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. ...,,y <br /> .:t , „' . .�.�i , y:yiiF�` ��,•.. <br /> a... ._...�� - <br /> 1+�3- lUc�351 <br /> pedods�lwt Lender rrquircs. The fncu�naQ canr�Qr providiny the insurwnaa ihdl Me chusen by Aarower�ubjoct to Il.endcPy <br /> approval which shwll rat be unrcasonably wtthhcld IP Bamwer fpils tc►m+�inl�in covcrn�e descdbed abovo.L,e�ider m�y.u <br /> Lender�s option.obtoin cover�ge to pnotact I,anderb�iahta in�he Propeny in acc�danco with puo�rnph 7. <br /> All inaurance policia wK!rcnew�l�whnll 6e occopt�blc ta Lender wod zhall inelude a�ct�ndard mort�ape cl�uc�;. Lsnder <br /> ahall havc thc right lo hold the poliaios�and rrnawalx. If l.cndcr rcqufrac,Anrmwer shAll prr�mptly givc to l,cnder ull rcceiplx <br /> of pAid p�emiums uid ronewal notiaes, M tho event of Ios4,Bamwor RhwIl�Alvo�m►mpi nMire�M the inrurnnce cartior wid <br /> Lender. Lender may make prnof of lAa.o if n�t mude promptly by Bomiwor. <br /> -+�, Unless Lendcr und Borrower othanvlr�a agocc in writing,insuranca pmceeds khail be applicd tn rtsturutiun ur reprir uP <br /> �_ �he damaged, if ttie n�stamtian a�rcpnir ix economically foACihlo and l.enderk sccudty i� na lc�gencd. If the <br /> resto�r�pair is not econamia�tlly feuaible ar l.enderE sccu�ily H�nuld t�e les�.ened,the in�urance praceeds sha0 bc <br /> applied to the aums secured by thip Sauu�ity Instniment. whether ar nM then due,wi�h uny excesg paid to Barower. If <br /> Bo�rower abandons the Prope�iy,an daca nat unswer within 3Q duyx �nMice fmm l.ender�hat the insurance carrier ha� <br /> ,� affered to settle u cluim.lhen l.emdar muy collect the in�urance pracoeds, l.ender muy use ihe praceed�tu rrpalr or reatore <br /> thc Property or¢o pay sums seca�d by IhiR Secu�ity Insaument.whethor or not thrn due. The 3U�duy periad wlli begin when <br /> U�e notice is given. <br /> Unlesa Lender and Bortowa�ahenvi.r•e ugree in writing,smy applfcmion of prcxeed�la principul+I�ull nat extend or <br /> :y pos�pone�he due datc of the manthly puymenrw referned lo in paragmphs 1�c�nd 2 or change ihe amoum uf the payments. If <br /> ��_� <br /> f��;.��• und�r paragraph 21 the Propeny in aaquired by Lender, Barmwer�right to uny insumnce policles und proceeds resWting <br /> ` from dAmage�o the Property prior�n tha ucyuisition shull pa.�s ta l.end�r ta�ha extent of the xums secured by thir Secur�ty <br /> t..�� . t;�� ' Insuument immediately priar to iha aaquisition. <br /> . � ' t.�':'��,x�.�. G. Occupancy� PrcservAtian, Mnintenaace and ProtecHon of.the Properly= Borrower•s I.oAn Application; <br /> -- :.��_:�,�.. ,���:,.���;f�',.T L e a s e h o l d s. B o r r o w e r s h a l l a:c u p y,eE a b l is h.u n d use t he P ro p e r t y ns Rormwr.r;princi p ni mvidence wi�hin sixt y da ys uHe� <br /> the exrcwion of this Securiry Inr:tNmant nnd.r•hull continue to occupy iha Pmpedy us SarTOwer's princlpul rexidence for at <br /> ���:;�*"<� "';�"•� least ane yeur After ihe datB of accupuncy, unless Lender aherwi� ngrees in writing, which conxenr 4hu11 not be <br /> a � � � n^ un�casonably wi�hheld,or unlu+s ext�nunting circumstunces exix�which nra treyond Bortna�er�cantrol. Borruwer shall not <br /> �',.�,y ,_y,,. .,_. .,;,:.•� destroy,dumage ar impuir tha Prapeny,ulluw the Pmpeny�o deteriormtT.or commii was�e an the Pmpeny. Borrower+hull <br /> � • +"� be in defnult if any fart'eiiure uc�i�M or proceedi�g,whether civil or criminel.IF Megun�hat in Lender!v good fuith judgment <br /> ` '�'s.��.'� ''' could result in farieiture oi tho Prc►perty or otl�nvise muterially impi�ir�he lien crenled by �his Security Insirument or <br /> .'��:' •,.]��itf,:�11�, <br /> - ��f�+,;��.��,�• � � Lende�l;security interest. Bnrtnwormuy cune such o default nnd reinxt�tfl,nn pmvided in pc�ro�ruph 18,by cnusing the uction <br /> �.,�.�`.,.r�t,,� Z,,._,. <br /> ( ��i �i'��'��'��s�+�,�. • or proceeding to be dismissed with u rulln�e tlun,in LcnJrr:g�x�l fuith ds�arminu�ion,prcc�wle�:furfeltu�r uf the Borrowerk <br /> �'� '' interest in the Pro n or oih�r mm�.nnl im irmem ut'�i� lien cn.uted b �his Securit Instrument or Lender� secudt <br /> N cr�4�_,:.;-'^. pe Y ' � P+�� ' Y Y Y <br /> ', f���r''Ii:��r•�•` .� , <br /> ,� ,,„, interest. BoROwer snull uIM� hc in dafuuU if Bormwcr, durinb �ha li�an applicution proce�cs, guve muterially falxe or <br /> •' �'�'��r �'''�• � �:•,J inuccumte information or stuiarnurnn ar Lendur lor failyd to pmvide I.endar with uny mu�eriAl infarmution)in connection whh <br /> `�� '�,�''`'••15,... Ihe loun evidenced by the N�na. including, but not limited to, repruumlalinnr conceminp H�umwer� nccupuncy of the <br /> ,.�'i'�•�. <br /> d.�.�- ''li��. = FIU�1CfI)'U.l i1(NIIh:i�U11C111iCi1l:C. if itiin Sa�uiiiy iu+itunfe�ii i,.�8 a laar.�hntd,Rorrowar iha11 comply uish a!!thc prc�cisians <br /> � " j� • of the lea�e. If Botruwer ucyui��:fca titic��►Ihc Nn��xny,�he leasehold and Ihe fee tiUe+hafl not mergc unless Lendcr ugrces <br /> ;, . � lo the merger in wriling. <br /> 1• �'� • 7. Protection oP Lendur'.y RiuMts in Ihe Pruperty. If Bnrm���ar f:�il+ to�xrforrn Ihc covenunts und ugrecmentx � <br /> , , 1�� contuined in this Sccurily 1nr:Irumenl,ar th¢n: is a Icgal pr�xeeding thm mny .i�nilic+�ndy uffec� Lender's righ�s in the � <br /> ,.fi,;�',� ' Prapeny fsuch a+u pnxeedin�In hnnk�up�cy.prohu�e,G�r rondemnu�inn or tiidri�ure ar u�enfarce luw,or regulutionsl,then <br /> ;;,:;,. Lender may do und pay fur whntevcr in nrcrrrury ui pmtcr� thc:valuu al�hc 1'riipert�•und Lender:righls in�he P�-operiy. !�� <br /> �'a����•'• I.enderk uctiom muy include pnying uny+um�securcd by n lien which ha�priority ovcr�hi�Securiry In.�rument,uppeuring .' �W <br /> ���' . in coun,puying rrasonublo auamuys' Ice�und en�ering on the F'ro�xh��tu makr mpuin:. Ahhough Lender may tnke uction <br /> �#�, . under this p•rrugruph 7.Lenclur dac+noi hirvr�o du x��. �;". <br /> j�j�, ' ° Any uim�unt�di.burt�..d hy IAndcr undrr thi� parngrupl� 7.hall hc:cumc addiliunal deM of Bc�rroµ•cr �rcured by this •.�� �' <br /> +�,�• Srcu�iry Imtrumrm. Unlc,�f���rc.,��•rr and l.rndrr u�rec�o athr�irrni.uf p:i��mrnl.�hc.c uniuunt.yhsdl Ixar inlene+t from the '�^t� <br /> '��;: Jute of ditihur,emcnt at N►u Naiu ratr und .hcdl he psiyablc.w•ith in�em.l.u�Hm nntirr fm�n Lcnder�o Hormwer requewling <br /> � puymenl. <br /> r: S. Mnrl�uRc Inn�n�ncr. II L�iklcr rcyuircd tnorlgagr in.urs+nar a,:i randiliun ul' mnkinF thc loan ucurrd by thix <br /> ; ;� ;; , . Sccuriry Imlrumrnl. Bnmi��r��tt�dl pi�y �hc prrmium.rcyuinJ ia muinu�in ih�mortgag� iu�umnce in cttc�t. II: tor uny <br /> � mu�on. thr mongugc inr.n�'ant•c ruvrrago rc��uin•d b�• I.rndrr lap.�� or rea.r� to tx in cfli•rl. Borto��•cr .hall pay �hc t:" <br /> � premium. reyuircJ tu ahuiin ruvrmKr ,uh,�amialh rqui�•alem lu thr manpii�r in.unmce prrvinu.l�• in rt'I'ecl, a. u co�l fiC;. <br /> �ubslanliully cyui�•al�m��1n tlw ru.l lu Rurru�ari ul'II►�nNe:lg:+�c iu.w,ut.e pr�•�•iau.l�� in c27.•Q. Bo�u.w ahcinu!r mitrt�!ugC `� <br /> inxurer uppr�i�rJ h��L�ndur. 11.uh,tunii;dly�qui��alenl mun�:�ge in.urunre cu��er.�gc i�nul a�:�ilahlr.Borrowrr+hall pay to <br /> , . L�ndcr r•rrh man�h n num rya:d tu un�••iw•rltih�,f th�•ye:irl� mim�a�c in.un,nr�rr���������,r•���,� p;iid by fiorrowcr wlxn 1hc <br /> ^ inxufrnce cuverug�lupr+�d u���ati�•J I�i h�in e(tect. Lrnd�r«ill ar�•rpt.u�r:ind rrl��in the.e pa}•ntenl.a,u la..r�.rrvr in lieu <br /> , ��f mon�!ugr in.urunrr. Lu.. n.�•nr pm•mem• ma}• na I��nger fk rrquirrd. a�t th��u��iian.�I I.�ikl��r. it'manguge in,urunre <br /> ' � .'.;, coveragr lin�hr uroaunt m�d li�r tlk perind thai Lrndrr nyuin.l pro�•i.l,d h�•;m in.urer�ippn�vrd h� l.endcr uguin hcrnme. �;� <br /> •:''�•�' uvailuhle and i,oh�i�inrd.liumrn�•�'f�{IiIII�1:IV II1C�1RII11UtlN IYt�Ulfl`lI IU I11Allllit111 IIlU11Z:ap��irnura�x•r in efl'ec1,ur to providr u <br /> � 1' �� ' �' los,rc.crvr.until�I►a rui�uircua�nl lur mnngagr iii.urunrr r� arr��rd�uu•r a•i�h un� ��ritten a�grcrmrnt he�u•ren H�,rn�wrr � <br /> :, `' '•�i., _ <br /> .. . • • und LrnJrr ar:�pplicnhlu h��+•. ?.� <br /> :; i • 9. Inxpectian�. l.cnder ur ilti,i�:rnl ma� m;ikr rca,unaMe rntric.u�xm:ind in.�x.tiun,��I'Ihr Properly. l.rnJ�r tihall :�'.;, <br /> r��; " � givc Borra��cr nulicc at thr liuu��I��r�mar tu;m iu,prdi�m,�xrif��ing n:�.uiu�hlr r;w.r I�,r Nic in.�krlion. ''.1'. <br /> �'� •; . 10. G�pdemnultan� 'lb�•pr�k•�•cd.��f am a��;�rd ur fur d:un:�Fx..dii��ct u� .un..� ronnrclion with:�m� <br /> � �` � •;;f.,''•„ � � : <br /> ',�;t;- . :'�•` •.. ti�n.l.•I.und� --Fannk�tuc.P'mddli�\I�rl\ff/1R\IIAxIRI\1F:\1 Ihuh�nne'..�rneni, q�411 �p��er?,qnp��ir„ <br /> : . �'��'!.. �.nW I.��-xn+mnw F�nm Im � - <br /> L� . � + 1 i�mN�p IJMM�f.W039�1 f 1 4Vt Iq6h�1•1111 <br /> , � Y' . �. <br /> + ' �., <br /> . • �`(� ' J' � <br /> ' } .i�'•�� ;�1. � <br /> � 7 , ��1�� ':��� V��l'r�•{�r}..'_-� '.j�rcr:�•� •. ;{' '. . � � • . .�. . r n. <br /> ����. . . • . - ��f�MM�J[d'I:�dr8+M11�Y.:'/�i,f17:. V: <br /> .. �`.. . . . .,r.. ' <br /> '' �.' �. . - , . <br /> ;� � � .. <br /> ' l t ' _ <br /> ; !� • � . <br /> �� <br /> ` . <br /> � • <br /> ( • 1' �.. , .,. <br /> /+`� - ' .. , - ' , .� <br /> l _ Y <br /> 1: —'."___ ..�_Q" ' . ." <br /> �. .. „ .� .. <br /> ` <br />