,. ..•'w
<br /> •'�� ��'t'_s � +h��. � ..11 �
<br /> � � �__. •
<br /> ���� ���
<br /> epbsandally equivalent moA�e imwnnoe covenge ic nat pvdl�ble, Borrawcr�hallp�y to L�Tn3er arch monh a ao�n aqwl w
<br /> one-twelfth of Ihe yauly atori�e incuruioo prcrpium bein�paid by Borrawer when the insurnnce��overAge IRpsod or co�ed w
<br /> � be in effoct. I.ender will�ccept,use aad nk�in�hese paymentr�.v n lacs rcserve in liw �f mod�e insurance. t.�ca r�ervo
<br /> prYment�m�y no lange�borequired.At dte apllon of t.�nder, ii'mor���e incumnce cover�e(!n the omcwnt rnci for�he period
<br /> tl�t l,endet roquices) providad by an incurer�ppmvod by l.ender��in bocome�ev�ilNblo and i�obWned• 8orrower�ll p�y
<br /> ihe premiums roquirocf ta nuiinlain nwrtpARe lnwran��e in effoct.or W provlde A loss reserve,until tha roqufrement fi�x tau�o
<br /> inwnrx:e enda in acoordancc with any wriaen�rament between Bomow�er And l�xkr or esppiicyble low.
<br /> 9.iaapeetba. l.ender or its Agent rtwy m�ico r�easarwblQ rntciea upan w�d inspoctioru af the Prt�peny. L�ender�I►NI�jve
<br /> Borrower notic�e at the lime of ur prior ta an inxpeclion specifyin��twble cause for tlte inspeclion.
<br /> ' 10.Coadewmtioa.The proceoda af uny ewud or claim far damogeR, direct or mnsequential, in cotu�ection with ony
<br /> cotdemnation or wher talcin,�of any part of the Propeny. ar for cbnveyanoe in lieu of wndenuution.aro he�eby�cri�ned ond
<br /> , • {; � • ehali l��u+id to l.ender.
<br /> � . �� In Uu cvent of w Wtal taking of the Propeny. �he praceods shall be applied to the sums sccured by this Secudty Instrument,
<br /> ;` • , whether or not then due,with any excess puid to Borrower. In the event of a partio!taking of the Prapeny in which tho fi�fr
<br /> .�'�'�' ' �•.�•• � ,"' market value oP the Property immodiutcly beforc the taking is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums sccurod by thix
<br /> ' ;<ti,�s���•`�.� ' Secu�ity lntitrument imn�ediately before Ih@ taking,unless Borrower ard l.ender dherwihe agree in wdtin�,the sums savted by
<br /> a.<���...±.:=,��;.,:�•,� ihis Securiry Invtrument shull bc rcduc�d by �he amount of the procoodK multiplied by the following fmdion: (a! the tWAI
<br /> " ' ' amount of the aums secured immediutely before the Wking,divided by(b►Ihe fair market vulue of the Properly immodiately
<br /> �'` '`�"'�� before the tak3ng. My balsince shall bc paid to Bornawer. In �he eveM of a partinl taking of the Property in whtch thc fair
<br /> tia,3�"��r.`;��.-
<br /> � '•}�a•,.,.�;;.: market veluc of the Propeny immedintcly before thc wking is less than ihe amount of tbe sums secured immediutely before�hc
<br /> '„�,�;��,kw �' wking, ualesa Borrvwer and I.ender dherwise ugree in writing or unless npplicable law aherwise provides, the proc�eods chall
<br /> • • beepplied ia the sums secured by this Security Instnunent whcther or nat the wms are then due.
<br /> '�"'` ��� If the ig ub�ndoned b Borrower,or if.after notice b Lender to Borrower that the rn�emnor offers to malce an
<br /> . }�!';,... . PrW�ert3' : Y Y
<br /> .k. ;, „ • �; award or settle a clium for damugey. Borrc►wer fails to rcxpc�nd to i.ender wid�in 30 days after the dnte the notice is given,
<br /> w��. � :`.�� I.ender is sw[horized to collect and epply the praceeda,at its option,eithe�to restoration or npair of the Prapeny or to the sums
<br /> ,•R„ " �"'`� �� ,•�;,,r,,�� �ecurod by this Security lastrument.wl�ether or nat then due.
<br /> � -'- _ -:.. . Unlas l.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any a�prlica�ian af proceeda to principal shall not extend or
<br /> `' �'� . � � ',..�';' postpone the due date of ihe monthly payments refemed to inpumgrephs I and 2 or change the amouN of such payments.
<br /> �� ,, ' ' . 11.Bor�nwer Not Reteaced;Forbearance By l.eader Not a Wa{ver.Exteosfon of the time far payment or modiGption
<br /> ;� ' of sunortization of the sumK secured by this Security Ir�wument gr.�nted by I.end�r to any successor in Intere.tit oi Borrower�hall
<br /> ' not oper�tu to release the lis�bility of tbe original Burrower or Borrower's succcswrs in intemst.Lender shull nat be required to
<br /> �'�' ' canmence�ceedings agains�any suacessor in interest or refuek to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization
<br /> ��• " ' . of the sum.w secured by this Securitv lnn�rument by reai.u�n uf ony demund made by the original Borrower ur Bornau•er's ,, ,�,
<br /> �`:; e ' succeasors in interest. Any forbe�+rance by I..ender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a wxiver of or preclude the
<br /> : � exercise oP s�ny rigin on remtxly.
<br /> x
<br /> � � 12. Successors �d Acsigns &wnd; Jdnt �i Several l.iability; Ca:vigne�. The covenants and ugreements oi this
<br /> ` , �;� Securit Infit�ument shall bind und benefit [he sucressars und as;_�igns of I.ender und Bi►rrower, subject to the provisions oi '�
<br /> � � �'��:�`iti parag ph 17. Borrower's cavenuntR and agreements shall be j�im auid sever�l. Any Botrower whn rn-signs this Securiry
<br /> Instrument but does �ot execute the Nwc: (a>is co-�igning thix Security Instrumen� only to mortguge, grant and canvey thal
<br /> = - a �' � . Borsowet's inter�t itt t6e ot'operiy tt[sdcr the tere*t�^f thiv Security Ineln�metu, 1M)i.n��� pena�elly obliguted to pay the sums
<br /> , , secured by this Securi�Y Instrument:and Ir1 ogrec.-.that l..�nder and uny othcr&�rrower may agrec to extend:madify,forbear or
<br /> • ti , make uny uc�rommoJnh��n.e wi�h reguni tn�he�erms uf thia Securiry In�trumem or�he NWe without thut Borrc,wer's conxenl.
<br /> 13.l�oan Chu�;es.1F Ihc lo•rn secureJ by this Securi�y Inurumem is subject to u luw which tiets maaimam loan cNarges,
<br /> '�'t!. and that�luw is finally imerpreted,o thut�he interest or other loan chargeti coltected c►r t��be collected in rnnnectian with the `r
<br /> •.� � " '•'«' , loan•exceed•tha permiued limits,�hen: la)any such loan chur�e shafl 6e r�KluceJ by the nm�x�nt necescary to reduce Ihe charge "
<br /> �}'�'' ;.�'•• w�hc permit�ed limit;and (bl any sums alrcuJy rollcctcd from&�rrowcr whirh excceded permiucd limi�s will bc refundod to ��s'
<br /> ,, . : . `';'�i"'�'� Burrower, L.ende� muy ch.�o+e to n�ke thi, refund hy reJucing the principat ��wed undcr the Note or by making a direct �,;
<br /> � ;;•.c';b':.
<br /> i, • ,,... puyment to Burrower. If a refund rcducc. principul, the r��luc�i�+n W�itl be cre�xrJ a� u panial prepuynient wi�hout any .,
<br /> ' ��i,''�'�� prepuymentchurgcunderiheNo�c. ����
<br /> � � �-ti.;���, 14.Notkes. Any nnticr to&�rc��a�cr pruviJ�Kl litt in thi.r Serurit} In�trumem.h•rll I+e�!ivcn by Jclivcring it or by nwiling :-:�
<br /> ��.' . ���'- it by fint clu�s muil unlc,. applicnhlu law reyuirc�use of aru�thcr mrth�d. The nnticc�hall bc directed w thc Propeny Addr��� ,
<br /> �. •� , �`�` or any Mhcr udJrc+� Borrowcr Jc.ignotr. b� m��i�c to I.�.nJcr. Any n��ticc tu l.cnJcr .hull tx given by tir�t cla.+x mnil to
<br /> ' Ixnder's u�lJrcss �tut��l hcrcin ur uny iNhcr udJr�++ L.cnJ�r dcsi�natc� by n�yicc tu&�rruwcr. Any noticc providai fi�r in thi� •
<br /> � Security Instrumcrn shall be dccnxKl tu huve Ix�en given�a Rurrowrr or l.ender whrn given u�pnwid��i in thi�paragruph.
<br /> ; , . --9- i5.Cu.rrnir� law: SeverybUit��. Thi� S��urity In.trument �hull Ix ���vrrn��l N�• fcdcral I•rw anJ the luw of thc -_;�
<br /> �,• • � juriscliction in whirh the Property is kxutal. In thc r��ent thut am prc���i.ian��r rluutie of �his S��curiry Imtrumenl or Ihe Note p,�;
<br /> ' � .'� rnnflicts with upplicuble law,such conflict�hull nnt afl'�wt uthcr pruu�ionti of thi,S�tiuriiy In�trumcnt or thc Nute whinc �an bc
<br /> �•,;:,���. �iven effoct wi�hnut the mnfliCting provitiian T�•Ihic emi�hr pr�wi.i•m��it�Ihis Srcuril} lo�trumrnt atKi the Nnte are declured ;-
<br /> -. .�:.- - '_ . .., l0 be�t:VCfil�7�l. ro
<br /> - �:. , •• 16.Burrow•er's Copy.&�rwwrr�hull tx given�mr c�mli�rn�cJ r��pg af thc N��tc anJ��(thi,S�:curit}•In,trumcnt.
<br /> ' '� ' .'„'�,'�:• 17.Transfi�r of Ihe Propert��or a fkne8ri�1 Intcriwt in&►rn►�aer. 11'all nr am p•rn�►1'U�c Pr���xn�•ar uny intcn:+i in it
<br /> •�°' i�so1J or trun.l'erced (or it a t+cneticiut in�err+t in li�►rruw•er i. vrW ur trrnafcrreJ anJ&�rru�crr i.nut a naturrl penonl v►•ilhout
<br /> " ,�`.''`� Lender's nor written conscnt, L.�nder mu at it. �� tiun, rc uirr imnu�Jiutr u num in 1'ull ul'•rll wm, ..xurcJ b thix
<br /> �.r: •;::,; :;� �� p ' Y• ' P 4 P.>' Y
<br /> �• ;,;t,,{�r ;',�;�,";,:f,.t;::• Sccurity In�trumcnt. HoKrvcr.thi���tian shutl n��t hr rsrrciticJ My LenJcr if rxcrci.r i.pr�diihital My 1'��Irr•rl I•rw u���f thc daw � .. ,
<br /> �-,,, . • • ;E<.�c: , iif this Sccurily In�tniment.
<br /> .„' �' ;;;�, If I.cndcr ex�rcix�Ihi.i�p�ion. LcnJcr�hull gi��&►rmw�rr nuticc ut'acrclrratiun. Thc n��lirc .hull pro�•iJc a�xri�xi of�rN
<br /> '', .. .. Ic+x �han 30 Juy. fruni �h� datc �hc n��tirr i,Jrli�•rr��J ur mailed w•ithin Hhi�h &�rr��u�rr mu.t �►a� all .um. ,�tiur�J by thi�
<br /> ,�� . ",'.�`'�" Security In+trument. If&►rcuwer tail.ta pa)• �Ik�r wm.r priur tu the cxpiration ul thi��ri«I. Lendcr may inv�,kc an�•rcnudics
<br /> :: � � �:: ., pern►ittcJ by Ihis Scruri�y In.�rumr�n��•i�huut furthcr nuticc„r demand nn Barn►urr.
<br /> ;,'.. ' . r'•'• 1$. Rorruv�•cr's Ri�bt to Rcinrlutc. If &,rru��rr mrc�. �rrtain rundi�ian.. I�+rruw�r .h;dl hacr thc right t., hn�r �
<br /> ,+�'' �';;,•' entiircement uf Ihis Scrurit�� In�trumrnl Ji.c�,ntinucd at um t�mc priur t�� th� earlier ul: Ia1 5 Juy, ���r+urh �,�hrr�xri�Kl a. l
<br /> � ' •. appliraMc law muy ,p�tiif�� li,r rcinrta�rmcou hetixc .:dc at'�he I'ru�xm �unu:uu �o um ��w rr �,1' .alc �untain�til in thi. ;
<br /> ,�r,`�:'•�
<br /> _ .;,%,' ' ., , Security In�lnuncnt: ur Ib)rntn���I'a.juJgmrni rnf„rring�hi. Sccurii� In.trum�nt. 'I'h�„�cwKl�uun.ar��h�U Bur�uwrr:lalpvy� � �
<br /> I.cnder•rll �wn.Hhich Ihen ��uulJ tk Jur wiJer �hi�S��.uri1� In.troment und the �lute•rti if no ac�tic�:�ti�m huJ occurred: Ib) "
<br /> '���- :•: • cure+an��def•rult uf any athcr c�wenanh or agr�wmcnt�: (rl p•r�•�all crp�:nti. inrurr�til in ent�►rcing thi, Sccurity Instrumrnt. !
<br /> . , •..' including. but not limikd t�i.rrax,nahk auamc��+ fec.: anJ �J1 �akr.wrh artiun a, l.�nJ�r may r�•r�unabl� rcyuin t��a,•urc ;,
<br /> .: �' thut the licn of this 5rcurit� In,trumrm. L.rnder'.ri�'�c.in th�Pru�xrt�anJ Burr�,W�.r'.�►bli�euti��n�o paq the wm.,ecund h� .
<br /> ;�. this Sewrity hi�trurnem �hull r�►ntinue unrlwugcd. Up�m rcin,tatcnknt b} &►rcuH•er. thi. S��.urit� In�trunknt ;�rx1 the
<br /> obligatiuns �urcd hcRhy shull nmuin fulh rt't��K����a� il n��arr�Ir�atNm had�xrurr��J. NaHC�•cr.Ihi.right ta nin�t�t�.hall
<br /> ..1..i..�M.. ..f... ...1....�:..... ..I..r.. nh 17
<br /> __:— '_'" __ ..v.ap�..� �......... ... " .:..........:..... �.'.`.�::�;��r.. ... .
<br /> � N~• 19. S�le of(Yote:Chun�e ot I.oun tien•icer. Thc N�»c ur u panial intere+t in thc Nnte Uugr�hrr wrth thi, S.iuril�
<br /> , ' , '� � Instrument)muy bc+�►W onc i�r mi�n lim�.�vilhoul priur ninir����IA�rr��arr. A.alc mu� Rwlt in u rhungr in thc cntit� t 6n�,an
<br /> • su lhe "l.uan Sen•icer'1�hut rull�til+munthly pa}nknt+dur und¢r thr Nutc aud thi�Srrurit� ln�lrument. Thrrc aho ma� I+e une
<br /> ..�. or nwre chs�ngc�uf the Li�un Srn•ircr unRlut��J t�>a vlc��I thr Nui�. 11'ihrrc i.a rhanE�ut'�hr Luun Srr�ir�r. &►rn�wrr ��ill 1+�
<br /> r { ' given written noticr.�f the chunge in arc�►ttlun.ti Nith para�raph I-1 ah.��c anJ applicahlr lu��. Thr n�,tice��iU�tatc thr nank a��l
<br /> aJJny�uf tln new l.u•rn Scrviccr und 1hr adJreti�to w•hirh pa�mcnt� �haulJ tx nwJr.Thr nutirc aill alv�r�mlain am odrer
<br /> I a" ' infi�mrr�i�m n�yuintl by'applirublr luw.
<br /> ' } 20. H�rd�w.ti tiubtiWncc.+. &►rruw•er .hull nul �auk ur�xm�i��he prr.enrc. u.c. Ji��►+al. ,torugr. �,r rclra.r i�l am
<br /> � r • ' Har.�nluu� Sub.rlunrrti un .ir in U�r Pro�xrt�•. &�rr��acr +hull ni�t Ju. nur allaw •rny�mr clti t�� Ju, umthin� atlitting t hr
<br /> �� . Property that i. �n violutiun uf any Enrimm�knwl I.aN�. Thr Pfl'�'C�IIfl�!lNU�l`IllClkl'��I1JII IIOI:1�1�1I1' lU Uh (1�CKIlI't, uti, ur
<br /> • .. stnrugr un the Pr�+p�n�•ol',mall yuunlili�� uf H:varJuu. Suh,tanre. tlut :ur�:enrrall� recugniie.l ta l.c appn,priate tu �h�rnwl
<br /> rc�sidenlial ua►M and to nwintrwnce ot'thr Pr�+�n�•.
<br /> �
<br /> .. o,,�,i..r a Form 3028 9l90 �
<br /> `--- --
<br />