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<br /> .� ; � 4 .
<br /> � � 'R�R ���r .�Ola�ri' ��f
<br /> �. ��` �' .. 'b .
<br /> '4 .
<br /> � l93- so�ss �
<br /> caidemn�tlan ar,�olhar u�icia�of ay p�t of We Property,a for�anveyanoe in Uw ot'condonuwlai.�ro bereby wi�ned�ad
<br /> �h�ll Ao p�►id t�I.+andcr.
<br /> In tha evoni,of�tuql takin�of the Prope�y. �proceeds shall be appUed to tho�nu cecerod by thi� Security
<br /> � Inwnimant,whathor a'not tl�Aue�with any oxaas d to Borrower. la t�he event of n puti�l talcin�of the Property in
<br /> I whlch 1ha fui�mqrket v�luo of tho Pmpeny immafiatety boforo G�s taking i�oqwl�o or�rcater than tho amount of the sumc
<br /> secu�d by thla Sz�urity lnstrument immediately bcforo the uiking,unkcu Uormwer and Lendcr otherwise�Qroe in writin�,
<br /> thn KumR Aeaurad by this Secu�iry Imtrument shall be roduced by thc emount oP thc proceats multiplied by ihe following
<br /> ' frnclian; (u)iha totvl unaunt oi�hc sums secured immalfately beforc the tdc iag,dividod by(b)Uro falr mwket v�lue of the
<br /> � Property immadiqtely bcforo the tAking. Any balanc:e chall be paid to Borrower. In �hc evertt of a partial tnking of the
<br /> Propeny in whiah the falr market value of the Propeny immaliately befon the taking is Icss�han the amount of the sums
<br /> ` secu�+ed immediptaly befaro the�alcing, unlesa Barower and Lertder othervvise ugree in wrifing ur unless appUcable Ipw
<br /> i athonviea providac,the proceeds�Fwll be applied to the wms securcd by this Secudry Instrument whether or not the aums are
<br /> then duo.
<br /> tf tha Ro�criy is abandooed by Borrower.or if,afler notice by Lender to Bomower that the condemnor offera w make
<br /> � un uward or�niu a ciuim for�iamuges.Borruwer falls to respond to I.ender within 30 days after the date the nwice is given,
<br /> Lender ia pulha��ed to collect and opply�he proceeds,at ita opnon.eilher to rcstoration or repair of the PropeAy or to the
<br /> � sumr•sxu�d hy thfa Security Insdument,whether or not ihen due.
<br /> . I Unlass Len�er and Borcower ahenvise agree in writing,any applica�ion of proceeds to principal shall not eztend ar
<br /> poslpone tho dua date af the manthly payments refemed to in pazagraphs 1 und 2 or change the amount of such payments. • , i.
<br /> • .r',� 14 Borra�cer Not Iteleased; Forbearance By l.ender Not p Waiver. Extension of the time for payme�t or •
<br /> � � modifiaatian of amoAixetion of thc sums secured by this Security lnstrument granted by Lender ta any successar in intereat
<br /> - • -,,. - �:,=.�,�;��' of Burruwar�n�l nw operate to relea.�ihe liabiliry of the original Horrowcr or Borrower�s successorx in Interest.Lender .
<br /> � �.•_,.;z,�.,.;,:A�;,; shull nat be raqaired�a cammence pt+aceedings agaiost any successor in interest or refuse to axtend time for payment or
<br /> --•�•-���'•�r*�:��:• othanvise madiFq amonization oithe sums secured by this Security Insdument by neagun of any demend made by the original
<br /> � . . ..:.s:. � e Burrower or Bu�vowerb successors in ioterest. Any forhearance by Lender i�eaercising any right or remedy shall not be a
<br /> �` ' waivar of or precludc the exercisc of any right or remedy.
<br /> �: � � ' ��' ��. 12. Succeawrs And Assigas Bound;Joint and SeverAl Liabllity;Castgnecs. The covenants nnd ugreements of this
<br /> . , �•, Serurity In�tumant shnll bind and benefit t6e successon sind assigns of Lender und Borrower,subject to the provisions of
<br /> ; _ :- parugmph 17. BorrowerE covenunts und Agreements shull be joint und several.Any Borrower who co-signs�his Securiry
<br /> � � In+�uvmftnt bul dcea nol execute Ihe Note: la)is co•signing this Security InUtumenl only to mortgoge,grunt und canvey Qia1
<br /> , BaroH•er K intunY+t in the Propeny under the terms of Ihis Security Instniment; (b)ix not personully obliguted ta pay Ihe sums
<br /> °� � necuncd by thiH Security I�slniment:and Ic)ag�es that Lender und any rnher Borrower may egr�ee to extend,madify,farbear
<br /> or mak� uny oacommodations witn regard lo the terms of this Securiry Inx�rumem or the Note without that Bamnwer's
<br /> --'1�:�., ron►em.
<br /> ,:,��;! 13. Loan Charges. If the laan securcd by �hiti�erunry Instrument is subjec� �a u iAw which se[s mweimum ioan
<br /> ';'�•�� charge�,und thu�law i�finally inte�reted so thnt the intere,l or other loan churges culMrted or l0 6e collected in connectian
<br /> �4;
<br /> . �•.;d.': •;'� with�he loun exceed the permiued ifmitti,then: (,�)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amnunt necesaury to reduce
<br /> i ' � �he churge lo�hr permitted limil:und(b)uny�umti alrcudy rollected fi�om Borrower which exceeded permiued limits will be
<br /> :. , • ; J� j refuoded tu Burrower. Lender muy chcwsr to mukc this rcfund by reducin��he principal owed under the No�e or by muking u
<br /> dirert puyment to Borrawer. lf u rel'und reducex principal. the rcduction will be Imuted us u puttial prepayment wilhout any
<br /> prupuymum rhurge undcr thc Nnlc.
<br /> W. 1W�tir.ea Any noiicr�n Borrowrr pr�rvided far in Ihi.Securiry In+lmment shall bc given by deliverin�; it or by
<br /> • muiling it hy fir►1 clu.x muil unl�ws upplicable law reyuim�u,e ot'another methal.7'he nutice xhull be direc�ed to the Propeny
<br /> . !.� Addn:s,or umr aiher iuldre.. Burrowr�dc.ignutcs hy nnticc to l.ender. Any nnticc�a Lender�hull tx given by tint clu+y
<br /> ��.� , mail k�Lend�rk uddre++.w�eJ Ikrcin or•rny othrr�Jdre�ti Lcndcr designute�by nuticc t��Borrower. Any nrnicr provided for
<br /> " in tbiti S�cur:ry Instrumenl +hull tx dcemed �o ha�•c heen givcn to Borrower or Lender when given ux pruvided in thi+
<br /> "•�w,. .� pumgraph.
<br /> .r ,.,1 , IS. Go�+rrninR l.Awt Severability. Thi� Securi�y In.�rument shull fx govcmed by teJeral luw �nJ the luw uf �hr
<br /> ,; :;�� • � juriuiictiun in whirh Ihe Propeny is I�xa�ed. In thr evem�hat•rny provi.i�m ur cluuse of thi�Securiry Inxtniment or Ihe Note '
<br /> ' " ' ' . conflicts with�ipplicuble I:�w,,uch r�x�tlir�,hall n�H a�f(ect��ther provision,�►i'thi.�ecunty Instrument nr the Nole which run
<br /> � � � ' , M�Fj�en efFcrt without the contlicling pr�wision. 1'o Ihix end Ihr prnvisiom nf thi.Srruriry Instrument •rnd�he No�e ur�
<br /> � " derlt�nJ tu br scvcrublc.
<br /> � . 16. Bnrrower's Cop�•. t3un•��wcr.hnll 1►r���cn un�cuntimned rupy uf thc Nulr:uui��f thi.S�cw it� In,trumrni.
<br /> 17. 71ran�Per uf Ihe Property or a Brneiiriul lnterezt in 13orrnw�er. It':dl or any p:�rl uf thc Pro�xny or uny imcrc�t in
<br /> .. . • it i.suld or u•an.ferreJ lar il'u Ix nelirial intrn.l in Rorru�ver i�.old or uan,tcrcrJ anJ Ri►rrawcr i,nnt u nuturul prnonl
<br /> �'`.,'?;: � wi�hou�Lrndcr:prior wriuen con�cnt. Lcnikr nwy. ut ih upliun.rcyuirc immcdiatc p:q•ment in full�it'+dl�.um.�ecurcd by
<br /> �t::•,;• �,;�' ��;,.� thf�5erurity Inxtrument. How•cvcr.ihi,���'nm.h•rll n�N hr cterrised by Lendcr it ercrci.c i�pruhihiteJ hy fcdcrul luw as of
<br /> ' . . �A�' :, ::� the dm�of thie 5¢rurity In+�n+mcnt.
<br /> � r. Y:. . • :,�i.:'''; 11'l..cndcr rxcrci.c.thi.opiion.LrnJer+hull givr Nc�rru��•c�naticc ut':KCCI.ra�ion. Thc notic�.hall pn»•idc•r�xriad of f„
<br /> i ; ;.• , '.,..: .r. .
<br /> �� nnt 1��..tltun 1O duys from the datc tlx nnticr i�drlivereJ ur mailed within��•hirh Hunu���r mu.t p:�y all.um,.ecurrd by lhis
<br /> '� Security In�bvntent. If Borcuwcr fuil���� pay �hr�r sum. prior to thr expira�ion ul'thi.�xriixl. Lrnder mu�• invoke vnY ;;_
<br /> �,. , remedic�prnniucd by thi�Sccuriry In.�rumcm��•i�huut funhrr n���irr��r JcmunJ�a�H�ttruw�r.
<br /> ( � � ' IS. &►rrower'x Ri�ht to Rcinstute. If Horrnurr nuc�. renain r�,ndiiinn.. Burruarr .hall ha��r �hr righl t�� havr �
<br /> (i : �'r rnl'orrem�ni of�his Scrurity Imtnunrnt di,cuniinu.d at an�tir�ic prior lo Ih� carlirr uf: lal 5 d:rv.lur wch uthrr 4xriixl u�
<br /> ,.'1;;;
<br /> r�y tiin�k Fa�ud)--Frnnlr�fue/4Yeddlr�fac l tiIF'ON�I 1\ti7'Rl S1F:\1'•-l'ndumi('�n•.naw. 9A10 ryaiur�t��n p�¢r.0
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