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<br /> �. No�w�sT Qa�=K�sESt�s �� OF TRUST
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<br /> ���: u►ua���►sTiNa �a
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<br /> , 'fH1S DSED OB;'�PoUBT�("Sacuriry Instrument")ia made on Auguct 27, 1993_ .77�e t�ustor is
<br /> �`' M ��,
<br /> � '.+«c'i.{'�' ts,
<br /> ;`s� �,�� Darrel�A, Aavis,aad�Myra4a�J. Aavie� Huaband and Wife
<br /> ;�:� ,��kt=
<br /> t��*f3y,. �
<br /> , ` �: -� ,. (�BOfDOWC��).TI16 U'{IEi1R�IS ,
<br /> •.��i.,
<br /> .;.,y-: `' Norae�t Haak Nebraska, National Asaociation
<br /> .. . ��.,=f�>,:<.t'�: �
<br /> ;Yi,�;,.'' -ss}�;: ;:•�•'r'� ('Tiustee").�The beneftciary is
<br /> � r����"�%�.-•:°• : Norwest Bank Nebraska, National Association •
<br /> _�;� .
<br /> "� „ ,� ,.::��^,;,:g�' which is organized and exi�ling under the laws of The United States of America .��'�
<br /> •'?" '� •�• •{Y•�� addrcss ia 202 �ieat Tl�trd Street, Grand Ioland. Nabraska 68801
<br /> ,. , :;�•. . ' i'f..�r"j.�arrawcr uwac Lcndcr ttrc psi�pa!s:sm af
<br /> ; ��';�1;:,;. '�:.: ,.s..;:,:�;
<br /> ° ', .;,:`r` �.�:.`.�+•%.•;:r' Thirt Thousand and no 100ths-----�-----------
<br /> �.e,� . � Y / ---------Dofiars�U.S. 530.000.00�+�* ).
<br /> � ' ,�.;::,.si� .: .�'a- .J:.;
<br /> � � ��iF;;l��• n^'•�•�' . This debt Is evidenced by Harrower's notc dated �he samc date as this Sea�riry lnstrument("Nota"),wbfah�providcs for ,,;,
<br /> � ' ;5��:;��}��.`���"�'.l�� monthly payments,with the full dcbt,if nw paid esulier,duc and payable on Slugust 27. 1998 . '` '
<br /> • ' , 'e �L4� -�- This Security Inatrument secures lo Lender:(n)the repayment of the debt ovidenced by the Note.with interes�,and ull renawalt+,
<br /> ;,. .:. .. .
<br /> " n: " Q extensions aruf madiFcations of the Nate; (b) the payment of WI other sum:�, with interest, advunced under parngr�ph 7 ta
<br /> • protect the se�vrity of thix Securiry Instrument; s�nd Ic) the perfiirm�nce of Harrower's coveiwnts and ugreements. For�hix
<br /> ;�,�., ' : ` purpnsc. Borrower iRCVacably grrnts wtd cnnveys to Ttaslee, in trust. wi�h powcr of sule, the following da�rit►ed property yw.'
<br /> �.,' ;t,;{};,• , � �• located in Hall Caunty.Nebraska:
<br /> .
<br /> A T�
<br /> /'4�
<br /> .I •
<br /> -y" � Lot Twelve (12) Slock Three (3) Morris Second Addition to the City
<br /> +� � ; •� ' �'� nf Grand Islaad. Hali County� Nebraeka.
<br /> ,. ,;�.
<br /> ;. } .. � v
<br /> v.
<br /> �y�%" •�� ;�i�:>;_
<br /> . `:a.. �,. ; w .
<br /> ti��1��'�� ' 204 E. 18th Street Grand Island I���•�+ryl• �•i�
<br /> �.. (>`�{ which has Ihe addre.r•s af
<br /> .� �Uf�'� .�` ;',:� ' Nebraslca 68801 l'Property Addre�s"1: , �
<br /> ; � .'�� xi'!? IlipCalc) -
<br /> :y�� , ,�y, . :.
<br /> �L..• � .'iti:�" .,� . , r..
<br /> ;�,�,• TOGETHER WITH aQl the impmvemems nc�w�ir hereuftcr erccteJ on ihr pra�peny, anJ all cuu:mentti,appurtenunccs.And
<br /> y `" '° fixwres nnw or hereafter a pun �if �he property. All nplurcmcntti •rnd ndditian� +hull alxo Ix roveral by this Sccurity •.,i�
<br /> � Jb
<br /> . ,�. , Instrument.All of ihe fi�reg��ing is rcfcrr��l iu in�hiy S�tiurity In.irumcnt a+�h�"Proprrt}•."
<br /> ;�.� ' � � ' BORROW�R COVENANTS thu�&irn�acr i+lawfully.cix�f uf th�e.lalc hercby ri►nvcy eJ anJ ha�thr ri�ht to Erarn arx!
<br /> �};�, • � }. • convey the Properly unJ Ihat thc Praperty i�un�rkun�r.d, exrcpt fi�r rncumhrance..�l'r�tiurJ. &�rruwcr anrrumti a�ul w•ill ��..
<br /> v.v '.�; defend generally the title 1u dic Pa,�xny uguin�t ull rlaimti a�kl.lemunJ.. ,uhj�ct t��uny encumhraikr�ul rcrunl. •� �
<br /> ' • THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT c�►mbinc�unifomi cuvenunts lur nunonol uae and nnn-unifarm covenants with limited ,
<br /> . .•, varlations by jurisdiction to con,tiwte u unifurm x•curiiy in+wment rovering real propeny. '
<br /> .. ''.�'`� UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and L.endcrcuvcnunt and agree u+t�dl��w.: '�
<br /> � l. Pq�'ment of Principal and Iqterest; Preps�yment and latc CI�arRes. &►rtuwer shail prumptly pay whcn due the
<br /> � "' '. - principal of�td imercst nn the dcbt cvidenceJ by tl� N�KC and uny prLpuynxnt sui�I•rte rhargc�due unJrr the N�itc.
<br /> Z. �nds for T�xes and I�ur��e. Subj�tii tu applicublc low or t��a w•riuen waivcr by Lcnder. Born�w•er shull pay tu
<br /> .:�.�. ��. :.J:..�:.11 •C.....1.-'�1:. �..�•.wd..�..vw �.
<br /> _ I..ender on tne ouy moniniy pay�mmi,ar�uur u�ni�����o�:..�e.iiiva urc �.a�ic i� Nu�u u.�r�..a�u::: ......... r...:: ....j�....� ....._.. ..
<br /> �.. �� � : � and as.sessments whirh nu�y attuin priurity over thi.S�xurity In,trunknt u,a licn on thc Propcny:lb1 yearly Icu.xhulJ payment+ +.
<br /> � or ground n:nts on the Pn�perty,if any:lrl ycarly� h:uard cir pmpeny imurrrK�pn:miwns: �d►ycad�• tkxxl inwran�r prcmium�. P
<br /> ,�,►.. if any:le1 yearly mortg�ge insuran��e premium+, if any:unJ Itl any .um,payrMc hy&�rn►u•�r to lxtklcr, in u�tiunloncc w•ith +
<br /> ' the pruvisions uf parugraph 8, in lieu of the payment uf matt�age in.urance premimn+.The�e itcm.are rull�d "E,cmN•Uemti.' �'
<br /> � , l,ender may, at any tin►e, cull�tit suxi hulJ Fwxis in an amount n�n a� cx�tti-J�he m•rxinmm •rnn�unt u IenJer for a f�*�ierally
<br /> , nelatod moRguge lo•rn nwy r�•quirr ti�r Bom�N•er'�e.cmw;ktitiwnt unJer�he fi�len+l Reul E,tate Setdement PnktJur�y Act ul'
<br /> . . •. 1974 as amended from time to tink. 12 U.S.C. S«:tion ?G01 er�ey. l"ItESPA"1.unlc+. uaothcr lua•�hut•rpplic.tu�he FunJ.
<br /> � � ' . aets a lesser umuunt. If aa. LenJer muy. •r� any timc.coU�tit anJ holJ Fund.in an umaunt nut a� exc�tid the Ie..cr anx�unt.
<br /> " '•'`'� L.ender may estim�te thr amaunt of'Funds dur on thc iw,i+��t'rurrcnt data v�Mf reaxmublc c.tinwlr�af expeixfiwn.of fuwre
<br /> � . ' Escrow Items�ir nlhcrwiar in a�wti�tJun�r wiih u�►pliwblc 1•rw.
<br /> i :�. X� ��
<br /> - - T, ---_- - NEBAABKA•5mp1e F�mdyFa��Ma��FrMftii�iMw iliiiFORWI ttiaTRUMER{T Fotm 3028 8�lJU
<br /> a �
<br /> ' �, .. ° � " �NI1ZT97MT(i VMPMUHIbAGtw►+a�s ,e�e,la�e�r� ,e�w�n�2�� �.,,,.•,,.�a Am�nd�d6/91
<br /> , .' � �
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