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-�4M <br /> s . - � <br /> �� ' .. �..�:=( ,, '� <br /> � <br /> � . 9�•� 109310 . .� <br /> b•� <br /> S. H�ql�Oi'P�l�'� IaQAIICt. BOiR1WC�iI1�II � (I10 IIIIpDOVCQIpW� IIPW ExLIIOj O� IIpO�RQ O�OCfOd CQ f}IO <br /> P�operty imurod a�inat locs by fim. h�ds incluided wlthin the term 'autcnded covera�o"�nd any other Iu7ardt. iacludinQ <br /> 9oudr or flooding. far which Lender roquines inwrw�ce.Thir innurance elwll bc rt�aintained in�ho amourus and for tho perlod� <br /> tiwt Lender roquiros. Thc iruuruke cArNer providin�the inwru�oe Wwll be cho�en by Bo►rnwer gubJect to L�ender's�Qroval <br /> which ilwll aot be unreatorWbly wlthheld. If Bomower fiilr w rtuinWn oovera�e desc�ibed�bnve. i�der I.eader's <br /> option,obt�in covcrago to p�ntect[.erdcr'�ri�hta in�hc Pra�xny in Accordmce with�raph 7. <br /> All inwran�x policia and ra�wal�shall be Aocepwblo to I.axler Ard 91w11 include p�iw�dud mort��c clwse. L�endcr <br /> shall have tho right to hoW thc policiea and nenewds.If Lender rcquires. Borrower shAll promptly givc[o Lender all noeipu ot <br /> :��, paid pnmiums and �enewal th evrnt of loss.Borrower�II�iv¢prompt notico w the irounupo ca�rier ard I.ender. <br /> i,etder may make proof atlosr if not mndc prnmptly by Barrower. <br /> Unlcss Lender and Borrower othcrwiso aQroo in w�ting.insuru�ce prac�ods shall be appliod to rcstorAtion or rcpir of the <br /> ° Propetty damagod, if the restoration or nepair is eoonomically feasible nnd Lender's socurity ia not lessened. Ii the�stotatlon or <br /> repair is not economicWly fcasiblc or Lender's savdty wcwld be lessened,the insurancc procoe�s Rhall be applied to Ihe wms <br /> �,�; se�urcd by this Security Instrument, whelher or not then due. wilh any exass paid to Borrower. If Borrower obandonr the <br /> ��7�- ��� Property, or dacs not answer within 30 days a notice from Lendcr that the ir�cu�wrce carrier has offcrod to settle a cl�im� Ihen <br /> .� Lender may collect the i�uronce proceeds. Lender m�y use the pracoods to rep�ir or rcstare the Property or w pwy wa�s <br /> secured by this Security Instrument,whether or nat then due.The 30-day periad will6egin when the notice is given. <br /> 1� '' '" `"' Unless I.ender and Borrower dhernise a rce ln writin , any applicution ai raceeds to rinci stwll not extead or <br /> ,�:, �� � B P P P� <br /> ��,,�`. .. ..�� � <br /> • :u�.,,�:���3. postpone the due date of the monthly payments refcrred to in paragmphs 1 w�d 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br /> :" �, under paragraph 21 Ihe Property is acquired by Lender. Born►wer's right to any insurance policia�and procoeds resuldng from <br /> ' :Y:,t•_;�;,.�s';•�;,.��� damage to the Property Pdor to the acquisition ahail pass to Lender ta Ihe extent of the sums securod by this Savrity Inprumaa <br /> '�"'.;. �"r" !; �; '' �,r � lmmodiately prior to the acquisition. <br /> , � .�.�;� •. :.'�. ' 6.Occupau�cy.P�eservs�tbn,Ms�lnknance�nd Protection ot Il�e Propeety;Bomower's l.oap Applicalloa;Laae6olda. <br /> + � � .. . �• Barrower shall occupy,esleblish,and use the Prope�ty s�s Barrower's pancipal residence within sixry days after the exeiution of <br /> .•�, �,;:};::�;a� this Secu�ty Instrument ead shall rnntinue to accupy the Property ns Barrower's principal rcsidence for�t least one year after <br /> s �'"� '�` the date of occu <br /> ;?�;�,,��_:..;, ;. � pancy.unless I.ender otherwise ag�ees in writing,which consent shall not be unreaumably wlthheld.or urdess <br /> ��.�.:;;►�,:. ;-ti,., extenuating circumslances exist which are beyond Borrower's rnntrol. Borrower sh�ll nat destroy. damage or impair the <br /> ����i4;;��Ar�' property, allow Ihe Property to deteriorate. orcornmit waste on the Property. Borrower sball be in default if any fnrt'eiwr�e <br /> ,.' � - • ���' - ection or proceeding, whether civil or c�iminal, is begun that in l.ender'c gaad feith judgment could result in fort'eiture of the <br /> ,������,.r s .�.•� - �, Property or othenvise materially impair the lien crea�od by this 5ecurity Instn�ment or L.ender's security intcrest. Bomower may <br /> A�' <br /> �•��,�., <br /> �� cure such a default and reinsta�e,us provided in paragraph 18,by causing the action or praoe,eding to be dismicsod with a ruling <br /> , � that. in Lender's good faitF� determinatian, precludes forfeiture oP the Borrower's interest in the Propetty or other matedal <br /> �� impairn�ent af the licn created by this Serurity Instrument or l.ender's secutity interest. 8orrower shall also be in default if <br /> � - ' • . Borrowe�,during the los�n upplication process,gave materially fulse or inaccurate infom�ation or swtements to Lender(or failed <br /> � .. to provide l.ender with uny material informntion)im m�nection with the loan evidenced by thc Note,including,but not limited <br /> + • to,representations concerning Borrower'a occupancy of the Property as n principal�idence. If this Security Instrument is on a ;S: <br /> .ir� <br /> •fj��:�� . leacehold. Borrower shall comply wilh all the provisionx of the leuse. If Bc�rrower acquires fee tide to the Property, the ��,;,� <br /> ,�• ��:'•�'f � leasehold And the fee tid�shall nat mergc unless Lender ugrees to the mcrger in writing. <br /> �: � '`.�•���'� .,. : :t;�''•. 7.Protcedon oP Lender's Rights in the Property.If Borrower fuils to perform the covenants und agreements rnntained in <br /> %. � . .�::':. thia Security Instrurnent, or there is a legul procectiiing thut may significundy affect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a <br /> i;� " ' • : praceediag in bankruptcy,pmbute, fix candemnation or forfeiture or to enforcc laws or regulations), then Lender may do and <br /> f • • pay for whAtever iti neces�ary to prntect ihe vulue of the Prnperty And I..ender's righ�� in the Property. l.ender's actions may <br /> �� • ., . include a in an sums secured b n lien which has riorit over this Sewrity lnstrument, a rin in court, a ln '" <br /> . p Y R Y Y P Y PP� R P Y B <br /> t <br /> • rcuwnuble uuomey�'fces and entering on thc Propc�ny u�make repairs. Alihou�h l.ender may tuke action under this paragraph `"'�` <br /> ;�. , , 7,I.enJer dces not huve to do so. <br /> � ' . �. � Any umounts disbursecl by Lendcr undcr this parngraph 7 ,hall t�ecnmc uddi�ional debt af &�rrowcr secured by this +� <br /> •'�:'.'. Security Inslrun�ent. Unl��ss Borrawrr unJ Lender ugree to athcr temis of payment, these umnunts shall beur interest fmm the <br /> ��'' ' ��' � dnte of disbursement at th� Natc rate and shall he puynt+le, with interest, upon notice from Lendcr to Bormwer requesting � <br /> �. <br /> `��;;,'� payment. <br /> _ .,�.. <br /> . 8. MortgaRe lasurance.If l.eixicr rcyuir��i m��ngage in�urunce uti a ronJitinn ul'muking the loan secured by this Security � <br /> Instrument, Borrower sh�ll pay thc prcmiums rcquircKi to muintain the mortguge inxurunce in effect. p�. fix uny reuson, the <br /> , � mongage insurance cover;�e nquired by Len�kr I•rpses��r ceuses to he in effect, &mowcr+hull pay the premiums required to <br /> ':�, <br /> ,. " obtuin coverage substantially equivulent tn the mongugc insurunce previously in efl'�tit, at a cus� �ub�wntially equivalent to the <br /> •,:. � cost to Borrower of the mnngu�r intiurancc previouxly in cffert, fnim :tn altcrnutr mongu�c in.urer uppnweJ by L.ender. If <br /> '. subslantiully cquivalent nr�rtgugr imururxc rovcragr i+ not uvuilable, &►rrowcr �hall puy a� lw:ndcr cach month u sum equal to <br /> � • one-twelfth of�he yeurly mort�tu�tc insurunce prcmiwn lxing paiJ hy Bomoaer w•hrn Uk insurrncr c�►�•cruge lup+ed or ceased to <br /> � •�{ '`" ' be in effect.Lender will accepi.uu unJ re�uin�hcac paynxnts As u I��ss resen�e in liru of nmrtguge inwran�r. Loss rererve �, ,;, <br /> ��.,�. ' . Form 3026 8I80 u;�- <br /> ��� P�ye 9 or B .e. <br /> � '� <br /> y i .. <br /> ( � <br /> . .��, . . -._ - .- � ..�-r- � .. . . , . . , s,-,. .... . .. . �'-.-.,rr.�n�n� — . . <br /> � .. I�_ ..__... .. . . . 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