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<br /> , � �::a�a
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<br /> ' ca�demnation ar aher t�kin�ol�ny pA o!�he Propeny.ar for ranvey�nco in lieu of condemnNtian,�re hereby serf�ned�nd
<br /> dull be paid ta I.ender.
<br /> In the ovent ot a tatNl taking of Ihe Propeety.the shdl be applied w the wms xocured Dy Ihi� Secw�ity
<br /> Insdumrnt. whcther ar not lhen duo,wlQi any exces�pai to Bmmwer. In tho event of�putial ukin�of 11w i'r�ty in
<br /> � whkh tha Pdr marittt vdue of the Property immediatcly befae�ho tpicin�ia equal lo�x grcater than/hq wtwunt of the sum�
<br /> I socurcd by thie Socutity Instn�ment immedfwtely boPoro�he toking,unk�s Borrower and Lender otharwir�agrce in writing,
<br /> Uro eumr Rocurod by Ihis 5ecudty lnsuument sholl bo reduced by tho amount of the proceedR multiplied by Ihe folWwf�g
<br /> � fracdon; (p)1hc tawl rmount of the sumn cecured immediately bePor�c�he taking,dividaf by(b)tha frir m�uke�volue of the
<br /> � Propcny immcdi�wly bcforc the wking. Any balAnce shull bc patd W Borrower. !n the event of a pcutial tekina uP thc
<br /> ; property in whkh Iho fAir market value uf�hr I'ropeny immediptely before thc toking is less than the amouat of the aunu�
<br /> sccurcd immedietely before the taking,unless Bornawcr and Lender wtwrwiris Agree in wrl�ing ur unles�applicable law
<br /> otherwiso provider,tha proceedy atw��ba upp�icd to tho�ums securcd by thia S�:urity inRuument whether or not the sums aro
<br /> 111�n due.
<br /> � !f the I�vperty is abandoned by Bomower.or if,af'te�notice by Lender to Borcawer thnt the candemnor offern to make
<br /> ao.uwand or seulc a claim far damugex,Bortower fail9 to respond to Lender within 3Q duye u�ier�hc date the natice.is given,
<br /> I � Lenciar iA author{xed to collect and upply the proceeds,ut i�c option,cAher to restorrtion ar r�epair af the PropsRy or to the
<br /> aums secunsd by this Security Instrument,whether ar oot then due.
<br /> Unl���:end�r nnd Bormwe�wherwi�e ugree in wrhing,any u plicution of proceedR to principal shall nw extand or
<br /> ac
<br /> postp�nn,tha dua date of'the mcm�hly payment.r referred to in puragrap x 1 suid 2 orchunge�he umount of such paymBn�9.
<br /> ll: Rnrrowcr Not Releasedi �orberrance By Lender Not a Waiver. Exte�ion of thc time for payrrwnt or
<br /> „� ,�,�^ madifioatinn•oT.amaniwtion of Ihe sums secured by thig Securiry Instrument granted by I.ender to uny successor in interest
<br /> ' :. � of&utnwvr sltpll nat operate to releuse the liobili[y of Ihe originul Borraw@r or Borrower'x succes4orx in intemsl. Lender
<br /> �"•-��' � �• shplli nn1 be n'quired to wmmence prceeedingx agAinat uny xucces.�r in interesl nr refuse to eztend time for payment or
<br /> ...r_: :i
<br /> : ,;; � •"�•'v".s� otharwise modify amonizwtion o[the sums secured by�his Security In,i�un��nt by m., on of m��•d�mnnd n��de by the original
<br /> � a��. • ••���� �• �' Borrower or Borrower's succe4sors ln interest. Any Porbeunuice by Lender in exerciRing any�right or remcdy shall not be e
<br /> ;�r=s..;;:, ,..
<br /> ��,FC;;��,,,,.ti ;, waivor of or preclude the ezercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> ! ' "`"��"�'' ' ' a"' l2. Successora and AssiRns Hound:Joint and Several Liability; g gre
<br /> „ � C'asi ners. The covenants and a ements of this
<br /> ��s�bx�'��;�.,��..•,; y� Securily InFtrument shall bind end benefit the succesxor�and astiigns of I.ender ond Borrower,subjecl ta the provisionx of
<br /> • ' , parrgraph 17. Barrower�covenants ond ugreements shall l�joint und several. Any Borrower who ca-xigns this Secu�i�y
<br /> . „ ' , �'.- InFtnimant but d�kc not execute�he Nde: (a)ix co-signing this Security Invtrument only to moRguge,grAnt und convey that
<br /> ,��• '_.;:.,.;;�i•�_�,, , „ Burt»�ver i�intdr�st in the Propeny under thc lerms of thia Securiry Instrument; lb)iK not penonnlly obligated to pay the suma
<br /> , ,} ,�, i •; �seeu�d by thiH Security Instrurnent;and(c►agreex that Lender and uny other Borrower muy ugree to e!ctend,modify,iorbear
<br /> , ,�:.,;..,::,,
<br /> • :�;��,L,�,'�.• ' or mnke u�y accommodatiam with regurd to Ihe terma of thin Security Instrument nr Ihe Note without Ihut Sorrower�
<br /> ����. � ` coneant.
<br /> �'� x •`•1�� • 13. Loan Charges. li the loan secured by thi� Securily Inslrument iti �ubjecl to a law which setx muxlmum lonn
<br /> ;_. � `�h`^-�°"=' thu oe*,t+n�tluu law is finally inter�►reted so�Fwt tiu interest or other loan churgen collected or to be collected in connection
<br /> " '•�•��if;�,' , with.the loun exceed the permitkd limiis, then: lo)uny�uch loan churge tihull Ix reduced by t{ie umuunt necessur��to reduce
<br /> �� � '' �����``•��'}� � ti�e chnrge to the permined limir,and(bJ uny�umx ulready collect¢d from Burruwer which exceeded parmitted limits will be
<br /> � s�, ,;�;�:.:;:,;�i�, .
<br /> '� � ��,":.;,;. �"�i refunded to Barrower. Lender may rlwo.r•r io make lhis refund by nJucinR thc principal owed under tha Note ar by mukinR u
<br /> + • ��, .� ,r c';:i•:,;•.. ,,. ,
<br /> , � '� +;•;,;��.,;�.;�, ..; .', direct payment to Borrower. If u rcfund reJuces princi�l,the reduc�ion will he trented us a purtiul prepuymanr without su�y
<br /> '{•' '•'��'t' � ' '�:.' ne ment char e under Ihe Note.
<br /> �. - '•::�';.' ,.•,. . P PuY €
<br /> , t� � .,,.�,��.J 5. .. 14. Noticea. Any notice to Bormwer pre�vided fur in �hix Security In��rument+hull t►e given by delivering it ar by
<br /> ! �� �.,•••,;>��;• �� mniling i�by first claxs mail unk,�upplicubk luw rcyuirc+use of�nnther meth�xl.Tho notice shull be directed tu the Property
<br /> ,,�.:;�: � . Addit;ss cw uny wher nddre+s BorrowerJc,i�nu�c� by nnticr to Lender. Any noticc to Lender xhull t►e�eiven by fir.q clasti
<br /> ' • mnil tu LenJ�r:uJdrers.1Ated hercin ur any uthcr aJJrc.s Lendcr dexignwc.By noiice to Borrower. Any notice pravided for ••? v,
<br /> fd�..; A , ," .. in this Securiry Inslrument ahall Ix dcemed to huvc tkrn Eiven to Borrower or Lencicr when piven as pmvided in Ihin
<br /> ' pu�agr.�ph.
<br /> : p: . . I3. (:uverninR I.a�r. SevernbilN}•. Thix S�curi�y In.tnimen� �hall he �ovcrned hy fcdorul luw und Ihr law of the
<br /> � ' jurerdirtiun in which tlx Propeny ix I�xat�d. In thc evem thui uny pruvi,i�►n ur cluu.r of�hi+Sccurity Inslrument cx the Note '``'`
<br /> �,. cunflictr with upplicuble law.,uch rcmllict•hcdl nut:d'1'rrt uihrr pruvi�ions uf thix tircurity In,trumem��r thr Note which cim •";:'.
<br /> �,;, • bc given rffect withuut the cuntlicting provixiun. Ti�this end the pmvi�iom ul'�his Srcurity Instrument and the Nae ure `
<br /> �� duclured ro tx zevcruble. ,`�''
<br /> , •,.�i'ri,
<br /> �� 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowrr,hall Ix gi�rn onr cunti�mi�d cupy of thc N�nc und uf�hiK S�curity Ins�rumcnt. ���
<br /> � • - • - - - U. 7'rAnsfer of the Property���r�l;cr+cflciu!lntcrest in Burr��wer. If;�II or i�ny rnrt nf�hr Pn��x•r1y or any intemct in :.a
<br /> � it�ix�oIJ�ir aansferrrd lur il'u tx�ncfiri:i! inl�rc+t in Rorrowrr iti .oIJ or �ran,femd :mJ H��rruwrr ix not u nutural �non) "
<br /> �•` • . wiihout Lrnderk prior�vriuen cunsent,l.�nJer muy.at it���ption.rryuirc immrdiatr puyment in full�if ull.umti securcd by
<br /> . '. . ' thln Sccurity Intitrumcnt. Howevr�.thiti uplion tihull ni►1 F+r excrcised by(.cnJcr if exrrcise i+prohibiled by fedcr.�)luw uti of � �;
<br /> '' the dute of thix Security Instronknt.
<br /> ,��` .'. if l.�nJer r:xercise.ihis opi�m.LenJcr.hull Ki�e Borcowrr nalicr of accrlrratiun. Thr no�icr,hull pr�►vidr u�xriod of
<br /> �, � �.; : .• ��� � ' not Irti.thun 3U days from�Ix�latr thc uucicc i�drlivrRd ur nu�ilcJ�vi�hin w•hi�h 13orruw�r mu.�pa��ull�ums+rcurcd by thiti
<br /> '4.:.. ' ' • Securiry 6is�rumrnt. If BoR��wc� fuil.tc,puy ihc�,r sum� prii�r lu thc cxpira�ion uf thir �xri�xl. l.rnder muy invuke uny ��r;.
<br /> ';t� , . • nmedics�xrniiltcd My�hix Scruriq•In.tnarnent w-i�how t'unhrr nutirc ur Jrmmid�xi HoRU�err. l:
<br /> �aS . ,, IS. Bnrrower's RiAht tu Reinzlate. If B��rruw�r mer1� reri:�in runditiun+, Barru�r�r +hall huv� the righi �o huvc
<br /> f c ; � , enforeemem oF�hi.5ecurily Insirumem di+coniinurd au imy limc priur�i� the rarlier ol': la1 S Jay.l�,r surh u�her Exriai as _
<br /> i �•� ' Sfn�lrl•:miily�•FumikUae;KreddkMacl\IFt)R\11\til"RI�IE\'1'-•l'ndunu('���•en:mh 4�90 Ip��qcan/n�r�pev�
<br /> .���'• t ` �'. • , ,'��.'
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