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� ��.. <br /> +� ' •��, ` �•� �, w:!� <br /> • �} �,t��� �:� �'. .�. <br /> t�., <br /> _ ..V g3:loa3�o <br /> - � 17.Tt�oder ot Ibe Propa�t�r a'a 8�M�1 i�In Ba�+owa'.If all or any prt ot the Property or�ny iiNe�+e�t in it <br /> i�cald or tranePenod(or if�benel7aial lqton�t in Bomnwer i�wid or trnnsiernod and Bomawer is no��mtunl petwn)without <br /> � l.ender's prfor writun ronc�nt. [.etidea nts►9, at ita option, requ1t�o imntediwc pwymcnt in fLli o�dl wm�cocured by Ihis � <br /> Sqcurity Incuuma►t.Nowaver.ehio oplia�t iha�l�at bo eacercised 6y I�ondar if eurci�o i�prohlbitod by fakra!law a of tho d�te <br /> of thi�Socurity Inctrument. <br /> .:' If l.ende�exercisea thia option,I.ctndar�Iwll lve Borrawor natioe oi+�occler�tian. '[1ie noliae chWlpro vWo�pedod ot not <br /> less thon 30 days from the date ttio rmtice ie dol�vercd or mRilod within which Borrower muu pYy WI cunu aocurod by�his <br /> Security Inurument.IF Borrower fuilM w pay tbcse swng pdar ta Iha a�epirntion of thir pe�fod.l.ender nwy lnvoke any� <br /> i�:„ permittod by thir Sacurity tnstrumrmti wlthout fuhber notica or dat�nnd an Borrower. <br /> IB. Borrower's Ripht to Il�IpNIWe. If Bornawer mects aattpin rnndi�ions. Barmwer shall have the dgiu to h�ve <br /> enforcemenl of ihis Secutity lnsitumaat discotuinued�t any tjmo Rriar ta�he earlicr af: ��►S dayr i�x auch�Hher perial ax <br /> sco <br /> epplicable law moy specify for trinstutartmnt) bef'uro sale af tho Propeny purnuAnt t�ony power af cale cont�inal in this <br /> Secudty Inctniment;or(b)entry oR a juQgmant enfarcing�his Socu�ity Instroment.Thase conditions ee that Bormwer:(e)pey� <br /> . ., r Leoder all sums which than wouid be due under thia Secudly Instrume�mt And the Nate as if no omele�lion h�d oavrred;(b) <br /> ���;;1 i?k;t;`�=.:;�:�, cur�es eny dafauh of any Wh�r covenant�or agreements; (c)payi all expenses incun�ed in enforcing this Sav�iry Inctrumrnt. <br /> ���: a�� including.but na� limited to.�rasanable auomeya fees; und(d)tal:a9 such acUan as L.ender may reasoiwbly roquir+e to a4w�n <br /> .=.,fF±}'-�,:''`�'.',, �hat�he lian of thfs Socu�ity In�tniment. I.ander's r�ghts in the Pm�eny und Bormwer's obligution to pay thc suma secured by <br /> y; � ` , lhis Security Insltumant shull� continua unchanged. Upon �+cinstatament by Borrower. thix Seeu�ity Instrument and �t� <br /> • obligationc socurcd hereby shall nemain Pully cffective as ii no axalomtian had occurrcd.However.this dgh�to rcinstatc chdl <br /> ``�+?�'+`�':'� not�pply In the cASe af accelemtion under paragcaph 17. <br /> � �"' 19. Sale at Nat� Chpngo of Laan Servicer. Tt►e Nota�r a p�utiel interes� In Q�e Note (wgether with this Security <br /> • ,� ��'� ,;�•_,.=� - lnstrument)may be sold ane or manc timas withaut prior notice la Bomnwcr. A sala may result in a change in�he entity(Icnown <br /> s` : 1'- ~`, as the'I.aAn Servlcer")that caflact�monthlY paYments due under thn Note and this Serunty Instrument.There also may be ax <br />�' Y:, .�.,•. � °`'.- .`".`_-..�'�� � or more changes af tha Laan ServiGer unreluted to a sale of the Nota.Ti'�herc is a change oF the[.cwn Servicer.Bortower wlll be <br /> 'i�':::�� �'`-� _�'�-"-�h�.;i� g iven writton nM ke o f t he c hanpo in acco�e w i t h p a r a g�a p fi I A a t�ov e a n d a p plicable Inw.The iwtice will state 1he rwme aed <br /> ,f'.'���!',', N ' T. ". ��`�`��: eddmss oi 1he new l.oan Serviasr ond the address to which paymemc s�iwuld be made. The notice will �Iso contain any other <br /> ��•'`, ,�. ° ' �.;h>'' infomwtion mquired by applicabla luw. <br /> ,, . ':" ° ; 2p� Na�M�ua Substances, &►rrower shnll not cAUSe or patmit the presence. u�se, disposal, slor�ge. or release aP ony <br /> ' "�:�it° HAw�dous Subsaanars on or in thn Rropeny. Borrower shall nat da. nor allow anyone elre to du. any thing affectiag Ihe <br /> � . Property that is in violation uf uny Enviroomsntul Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence. use,or <br /> • •,,�,.::�.' storoge on tha Property af small quuntities af Haxurdous Substances that a►e generally recogoized to be appropriute to nom�al <br /> . '-;;,�� residential uses end m maintenance af thc Pmpeny. <br /> •� &►rrower shall promptly�iva Lender written natice of any im�esti�atian.claim, demand. luwsuit or other action by�ny <br /> � � governmental or regulatory agan4�y or priv�ute party involving the Nmneny and any HazarAuus Substunce or Environmental Law <br /> •• . • , of which Barmwor has actual knnwl��ige. Ii Borrower leams, or i�nutified by any�ovcrnmeiuol nr regulutory authority.�hat <br /> '� ' . ,,;,, ';, „ . any removal or oiher nemedialiim of uny H�urd�ws Substaiwe uUccting the Propcny is neressary, Bornnwer shall promptly�Ice I <br /> all necessary remedial actianA in sccordunce��ith Environmental <br /> ___ -_ As usec! in thls p�t�agrnph 2�• "Hu�.ardnus Subswnces" a�thase wbxlnnce.c defined as taxic or hazardous substanees by <br /> � � ' • ' Environmental Luw and the folluwing substances: gosaline. keroknc. other flummahk or toxic petroleum products. toaic <br /> • pesticides and herbicides.valnlile u�lvents, mutcriul�;containing ar,be�tu�,or fi►rmaldehyde,und r�diouctive materials. As used in <br /> this paragraph 20. "Envimnmental Law" mena� fede�ul IAws and lawa of�he ju�i,dlction where the Propeny is lacat�d iha[ <br /> � rela�e to health,safety or cnvira�mcnlul protectiun, <br /> • NON-UNIFORM COV'ENANTS. Borrower And l.ender fLnh�r covenunt aixl ugrec an followti: <br /> 21. Accelerationt Remudlu�. [.ender shull give nalice to Bnrr�n�•er prior to acceluratlon i'ollowing Borrower's breach <br /> � '�•�+ of any covenpnt or agreemont in thl� Security Instrument Ibul not prinr to accoleratio� underpu r�rnph 17 unless <br /> Z applicable law�prnvldas ot[tarH�l�o).Th� �tice�hull specify: (H)Ihu defaulls (b)the action required to cure ttie default; <br /> '� (e)a dete.not I�ss than�311�duys fl�+om tha date Ihe notice i� gfven lu liorrnw•cr, b�� ��•hich the dei'ault mustt 6e cured;and <br /> . as <br /> .�;',• Id) Ihot fallure to cune tha doMull on ur befure thc drle tipecitied in Ihe nntice mav result in acce1craUon of the sums <br /> �k secured by tble Security In�trumont and +ale of the Prnpert��. Thr nntice rhall fbrtheo inform Rorrower oi'tt�e right!o � ,_ <br /> • reinsiate after acceMration�and tho riRht to b�inR a court �clinn to acsert the nnn�existence of s�default or ony other <br /> •� defe�se of Borrower to enc�loration aod wte. li' the default is nnt curnd on ��r hefore the date spccified in the notice, : " <br /> �� Lende�. al its aptian. muy requirc imm��dlute pu�•ment in full of all sum�sctiurnd b� this Security�Inslrument without ,, <br /> ' •r flirther demand and may invake thc pow•er of�+Ic and am• ulh�r ri�mi�di�w perndlttvl b�•applic�ble law.l.ender sholl be � ', �. <br /> ' �� entltled to collect vll expensec incurnd in pursuinR Ihe remrdles pmrld��l ia thl.r•para�ruph 21.Includin�,but rwt limited �':�"'�°°� <br /> ;•.'` lo,reASOnable Altorne�:q'fi�and costs n�'Ilde e�•idence. ����' <br /> '��� �� IP the a•er oP salu ix invuked. Truxlc�r shvll rttiord u nntin•of default in each count�• ln H�hich an�• part of the <br /> .;;:,. <br /> Ih�openy is ucul�d und�hutl nwil cupicw of,uch �Ndic.iu lhe mxnner prc.xrii�rJ i�� u�lieuble iae�to BorroH�er and to <br /> • the uther pe�sonx prescr3hed by applicuMe lu�•.After tiie li�nc r�v�nlr��cl b�� upplicable 1���.Truxtm�holl�ive puMic notice <br /> oP snk to Ihe pe�:c�ns and iu thu n�um�er prnxrilxd bc upptics�blr Ix��.T�u�t►�, ��ilhnut demund on Borrower,shall sell <br /> Ihe Properly at publiu au�4ton ta tho hiuh�ht Nidder At thc time und pluce and under Ihe termv d�wiRnated in the nMice af <br /> • snle in one or mure pu�rrlH und in uny order Trustee �lelcrmfni�+.Tru+titi�mu� �wtilp�mc salc uf all or an�•pemcl of the � <br /> Property b�• puhlio annountrment ut the time and pluce of um pre�inu�l� u•Imdnlcd �ule. I.ender or it� devi�n��a ms��• <br /> ; �• purchpse the Propra4g at any�la. �:; <br /> � �� <br /> I � . �' <br /> Fam 3028 9190 �"' <br /> D�e.� . , �•. <br /> .1 �, . <br /> . p � . <br /> . � `;. <br /> f � -`---^. - q'r'rt.- .�. .i. � � - `u . :l" . _ ' . . • • . . ' _ <br /> � _ . , <br /> � -- r---- -- - - �-_._—. . � ' . - <br /> � <br /> . ' '',' <br /> H ' <br /> � �i � ' <br /> 1 � • � . . <br /> 1 - .. <br /> q ��r, <br /> � ' 4 � <br /> —� _ . l.;_ '.": '_ :_.�'" '� _ .. � <br /> 1 <br />