<br /> ,�V, . fj���• �:. . _:..iz
<br /> �'��08349
<br /> S. N�wrd ar Prop�rt' i�atraooe. Botmwar �11 keep �he imprave�naua row exl�tln� or hanalter esncted oa �he
<br /> Property Inrured aQoin�t lorx by I�ro, twzard� includod within tho term "e�taodad wvonyo" ud my uther Iward�, IncludiqO
<br /> fiaods or flaodin�,for which L.entlot requita�1�uut�tco. Thir inwrnnoc�holl bo mrintdnod in the unoumr rnd for�ha pqiads
<br /> th�t l.e�dF.r requira. Tha in�u�sna�carrlar providin��he inw�anoo cFudl bo cho`en by BaRawer wbJect w Lender'��pp�vd
<br /> which�hrll not bc unra�on�bly withhcld. If Bomowor falls to mainlwo cuveragc �rlbrd�bova, La�de� auy.N I.ad�'�
<br /> aption.obtain oovcnQc to protecl l.cndar's dght�in Ihc Pro{tany in�tt�o�d�utoc wfth pwra��wph 7.
<br /> All insuranoe policfGS ond�enewala shall be wcc�publo to Leoder w�d�hall inciude a uandWd mott�a�o clw�e. Lcod�r
<br /> �fwli havr,the�lght tu hold the policka w�d rcnew�IR. If Lender roquirea,Borrowcr�11 promptly Sivc to l.ende�dl roaipt�of
<br /> paid premfum�wid rcrww�l iwtice�.In thc uvcnt uf los��Burcuwce�twll ylvo prwnpt nWice 1u 11w insuran�w c�nler nnd l.ender.
<br /> I.Gder rn�y make proof of loes it not m�de promptly by Bomower.
<br /> Unless Lenckr end Borrower olherwise a�rce in wrfting.insurance pcooeeda sitnll be wppliod to ratutalion or ropair of the
<br /> Property damn�od.if thc rcsloration ar rcpufr iA oconomically feAxible and Lender's securily ir not lessened.If the rtxtoratlon or
<br /> repair is not economically feasible or l.ender'�socurity would be lesse�ed.�he insu�ance proceeda slwll be a�splied w tt�e�ums
<br /> secured by this Security in�trument,whether nr not then due. wlth any excesc puid to Bomnwer. If Bortower abandonr the
<br /> Property,or does mt answer within 30 dayc a notice from l�enrler that the insuranx corrier hac ufferod to senlc a claim, then
<br /> I.ender ms►y rnllect the insutanoe procads. L.ender may use tho proceads to �wir or restore 1he Property or w pay sums
<br /> savrod by this Securiry Insuument.whelher or not tl�en dua.The 30�day period will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> � Unless I.rnder and Bomower atherwise ugree in writing, any application of pmcceds to pdncipal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly paymenta referred to !n pauagraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of�he payments. If
<br /> ` ` i�'�s , � � under paragnph 21 the Pruperty is ocquired by l.endcr.Borrower't�ight to any insurark�e policies and prooeeds raulting finm
<br /> �' � darrw a to the or to the uisitan shell
<br /> B Pn�perty pri acq pc�ss to Le�der to the extent of the suuB securod by this Soariry Instrumait
<br /> ✓'�° � �; immodialely prior to the acquisition.
<br /> `'�,�... 6.Oocu �Pe Y ' PP���:I.easebWda.
<br /> .''�� : . .��sH�?v1 ._ ppncy,P►+ecervMbo,Mainten�nce and Protectioa of tLe rt ;Bornow�er s Loan A
<br /> ' � ' ��4;��;,, t. , Borrower shall occupy.estabiish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of
<br /> X� .:r q"i.,
<br /> " .,�t!� ` this Sacurity Instrument and shall cantinue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residerKC for at l�ast one year after
<br /> � r • � the date of occupa�y.unless Lender othenvise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonat�ly wi�hheld,or unless
<br /> •,�:
<br /> " �+ " eztenuuting circumstances exist which ane beyond Borrower's rnntral. Borrower shull nat destroy, ciamage or impair the
<br /> ' �pi�•�i�'r �
<br /> =•" I��'�•. _ •. '�:'..: Property, allow the Propeny to deteriarntc,nr rnmmi� waste on �he Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiwrc
<br /> .�.... �:..•..:.,--. ° .�,.:
<br /> ,� , action or pra�aeding, whethcr civil or criminal, is begun that in I.ender's good faith judgment rnuld result in forfeiror+e of the
<br /> � �"'S :,::xt., Property or otherwise materially impair the licn cmated by this Securfty Instn�ment or L.ender's security intcrest.Bormwer may
<br /> � • � � .;,, ,�;."��: cure such a dePault and reinsu�te,as provided in paragrnph 18,by cuusing the action or proceeding to be dismisssed with a ruling
<br /> ��.<«.�tkA:+ : 4;.:, • that. in l.ender's good.faith de�errninalion, prerludes forfeiture of thc Borrower's intemst in tha Property or other mUerial
<br /> � impnirment of the iien created by �his Security instrument ar Lender's security interest. 8orrower shail eiso be in defauit if
<br /> :' '"��`���� Borrower,during the loan application pracess, gave muterially Fulse or inaccurnte infornudian or stutements to Lender(ar failod
<br /> ,:•� . '�
<br /> � 1'��'��� `� to provide Lendor with ony muterial infornunionl in connertinn with the loan evidenced by the Note, including,but not limited
<br /> � � � t •-.. to, representationti conceming Borcower'�occupanry nf the Pmpeny a5 a principul residence. If'this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> • .. �, ` lewehold, Borrower shall comply with ull the provisions of thc lease. If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Property. the
<br /> � � : ° leasehold and the fee tide shull not n�ergc unless l.enJcr ugrees to thc mcrger in writing.
<br /> • . ' 7.Protcction of l.endc�'s RIRIR.�in Ihc Property.If Barmwrr Fuils ai perform thc covenants und agreements rnntained in
<br /> ~t . '� �� this Security lns�rument,or thcrc is u Iegul pnxceJing thut may significuntly affect I.ender's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> .- ,• � proceeding in lwnkniptcy, probute, i'or co�xlemnution or forl'citure or to rnforce luws or regulutions►.lhen l.ender may do and
<br /> �� � ���� � �,", �f pay for whatever is necessary tn protect the vulue c�f ihe Propeny und Lender's rights in the P�roperty. Lender's actions may
<br /> �,�� include paying uny sums u�ureJ hy u licn which hu� priority ovcr thix Security InStrument, appearing in caun, paying
<br /> ` ',� , reasonable auorney.c' feec and entering on thr Pmperty to make�epain. Allhaugh Lcnckr may tuke action under this paragraph
<br /> ,'� �, 7,L.endcr d�not have ta do so. ���
<br /> i; ' i • . ., � ' Any um��unts ditibur.uKl by [.��ndcr w�icr �hi, p•rraEruph 7 .hull bec�mie addilion�l drbt of Borrower securcd by this
<br /> , � Secu�ity In�trument. Unk�s&�rn�u•cr wxl l.cnd�r ugr�t�to ather tcnnti of poymcnt, thc�c am��unts shull bwr interest from�he
<br /> .. , • �� date of Jishunetnent t�t Ihr N�•te nxc und �hull hc puyaMlc, with inlcre�t, upnn n���irr from I.endcr In Rnrmwer reyuesting .d.'
<br /> payment.
<br /> �'' , ' 8. Murt
<br /> ga�e Insunm�r. If LenJrr r�yuirrJ munga�r imurance a.a riaxlition ol'making thc luun�erunJ by Ihis Security
<br /> • : .. Instrumem, &irmwer shall pay ihc pn:mium, r�yuired tu mainwin �hr m�m=uge imurunce in cffi�t. II', ior any reuum, the
<br /> ' . ' mnrtgagc insur•rncc covcra�c r�yuireJ hq LcnJcr I•rpk.or rrauti w Ik in cff��t, Bi�rtuwrr.hall pa� thc premium.rcyuirctii w
<br /> y •,'.�+�'. • � obtain coveruge sub,tan�ially eyuiv�lent tu d�e m�ttigagr in�uranrc previ�iu,ly in effect. u�u c�►+t suh+tuntially eyuivalent N�the
<br /> ,�: .
<br /> „ � ;:'�..•• ; ���'�S�.i`���`•+'�. COS[ l0 &�rn�wcr i�f thc mortg�gc imurunrc prc�iuu�l�• in cftcct. t'r�►m an altcrnatr nx,ngage in,urcr approvcJ hy Leixlcr. If
<br /> �, t; :�_.,1�,�;�� .
<br /> ,y . ,��,,;.t:,:: sub,�•rntially cyuivalcnt mungugc in�uranrr co�•rraEc i,nnt a��ailaMr. &�rruucr,hall pa��ti�LenJ�r cuch mnnth a ,wn cyuul w '°�,
<br /> ,� ' � • ime-Iwrlf�h �if the ycarly m�mguEc in.uranrc prrmium hrin�!paid h}�Burro��•cr w•hcn thc in,urunrc��►�•cra�r lupk�al itt cwkki to •a:'.
<br /> �
<br /> ,,,-:
<br /> ��'s • � , bc in ei�fcct. l.ender will ucccpt. u+c anJ rctain thc�r puymcn�.a� a lu.. rc.rn•c in lieu uf mungugr in.uran�c. 1.�,.. rc.crve •
<br /> ��;
<br /> � ,. form 3028 9180
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