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<br /> p�yma�tr m�y no lon�er be rcquirod,�t tho optfon of Lendcr.if mort�e incurance oover�c(!n tha amount�nd for tho pariad �
<br /> Ih�t l,eede� roquie+a�)provided by�n inwter�pproved by l.ende��aln ba»mes�vaU�ble�nd io oMainod.Bomn� �II pMy '
<br /> �he promium�roquirod to mdntain mort��e irau�uwx in e�'ect,ar to provlde�loa raerve,u�uil the roquiroment far,mott�e
<br /> iawr�noe a�d�in acoordanc�o wi�A any w�ltten�reemem betwaen 8ort�ower and I.eMer or�ppNable I�w. .
<br /> �. Iwrp�ctkw.l.ender or lu opent nwy nwke re�wn�blo enirica upon and incpectiau of the Propetly. I„endat�11�pive ,
<br /> Botoower nodoe u the time oi or priar to�n i�upecKion�peclFyin� nawnabie cause for the incpatlon.
<br /> 10. Coodimawtlon. The praceedr oP�ny Awud or cldm for daiwges, dinct or eronsoquentiW. in rnnnaatian,wlth.�ny
<br /> rnr�mnatbn a aher ulcin�of�ny put of Iho Property.a'for oonveyurci iu lieu of oond�nuwion.aro honeby�wipnad�nd�
<br /> .9� �htll he{�uid to I.etMer.
<br /> In the eveiu af�tohl Irkinp of ihe Ptoperly,iho proceod�stwll be applied�01he wr�n s�curod by�hi�Sxudty Insnume�t,
<br /> whether or not ihen due, wlth nay eaass paid to Borrower. In thc event of a parti�l�Icing oi the Propeny ln whiah lba f�ir
<br /> morket value of tha PropeKy ir�unodiately beforc the�Wcing ix oquol to or grcater�Fun the art�ount of the wmp cacured by IbiA
<br /> Socur�ty Insaument immodiwely before the talcing,unlesa Borrower nnd Lender otherwise ogroe in wrilin�,tho wnro cocurod by
<br /> thi� 5ecu�ity Inslnament shall be roduood Ly �he amcwnt of the proceeds multiplied by ihe following frACtlon: (al tho totW�
<br /> wncwnt of thc sum�socurod immedlatcly bcfMr the t�tcing, divided by (b) the fair nwrket value of thc Piapetty immodiptaly
<br /> 6efore the wicing. My b�larce�ll be p�id to Borrower. In th�e event of a pnrtic�l raking of�he Prapeny in which Iha fair
<br /> �' m�rlcet value of Ihe P�operty immedi�tely beforc Ihc taking is lesa thnn thc artaunt oithe sums cecurod imme�dfately bcfone t11e
<br /> `,','������' �' � uking.unless Bormwer and l.ender att�envise agroe in wriNng or unless applicable law atherwfce provides. the ptncaeda ohpll�
<br /> '�.'�;'�.'.`.... � be appfled w Ihe sums secured by this Secu�ity Insuunxnt whether or aot the sums an then due.
<br /> � •�::.':. . '";�''+:a:�� If the Property is�ndonod by Barnawer.or if.aRer notice by Lertde�to Borrower dwt the rnndemnar anem Ia.melte an
<br /> , ax,�;.,;,a;,:;�.
<br /> n�.��. :H:. award or settle a cl�im for dan�ges, Borrower fails to rcspond to Lender within 30 days afler Ihe datc Ihe�tica is given�
<br /> - , ; '-�-c:•`-�� Le�xier is�uthorizeJ to collect uai apply U�pru��xlx.ut ite uplion,eIQ►er to rrxtor�tiun or rcpair uP Iha Property or la�INa wu�
<br /> � K- �������� ' savrod by this Security InstNmrnt, whether or ncN then due.
<br /> , �", " Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise� rce in w�iti lication of s to rinci shall not axland or
<br /> . ) > w :;� B n8. s�n9 aPP Pr'�-'� P P�
<br /> ;' � � postpone the due date of the mc�nthly payments referred to in puagr�phs 1 and 2 or ct�ange the amaunt of such pAymcnte.
<br /> ' .° - ll. Borrower Not Rdeasedt Forbearnnce By Lender Nat A Walvu.E:tension of�he time for paymem or mndfliaatfon
<br /> •• " " of amortization of the sums securod by this Security i�niment grantod by I.ender lo any succescor in intercst of Batmwar shall
<br /> .:..,-.;",r�
<br /> . .,.. not operate to release the liability of�he original Bomnwer or&►rrower's successors in intc�est.Lender sh�ll not be nequit�d lo
<br /> :*�� .. •� comme�ce proceodings against aay suc��essor in intere�st or refuse to eztend time Por payment or otherwise modfl��unottiv�don
<br /> � .. . ,� of thc sums wcvred by this Savrity Instniment by reason of any demand made by the original Barrower or Ibrrowar's
<br /> , , ° . successors in interest. Any forbeuanoe by L.ender in exercisin� any �ight or remaly sl�ll not be a wAiver af or�lude Iho
<br /> - � ' ' exercise of ony right or r�emedy.
<br /> .-- !2. �ss and As��ts Baund� lotni asd �eyess! L.IaD!ltiy; Cu-sl�aes�. T7�wvenants and agra��»cntb oC thia
<br /> Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject ta lI1B �11[IV�PIOI18 OP
<br /> i • paragrnph 17. Borrower's rnvenunts and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Bomower wha rn•signs �his Securily
<br /> i ' ' � Instrument but dces rat execute the Note: (u)is cn-signing this Security I�strument only to mongage, grent and oc►nvey that
<br /> " � Borrower's interest io the Propeny undcr 1he terms of lhis Sc�writy Instrument;(b1 is not pe�onally obligated to pry the sums
<br /> " secured by this Securiry Instn�ment; and(cl ugrees that I.ender und uny other Borrower may ugree to exlend,modify,fo�ar or
<br /> � make any accnmmodations with regard to 1he terms of this Security Inst�ument or the Note without that Bc�rrower s rnnsent.
<br /> � 13. Loan Cher�es.If the Man secured by�his Sc�:urity Instniment ir subjctit to u law which sets mauimum loan chargas,
<br /> end that law is finally interpreted so that the interest o�oihe�k>an churges collected or to be collected io connectbn w3th the
<br /> �f .' �� ' loan exceed the perniitted limits,then: (a)any such loan churge shull be reJuccd by �he s�nount ne�.�.sury lo reduoo the oharga
<br /> �rr a , . to the permitted limit;and Ib) any tiums nlreudy collec�ed fmm Bumiwer which exceedeai permitted limits will be ratimdExl tn
<br /> � Borrower. L,ender may choose to rneke this refunJ by reducin�t ihe principal owc,d under the Note or by ma{;ing a dirqo�
<br /> � e _ payment to Borrower. If n refund reducc� principul, Ihe reduction will t►e treated us e partial prepaytnont witNout any
<br /> ; � � prcpaymeM charge under�he Note.
<br /> � :,.��,'. 14. Nodces. Any notice to Borrower provided ti�r in�his Security Inxtrument sh�ll be given by delivering il or by mailing
<br /> , , it by first class mail unless npplicnble Iaw requires use of anather methcni. The notice.hull t+e Jirectod to Iha Pmpae�• Addrast�
<br /> � '���.,•'• ` or any olher address Borrower Jcxignate� by nutice tn l.ender. Any n�xirr tu L.r��ier +hall l+c givcn by finst olass mt�il to
<br /> '� Lender's address stated herein or any other uddre�s Lender designutcs by notice to Enrmw•cr. Any notice pmvidbd fc►r in this
<br /> " • Security Instrument shull bc decmed to have t�een given to&►rn►wer or l.endcr whcn given a�prm•idal in thi�pamgtapf�.
<br /> •� � ° , .• 1S.Governing Law; Severabllity. Thix Sccurity Instrument �hull lx guveme�l by federul luw und�Iha Inw of tho
<br /> �_ , � jurisdictian in which the Propeny iti Icx:u�ed. In the evcnt thcu�oy provitiinn or rlau�e of�hi� Security� Insltumom nr the Note
<br /> ;�� , : •• rnnflic�s with appliruble luw,�uch contlir�shall niN uffert other pmvisiom ot'this S�:curity Instrument or�ho Nata �ahich cun be
<br /> � given effect wilhaut the rontlirting pn►vi�i��n. T��his end�hc pr�,visi�ms of thi�S�wuriry Inurument and tho 1�frnp are declared ���,��
<br /> ��; to be severable.
<br /> f '.; V � �� 16.Borrower's Copy.Bormwer shull bc given onc coniiumed c��py of the Nuir unJ ��f thi.Scxurily lnstrumvnt,
<br /> :��.`' , {'�orm90�8 9190
<br /> � ,. � �
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