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.. :-;�, <br /> � :.� • ...._. . <br /> ii; . <br /> .�.V� � �`A, y� <br /> eF <br /> �� , . . . <br /> � g3_ sat�s � <br /> • appticable l�w m�y �pocify for rolewotemenq bcfore sale of the FropertY punuant to ony power of�alo contnined in thi� <br /> Secwity Inswment:or(b)eutry of o jud�en t enforcin�this 3ecudty ln�uumrn¢. '1lioce cor�ditiau ue Ihu Banawor: U) <br /> paY�L.eoder all uu�u which tlron would be dua under this Sncudty Inraument uW the Nato � if no �ocekatian hwd <br /> occumed;(�)cwes any defwlt of u�y dher cov¢nants or�rocrn�nu�;(c)p�y�dl axpencea IM:wrod la onfiH+cin�lhit Sa;uriry <br /> In�wmait. iacludln�,but not limitod to.rca:onable atwrneys'fea:and(dl Iskcs such �ction w Lender may ma�anably <br /> roquir�e w essune that�he lien oi'U�is Securl�y Inxwment,[.ender'a riph�a in tha Pmpeity arx!Barowerb obliwtlon w p�Y tbe <br /> rum� �acurod by thi9 Security Inswmenl siwll cant�nue unchangod. Upan �+einwetement by BarowGr, 1hi� Sta:u�ity <br /> ina�nt�nd tho obligatlone socu�ed hercby ehall rcm�in Pully eifxdve As iP nc►�eceleralion Fud occurrod. Hawever.thia <br /> �:�:� ri�ht ta�rcinx�a�e ahall not apply In U�c�of accete�tiw�under p�uagraph 1?. <br /> 19.Sale af Note; Ckw�e ot Lan Servk�er. 'I7�e Noto or A pwti�l intercst in the Note(to�ether wilh thia 3ecudry <br /> lnswment)may be cold one or more dmea wi�hout prior noNee to Bo�rower. A cwle m+�y result(n a chan�e ia tha tntity <br /> (known os the"Laan Servicer")that colkcts monthlY paYmenta due under the Note and U�3a Securlty Instrument. 1t�rns alw <br /> � may be ona or more changea of the Setvicer unnelau.M to a sele of the Nae. If thene is a change of 1he Servlcer. <br /> � Bortowor will be given wdpen notice of the ciwnge in acconiance with pAragraph 14 above and applicuble Iww. The notioe <br /> will stale�he neme and add�esa of the new Laat►Servicer end the addresc to which paymente�twuld be made. Tho notke wUl <br /> R�:��;i"-`�; nlso contain nny other infortnation cr.quired by applicable law. <br /> i. ��• 2p, i�rdo��s Snb�tan�,�w, Borrower shall not ceuse or permit the prescnce,use,dfsposol.�toraBe.or nelease of�ny <br /> >-x�..,�, . <br /> �S" •� � •• Hazardous Subatancea on or in the Property. Borrower ahall nat do.nor allow anyone else to do, anylhing aifecdng thc <br /> '"'�' '' �;�.��;:.�. <br /> . —" ``',..`:.`;`' ,� ,�,. Property that ia in violadon of any EnvMnmeatal Law. The preceding two sentences sholl nat apply to ehe presence.use.or <br /> � ai?4: <br /> .. ��f�� ..?,.f:�:,:•,',' stonge oa the Property of small qusuitidea of HAZardous Subsmnoes Ihat ar�e generally recognixed to be appropriate ta nonnat <br /> uu <br /> .'' �`•��.• ' �,; '`�`_!ti{�,u4s'�� residenpai uses and to mainteaaace of the Aaperty. <br /> '�'���="Y�M'` Barowar shell promptly give Lender wrinen not�ee of any investigat�on.claim,demand.Iawsuit or c�tl�er acdon by any <br /> r, . h1l i....t;+..-. <br /> _ �.�'=.:,.n�� :: govemmental ar regulatory agency or privste pnrty involving the Propetty and any Hazudous Substance or Environmenu►1 <br /> ,�`r''�""��'� �• �°- � Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Horrower leurns. or is notified by eny governmentul or regulatory <br /> ,'i;'"- ' a <br /> ��i;,:;,;,.:�,�+;�,.., <br /> �,�r,�;;,<�_�,��,;,� authority,that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardaus Subs�ance affecdng the Property ia necessery,Borrower <br /> �s;� •::,r. � � shell promptly ta�e all npcessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental <br /> ° s����.���." �6��� �� ' As used in Ihis pacagmph 20."Hazardous Substnnces"are those substances defined us toxic or hazardoua substances by <br /> `.;"��'`�� �?i y"� .'.ur�w;•�,.i,�4 <br /> `:�,,t�;, ,;,,,j,j#r�•.' ' : '!r Environmental Law and the following substances: gasoline.kerosene,other Oammable ar toxic petroleum products,toxic <br /> ': ;:r..•� . • '-'� `' pesticides and herbjcide�s,volntile solvents, mnterials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials. As <br /> ••;<<<?;'•�;'`1 , �a�-•, used in U�is paragrAph 20."Environmental Luw"means federai Iwws and laws af the jurisdjction where the i'mperty ia located <br /> �.' ' ,",`,':':`� ', .`:�: :` thut relotc to health.sufety or environmenta!protection. <br /> ��t .ri��);��.."� �j�i��}r?,- ' <br /> ..f.�: .�t"�. <br /> ,,�, . �•... . � NQN-UNiFORM COVENANTS. aorrower and L.ender funher covenunt and agree as otlows: <br /> ,���;. �;i;,, .,r;�{'r,;::;`,ki:� 21. Accelcradon; Remedks. [.ender s6oU give notice to Borrower prlor to accelerndan �ollowing Borrower's <br /> • ,;;;:,:���q';,r{;;�': breach et Any rnvenant or agreement in thla Securfty Instrument(bat not prior to�ccelet�tion uader ps�ragrAph 17 <br /> ..;;•:;,�,. , ;tt,;,;.,q;. ualess applk�ble Inw provides otherwise). The aodce sball specUy: ls�)tde default;(b)ihe acdon required to cure the <br /> = t�L'f�l�ICj 8�StC�AOL��!!�4�!!,'9 I�'019!�!4�8�4�4!lQ�C4 IS�,V4!!�l�PII!'f11WPPi hy wl�ich the default mwot be <br /> '.'" � ' ��"`'•�:?'�i cured;w�d(d)thwt faiilure W cure�he dets�ult on or betore Ihe date epecifJed io Ihe noNce msy result In accekralton ot <br /> �'�`" �� +"��°' the sums secured by this Security losteument and eale of tde Property. The notice slwll fuHher intorm Borrower of <br /> `� ` � '1' � the rlght to reiavtate atter Accele�tlon wnd the rl�ht to bring a court acNon to asseK We aon-existence o[A deiault or <br /> �,. , , <br /> ht''". � . wny otlKr detense ot Borrower to acceleratbn and aale. If the defAUlt is not cured on or betore the date spectfled in <br /> ���`' tLe notke.l.ender at its optton may require immediate payment in iull ot all sums Recured by this Secudty lnstrument <br /> ,,,. <br /> � ; without furlher demand and may invoke the power oi sAle aad any other reroedies permitted by Applkwble law. '° <br /> '=�!� Lender sfwU be enqtled to collect�II expet�ses incurred in pursuing Ihe remedies provided in thi�paragri+ph 21. <br /> ���.`� ., � includi�g,but not limited to.reASOnable ottorneys'fees and costs of Utle evWence. <br /> �'' . � It Ihe power ot sWe Is invoked.'I�ua9tee shall record e notice oP defauk in each county in which any part of the <br /> 8�i� Property is located and shall mufl copics of such notice in the manner prescribed by Applicablc law lo Borrower end to <br /> '4��`. the other person.4 prescril►ed by s�pplfcAble law. At�er the ttme required by �pplicable law.7Y�ustee sfiall give publk <br /> ' 2fr�''' ' notice at ss�le to the persons and in 1he manner presc�fbed by AppUcable law 7�ustce,without demund on Borrower, , , <br /> f� - . • ehall seN the Property at public wuMion to tNe highest bidder at the lime ond place and under Ihe tcrms designated in �, '' <br /> '� the notke ot sak in one or morc ps�rcels wnd in Any order'I�aRtee determines. 7lrustee may postpone salr ot all or any <br /> j ' �� rcel ot the Pro rt b 6�Iic announcement at the l4�s�d la.e ui wn reviousi scheduled sWe. t.ender or Its <br /> �. • �.,.. ';. Pp Pe Y YP� i� Y P 9 <br /> � � :...���. . deeignce mwy purchase thc Prnperty at�ny sole. . i;.. <br /> :� Upon receipt ot{wyment of the price bid.7tustee shnll deliver to the purchoser 'I�ustee s deed conveying the <br /> -: ��:.,"'•-. Propetty. The rec!!a!s!n!!!e'�1,�crw�'s deed Rhall be prima focie evidence oP thr truth o!the slatements made therein. <br /> �,�� ?" �,. .i:':'+;, 1lrustQe 9ha11 opply the proceeds of lhe�ale in the followin�order: la)to all casts and expenses of exerctqipg the power <br /> �r��� . . ' ��,;r:., <br /> . o • <br /> �� � ' ,'� , .. -a�' <br /> :,�4� '' k: <br /> .� '� � <br /> �� :'t•.�.. " . � <br /> :� r ,,,. . . , �. <br /> �� �.� � ��'��� r <br /> ;,, , :��:. <br /> ,x- �:. . <br /> . . '' �,, -'.....�,.,,,._..._.._. . _�_ ... .. ..�, . , ..,,.. , .�.__�.�-_.._ _.._. _ . :.�:��_. ., .. . � <br /> 1., �,c�.,...,. <br /> '� . . ;� ' '. . � <br /> 1 `� --.. . . .. . , _,_ ..�.. . . . �,. ' . ��, ` <br /> '� .' . . � . <br /> :� � „ ., —_. _. . . ... . <br /> � � • <br /> � , <br /> � ' _ _ ' - . • <br /> ��, �� . „ . � . <br /> 1 '� � <br /> � <br /> i . <br /> .j� „ � <br /> 1 <br /> �'u � ; - ' � .. . . <br /> . 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