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<br /> 17.Tnnokr of We Prope�ty or�DaidlcW lata�ea la Bon�ower.if dl or on Nut of tt�e Pn�perty or any intee�ect in�it
<br /> o w
<br /> ic cold or tru�ciertal(or iF a ticneiiclal intercw in&�muwer ir cald or t�`erra!wd rrawor ir not A n+uunl porcnn)widwut
<br /> Lender's ptiar wrluen concait. Londer m�y. A1 IIN Op1IW1, roq uire fimKdiwe payment in fLll oP all wmr rxurod by thii
<br /> � Saurity Inu�ument.Howevu,�hir oqtion rlwll nat ba Cxercicod by Lendcr if ezercico i�prohibitai by fakrnl Irw�r oi t6e data
<br /> of Ihis Secudty liulnimcnt.
<br /> Ii l.erdrr ezercices this optian. L.endar Rlwll Ive Borrower notla ot wccele�don. 7'he notico xlwllpm vida o pedod of nol
<br /> ' less thon 30 d�yr from the date Ihe notire iR del�vered or muilocl within which&►rr��wer mucl pwy �II wmx zocurod by �hh
<br /> Socurlty Ina�rument. If Borruwer fuil�to p�y Ihcsc aumx pNor to the expimtion uf thir perfud,l.endc�m+�y invoke ony rcmodia
<br /> permltud by Ihia Securit Inwrument withaut further natice ar dcnwml on&ttruwcr.
<br /> 3:�: 18. Bonvwer'� I�ht to Reinaate. If Borrower meets certuin cu�xN�iun�, &►rmwer sh�ll have �he r�ght ta hxve
<br /> "' enfarcemem af�hia Scxu�ity Instrument discaminued �t s�ny lime prior�o the carlicr af': (al S daya lnr such Mhcr period m
<br /> t r uppliceble low may specify for rcin�tatemenq beforc �nle of lhe Property pursupnt to any pawer of ssalo caMairted in this
<br /> Securiiy lnstrumem;or(b)e�ury of u juJ�ment enforciog this Security Ins�rument.Those rnndilions are that Borrower:(a)payr
<br /> L.ender all aums which then would be due undcr�his Secudty lawrumenl und the Nae xy if no acaleration had accumed; (b►
<br /> curcs any defauh of any ather coverwn��ar agreememR: (c) puy�all expenses iocumed in enforcing this Secu�ily Inctnunent,
<br /> including. but nal limiled to,res+sanable aunmeys' fees;unJ (d)takes such oction as Lender may reasonably reyui►e to�ssuro
<br /> thet tiia.lieii of this Secudty InstNment, Lender's rfghte in�he PropeAy and Bartower's obligation w pay Ihe sums secured by
<br /> thiw Secu�i�y Instrument shull cuo�lnu� unchAnged. Upon rrins�otement by Borrower, �hi+ Security Instrument and the
<br /> obligations secured heteby shall rcmain Wlly effeclive as if na acreleration had accumed. However,Ihis right to refnsWte shall
<br /> �. � • nat apply ia tha case oF uccelemtian under puragrsiph 17.
<br /> _ l9. S�lo o�Note: ChAnge of I.oan Servlcer. The Note ur n panial interest in the Nwe ltogecher with this Security
<br /> `. � Instn.�ment)may be aold une ar mare times without prior natice to Borrower. A sole muy result in rr change in the entity(known
<br /> � � '�� "l�`: as the'Laun Servicer')U�at rnllects montMy payments dua under the Note a�d this Securiry Instrument.There cdso nwy be one
<br /> �N' �ti..} .
<br /> •`�L ` �, or more chunges af the I.nun Service�unrcluted to a sale of the Note. If there is a change oP the Loan Servicer.Borrower wlll be
<br /> ' �.�. ��_�?;`��r`�� given written notice of the chenge in accordance with pumR�uph 14 Abave and applicable luw.The notice will slate the name and
<br /> �d�t�'r'�+�i`� address of�he new Loan Srrvicer und ihe oddress to which payments should be made. The notice will also canutin any other
<br /> h �••,;�-���� infomiation required by applicublc law.
<br /> , • 20. Haz�rdous Sul�nces.Borrower shall not ruuse or permit tlie presence,usc, disposnl, storagc,o� rcleasc of any
<br /> � . •;"�� Hazurdaus Substunces on or in �he Propeny. Barrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to Jo. uny�hing affecting the
<br /> •� � � Pmpeny that is in viulution uf:�ny EnvironmeMal Luw. 7'he prct�eding iwo sentences shall not apply t�the presence, use. ar
<br /> �;, . • �torage on the Pmpeny af small quuntities��f Hruardous Subswnces Iht�t are genendly recogniud�a be s�ppn►priate to norn�al
<br /> . , , residential uses and�o mulntemnce of the Prupeny.
<br /> Borrower chnll prnmptly give L.ender writt�n notice of any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or ather action bp any
<br /> � �� � , " .•� ° . governmental or regulatory ugency or privute party involving the Property and any Ha�sudoux Substunce ur Environmcntal Luw
<br /> • • • � of which Borcower htu�cluul knowlc�dge. If 8orcawer karns,or is notified hy any governmental or regulatary authority,that
<br /> • ����. uny removul or other remodioti�n of uny Haz:udous Substance affi.�cting the Propeny i�necrssary, Borrower shall promptly take
<br /> ��.•;`�•j��•�''�'��::. ull necessAry remecliol xciianx in accordance with Enviranmental Law.
<br /> __ �• ��� ��i.'`^�7"' �� As used in�his paraaraph 20. "Harardous Substances" nre those substa�xes defined es toxir or hazurdous substonces by
<br /> k�i � ` . ".. '"• EIIVIfOIlI11Cfl1AI LAW UDII IB��011llwing �;ubr,tances: guK�line, kenxenc, wher flummable or toxic pe�roleum products. toxic
<br /> . . . pesticides uad herbicides,vulu�ilc solvents,materials comnining asbestos ar form�ldehyde.und raJiouctive materials. As used in
<br /> • . ' thin paagrnph 20, "Envir�mmcntul L.aw" mcam fi�deral lawa and law� uf the jurisdiction where the Property is lacated that
<br /> a. ' . � �?° relutc to health,s�fety or em�irunn�rntul protcrtion.
<br /> • �' �� . ''•���;��j�h��• � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.&ttrou•er and Lender funher cnvenant a�ul s�grec as follows:
<br /> ,, �. -, • 2l. Acceleratiunt Remedi�w.I.�nder xhull give notice to Borrower prior to accekrration folloNing Bortrow•er's breach
<br /> � . ;, of any covenant ar aRreement in tblr: Sccurity lnstrumcnt (but �ot p�ior to acceleraUon under pa�n+grnph 17 unless
<br /> • applicAble IAw pro�•Ides othe�•isc). The notice shall speclfy: (u)the de{'ault; lb)the pction reyuired tu cure the defaulh.
<br /> • " . (c)a dote.not kw.ti thun 30 dayx from the datN the notice iti kiven to Bnrrower. b�• whkh the default must be curedi and
<br /> ;�� �• . (d) tf�W failure to cure Ihe dei'uult un ur bePore the date �peclfied in the notke ma�• r�ult in acceleration oi'the sums
<br /> • �. Fecured b3•this Security InMrument and wlr oP Ihe Propert��. The nntice shaU farther infurm Borrow•er of the right to
<br /> �� - • � relastAte aper accclen�Unn und Ihe rlRht to nrinR a court artion to u+sert the nan�existence of a defaWt or ony other ����
<br /> , dePense of&�rn�w•er to ucccleralion and sule. If the dei�ult (s not curcd nn or befare the date speciiied in the notice, ,,'.;;
<br /> .� , •� , Lender. at its optlon. muy nyufre immediate paymcnt in PuU of�11 sums scrured b�• thiti 5ecurily Instrument wkhout ��•
<br /> �' • ., � , furlhcr demand and ma�• im�oke the poN�er oP wle and am•other remedies permitted by appli�ble law.I.endcr shall bc
<br /> ' ., entitled to rnllect atl expenus inrurred in purxuing the remedi�provided in Ihis paro�raph 21.includin�,but uollimited
<br /> ' , to.rea+bnablc altnrne��z'Pi�and cutilv of tiNc e��idence. u..
<br /> � It thcp�►�rtr oP+alc is invnked,Tru+tcc shull r�rord a nWicc of dcPault in iach counh• in ahich an}• part of thc
<br /> - - � - ' Pn�rarty h I�K�at��d und�hull rouil copics of�ucfi noNce In ihc maniur pra�crtbcd hy upplicublc lu�s to Borrr,+scr and to
<br /> w thc othcr persons prc��flK�d b� upplicablc lu�c. Af'tcr thc timc rcyulrcvl b}�appliruMc luw,Trust�r xhall Qivc public noticc
<br /> � � of sule to the penonx and in thc munner pr�wrrlbed b� upplicunle lu�r. Trust�r.��ithuul dcmand on Borrnaer�shall sell
<br /> � .;•,;,�..�, ttie Pn►prrlS•at puBlic uurtinn tn the hi{�h��t bidder ut thc timc und plucc und under the tcrn�ti detiipnat��d in the notke oP , `
<br /> , • •:,•;;�;a. :�,�: ssde in one nr more parcclti und in um• ordcr Trusl�w deteMnin�w.Trust�r ma� p►titponc salc of ull ur am purccl oi'the ?,,,
<br /> , ,,';;:,;;" , Proprrlv by public unnuunmment ul the time und plucc oF any prr�iuu�h� xlxduled wle. Lendcr or its d�.wignee mey
<br /> y � purcf�use the Properlv at an�•wle.
<br /> 1 � �
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