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� .�: �-sr. <br /> . .,,�;,� <br /> « d� � �:� <br /> � - �4�4E9 <br /> �r e 1n�noe co� o c+n g3 aaa ear�th� ` <br /> P�Y���Y�q��8�'��Nirod.�t the optiori of Leador. mattgag � P� <br /> tluR i,aider n9uirc�)Provlded by�n inwrcr�pproved 6y Leadar�gain,ht�oomea�v�il�blo�nd ic abtalned.Bomower�rb�ll p�Y <br /> the p�anlums roquirod W mdn�ain mort�e inwriuwe in eflect.os w pm�de�low�+ae�we�untll tbe req�ln�aait 6oc.wr�rt�e <br /> Inutsnco aid�in�ccord�noe with any wdtt�n�roemont 6atw�,oen&it�wqt'�nd I.endar or applicabb law. <br /> f.�. t.ender or iu a�aq rn�y mAke r�awnd►la entrias up(p� �ud in�poctiona of Ihe Praparly. La�kr�!1=Ivo <br /> Horrower notioe at thc Nme of or prior to�n iiupo�.'tfon cpocifyinp�tson�lo cauca for tho inspection. <br /> 10. Coud�a�stloa. 77rc pr0000ds of any rward or cls�im for dsunp�{os.din�t or oonseyuendal�in.mnnection with u�y <br /> condrnu�rtion or dl�tdcina ot any put of the Pnapony.or fo�aonv4y+qioe ia lieu oP oondempMtbn.�bsreby wianed wtd <br /> chaU bc paid ta Lender. <br /> In theevau oP�1aW takin�of the Property.Ihe prooeodp shAll�b�qpplied to the suma cocurod by thia Secudty ir�strume�tt. <br /> whdha or nnt then due, wilh any exoas paid to&►rrower. in�ha ovani�of a partial taking of the Pmpany in whk:h tha fair <br /> nwrket valuc oi the Piropeny inunedietcly beforo 1ho takfng i�equal ta or,grratcr�hen tho unount of tuo auma secuoed by thia <br /> Security lostrument immediately befor�e tho tuking.uniess&►rmwor wx1 Lentiar otherwise agroe in wclting.this nutuA saurod by <br /> this Securi�y Inatniment shall be redueed by tha amaunt af tho ptoc�eoda �tnultiplied by tha followiog froation: (a)tGe totnl. <br /> amount of Ihe sums securod immediately bcfaro the taking, divlded by(b1.tIM f�ir market value of t6ec Property inunediately <br /> beforc Ihe wking. Any bal�slwll be paid to Hor�ower. Ia tl�e cvant�of.a,ppKlal toking of tho Proparty in whtch tha fair <br /> marka value of the Propeny immedl�tely bePore tha taking ia ltns�han tha ramauat of the suma secur�ad irrpnediataly bePon tha <br /> tWcing.unlers Bormwe�and Lender otherwise agrce in wrlting or unlass app�icable law otharwise providoe, tl�procaoda sh�ll <br /> ba appliod a the sums cecurod by thic SecurFty Instrumont whether or ncit Ihw sums arc�hen due. <br /> If thc Properly is alwndonod by if. aflar natice b�Lendar ro florrower that thc condemnor offe,�s eo make an <br /> ' '�:`�" wward or setde a claim for dampges. Borrower fails to rc,��ond tq l.endar wlthin 30 dayn after the date the notice ia given, <br /> .�+��` Lender is autiwrized to rnlioct u�xl upply U�e its option,eitbcrla restontion or rcpair of the Proporty ar to U�e suma <br /> � �•��.' savrod by�hia Secu�ity Instrument.whe�her or not than du�. <br /> � o of receeds to dnci shull not eatetd ar <br /> r- ree in wri�f . an a ia�ti � pal <br /> ise a P <br /> Unless l.e <br /> nder uod Borrower otherw �B ) PP� P <br /> 8 <br /> ;. :, postpone the due date of the manthly payments refcrred to in parngrnphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paymenta. <br /> ,R? .��� � , � U. Bormwer Nat Released=Farbe�r�nce By[.ender Not s�Ws�iver. fixtension of the�ime for paymeot ar modification <br /> � • +` ''"" '� �'� `�' of amartizwion of the sums secured by this Security Instniment grnntod by�Lender to any successor in in�¢rcst of Borrower shell <br /> ° kr��('ti7 ., <br /> �'�' '� �f,.• , <br /> �'r • ..�•.••..�i: not operate ta releuse the IiAbilily of the ariginal Barrawer or Borrower's successors in interest. Lend�r shell not be required to <br /> • �;�+�� �����±,s�:��;� camme�ue pnaceedings againsl any successor in iMcrest or refuea ta extand time for payment or ahenvise modify wtartiu►tlon <br /> �u <br /> '� ,�";�,s'��.`�,;'.;;:y',;;;."' of the sumc secured by this Securi�y Inslniment by m,usan af Any demAnd mnde by the originnl Borrowec ar Borrower's <br /> ��.; '� �`�'� '`r:r'�� ,''� successors in interest. Any furbearance by Lxnder in eaeni�ing any righ6o�r6mody shell oat be a woiver af or•preelude the <br /> . �j��•�:�;r�+����+':y�" axercise of any righl or remedy. <br /> , x.-,�.,..,.,;.•,,.��., 12. S+w►�sor� �rid �i�ac &w�d; .lo3n! and S�vsrs! L�abl!lty;�n�stgners, TIlC MYf'1lNRt9 R111�fl�►PE'11M'nIA Af(111F <br /> :.ti:..: ; � ' ;`�•��??•;; Securiry inspument sh411 bind and benefit the successorx a�xi �.�igns uR�Lender und Borrower. subject to 1he provisians af <br /> ;u;;• paragrnph 17. Bomnwer's cavenants nnci agreemams shall be joinr and severrl. Any BoROwer who co-signs this Security <br /> ;�. • • : . lnstrument bu�does nrn execute the Nnte: lal is ca-signing this Securiry Ins�rument only to mongage,grrnt and convey that <br /> l'� �'� Borrower's iruerest in the Property uixtnr the tcrms of thic Security Instromen�; (b)is not persotwlly abligatcd to puy the sums <br /> T, � ' \r.;�j�, <br /> _ , ' •• ',i;,;;,t;�. secured by this Scxurily Instrumcnt:ami(cl uprees eht,t Lender a►Ki an�� nthor Borrower muy agree to eatend,modify,forbear or <br /> � � - ';'`.'`'<�� muke uny accanmodations wi�h regAni to�he�erms�<�f thir 5e��uriry Insttument or the Nwe without thAt Borrower's cansent. <br /> ' �`''��! 13. l.oan Clwrses.If the loun s��un�d by this Sc:curi�y Instniment i�subjec��o a IAw w6ich se[s mn�cimum loan charges, <br /> , • and thot luw is finally interpret�i xi thut the imen�t cu uN�er I�iun�churges collected or to be collected in connection with the <br /> ' ; loAn eaceed the pern�iu�d limitn, then: (ul un��wch loan rharge shall be a�lucctii by the unwunt necessary to reduce tha chnrge <br /> ��;, ' i to tho perrnittod limit: a�x1 (hl uny�um�alrcixiy collected fr��m Bnrrower which ezceeded permiu��d limits will be refundad to <br /> ,. �� � e � • Borrower. L.cnder muy chonse t�i muke thir refund by n.`clucin� the principal oweJ under the Nut�or by muking u dir+ect <br /> �h�"�-� a men� tu &+rroW�er. If a rcl'wid reduoes principul, thc n.�iu�hion will bc treut��d us u partial prcpayment withaut any <br /> r,:,�. P Y <br /> }t{';'+' ` " . prepuymem churge under the Nole. <br /> '`. 5 • � ,,' • . 14. Nntices.Any nntice�o&ircuu•cr providai li�r in•ihl�Securiry In+trumcm.hull lx given by delivering it or by muiling <br /> ; ;, � it by first class mail unlc,.upplicable la���rryuircy u�al'�anolher methoJ.Tho notice shull bc directed to the Propeny Addr�ess � <br /> �. ; .`-_`'`:,:��.il or any other addn�ti &�rra�r�r J��.ipnut�, by nu�i« tu l.ender. Any n�xicr tu 1.rnJcr �hull tx givcn by fi�al rlu.,s n�uil to <br /> �. `' • ` ��'� I.endcr's addm.ti st;itcJ hemin ur anp��her addru�s Lcnder dc.ignatc. hy natirr u� F3��rruacr. Any naice provided for in thin <br /> • ., 'w'��'.. .. • ;;��y il Security Instrumen�.hull bc dcem��i t��huve bc+:n given tu&�rrawer�ir I.cnder when�ivrn uti pn►vidcd in this paragroph. •. <br /> . ,�• • . !��.,�, y' <br /> � t����l�t, � "• - r IS.Ga��erninq L�w; Se�embNitv. 'fhi� S��:urity� In�trumcnt .hnll tn �u�•cn�cJ hy frJcr�l luw and thc law of thc <br /> � .,5;..;��xe.. juricdi�Kian in which thc Property i.lowtixi. In thc cvcn� that uny prawi,ion ur rluu,c uf lhiti Srcurity Imtn�mrnt or thc Note <br /> . •�n:+. ,v ., <br /> :b.��� '. , r , • � • contlithti w�nh applicahlo laa•.�uch�vntUct shall n��t affcrt othcr p�a�•i�ion+c�f Ihi.Sccurity In.trumem nr chc Nutc which can bc <br /> Y'�.°? � • Ci��en r�"te�K W�ithow the rnnlli�Kinp pm��i�ion.To thi.r• cnd Ihe prcwixi��m at'Ihi� 5crurity In.trumrm :�nd thc N��te are declared <br /> ���?1- � . IU�kPcfJ��f. .�, <br /> �: 16. Borro��•er's CaP1•.Bunv►avr nNall hc�tiven onc a�nti�nn��l r��py ol'thr N���c unJ uf thi�,Sccurily intitrumcm. <br /> 1 <br /> �,i + '� Form 3028 8/90 -�:.�. <br /> �.• �:: Pega 4 uf 6 .i <br /> �'� � . . , <br /> �:/.�.. � <br /> � - � � r�1..j �! <br /> � S� �• '�'';i;-`:�i 'i <br /> A��' . .'�,I!�''^ 1 <br /> ' � '"���!1>t b . • ��tY�`��f�'�li.I,'. ' . .._ ...' ' . ' ' - . ��.�!�', • -L.tiir� �.. ,�;� !a�'+,.:..'tj".�!;:-.. :t.:"-;f',4�.. <br /> �1.' .< •i:�.� � Y".•�:�j�i3ik...�l.�Af1Vi:.v <br /> . . �} . . . ,L .n�. . <br /> �i' . ` � ���!• ' ' ,�` � ' ' ' <br /> _ . :�� <br /> . �. '- . . . . . _ —.._ ,L� . <br /> . r____' ""_ ' . . .. _.. . . . . . . _ _.__ "'_'_ , ' ' ....._.. _ _. . ..__ '..' ' <br /> y �1 ..Q .. � . _ „ .. . • . <br /> 1 _` ., .. , . <br /> '� ' •4 ' . � � . . <br /> �� 'f � � � ' .� � .. " ' ... ,� ' . . • .. . . <br /> Z -�-�.�1.'� . ' . il _ �1"rK`l`4lr•J•'. .. <br /> f�r,: <br />�:, ,�L:_. ��. -- ;-_-•-- � --- - , _-- - — <br /> . . � ` <br /> . , , � <br /> ��� � <br /> :i <br />