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<br /> 'fOCiB7'HBR WITH all the improvemcatr now or inmaftor croctod on�l�o pcuptrty.�ad�l!auoment��+�ppurtenia►F�Rp, ;
<br /> �nd liaqu�a aow a liaat�+�pet of the property. All rcpiwement�md�ddidon� �htll dw be oovarod by thi�SeauitY. ,
<br /> 1aWnunGnt. All ot�ho fae�ofaa I�refemed to ia thi�Secwity i�wuument�w�he"Pnoperty." . .
<br /> BORROWER C�OVENANTS th�t Bomuwer is uwfiilly ceiscd of 1he est�te 1►neby canveyed md h�c tAe dghl ta gran��
<br /> uid convey�he�ond 1lwt 1he Proporty ic w�encumbe�+ed,except for encumbnnces of reco�d. Bamwer w�trnnl�and�
<br /> wlll defend�a�+�l y 1Ae tltk w Ihe Propmty+�ain�t all cidms�nd denwKls�tubjecl w rny encum6mncei o!rocad�
<br /> '� THIS SECURRY INS7RUMENT combines imifam covcaants for autional usc nnd noa•unitotm covanaMe with
<br /> limited vari�dons by juri�dic�lon w conadtute a uniform recurity instnunent rnvaina r�al prapehy.
<br /> (lNliap(tN[COV8P1ANT3. Borrower and Lender covenwu and agroe as fdlowa:
<br /> �:�: l. Plq�meat oi Pr4�dpN�od IateraRi�P�Y�t�od I.�te Ch�r�a. Hamwer chall f�mP�9 AAy Whan dua tha
<br /> � . � princi of�nd inter�est on�he de6t evldenced by�he Notc w�d anY prepayment and btc charges duo under the Note.
<br /> !ly `;" { � �nda tor 11uus�ad iawrana. Subject to applicable luw or to a written waiver by Lend�x Bomnwac�all�pay-ta�
<br /> I.ender on the day monihly payments ere due under Uie Note,until thc Note is paid in full,a sum("F�nds")for.(�).yonrly
<br /> wxes and acsessmenta which may attai�prfaity over�his Secudty Insaument as a lien on�he PropeKy:(b), aaiy 1�ld
<br /> . ^;;a^'-°^ . payments or g�ouod rents on the PropeRy. if Any:(c) Yearly ha7ard or property insurnnce p�emiutnc: �a�,roariy nooa
<br /> insuranc� prcmiwns. ii any: (o)Yearly mortgage insurance premiums.if any:ard (�any sums pAyAble by 8nrmwer to
<br /> L,ender,in�coniance wlth Iho provisions of paregraph 8,in licu of thepayment of maRgrge incurance promiums. 7bese
<br /> '..�,,,�x items are called "Ascrow Items." I.ender may,at any dme,coQect and hold Punds in an amount not�a oaceod�he maalmum
<br /> �.�,:• amount u lender for a kderally mlatad moctgage loan may require for Bortower+s escrow aacount uMlor Iha fedeial R�eal
<br />�,'. ' ,* . Y��,r;: Fstate Senlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amendcd from t�mc to time.l2 U.S.C.�2601 et seq. 1'RE�SP!►"l,unlcss�
<br /> - •,=-,: :_ , ° law that applie�to the fi�nds sets a lesse�woount. IP so.Lender may.nt any time.collect and hold Punds ih an:amount not to
<br /> "` ' eaceed the lesser amount. I.ender may esdmate the amount of FLnds due on the basis oi cumont dwta and �r.acawbk
<br /> � " �-,�'� � estimates of eapenditu�es of future Escrow Items or atherwise in acccxdance with applicablo Iww.
<br /> ;.� . ��.1�'. " '. • '•'�< � The Plmds shell be held in an institu�ion whosc deposits are insured by a federal agancy.instium�nlality. or entity
<br /> •,:: :� ' '•' �� U � ! (inclwling L�.mder,if L�ender is such an insdtution)or in any Federal Home Losm Bank. I.ender stwll apply 16e Funds w pay
<br /> ,`.�,,.`, �t�'''�'..� ;..�,,Y ' 1 the Fscrow Itoms. L.ender may not charge Borrower for holding ond appiyfng thc Fuinls, annu�lly anatyzfng Ihc escnow
<br /> �� ��.�..._;' ° ,_;�" : account, or verifyln� 1he Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds und am►licable law pemuta
<br /> ' • ;;:'�•:c; � "'``'w l.e�der to mete snch a charge. However,I.ender may require Bortnwer ta pay a ane•timo charga for an indepcndent rcal
<br /> , t �r���P?3•:��„`�' . estate ta�c repoRing service used by Lender in connecaon with this loan,unless applicabla luw pn�vldes otherwise. Unless an
<br /> � ' '�� �� - � agreement is madc or applicable law requircs interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> •,,' � � : t � eamings an tM FLnds. Bomnwer and Lender may ogree in writing,however,that interesl shall tia paid on the Funds. Lender
<br /> sholl give to Borrower,without charge,an annuW uccounting of the FLnds.showing endlis and debits to tha Flinds and the
<br /> ,•,:.,�,,.. ,` purposc for which carh debit to�he Mlu�ds was m�de. The FLnd4 are pledged as 3ddilionaf�security for all suma sccured by
<br /> -, �.,;;;o..;, . �;„ � thb S�curiiy Insuumens.
<br /> ,,,;�;�<<<_;.,t'- '• �' "� If the FLnds held by l.ender esceed the amoun�.c permitted to be held by a�►�►licablt luw,Lender shall account to ;�j
<br /> � •�`•<<':'�'�'��� Barrower for the excess�nds in accordunce wilh the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by 1
<br /> •��' �" • ' L.ender at any time is nat sui'ficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender rnAy so naify Bortower in wriUng. and, in
<br /> "���� '�' '' . • ��� such case Borrower shnll pay to l.ender ihe umount necesss►ry to make up the deficie.ncy. Bonower sholl muke up the
<br /> ,�:,�. .
<br /> �'�.,, �' „ deficiency in no more�han twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretia�.
<br /> ��• "� ; � „ Upc�n payment in full af nll xums secured by U�is Security Insuument,Lender�lwll prompNy refund to Borrower eny ;::'
<br /> Funds held by LenJer. If.under parugmph�I,L.ender shall acquirc or,ell the Properry,Lender.prior lo the acquisition or ��i���:
<br /> � � � sale of the Property. shell opply any Fund� hcld by l.ender ul the lime of acquisiUon or salc as a credit ngainst tha wms
<br /> �' � secured by this Security Insdument.
<br /> �''` 3. A icsNton ef Pa ments. Unlcss u licublc luw ruvidc� othrrwise, al! ments received b L.ender under �
<br /> ,���;.•: ;i.t.�.:,; PM Y PP p P�Y Y ,.�.
<br /> '';��.�� '�• '- paragraphs I and 2 shall be applied:first,to uny prepaymcnt churgcs duc under the Nac;second,io umounts paynble under �,,.���
<br /> •�rM1' ;�"'`, parugraph 2;third,to interesl due;fourth,to principal due;and latib to uny late charges due under the Noce. "�,}�;
<br /> • , 4. Chnrges; Ltens. Borrower shull puy all laxes, uxzcsxmentz,charg�ts. fines suid imposidons ntuibuleble lo the
<br /> ��,, , ;:'; ! Property which muy ut�ain priori�y over�his Security lnstrument,und Iruschold p:.�yments ar ground nen4c, if any. Bomower �
<br /> '�.�i�l�„ '' ' � shall pay thesc obligationti in thc m:umcr providcd in parugruph 2,cx if not paid in ihs��m:�nner.Borrower shall pay them an u
<br /> ±,. : '+��;'.:i; =*
<br /> � .• •. • time direcUy to the person owed payment. Borrower shall pmmptly furnish to Lender ull notice.of amounts to t+e paid under �
<br /> "' .. .'��� this paragraph. li Bom►wer makes these paymrnts directly, Bcxrower,hall prom�ly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing .
<br /> '. the paymentx. .
<br /> , i Borrower shall pmmptly disch:ugc uny lien whirh hAS pri�,rity�wcr�hi,Setiurily Instrumcnt unlesx eorrower:(a)agrees }'`
<br /> • I in writing to tM: paymem cif�Ix ohligution ucured by thc lien in u munner acceptubk to I.ender:lbl cuntests in goad failh the
<br /> licn by,or defends against enforcemenl of thc lien in,k�al pr�xccdingx a•hich in thc Lender�opinion operate to prevenl the
<br /> '� r^,:( enforeement of the lien;or Ic)secure�from tlx hc�likr iit'Ihr licn un ugrecment+ut i+fuctory to Lcader sulx�rdinuting the lien
<br /> " � ;.,,, '' � j0 i to this Secudiy Ins�rumcnt. If Lcndcr d�tcrminc�thut uny pan of�hc I'ro�xny i� tiubjec��o u licn which may attuin priority �•'
<br /> over this Security Inswmen�,Lendcr muy�ivc BuR��wrr a nulicc idenlifying tlw 1 icn. Borcowcr shall sAtisfy 1he lien orwke ;�
<br /> r•���.l:l��. . - J
<br /> i � •�,::=�•- I one or more of the actions�et fwth aMivc within l0 duys af thc giving of n�iticr. ,;,,�
<br /> �f.;.,..�. . I
<br /> ,,:•, 5. H�ard or Property Insurnnce. Borr��wer+hall kcrp the improvenknev noµ•exi�ting ��r henalirr crncted on thc
<br /> < . .�..•� + � �� Property insured aguinst loss by Grc,h:uvrd. inrluJcJ within thc tcnn"cnlcnJ�d cu�rr•rgr"and any othcr h:uurdx,including
<br /> ����� �', � k � floods or floading,for which Lender rcyuirc� in.rurancc. Thi� insuranre ,hull t+e muintainrd in 1he amountc and for the
<br /> ;i �:•' � �,�, . �;•;,';::
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