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a: .. <br /> •at__ . . . _�.,� <br /> ��.�� �:''. , � ...� <br /> . r... . _..�++..rr�rrY� <br /> �''� � �93-�oe3e2 <br /> 17.Traa�fer ot tbe�a'a 8me(idal latae�t in Borrnwer.If WI or�y put of tho Prnperty or arry inte�t in il <br /> h cuW cx�ra�uPerrod(�x if a bene cial interait in A�xrower i�sa�d or transfemed and 8arrower is not�newral pe��t)wid�out <br /> I.a�der'� prior wrincn can�enl. Lcndcr maY• w lte ap�an� Im immodi��c p�yment in ftill of dl cumc s�ecun�d by thb <br /> Socudty In�trumeM.Hawovor.tlllli Qp{IW�ihWl IMK UO C1ICtCIiO�I�y l.ender ii eacrcia i�prohibited by fodanl•Inw•p oPlhe�We <br /> otr.his Securiry Instrumont. <br /> If I.endar ezarcis�e�thia optian�LeixWr shall ive Bomawer nodca of acceleration.Tho ndico sh�ll pno�ida p periad ot not <br /> la��n 30 days f}nm tha duta tho natice Is del�verod or mailod wUhin w�ich 8arrawer muW pAy all sumw corurod bY�M� <br /> Security InatNmeat. If 8arrowor faile to pry these r�ums p�ic►r ta lhe eapira�ion oP thia pe�iod,Lend�r mwy in�oke any rcmodia <br /> ;.� perniitted by�his Sxuri�y Inurumant wlthout Nrllxr nWioe or demarM!on[i�rrower. <br /> 18, Borrowa�'s Wgbt to Relaeute. If Bartawer moets ocrtain conJitions, Borrower ahall huvo the dght to have <br /> rnf orcement of this Socur��y Inqrur.Knt di��oiu(nueJ at ony link priur to thc carlicr af: (a)S duys(or su�tt ather prrind ar <br /> �pplkable Iww may spxify for rcinwatement) bcforc s�lc af the Propeny pwsu�nt ta any pawer of sala contoiood in thix <br /> Socurity In�trumem:or lb)entry of A judgment enforcing this Securlty In�trument. 71ios�canditions�aie 1ha18urrow�r:(o)p�� <br /> knder all sums which than would be due under thfa Socu�ity Inslrument and Ihe Nae as iP nu accelomtii►n hs�d a�currod:ln)� <br /> cv�any deGuU of eny dhar rnvennntR or�gnemems; (c)p�ys WI expensa incumed in enPorcing thl� Socurity Insaument. <br /> inc tading,but not limited ta. ra►sonabla at�4rne�s' foes:and(d)takes such xtion as I.endar mAy rrasonably reyuirc ta�xsuro <br /> that U�o lien af this Secu�ty�osttumant. l.ender s �ights in the Property and Bor►+nwer's obliguUon to pay�ha sums berurod by <br /> �his Security Inutumant shall cantinue unchungdd. Upon reinsta�emem by Barrowor, this SecurUy lastrument and tha <br /> ab�igatians sautrd hereby shall rcmain fully effe�Kive as ii na Accele►ation hod a;curned. However. this ri�ht to�eincWte shwl) <br /> not apply in�ha cace of acccierntion undar pwrag�ph 17. <br /> l9. St�k ot Notet Chaaeo ot L�oan Servicer. The Nwe ar a partial interest M the Nota <togcU�er wiUt d�ie Security <br /> InctNmenq may be sold ana or more�imes withaut prior notice to Bnrrower. A sula may result in u changes in the emity(known <br /> .� "'. �s tbe "Loan Service�1 tha�colicxta m�nlhly payments due under�he Nae and this Se�vrity Instrumem.Tho�olt�u may be one <br /> � + � z,; ;�, , . or mnre changas of tha I.oan Scrvicer unnelalcd to r�s�le oi the Note. If there is a chunge of thc[Aan Servicer.Bormwer wil)bc <br /> � : .�s.n�__����..• �' given w�itten natice of tha change in accrordance with psuagruph 14 above and applicable law.The ncuice will stAta tha nenta and <br /> � - .,��.•�, •M�. �ddrcss of tha new Loan Scrvicer und tha address to wbich payments shouid 6e mede. The naice will alnu cuntuin ony othor <br /> •� �'� ; �,��.. int'�rma�ion required by applicabla luw. <br /> 2p, Hamrdoue Sub�pces, BuROwer shall not cauFe or permit the prcsence, use, dispasal, stomgo, ur release of any <br /> � � Hrawrclous Sub�lancer on or in tha PropeKy. Bortower shull not do. nor allow anXpne else w do, unything affi.�cting tha <br /> ' , , �-�-?�=v� Prope�ty that ie in violadan of uny Environman�nl Law. The preceding two sentenccs shall not appty�u �ha prr�ence,utie, or �` <br /> ' . '�' '"" s�arage an iha Property of smAll quantitiae uf Huxardcws Subuances that ar+e gennmUy recognizai [a ba appropriat�to noRnal� y;, <br /> ' . ,,. <br /> �• :,�•,.�t,".:.,;-� �;5� �sidentiul uses and to maimonanca of tha Pn,peny. <br /> �; • �`` Borrower shall prompdy give L.endar w�iuen notice of any investigatian,claim, demand, luwsuii ar other uction by�ny :, <br /> , ����;'' '� a� ga��emmentul or regulatory ugem:y or privatc party involving�ha Propeny and any Hs�z�udnus Subr,inncc c�r Eavimnn�entnl �;� <br /> • S '"`�� of which Barrowe�has actuni knnwladge. If Borcawcr learns,or is notifiad by any go��emmentul ur r�pulwary autharity.thnt <br /> Ny removal or othe�remadiation of uny Horardous Substance affi�ting the Propeny i�nocessary,Bc�m►wer shi►11 promptly wke <br /> h � �'��'' all aecessary ramalial actianF in•uccordunce wi�h Environmenlal Luw. <br /> °'• As u�;vd in lhiA pu►a�giaph?0, "Howrdoux Subst�nces" ur�e thnse �.ub�.lunoes dafne+i as t�►aia ar ha-rardnus suba�anc�s by <br /> ' '� °�-� Enti�imnmemal Luw und'tha f�llu►ving substances: gus�►line. keroaene. othar iiummabie or ioRiu pq�vi�vm�ppnluciy. WRi� <br /> ' . ;�:u�� •�"�<'. daides and horbividas�, volatila+nlvents, materiAls cunluining subesto.or fiirtnpldahyde.and r.�df�►uctive mwudulti.As u�d in <br /> � f:�:���'�',�-��-�„ h�parugraph 20, "Envimnmemul�Luw�" mcan, fc�Jerol luu�s and laws of tho juri�cli�tion whan� the Propercy is lacated thut <br /> . sl.._•,•t�+� <br /> �,��.,�,�,, ..,� rel ata to hoallh. �finy or•am�imnmenlul pro�ection. <br /> NON•1:1J1rqRh1 COVENANTS. B�ino�ver and Lcnder funher cm�ent+nl ond agrcc a.fullt►ws: <br /> � � '�',��'`•���'^'`�``� 21.Accelantinn�Remedi�. Lcnder shall�ive nndce to Borrov��er p�ior to wcceler�tion tolloaing Borrow•e�'s breach <br /> i�,..,,:. �,s:;,t?. <br /> � ` '�;��'`� �'�'%�•'�`• oP an covemnt or a rcemont in thiw Securlt Instrument Ibut not rlor to accelernUon unde� ra 17 unless <br /> �. ��-.� . �,,;�:,� y s y � �� nh <br /> �, , ' ;;;;';���., :E�,•� �_� �pplicAble Inw• provides othenrisr).Thc noNcc slwll xpeciYy: (a) the defAUlt: (b) the uction reguired to cure thc defaulh '� <br /> �, `':;.r,>' Ic>A date� nat I�.v than 30 days f'rom the dale the notice iti�iven to &�rrower,by which the detpult must be cured;and t <br /> fy,�:. .. . . �� .., ,; Id)that failure to cure the defuult on��r before the date speclficd in the notice may re.cult in secelerntion ot the sums <br /> .+�..:{,: • • �•��� secured by thia Serurity Instrument and salc of'the PropeM�.Thc notice shuU fuNher iniorm Borrower of the rlght lo ., <br /> •'� f .. ., . � �i .��',<< reinstate afler accclerntion and thc right to brin� a court ucUon ta a�.scrt t6c non�existence ot e default ur any other <br /> � ,.. <br /> � "� , <br /> ' detense of Borruw•er to accelerndun and wle. IP Ihe default is nnt cured on ar befam Ihe date specifled in the notice. <br /> /' � '��; ' . .�: ils opliun. may reyufre immediete pu}•ment in full ot�11 rums+ccured b�• thiK Securlly lastrument w•ithout �': <br /> 1 ""• turlher demwnd and mu� invokc thc powcr oP sulc and any othcr remediiy p�rmittetl by applicable lax, l.ender shell be � ,�,, <br /> l, � en tNletl to callect s�ll exprau�incurred in pursuiog ti�e remediex pru�idrd in thfx parugraph 21. including.bul not limited �•�;: <br /> lo.resiwnable aQorneys'fees and ruNs of lide evidence. <br /> If'thepn K�er oP wle is im•oked. Trustee �hull n�cord a noticc uf defuult in cach counh ln a•Blch any part of the "' <br /> � Propertv iti located und shull muil cnpie+of�uch nolire In Ihr manner preurilK�d b�• applicable la��• to Borrow•er s�nd to <br /> �+t ;, th�other persons pt�cril�ed b��upplicable lua. Afler th�lime rcyuired h�upplicoblc law,Trust�r shall�ive publk notice �.�P,ti. <br /> � . � of +alc to thc pcnuns and in thc munncr pnxcribrd b} upplicublc la��. '1'ru,ttiY. +�fthoul dcmand on Borrnx�er. chall scll =`' <br /> - ' Ihe 1'ropert�•at public auction to the hiRh�yl biddcr at thc timc und placc und undcr the Ierm�desi�nated in thc nutke of ��'�!`�. <br /> s�k in une ur more purcclv und in u�»�ordcr Trutitcc determin�w.Trusttr mu� pmtp��nc wle oP all nr uny parcel of'Ihr •�.i <br /> ' ` ' Property b�•publh annoumc�mnt at thc timc und plucc uf unc prc�iou+l} �hcclulcd .ulc. Lcnder or its desipncc mu} �'���' <br /> � r,��� . pisrchase the Property et am wle. ,,• <br /> •'� •�7ii'S�' �v .. ���, <br /> a'i ,�'.iiS;�� . �,` <br /> � . S� . . <br /> �� ; , � Fam 3028 8180 4. <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> .�rL , �.�''. P�5��G � <br /> .. � �� ( <br /> �t.� .'�(`t;!`'.I.� . � <br /> ' '' 1 ..t�,�. ' __._ <br /> .7�i.' �..�•.�� _ _. _. ____ .�'� '_' _ . - . . , :�. �n: . .. .it�.';.:+�C_. . �;;-. . � � . .. . <br /> ' - � ��;,,5..+`,/ n .� . , � ' , - <br /> � .. I' - --�--' ' ' . . _ . ..- . . . , <br /> ` .. �' <br /> ,�+'`• .i i , .. . <br /> � M` � U i <br /> ( p� »' _ ' <br /> r{ <br /> ,f� t � . " ' <br /> . .-r <br /> ( .,. . <br /> ,.., , _ <br /> i;-•v -- „ '- `—k'��,-. .� — . - - -- .._...- -�-' --' <br /> , C . . <br /> • �. � 1 <br /> . <br />