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;�: <br /> .. :iti <br /> . . ..�.�ti�". <br /> � ,� `1 L• ._i. . � <br /> .r Y � A <br /> � • <br /> � ' 93- 1o�3.�s <br /> �dods that Ixnder rcquircx. Thc insuraace carrier provfding the insutance ehall ba chaFCn by Borrowor Rubject to L.cnderL <br /> �pprov�i which�hall not be unrcasonably withheld. If Bamwer 6ails to maintain covera�e desc�ibed ebove,L.ender m�y,at <br /> l.ander�opliwt,oMAin cuverage to prot�ct L.ender R riyhta in 1he Praperty in accardance with pn��rnph 9. <br /> All insurnncc policies und renewals ntwll be ucceptoble ro Lender++nd shall include a standard moHgagc clouse. l.ender <br /> shall have�hc right to huld the palicics and renewnls. If Lender requir�R,Barrower shall pmmptly give to l.cnder oll receiptg <br /> of pnid prcmium4 wul oenewul noNcex. In tha event of losw.Bormwer ahull Qive prompt natice to�he inaurance cnrtier wnd <br /> „ l.ender. l.etuler muy muke ptac►f of losa if not made promplly by Bomnwer. <br /> Unlees�kr wnJ 8urrowcr uthcrwix:ugnr in writfng,insurwue prareeds shufl he upplled to rcstarntion ar repuir af <br /> thc Propeny damogea. ff the rcstorntion ar repufr ir economicully feusible und Lender!v�ccuriry iR na les+encd. If Ihe <br /> rcstoradon ar �pnir ia not economically feusible ar Le�de�k�ecurity would L+e Iexr,encd,the insurAnce proceedx shull be <br /> appllul to�he sum.r secured by this Security Instrument, whe�her ur not �hen due, with uny excexa paid to Borrower. If <br /> Aormwer nbundona the PmpeAy, w doea not answer within 3D days a nwice from l.ender that Ihe insurunce carrier hua <br /> i � affeted to�ottle o claim,then Lxndar muy collect the inxurunce praceeda. L.ender muy use�he pruceeds to repAir or rcxtore <br /> tho Pruperty or lo pny sumx xecured by thix Security Inatrument,whether or not then due. The 30-day perlod wlll be�in.whan. <br /> � �-°= tha nvtica iri given. <br /> UnleFa Lendar and Borrower whe�vise agree in wrf�ing.any uppNcution af pmceeds ta principal ahull not axtend o�, <br /> ' �� ,:K. ,�.',t:; postpc►ne tha dua dnte of the monthly payments refemed�o in purugmphF I And 2 or chunge ihe umouot of the puym�ntr�. 1F� <br /> � ��'.�� ^`�`' ' � x uc ui b Lender BaROwers� ht ta un in�urunce licie�und raceeds resuUin <br /> ,..�.;v: undar pt►ragraph 21 Iha Avperty i y rcd y . B Y P� P 8 <br /> ' ' from damuge to the I'napcny prlar to the ncyuisi�ion shnll puxs�o Lender to Ihe cxlent af lhe r►ums eecured by ihi�Security <br /> .�:.; ni.,�* Instrument immediu�ely prior ta the ucqui.ri�ion. <br /> ';.:���;'�' ` .. ;��. F , � 6. Qccupqacy� P�ervation. Maintenaace and Pratection of the Prope�ty: Borrawer's L.oan Applicadon; <br /> ,_�. ,,±, Leaseholda. Borrower shull occupy,extabli�h,nnd u,e�he Pruperty as Barrowcrk principul residence within sixty dAys aftar <br /> �"=ir:-:,a.„„ . '� the execution af thi»Security In�trument and xhull continue to occupy the Ropeny us F3urrower�priocipal residence for At <br /> • "'`"� � �� leust one yeAr ufter the date of accupancy. unless Lender athenvi.e ugrees in writing, which consent shall not be <br /> � ° '��' • s s w '• bc o J Burruwer's cantrol. Botrower shall not <br /> � a.son b withheld or unless extenunlin circums�ance exi t hich um n <br /> �-. .. � . „ unre a ly . g Y <br /> �. i: ti ," destroy,dumAge or impair th�Propeny, ulbw the Propeny to deteriorute,or commi� wuxte on �he Propeny. Bomvwer shull .s�„ <br /> ' s• '�. '��� `•• be in dePault if any iarfeiwre action or proceeding,whether civil ar criminul,is begun thut in Lenderti good fuith judgmam. <br /> '• A " " could resuU in forfeiwre af the Praperty ar atherwisc muteriully impair thr lien creu�ed by thia Security Instrument or <br /> -•;`;�;;; "- , • Lendert xecurity interes�. Borrower muy cure such u elefs�ult und rciaslute,u+provided in purugraph 18,by cuusing the action. <br /> ,',, - . or praceeding to be dismitised with u ruling thut,in l.ender's ga►d tiaith determinu�ion,prccludes forf'eiture uf the Borrower�t <br /> ' • interest in�he Propeny or other material impairment of the lien created by �hiti Security Instrument or Lendert tiecurity <br /> ��: �'�>�':1�� , r.;• intcrest. Borrawe� shnll ulsa bc: in default if Borrawer, during �he luun upplicutinn pracesx, �ave muteriolly fultie or <br /> �'.:� ...f. •�i'� ` '� inaccumte informution ar stAtements ta Lender(ar fuiled ta provide Lenckr wi�h any material ininrmutioo)in cannection with <br /> ,.,,:: . the laun evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited ta, representntion� conceming Borrowerk occupuncy of the <br /> •� ' �•�f�"�•���' p��rqy nc p rrfnci�ud.residence. If Ihic Cecurity Ms�n�ment Iti on a Ieuselx�IJ.Borrower shnll comply with all the¢rovisionn <br /> , ,,,'+�i ' . of the lense. If Borrowcr xquircs fec title to thc Propeny,the leuvchald und the fee tide xhull not mergic unle�;s lxnder agrees <br /> � . ':"�1: to�he merger in writing. <br /> . �,. <br /> � ' �;;5;%r:;:yj.^"� 7. Proteclion of l.ender's Rightg in Ihe Property. If Biircowcr fuils tu perform the covenunts and ugmements - ; <br /> � ,, .., ' . , ;•�,r_,..~ contuined in thix Securi�y Imtrument, or thcre ix u Ie�ul pr�xecding thut muy �ignificandy uffect Lender: rights in the <br /> •���.'` �•' � Propeny(xuch as u pnxecJing in bankruptry,pmi►u�c,fcir can�kmnuti�n or fortci�ure or to cnforcr luw,or rrgulutinns).�hen <br /> � . ,`.�,, Lender may do and pay for whutevrr i,necrnxury tu prc��eci the valur��f thc Pr�►peny nnd l.enderk�ight+in the Propeny. .,� : <br /> `��"• � ��r Lenderi uclionx muy include puying any swtts tiecurrd by u lirn which hux priurily ovcr this 5erurity InstrumenG appeuring <br /> �•��:� .. � ' • ' in courl, puying rcuu►nublc a�tomeys'fecx unJ emrring on the Pro�xny to mukr npuin. Al�hough Lendrr may tuke action <br /> �� • under�his parupruph 7,l.enJer dors nnt havr����k�su. � <br /> �4� ' Any nmoun�x disBuned by Lrnder undcr Ihiti paruFruph 7 .hull Ixcomc uddilionul Jrht of Borcower�cured by thi� <br /> ���� " Sccurity Inxtrument. Unlexx Borrawer and LrnJcr a�rce�o��thcr Icnns ul'paynu nl,thcu t�mnunls xhull I+ear interest from the k., <br /> �� ' dule uf dishurscmcot al Ilx� Nutr rulc und shull he puyuMc, wi�h imcrest, u�m nu�ice frcnn Lendrr to Bnrmwer myu�zling ' <br /> '�' . � pnyment. �t <br /> �� 8. MortRo�e Inqurunce. It'Lrnekr rcyuired nx�rtga�!r in.urancr a�u runJiliun uf making�he Imm xrcun:d by this ��t�� <br /> �.,,, ,� Security Invtrumenl.SaROwcr shull pay Ih� prcmiwn. reyuircJ u�m�ini.�in �hr nwrtgugr in.urim�c in rffc��. If, for uny f;4�'. <br /> ; ., '"�;'.'�" '" reuson. the monguge insurancc rovrr.�gc requircd hy I.rnJer lup�r. or c�a.r. to lx in eftect. Borrowrr ,hull puy thc <br /> � '� . • premiumx mquircd �i� oMuin covrragc �ubstunliully cyuivulcm 1�� ihr mungugr in.urunrr previou+ly in cfl�ct. �t u co.t <br /> ,.. ' - • .-',= tiubstan�ially equivalcnt to the co+t tu Barn,��•rr uf thr mongagc in�uratne prr�•i�,u�lv in rffrrt.fri�m:�n:dtcmate mongu�c <br /> �:� � � in,urcr upproved by Lrndcr. If.uh.tantially cquiv:dcnt mun�a�r imuruncc ru�•cra�r i�noi availuMr.Hurrawrr shall pay ta <br /> ..,r ��ti Lender cach month a yum cyuul tu uix-�wrlfth ul'Ihe yrurl� mutt�ugc in.uranrr prrmium paid hy Borrower when the �,. <br /> •:., ° . in+uranrr covcrugc IupncJ ur ccu,ed to Fk in�I't'rr�. Lrnder��•ill accep�.u.r and reiain tlx,e pay mrnt.a.a lu+.n•erve in licu . <br /> *.;,;`:Y, , of monguge intiurarxr. Lo,.rr+rrvc puyment.msry nu lun�!�r hr requirrd. ut �he uptiun of'monga��,c invurancc <br /> � � , covcr:�Er lin thc s�moum und liir Ihr�xriod th:u Lcndcr rrquim.l�rovidrJ by an in.urrr:�ppruvrd b} LrnJer i�gain txcomc. <br /> ,; '; � ;,. uvuilublr und is obt►�in�d.Burn�wrr,h�dl pay Ihc premium+rcyuir�d I��m:iin�ain m��rl�ii�r in.urunrc in rltcrt.�►r to proviJe:i �'�• <br /> 1 r�� � '�s`�j:^ " . loxx rexrve,umil thc rcyuircment ti�r munEa�c in.uranrr rnJs in ucnrrJanrr w i�h��m•�vriucn agrcement txtwcrn Horcowcr <br /> ,, �._a,i:;.;:s: <br /> ' • � und Lcndrror uppliciibl�law. <br /> t i �r�I'�,` ;'� 9. Inspection. LrnJcr ur il�ugrnl mu� makr rca�nnablc cnlric.upun:inJ in.�xctiun.uf thr Pru�kny. l.rnJcr,hull <br /> ' . �ive Borrowcr notirr nt Ihr timr uf ur riur u�im inti uiun, .if�in�r�a,un:ihk rau.c liir th� in. .liun. `�'+•,, <br /> (' : . . � ,.. E P fk' Ik' !� fx' . <br /> , 10. Cnademnatfon. Thc prixcrds of:�n}aw•ard or.•Is►im li�r d:mr.igrti.dirrrt ur run� runncrtinn wiih um� i � <br /> y `.•.�. .. <br /> +�� ' , Smgk IanUN•..M'unnie�tuNFreddlc Mnc l'\IF't/N�f IVS'1'Nl'�1F:Yf• Und�mn Cm enam. 4�411 ���der?�/n�ti��r., ', <br /> e', � . ';� . Grca�Ldr.�x.>inra r��u.��x- ■ <br /> .'.! . . To�Mdi7 Cnll�IaYM►SA►0.7A1.l I+Ax 816fiU1131 <br /> r i . <br /> . • ' ,` �. <br /> . . 1 <br /> �'�� `;�'t'� ii�:.�,.-1:., - .a�.••,,�.ay.+w•�;�. ._ , . . . . .�;,r.r-,.n•.�..,,.�;., .. . ... _. .... . .. ;. <br /> .��' t� � � �, it 'r' . . <br /> h . .� . � <br /> ';' { . • • • '' �, ' . <br /> • . __....._ . . __. ..---- � --. <br /> �,�:;.. r------------- --... _ , ... <br /> • �1: ' _. <br /> � ., , <br /> '1. ! , .. , <br /> .� � a.. <br /> �: .. <br /> ���� , � . <br /> �f r 'L '} '� � -- _ . <br /> 1,�v--- �`T ,.. . . . . ' <br /> � � <br />