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�. � <br /> .���� ��,�`a�"•� <br /> J ¢, :M1 ,r� <br /> . - �,�-� � ' A •� <br /> . . ._.'_�_L' _ _ <br /> /.. t, • � • .. <br /> 93= �o�si <br /> appllcable Isw n�Y �pecifY far mlruutement)beforo wda of the Propetly piurwnt to any puwar oP wle conWned in fhi� <br /> Socurity inwunxat:or(b)e�y of a jud�ment enforcin��hi�Securlty Guuumai4 Tla�e condldau�re tbu Bamw�r: (�) <br /> MYj Lender tll u�ms which Ihen would 6e duo undu Ihlr Sacurity Inauumenl wid the Noto iw if rw�cceleradoa h�d <br /> occunod:(b)cu�+a aay defalt of any ather covenrnt�a eQroemeat�:(c)psYa Wl axpen�es incurrod in enforcing Ihi�3ecurity <br /> i�utnunenb iacludin�,but oot 8mitod to,neasott�ble anomeys'feea; wd (d)takea such acdon as l.endcr may nes:onably <br /> �+equfro to uwue tluu Ihe Nen of Ihi�3ecurity Incwment,L.eader�dQhta in the Ptaperty and BotmwcrS obNQation w p�y the <br /> 4., sums Recural by 1hi� Security lmwmrnt alwdl candnua unclunged. Upon teinstatement by Barrower. thi� Securiry <br /> In�trurnent wnd ttw obliQatiau uxurcd hcrcby chall remal�fully effecdvc us if no ncccleration had xcumed. Horvevsr,thie <br /> ri�ht to reinct�tc ahall not apply in the case of axclerqtlon under pwagraph 17. <br /> • � 19. S�le ot Note{Ch�o�e ot La�n S�rvia�. The Nate or o partfal intenut in Ihe Note(together with thio Security <br /> Inawment)mry be sold one or mora times wlthaut pdor nodce to Bortawer. A cade may r+esult in a changc in the enNty <br /> (known Aa the"t.oAn Servlcer")th�collocts monthly paymenta due under the Note apd this Secu�iry InsbvmenG Thero also <br /> mwy be one or more cdanges of Ihe I.oan Servicer unralatod w a sele of the Not�, If ihero is a change of the Goan Servicer, <br /> Bormwer w1U be glven wrltten noticc of tha change in accordance wlth paragraph 14 above and appliceble law. The notice <br /> wlli state tha aume and address af the new Loen Servicer end the address to which payments chould be made. The aotia wlll <br /> ..ti alco conwin any other information�+equired by applicabla lew. <br /> � ` � 20. Hw�rdaw 3ubqtAnces. Borrower ehall nat cause or pem�it the pnesance,use.disposal,storage.or r�elease of eny <br /> � ''' �� Hezardous Substances an or ia the PaopeRy. Bamower shall not do,nor allow anyone elsc to do. anything affect�ng the <br /> :eM..�r; � - :n��r <br /> ";t �`'�:: "�.'��_ Prope�ty that is in violet�on of oay Envlro�mental Law. Tha preceding nvo santences shall not apply to U�e presence,use.or <br /> storage on the Prnpe�ty of small quantidos af NazaMous Substunces that are generaUy t+ecognized to be appmpriate to nonn�l <br /> ...,,�'•, ,,.; :: '�If �} residendaJ uses and to maintenance of tho Property. <br /> ..�..�:;: . R��r�� �.<.•,•. <br /> �..�:�,,��:!�� Borrower shall promptly give l.ender wrltten notice of any invesdgatjon,cluim.demand,lewsult or other action by any <br /> .. ti� -:tr�..°P.�:.... <br /> " t� - � :r%'.-- ,•:• ��4'? governmental or regulatary agency or private party involving the Property and any Nazardous Substsurce or EnWronmentel <br /> '' ;,:',,�;;:}?r` '.,�� Law of which Borrower has actual knawledge. If Borrower learns,or is ndlfled by any governmental or �+egulatory <br /> <° ° � ::����x� '+ aulhority.that any remaval or other remediallon of any Hazardous Subslance affecting U�e Property is necessary,Horrawer <br /> ' „J:��: .'�'•:.. <br /> �• '. t.Vt;� ,•�,. shall pmmptly tal�e all necessary remedial actions in accordunce wilh Environmental <br /> :_n SY �':� Aa�used in tlus Y <br /> �;;;'• � paragraph 20,'Hazardous Subctances"are those substances defined as roxic or hazardous substanees b <br /> ' , ; • Environmental and the following substw�ces: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum praducts,toxic <br /> . , f ti � pesdcides and herbicides. voladlc solvents, mstoriuls containing asbestos or forn�aldehyde,and radioactive materials. As <br /> �r._:�: ; ... ;.,;:_,,' used in this paragraph 20."Envimnmental LAw"means federal laws and laws af the jucisdiction where Ihe Property is laceted <br /> ,:�� . • " , �' that rclate�hesith,safety or environmemal protection. <br /> �, �•?,. � NON-UNIFORM COVENAMI'S. Borrower end l.ender furttier coven�nt and Agtee as follows: <br /> ; ,J..:;,.�a•.;�:: •'.'' 21. Acaleradon; Remedies. I.ender shall give notice to Borrower prlor to wcceleradoa tdlowiog Borrower's <br /> " �� breach oi ony rnvenont or agreement in thle Secu�ity Inslrument lbut not accelerallon untler pAt�grnph 17 <br /> .. � -, �:.i•, .. . , :r,. . �y npg!lsnble Isw prorMeg olherwlse). R'!!e nodce ahnll�IPy; (a)�h4 det�ul�;(b)the udion requi�ed to curc t6o <br /> � � detoult;(c)a date,nbt less than 30 days tirom the dule the noUce is glveo to Borrower,by wMch the detaWt must 6e <br /> � � � cured;And(d)thAt fallure to cure the default on or bePore the dwte specified in Iht notke mpy result in accclerAdon of <br /> � •.�:�� . the sums secured by thGs Securlty Instrument and sale oP the Property. 7'he nadce shall[urther infarm Borrower of <br /> '�`'`��� the ri t to relnstate after acceleration and the right to b�ing a court actlen to zqsert the non-exlatence ot w dePs�ult ar <br /> .if_..;� Bh <br /> wny other defense af Borrnwer to ac�eleration and eale. IP the defAWt is not curod on or before Ihe date specified In <br /> � the nodce,[.ender at its option may requfre Immediele payment in full d'all sums secured by this Security lnstrument <br /> � � wUhoW further demand and may invoke Ihe power oP sale And any other ramedies permitted by applicAble Iww. <br /> �. • I.ender slwll be endtled to collect ull expens�incurred in pursuing the rnmedies provided in thia pwragraph 21, <br /> �� ' � includiag,but not Iimited to.reasonable attorneys'tees And costs of tille evidence. <br /> . I�lhe power of sale Is invoked.7lrustee shell recor�a notice of defAUlt in each county In whicl�any part ot the <br /> � . Properly ts lacated pnd sball mall copies of such notice in the manner presceibed by applicable law to Borrower and to <br /> the other persons prescribed by applicable Isw Atter the time required by applkable law.'llvslee shall give publte <br /> d- � , � notice of snle to the persons pnd in the manner prexcribed by applicable law 71�ustee.without demand on Borrower, <br /> � `-,;,(. , . ,.�.�:;'.: s6a11 sell the Praperty al public Auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in <br /> ,,.,. �:;�;,,:;.�;`;;:.:.:�: r, ,,.ry the notke of sale ln one or more parcels and In Any ordcr 7lruslcr determinea. 'Iivstee may postpone sale of all or any ' <br /> : �4 .r;.7Y�,�,,;,,;,;,,,,,;• pArcel of the Property by publk announcement�t the time and place oYa�y pmvlously scheduled sale. l.eader or its <br /> �t:��,:•i,.•.rrr•;��•.•. . . designce mwy purchase the Properly at nny sale. <br /> . ' �•�•�•"• • Upon receipt of paymcnt of thc prlce bid,'It�uslee shsll deliver to thf purchaser'il�aslee's decd conveying the - <br /> ;.,:.. • ,.. .; .. . <br /> c �� Property. The recltals in the 7lruslce's dced shell be prima facie evidence of the truth oP the statemenis made therein. <br /> "`,�''` 7Yustee sbWl apply the praceeds of the sele in ihe Pdlowiag order: le)to all�uvts and expenses of exercisin�the power <br /> ,�.:• , <br /> ' ' . .. a,.: <br /> ��. • - <br /> "� 'r <br /> .� <br /> .':�� <br /> �; } , ,, <br /> t i �� ! N! <br /> �;• . <br /> 1 '� + ' � <br /> f: +�� � <br /> ?' � t � ..•-r----•---f---,.-.�:.t -�--- - -- - : . . .. . . � , . 'F.'foD'Gf•1'�'��tl�ft?'p,',"•�;. . . - �»t,�.1:i ..� �. --- f <br /> . �_.__. . _ .. . _ <br /> f"_ ' <br /> ._.' I <br /> .. �, o .,� . .. . . <br /> ~ t; �1 ., ... . . . . <br /> / <br /> ) � .. ` <br /> ���;` , .. <br /> � Y�� ' ,_� .. <br /> ( . .J�-,}-+.��, . . ._. . . � ' . ._ <br /> 'r." — � . .. + <br />