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� . ..�: <br /> . . �.�;l. <br /> ��•� ' . . <br /> . , . „ .. �r <br /> �•.:a :��.,:; � <br /> ''�' '', � . . __�� <br /> ,'., <br /> - <br /> - . � 93-1oe�zs <br /> • The Funds sl�ll bo held in an institution whoso deposita arc insuced by a foderAl Agency. iruit�umeoulity. ar auity <br /> ., (lncluding Le�der.if l.enlcr is such an Inatitulion)c�r fn any Fadernl Hama Loan B�nlc.l.ender ehrll apply�I�e Fundi ta psy tho <br /> F.ccrow Itenu.Lender may not chu�e Bomower for haldin�and applyin�tha Funda,�mweliy�lyzin�the ercrow�►u. ar <br /> verifyin�the Fscrow Itama,unler�L.endsr p�ys Borrower imerat on the Funds wid flcable law permits 4ender w malce euch <br /> •chargo. Howeve�, I.eixler mayroquire Borrower to psy a ane•time chuge for an I�pendant real esute ux rcpotting sorvia <br /> �^'�� used by Lendu in eonnection with lhis loan. unlecs applicabk law provides otherwi�er. Unleas �n agnoGnent ia rnwde or <br /> " applicable law rcquircr interest to be paid,I.endor shull not be roquired to pay Borruwer ony intcrc�t ar camin s on tl�e Funds, <br /> Borrowet Aqd Lender mpy agree in w�iting. howaver.that intercst shall be paid on the FundR. Lcndar shall g�ve ta Borrower, <br /> ,�� withaut charge. an annual accounting af the Funda, showing credits and debita to lhe Funds and tl�e pu�se fbr whieh eadi <br /> debit to Ihe Fu�uls was made.The Funds are plodgcd as additi�nol sxurity for all suma serurod by Ihis Secudcy Inriuument. <br /> � <br /> !f the Funds hcld by L.ender excood�he�mounte permitted w be held by appIicAble luw,l.endcr shull occount to Borr�we� <br /> far tbe exass Funds in acvordance wi�h the nequframants of epplicable law. If the ataunt of the Funds held by L.ender at uny <br /> r dme ia not suRicient to{wy the Eucrow Itans whun due. l.ender may so notify Bornnwer in writing.and, ii►buch c�se Bomower <br /> shalt pay to l.ender the amount na�ssary ta makQ up the det'Kiency. Borrower ahal! make up Ihc ciofiCieacy io no morc lhan <br /> '� •, twelve monthly t,ender's sole discretfaa. <br /> � ��'�:� '�'^�" Upon payment in full of nll suma �ecured 6y thia Secunty Instrumenl, Lender shall promptly refund ta Hortawer any <br /> N�,�;��:__ Funds held b Lender.If,underp�rrgca h 21,L,ender shall acquire or sell the Propeny,Ixnder,prior to the acquisiiion or rial¢ <br /> ;'.�i;_�•r�; af the fh»per y.shall apply any Funda hcid by l.ender at the time of acquisition or aale as a credit ngainr��he+wrrn�secur�d by <br /> ,T:�'�'�?';�.�,;:, this Securiry Instrument. <br /> v"�^�'`�"':,`, Y 3.AppllcaUon ot Payments.[Jnless applicabla law provides otherwire,ull paymenis recelved by Lend�r uncler paragcaph� <br /> ;� �,"`'�,��'.y;;,;?{. � I and 2 shall be applied:first. to any pr�ryment chargcw du�under the Nwc: second,to AmauMa payablo under parrgraph 2; <br /> � ;1 ;. _ <br /> . �.`'1�;.: ..:.ti ` r,,.. third.ta interest principnl due:ond eny late chnrges due undcr tba Nde. <br /> u � � •;�,.�. 4.Ciwu�ges;:L�ieta�.Sorrower shall pay ali tanes,assessments,chorges. fnes end impositiong attr�buiable ro the Praperty <br /> ' �� °� ' which may.atlaia priorlty over�his Security lnstrumcnt. and leas�hold payments or ground ren�s, iP any.Borrower r.�ull pay <br /> r'-. ,,,t•. ,,.•:•:•. „� th�e oblRgas�.5 in she manner providod inparagraph 2, or if noc paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay�hem on tima dinectly <br /> �' � � ['• ".•, • .- '�• to the petson owed�a!�cuent. Bortower stall promptly furnish to l.ender all noticea of artwuntK to be paid under thi�paragrrph. <br /> ' � '`' If Borrower makes thcse p aymenta diroctly,Borrower shall prompUy furnish to Lend¢r receip�.K evidoncing 1he payments. <br /> ��,''�,;;'��'; ;i,;"'. ,'' . <br /> ;;,.�.,; N ' Borrower shul!promptly di�harge any lien wbic h hus prionty over►hiw S e cu r i iy In�i r u m e n t u n l o s.q B o r r o w e r.(a)a g re e s i n <br /> ' • '';:�;.,��-,, writing to the payment of the obligatian sxured by Ihe lien in e manner accepwbl�w Lender: Ib)eontests in good foith the lien <br /> �,��,., •�. • 'a„��..:� •� <br /> . by. or defends against enforcemant.oC the lien in, IeFel procec�dings which in the L�mdor's opinion operale to pntvent Uu <br /> � -� enforcement of the lien;or(c)aecure�from the holder af thc licn an agreemCnt satisfactory to Lendor subondinating the lien to <br /> � ' '� �his Security Instrument. If I.ender determines thut any part af the P�aperty is subject�o a liesn whiah may attnin prbrity uver <br /> � '; � '� this Security lagtrument, l.ender nwy give&irro�ver a notice idenlifyin�d�e 1icn, &►rmwer shull sstiHfy t8e fien ar take one ur <br /> � • more of the actions set Porth ul�ove within 10 doys af the giving of notiae. <br /> ti• �„ , 5. H�rd or Propetty Iasurance. Borrc�wer shull kecp �h6 improvemante now cxisting or.hshaH3r erected on the .. <br /> Propeny Insured�gainsl losc by fire,ha�rds included within tha term "extendod coveragu" and any other ha�rds. im�uding �� <br /> � „ floods or flooding, for which I.ender rcquire�+insurance. ThiK inFUrance ahalb be mnintainad in tha amounts and for the periads <br /> -- - th�s i.emles sasu'srzs. TI� insurnncP snR�er�+mviding Qie insurance shall br.cha�en by Burrower subjact to l.cnder's approval <br /> • � � " ° which shall not be un�t�+sanubly withheld. if&irrower fails to muimain�covora�o doscri6od above. L.rnder may, at ixnder's <br /> � ? . option,obtain rnverage ta pmtect Lender's ri�th�� in the Prap.:ny in uccaryiunce wuh�puragn►ph 7. <br /> °;,. : � . All insuranre policies and renewuls shul6 be acceptable �o Lendar and �hall�includa u standard moegAge clause. L.ender <br /> _� � � �,:,;'n,: shall have the righ�to huld the policies und renewalr,.If I.ende�requires,Bnrrowar shall�prompUy give to I.ender All receipts of <br /> �y . , paid pmmiums and renewal ncnices. In the event��f lorti. &►nrawer>hall give prompl nmice to the maurunce cArrier and Lender. <br /> ; ' .. �.. .,. I.e�der mny make praaf of los+if not mAde pmmptly by Burrowe�. <br /> . Unless l.ender and Boirower othcrwi.rc agrec in writing,inrurance procacde tihpll bc appli��i co reswration or repair of thc <br /> �" •• Property damaged.if thc restoratnm or repair i.rranomicaUy ttu�iblc and I:.�ndvr'�ktiurity�+not Icsx:ned. If the retitaraiion ur <br /> � repair is nc�t economicully fcaxiblc or LcnJrr'�u.�uriry wuutJ be Ictiscn�til,thc inhurmxe prcxeeds shall be s+PP��od to the sumc , { <br /> �;r , secured by this Security Instrument, whcthcr or �x�t Ihcn due, witl� uny cacc„ paid to &►rrowcr. [f Borcowe� abandans the , <br /> •t piroperty,or dces not antiwer within i0 dayti u notice from l.encier thut the inwr�ncc carrier hu�offered lo setde a clAim,then <br /> � � � � l.ender may collect �he intiurnnce pr�xeeds. l.enJer muy ux thc prixced, to reprir or rcctorc�hc Pr��peny or to pay sums <br /> �f �' secured by this 5ecurity Instrument,whethcr ur nen then dur.. Tha:30-duy peri�x!will 1►egin when th�mxice is grven. <br /> i � Unless l.ender and f�irrawer othcrwi+c •rgrce in writing, any �pplication of pnkced. tn principal shull not extend or <br /> poslpone thc due dute of lhc nxmthly �ymcmti wferred tu in paragraphti 1 unJ : or chvngc thc amount of thc payments. If' <br /> ' � undcr paragraph 21 the Property i,:�cyuiroJ hy LenJcr, &►rruwcr'. right to•rn� inwranre poli�ies:u�J proceeds retiulting frcxn <br /> • damage to the Pruperty prior lo thc acyui.riti�m.hull pa.+lu l.ender tu th�ex�cnt�it'�t�c wm�kcured by this Security Instrument -1R <br /> _; � . immcdiately priur to thc acyuisition. <br /> 6.Occupancy. Pneservatfon. �laintenance and PnN�rtion uf tlre Rnrprrt�;B.n•roa�er's f.oao AppliratEan;�.ceholds. <br /> � Bormwer shall a:cupy,e.rt�hli�h.unJ uk Ihc Pr.�p�rty:��&�rn�w�er'�principal rc��Jenrr wilhin+ixty da}�+atier the execution of <br /> this Srcurity Intitrument anJ .hull runtinue ai�xcupy thr Pmpcny a�&►rn►wer'. prinripal re.idenre fi�r at Iea+t one yeur s+fler <br /> � �he date of occup�nry,unlc+� l�nJ�r��thcrwik�gr�ti� in wriun.,whinc�onunt aDall tx�t t►c unrcaWmubly withhcld, or unlcsti <br /> �\ � extenuating circum,ianccti exi.t w�hich ure t+eyi�nd &�RUw�r'ti romrul. Durruw•cr .hull nut de�troy. Jamuge or imp:+ir II� <br /> �' Propcny. allow thc Pmperly tu Jcterioratc, or cammit w;��tc��n thr Prapcny. BnrmN•cr.hull hc in dcfuult ii'an}� forfci�ure <br /> �ti � action or prcxecKiing, whctlkr ci�•il ar rriminal. i.I+cgun Ihu1 in Lrndcr'.g�KKI tailh juJ�mcnt c�iuW rc.ulc in forfeiwrc��t'�hc �� <br /> • Propeny or otherw+.e matcrially impuir thc licn crcat��l by thi,Scrurit� Im�rumcnt ur l.cndcr'�ticuritv iM�rc+t. &►frow<r ma} <br /> a� cure such u JefAUlt unJ��viJ�Yl in par� 1 R.hy ruwing�hc•rr� ur pr.xcrding tu t+c di�rni.+�til with u rulin� <br /> jy. ' ; . � Ihul. in LenJer'� g�xxl i'uilh Jctennin•r�iun. precludc+ t�,rf�imrr at' thc &�rm��cr'. intere.t in Ihr 1'r.���rty ar i,thcr matcri•rl <br /> t �� � impnim�ent �if thc licn crcrt�d by 1hi. �ruril� Intitrumcnl ur L.enJcr'. .��.urity intcn+t. li��rrawcr .hall:�Iw� I+c in JefauU il' <br /> . , &�rmwcr,during thr I��an uppliruti�,n pnxr.,.g:��•r mut�riul l}I'alk or inarcuratc mti�rniatiun ar�WtemrMti to I.enJer lor failcd <br /> i= ro pmvide Lc�ulcr wi�h•rny mr�criul intiimiation►in�Y►mk�ti�ai ��ith th�laan crialcnr��l h�•�hc Nutc. inrludinE. hut nut IiiniteJ <br /> ��•'+ Io. repn:.enlution.ronccrnmE&�rn»►��.urcup:mc} af'�h� Pn�pcm a�a prinrip�l rc,iJcnrc. 11�hiti S�tiurit� In.trumrnt i,.m•r ;� <br /> ; ' .,:,:,.,,'• leaxhold. &�rn►wcr sh•rll ramply a•ith aU �hr prn�•i.ian. of thc leuk. If &�rm��cr u�yuirr� te� �itle ta� Ihr Pro{xm, di� � ' <br /> � ' � ,f, IeutieholJ anJ th�f�ti tiUr�hull iti�t mcr�c unlc•• lxndc�agrc�•t�•lh�mirgcr m��nung. � <br /> e <br /> „ . � i ' :;�r. 7.Protectinn oi I.rndcr's Iti�hts in thc Propctl�.li Burc.�arr�xrl��m��h�.u�rn:im.and a�2wment.rurnrin�til in <br /> . .. •.: �� d�iti Serurity Intitnemen�. or Uxre i.a I�EaI pn►c�ti�.lm�: thse ma� •ignilicanU� �I'litt Len�ler'. nght,in Ux Pn�pert� Iwch a�u <br /> procceding in bankrt�p�cy,probatc, tiir u►nJemnuiiun ur fortciwn ur a►cnti�ne 1•ra���r rcEulali�m�l. tlxn LAixlrr nwy di� :uNl <br /> ;� Qny for whatever is nece+wry to pn►terl thr�•�lue of thc Pn�ny •rnd Lcndcr'. ri�ht, in the Piraperty.l�ndcr�ti:lClN1IN nuy , <br /> mclude ying s�ny sum� k*�urcd hy a licu «•hirh hu• prionla• a�er thi. tiktiurit� In.�rumem. �p�xanng in rourt. puying , <br /> � ' � ....6�ou..en..u.'fna.�+rino nn thr Pnut�Mt t�t 117:1�C rcn:�in. Althuu�h Lrixler m:��� rrkr•rruun und�r�his para�n�h t <br /> . . ....'�.. •-'.. '•••-- °c -.. ..._ . . . ' ' <br /> . ?t � 7, l.enJcr Jncs nut huvc t��Jo u►. <br /> , „ Any umuunt� Jiybun�rl hy landcr wxler thi� para��aph 7 .h:�ll ix�.umc ;rlJiuunal JrMt ul &�m�HCr x�urcJ bc dii� . <br /> 1 �u.. Secvrity Imtrument. Unlr++&�rroWcr aixl Lend�r ugrc�la �Nh�r Icnm uf pa�m�iN. Ihr.c anluunh�h:dl I+car inl�rc.t Iram Ihr <br /> ,;�. � • date of disbue,�ment a� the Nutr rrtc :uid .hull I+r pu��•rhl�.w ith inlcrc.�. u�m nuli�r In,m lx�xlcr t�� liurruwcr n�yuc.lin� . <br /> , r � b. ., puyment. <br /> , ��' 8.Aforl��e Inwrnnce.II'l.�txlcr rcyuir�wl manLaF� imuranc�a,a runJ�uun �H maAin�Ihr lunn vrund hy thi,ti�tiuni} <br /> . In�trument. &�rnia•er �h:ill pay tho pr�mium� r��yuind ta nuimuin th► nN�n�a�:e IIIWfJIkC ifi cl'li�t. I(. ti�r an�• re.�w,n. dir <br /> f ; m�mga�ec inwran�r covcragc reyuiml h}• Lc�xkr lapx,nr rca.e�to i+r in rflitii. li��rraacr.hall�;�� tl�c pr.mium.r��yui��l��+ <br /> :�` ��btnin rnvcrugr wb.tuntiaU�•��yui��alcnt tu th�nwnga�:r in�urr�xr prc�iuu.l� in eltiwl.�t a ruN.uh.t:►miull}•ryw��lcnt tu Ih� <br /> � �' . mu to Bc►rniwcr af the monguge in.urunce pra:viuu�ly m cll'�-ct. t�rum •ru •rl�rnwte nM�ngng� inwnr •rppra�r.l h�• Lrn�rr N' <br /> ��� <br /> "�. •� — -- --.- ^- . P+x�,•�� Fam 3028 Slitltl <br /> t <br />