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<br /> TOC))E1'HER WiTH all thc improvemenw now or herc�fter eraKed on the p►opeKy.md dl wemenU,�ppurtenat�ca.nd �
<br /> 8aturea oow or hereaNer a pwrt af tiu property. All replpcement� wx1 �dditinna �iull dso bo wvotod by this Sxudty
<br /> Lwrument.All of tho fqregoin�is refeuod to in thi�Sacud�y lns�rument as the"Property"
<br /> .. BORROWF.R COVBNANTS tha►Borrower is I�wfully ceisod af,lhe estato hereby wnv�yed wxi hac the ri�ht to�rant aM
<br /> .�, oonvey the P�qnrty and ttwt thc Propcny is uncncumberod.exve�t�fo�encumb�nues af raorei. Borrower wur�ao nad will
<br /> defe�d generally the tide to the PropertY wg�inst all claims And dGnwnd:.sul�{ea ta uny encumbranas of rocord.
<br /> THIS 3ECURITY 1NSTRUMBNT rnmbines unifarm cove�w�ts far,nvcinrwl,use smd non-uniform covenwns with�Imiled
<br /> r� :� vnrfatfans by jurisdiclian w conxtitute a uniPorm security insen�meM�oav��in�rcAl.property.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANT5.Borrower and L.ender cavetwnt,w►d a�tde as follaws:
<br /> 1. Paymeat ot PriacipW ond Iqterrat; PrePo3'meat and�LRtA Cluit�es. Bormwcr aMali Pro��Y P�Y whcn duo tib
<br /> ?' principal of and interext on the de6t evidenoed by tho Note and any preps�ymenha�xf(ata charges duc under ihe Nate.
<br /> ' 2. �nds�or Taxes ond Inwrance. Subject �a applicable law ar.ta s w�rittan�wxive�by l.ender, Borrower shall pay to
<br /> ;, ,�; rl `�..,1 Lcnder on the day monthly paymcnts are due under 1he Note.untiLtht+N4ta is p�tid(n:Yull►a sum('Funds")foe(n)ycarly twcec
<br /> and assessments which may attain priority over this Securlty Insttumetn,as a lion an�tho Prapeny:(b)yearly IeaRehold paymeau
<br /> ����,: , or graund tents on the Property,if any:(c)Yearly huard ar pmpeAy insut�nce Promiums;(d)yeady flood insurancx pmniums,
<br /> �`„�;^�j .. iP any: (e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any; and(�uny sums puy�ble�by.&►rrower to l.ender, in wxti��e with
<br /> �t''*':;�.','•*.. • �.;:} the provisions of puragraph 8. in lieu of the paymenl oP mangage insurnix�e pramiums. These items sue callod "ESCrow ltems.'
<br /> � ' ytr.:rx::.� � '"'� �� l.ender may. at nny time,rnllect and hold Funds in �n wnount nat ta excevd tlt�mzximum amount a Iender for e faierally
<br /> . ��r�- '�� � -• rclated mortgage loan may require for Barrower's escrow aocounl undcr the�fecle+ral•Re�l�sstste Settlement Procedures Act of
<br /> �``... ., - • _ 1974 as ameaded from time ta time. 1?U.S.C.5eetinn 2601 er��aq. ("R88PA').�unlacs another law thut applies to tha Funda
<br /> �: ' � " sets a lesser amcwnt. !f so, l.ender may, at any time.cro�lect and hald �unds in an amc�unt aot 10 exceed the lesser amaunt.
<br /> .� =---.---- I,ender may estimete the amouol nf Funds due o�che basis of cumant,data wid r�cons+Mdle estimates of expenditur+es of fbture
<br /> � , � , „ ''" Escrow items or ath�rwise in stccordunce with appiiphfa law.
<br /> '� �� The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposilc ara insured by o fixiern! agency. instrumentality. ar entity
<br /> ' � � � (including Lender,if Lender is�suci�un institution)or in any Feclernl H��me Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> . " ,> .�s�°`� ,_:;t,;���.� Escrow liems.L.ender may not charge Borrower fbn c��lding and applying ihe Fu�s.annually analyzing the escrow acrnuat.or `.
<br /> . ' , " ' verifying the Escrow Items,unless I.ender pays&►rrox�er intorest on the Funds xnd applicuble law permits Lender ta make such
<br /> • � : � � ' -�• A churge.However, Lender may require Borrower to pxy a one�time charga fi►r an independent mal estate tax reporting service t �:
<br /> ' , �N'':�••-�. used by l.ender in cannection with Ihis Icwn, unless applia+ble� law pmvlde+s atherwise. Unless an agreement i� macle or
<br /> { . , f,+'Y:,,;'.,. .
<br /> � ,.; ;����•• �� applicAble law requires inierc�t to t►e paid,I.cndcr shall not be roqui�d In pay Annower any intemst or earnings on the Funds. �
<br /> �° ` ����'��.�,; Harrower and I.ender may agree in writing,however.that intaro�t Fh�l) be paid•on,the Funds. l..ender shall give to Borrawer,
<br /> '�• ,�� without charge, an annual accounting of the Fundr, slx�wing cradils wxl debits�u the Funds and the purpose for which eurh
<br /> � debit�o the Funds was made.The Funds orc plod�ed aS addifion�l�securitp fnr•a31 rums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> � If the Funds held 6y Leruier exceed the amnums permiped to be held by applicuble law.Lender shall account to Borrawer
<br /> � ; � ,-•� for the excess Fund�in uccordonce with the requirements af�applicable la��•. If the amoune oi the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> � � � '� � time i�not�ufficient to puy the Escrow Itemc when due. Lendrr may so no�ity Borrower in writing.And, in auch c�.ce Borrower
<br /> '''��.1� ' shull pay to l.ender Ihe amount neceswry to rnakc up th�:deiicienc�. Bottower shall make up the deficiency in no more than
<br /> ,.�,.;:•.':_;; ., �welve moNhly p�yment�.at l.ender's sole disrreti�m. .
<br /> �r�:.�
<br /> }� • , Upon paymem in fuU af ull �um. +ccureJ by the. Security Inxttument, Lendcr shall prompUy reiund to &�nower uny
<br /> Funds held hy L.endcr. If,undcr parugrnph 21.Lender�hall aryuiro or Mll�tha Propcny.I.ender,prior to the ac�quisition or wle
<br /> '�� � of the Pmperty, shull upply any Fund�held by l.ender ut�he tirrw oi'•u�yuixition or�:ule na a credit ugainst tha sums secureJ by
<br /> thie Sccurity InstrunKnt. �
<br /> '�p • • 3.Application uf Paymenls. Unlrs�applicahle la« pr���•idrti otherwiu.atl payments receiv��l by LenJer under purugruphs
<br /> � : . I anJ? shull ix upplicai, fint, to uny prepa�•tncm rh�r�c+Jur wuler Qic Ni�tr: .��und, lu umouMx payublc under purnFraph 2; �<<�'
<br /> � third,t��intcrest duc:liwnh,to prinripal duc: and la�t,to any I:�tr chargc�Juc unJcr�hc Notc. �qi,
<br /> " .' �:�`' 4.ChA�ec: L(enx.pi►rruwcr shull pay all tatcti.as�cti�m�tnt+. chargcti. linr,•riul im�xi�itiun.u�tribu�uble w�he Pr��prny
<br /> �.�� � p r
<br /> w�hirh muy uuuin priority ��vrr thi. Serurity In.trument. und Ira�eh��IJ pa�n�ent. ur gmunJ rent+. ii'any. &irroa•er tihall pay !', 'x
<br /> f ., Ihese ohligation.in lhc nwnnrr prm•id���i in p:irurr:�ph 2. ��r il'n��t paid in that m:mner. Rurr��ucr�hall p•r�•them on lintr dirctitly �;i�.
<br /> �' ' U,Uk�xnon uw��l p•r�•mcm. B�irraw•cr.hall prurnptl� I'urni.h�a Lcndcr oll natice�ol'amuwii.t�►hc pai�i undcr thi.parugniph. i�`��
<br /> '� If&ircoa•er make�thr+c pay nunl,Jirccll�•. Bi�rn��r�r.hall prum�xly 1'urnixh u,Le�xler nccipl.rviJrncing ihc payment..
<br /> .. &mu��•cr shull pr.miptly di.rhar�r any lirn w•hirh ha,prinri�y ���rr Ihi.S�rurit� In,trunknt unlc,+B��rr��aer:lul ugrrc+ in
<br /> writing ti►the p•rymcnt ul'Ihe uhligatiun.�rur�til h�•the liai in a manncr arreptahlr to Lcndcr:�hl runle+t,in g�wxl 1'aith Ihr licn i.,.•,
<br /> - " by, nr Jel'enJ� aguin�t enli�rc�ment ul' 1he licn in. Ic�al rr��.«din�+ whirh in Ihe l.rndrr'. upinian •,�rutc ta prcvent the
<br /> � , . ' entiircemcnt�if�he lirn:ur�r1,rrure.I'rum Ilie h��ld�r�►I Ihr lirn an ugrc�m.nt ,ati.lacton�lo L�nJcr.uh��rdinating the lien ti�
<br /> .� thi�S��urity In.lrumcnt. If I_rnJrr drtcnmix.that am p:in al'Q�c Pru�xm• i.,uhjer[ �„a licn ���hi.h ma�• auain priorily u�•er
<br /> ;.+; �.�.., thi�Srcurity In.trunknt.LrnJrr ma� �i�c H��rr„��rr a n�,tirr ulrniil�•in;� thr lirn. Hnrru��cr.hall�ati+f� thc lirn or wkc�mc or !
<br /> , , j `�����• mcire nf�he actian+xt timh uMwc wid►in 10 d:n.ul th�gi�m�:��I nu�irr. �;
<br /> � �. � • Form 3028 8/90 :
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