insurod��l�wt la�by 8ro. Iwzardo includal within Ihc tem�."exid►cied cuvcrago" and any other har�rds, incluAin�
<br /> floods or floodin�.for which l.cnder roquira�in4urwkc. Thi�insurwice rha�,l)bo mpiatainod in tt�amounta ad for�he periodo
<br /> that Lendcr roquirca.The insur�uxe cwn�ier provlding the insumncc shall�be cbqu.�n,hy Bomower subjact to Lender's approv�l
<br /> which cludl not be unncaconably withhcld. IF Borrawer failc lo mrintuin,covtsAgo dtsc�ided abavo, Leoder ntay. �t L.a�der's
<br /> option,obtain coven�Qc to protxt Lencler's�ights in the Property in xcardamoe with puagmph 7.
<br /> ��p All insu�noc palicie�and rcnewalc shoil be�ept�bl8 ta l.xnder And sh#11 incduda a swdard mortgage clause. Lender
<br /> 'F�. shall have thc r�ght,ta hold the policie9 and rcncwxls. If L.ender reyuire.s,Barmwer stwal�pmmptly give to Lender nli rcaipt�of
<br /> ° p�id prcmiums and renewstl naticks.In the event of loss. Barrower stwll�ivo pmmpt,matiae cA iho insurance c�rrfer and Leader.
<br /> ".�
<br /> Lender may make praof af IasR if not mode promptly by Barmwer.
<br /> Unless Lender and Barmwer otherwisc ogae in wridng,insurancc pmc�eeds shpll be App�ied to restontion or rcpa�r of tho
<br /> � Propertp demaged,if Ihe rcstaratian or rrpair is economiplly fqsiblo aind Lendca�'s sP,curitp is.nat lexsened•If the reswralion or.
<br /> �, `` rcpair is not oconomk�+lly feasible or l.ender's recuriry would be lessenod. tha insu�tve prnceods cl�ll be nppllod to the sums
<br /> , �•,.' � secuned by this Socurity Inattument. whetlKr or nat�hen duo, w)th any excess ppld ta Bormwer. If Borrower abandans tho
<br /> ' PropeAy.o�daes no1 answer within 3�days a notioe fmm Lend�r thxt the insura�nae carriar Ms offered to settle A daim, then
<br /> �;,t ,. Lender may collect the insuranoe pnx�eeds. Lender may use�ha pmc�oals ta repair or r�tara the Property or to pay sumt
<br /> •: A•�.�•�:�,•���"• cxured by thfs Secudly instrument,whaher or nat then duo.7ho 30�day periad will begln,when the notice is given.
<br /> '-�" ''�"� Unless Lender ond Bormwer otherwise agree in writing, any applia3tian of,pnx�cecls ta principal shall nat extend ar•
<br /> t,.1 • ��k4 . R
<br /> ��--• ' fi:�;;� postpone the duo diuo of chr manthly payments refemad ta in paragrapds 1 and 2 0�.c.hange the amount of the paymaus. If
<br /> � '�:°i�`^% `� �s under paragraph 21 �he Praperty is aoquired by I.ender, Harrower's�ight to Any insuraoce policies and proceads resulting from
<br /> ,� � -`�A.,e
<br /> ���'', damage to the Prope�ty Priar ta the Ac�quisitian s�hall p�ss to L,ende+r to tik eztent af�tht�sums secured by thi�Security Instrumait
<br /> � � ''° "� '� ,` immediately prior ta�he acquisitian.
<br /> ." � � �..�.�J,-:...�_��.�: b.Oocupw�cy, Preaervatlon,Ma{nteawnce and Protectbn oT the PrvpprtY;�amoaer•s Lastn Applicatton; Ixasebolds.
<br /> „ :„• '. ,-- Hornuwer shWl accupy.establich,and use the Praperty as Bc�rrower's princiFwl rosidenee within sixty days After Ihe exxution of
<br /> :.°.;�;�t,.��'x;JY'��. this Secur�ry Instmment and clwll wntinue ta accupy�he P�aperty as Bomswxr's principal residence for at least one year after '
<br /> � • • � thc dxto of occupancy. unless i.ender otherwixe agraes in w�riting, which conscmt shall nat�e unreusonably wlthheld,or unless
<br /> ° '';;�., � • � extenuating circumstancec exict which ara hey�nd &►rrower's con�rnl. Brnmwer shall not destroy, damage or impair tho
<br /> '� � . �" • Property, allaw the Pruperty to deteriorate,or commil waste on tht+ Prnpetty. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> ' ' '`.. ' r'�''� uction or proce�iing,whether civll ar crimiaal, is begun ths�t in l.endesrb good faith judF�hent could result in forfeiwre of the `'t
<br /> ° � � � , � Property or otherwise materially impxir Iht linn ereated by this 5ecudtp lnsttument or l.ender's security incerest. Borrower may '
<br /> " cure such a defswll•and reinstata.�s proYided in pAragr�apb 18,hy�usiog the action or pra�eeding to be dismissad with a ruling �ti'
<br /> �,. that. in I.endee's gaod faith detenninatinn,.procluden fi►dailu�a of.tha�Borrower's interest in the Property or other rtwteriel
<br /> ; . , impairn�ent oi tta liai craatc,d by this Serurity Insttum�nt�ar�I.endc,r's security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br /> ' , , � Borrawer,during ths Ic�n applieation pr�xesx,gs��•e mu�rially ialk or inaccumte infom�ation or stutements to Lender(or fajled
<br /> ' '' to pravide Lencler wi�h pny muc�riul inPormution)in connection with the loan evidenced by�he Note,including,but not limited
<br /> to, representations concemiqg Horrower's occupancy nf�tt�r Ptopeny as a principal residenoe. If this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> .. •;,�'��ir�.'• leasehold. Borrowcr shailicompl�� with aU the pmvi.rians of the Icase. If Borrower aoquires fee title to the Property, the
<br /> �_: , „ leasehold and the fec titlt slull�not merge unlatcs 4ertder c�grees to the merger in writing.
<br /> ' 7.Protection oT I.ender's Rights in tht�Fropetty. If BuROwcr fui t+to perfurm the covenants and egreements conteined in
<br /> this Security Instrument, or tharo is u legul p�nceeding that may tiignitirrntly uffect Lender's ri�hts in the Pn�perty(such us a
<br /> �'ti� ` "" proceecling in bankruptcy, pmbctte. fiir condemnation or fiirfei�ure or ta entiirce I:�we or regulations), then Lerxler rtwy do and
<br /> �•.,,,�� .
<br /> � -�'��"'"W"� pay for whatever is nec�eswry tc� pmtect the vuluc��f the Property uncl Lendcr'�rightx in the Prupeny. Lender'x actions may �j--
<br /> �f• ';,�;''.
<br /> ' , inchide paying uny sums u�urcJ by :� lien which hu� p�iority a��er Ihi� S��urity lmtrument, appearing in court, paying
<br /> i� �� rcawnable uttorney+'fi.��aixl enterin�on the Pmpeny to makc repair�+. Alttx�ugh Lender muy tukc acti�m unde�Ihia paragrt►ph .,;
<br /> � ;� , •�; 7.L.ender doe,not have to di�u�.
<br /> . ,
<br /> ;, Any amount� di�bun�eci M�� l.erxfcr under thix parugruph 7 ,hall he�omr sdditinnal dcht of&xmw•cr u�urod by this
<br /> . . ��'�� Securiry Instrumem. Unle�+ Bircrua•er snd Lender agrcr �o ��ther trrnr ��f ra�•mem, the�r amonnt. .hall F+ear imere,r frnm the ��'•
<br /> dute of Jisbun;ement at the Notc rutr utxl shall Ne payablc, with intertwt, up�m noticc fmm L�:nder to Borrower requesting .:;�
<br /> � payment.
<br /> • �� � S. Mo�iga�e Insurance.It'Lcndcr rryuired nx�nEuge in.urunrr a, n c�.nJitiun ul making�hc lu•rn�crureJ by this Scrurity
<br /> � �'"'� • Inst�ument. &irmwcr yhaU pay �he premium. rcyuir�d li� maintain the me�ngugc inwranrc in clfitit. If, tbr any reaxon, the
<br /> ,...•
<br /> '. mortgagc in.uranre coverugc reyuircYl by Lendrr lupxti ur�c•r,r+ 1u Ix in ctT�wt, Burn►��rr+hall pu�• thc premiums rcquired to s,�.
<br /> S,4: _ � ' ubwin covcrrgc.ubstantiuUy cyuivulcn�a�thc man�agc imurvnrr previ��u�l}•in efl'cct, at u co,i wb,tunti�lly eyuivulcnt a�the �;:'
<br /> � ',;��` • co►t to &imowcr of Ihe mortgage imurunre prc��inu.ly in cl'tcr�. I'nmi un :d�crnut� m�►nFag� in.urrr upprovrd b�• Lender. If
<br /> �� ' `• : substuntiully cyuivutent mungugc inwranrc cucerugr i�not ucailahl�. Hurr����cr�hall par tu LrnJrr cuch month a,um ryual �o
<br /> 'i~,i,'•.'1 ` i . ' one-twelfth uf the yrarly m�mgage inwranrr premium f+ring paid hy H„rru��•er w•hcn thr in.uruncc roveragc lap,cd��r ceaud to �.
<br /> ; ,� •� �� ' be in eifect. LenJer will�:crp1,u.r unJ rc�;�in theae paymcnt.as a la�. R.�rvc in licu of m�mgugc intiurance. L<,,, re�erve •
<br /> �i�� • � Fam 3028 8/80
<br /> � " '.. Payo!uf H i1
<br /> ` y j � . t
<br /> �
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