<br /> � r�.j1��� .. _�.`' �-.. •"�
<br /> �.
<br /> n� ' ~ ' s. ..�
<br /> � J.:
<br /> � �93- 1063i0
<br /> TO(iETHBR WITH all Ihe improvertiaNS now or ha+e�ftor arectod on�tse properlY.atd dl auert�w.�PPnrtaw�oa� atd
<br /> fi�cturea now or iierc�fter a pa�t af the PropertY. All rcplac,emoote �nd a�ddidnns elyll �Iw be wvaad by tbl� Secuefty
<br /> Imwn'+ent.All af tho farc�ain�ia rekrted to in thia 3ecurity inwrument wa�ho"PropenY."
<br /> BORROW@R COVBNANTS dwt Bornnwer ir lewfblly saiced oP the estate hercby comeyed�nd hu the�i�ht w�nnt and
<br /> canvey �ho Prnperry�nd�hw�he Propeny ir unenaumtx+rcd� oxcept Por cncumbtance�of rocord. Borrawer w�rrant� and wW
<br /> defend generally the title to the Property o��inFl a11i clqimR#nd dAnt�t�d��subjert to�ny encumb�s of'raa�d.
<br /> THIS 3ECURITY INSTRUMENT ocimbinao unifA�t a�uonNntK for ru�tianA)use and non-unifortn oovcnwntp with limjtod
<br /> vari�tions by jurisdictian ta consti�uta a unif�rtn,�eou�ty irl�tn�maqt��xwering neal propeny.
<br /> �'� UNIFORM COVENANTS. R�Nf��W�9P Mt11I I�.1�111I1lf�AVpil{�i�l,ut�d pgrcc ns follaws:
<br /> °�' l. PAymtat ot Princlprl And Iqf�sl: 1;�rePNy�niant wnd�L�t�C1ut�er. Borrower stwll pmmptlY PaY wha� due tbe
<br /> principal of and intercst an thc debt cvidanaed l+y tha Nut�nnd Nny prepayment w�d lat¢ciwrgex duc under the Note.
<br /> 2. �ndr tot Twta+and In�uradae. 3ubjact t�►applfaahla law or to a wr�nen wniver by l.endcr, Borrower chall pry w
<br /> � ��+J � L.ender on Iha day munthly paymente aro duo undar tha Nqta,unlib the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for.(a)ycarly taxea
<br /> ,;.�� � and assessmenis which mwy attuin p¢a�ty avor thit+Sccur�ty�Lt�Itument ac a lien on the Property:lb)Yeruly Icasehold paymenut
<br /> or ground rcnts an the Aro�ny.if un��c�l�:)yeArly hru.or�i nr.pmpeKY insuronce premie�mg:(d)yearly flood insurance prtmiums.
<br /> ,,.Nr.: {'?2�.Y: if any: (el Yearly martgpge insumnpe p�ttiump, iP any:and•(�eny same ppyuble by Barrower ta L.endcr. in accordurce wilh
<br /> ' ,� �. {�;��.�:`.�`.^� � the provisions af pamgrnph�6, in•liau�af tha•p��►mant,of mnttgage insurance premiumg.These items are called'Escrow I�ems."
<br /> ,�, . ,,: ,
<br /> . ,r,Y ",K`�.;�•
<br /> �,��..�.'�<<.,s � L.endcr may. at any time, collr�ct and,hnld��u�dA in.an,amount nnt ta ezceai thc maaimum nnwunt a lender for a f c y
<br /> .:K • ..�.: . ,. .d .::,..,:. ' related mortgage loan mwy roypitu fi�r,.&�mnw,ar's esernw.accaunt un�ler the fademl Real Estate Settlemeat Procedures Act of
<br /> � � ' ���'� � y�°'' 1974 as amended from tfine ta time, ��u.S:�- Sertiun 2601 er seq. l"RESPA"),unless sinother law that applies�o the Funds
<br /> � i� - n
<br /> �''�� _ #•; =r:L�'�„�;;:-�i-:� sets a lesscr amount. I�sa. Lendar map; m�any time, callect and hoW Funds in un amount not to exceod thc lesser amount.
<br /> � ' e'•�..�r��n.�r"• ��'•'° Lender may estimAta the a►mnunt��f,ITUnds due an the basis of current data and reasanab�c esumates uP ex��diture� of future
<br /> • • ` Escrow Items ar otherwiFe in accoMunce with applicable law.
<br /> e
<br /> �� � '''' } The Funds shull be held in an institution whose deposi�ti are insured by a federol agency, ins�romeM�lity, or entity
<br /> ,._;4t.: : "• :�. ! (including l.ender,if I.endar is such an instiwtion►or in any Fedcrnl Homc Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> " , .. ,, Escrow Item.�.Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and npplying the Funds, annuully unulyxing the escrow account.or
<br /> �. verifying the Escmw Itams+,unless l.ender payti Borrower interest on the Fundg und applicable law permits l.ender to mrikke such �••�>
<br /> ' ';...;1�� : . a charge. However. Lender may require Burmwer to puy u one-time cherge for an independent reul estate tax reporting service
<br /> � z c ' 'r`�:�5��;; used by l,ender in connection with this loan. unless applicuble law provideti otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> ;,,.
<br /> �•• � ���'�' " ,;;i'���'rr�:��`, ' applicuble law requires interest to be paid, I.ender shwll not be required to ps�y Bormwer any interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> ,.�.;�.. ,sq��:..�j
<br /> • ���;�:;'-�r�'.�;�;f� Borrawer and l.ender may agree in wriling,however,that interest shall be paid on the Fundx. Lender shall give a rrower,
<br /> �,ti�:ir�'��. <. .,,..�, ,r
<br /> ;,�i,�,Af�.�t';�'�: ;�r`+i���i''�' wilhout churge, an annual accounting oi the Funds, shawing c��dits und debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> � r:.��..,<�.��";;•'.••��.• 'r:� ; debil to Ihe Funds was made.The Funds are pledged us addi[ionai secumy ior aii,U114��Ct:Ulv'l3��IIliS SCCi3Ti2�IiiStii3R7Ciit.
<br /> • , �� • ���'{�"':'�� If the Funds held by I.ender ezceed the amounts permitted to be held by upplicable law, l.ender shall account to Borrower '
<br /> • . ..,, �s,_.•;:1<.' ;
<br /> ,.;�., ,: : far the excegs Funds in accordance with the reyuirement�:of applicable law. If'the amnum of the Funds held by I.ender at any
<br /> ��`:;;•'�.; time is not suifwient to pay the Exmw Items when due, l.ender may�s�ncxit'y Burcawcr in wriling,and, in such rase Borrower ,:;
<br /> ;�';:;���, shull pay to I.ender the urn�►unt necessury t�i muke up the deficiency.&irrawer.r•hull muke up the deficiency in no more than
<br /> ' ��•r;=���'� twelvc monthly payments,ot l.ender's uile discretion. j�`
<br /> �, � • � �:;'.. ;�:.. Upon puyment in full��f+�II +um� x�wureci by thi.r Sccurity In��rumern, l.cixlcr+hall prompdy refund to Borcower uny
<br /> ' � �` �� Funds held by lxnder.If, undcr pivagraph?I, I.cndcr tihall uryuirr ur ticll Ihc Pro�x:rty.Lendcr,priur tc��hc ucquisition or sale
<br /> .��� �',�t:':,, of the Propeny. �haU apply uny Funds heW by l.ender ut the time oi ucyuisiliun ur wlc a+a credit ugainrt the sums secured by
<br /> �+ thiK Sccurity Instrunx�nt.
<br /> (�+ ' 3.Application oi'Payments.Unlc�+appliruhlc la�v pruviJc�oUkn+-i�,all paymcm�recrived by Lender under p:�rugraphs
<br /> 1 nnd 2 shull Uc uppli��d: flnt, to uny prcp•rymcnl rhurges Juc undcr�hc Notc: ucunJ. to umount�puyable unJcr parugruph 2;
<br /> �` third, to interetit Jue: tiwrth,to priikipal Juc:und I�,i.to any lutc rhargr.Juc undcr thc No�e.
<br /> ; ' ' 4.Charge�: I.fens. &►rrowcr�hull puy all rrxc,. u.+c.,mcnt�, ehurgcti. tinc�and im�xnitiom aitributuble tu the Property
<br /> � � which muy uuuin pri�iriry a��cr Ihi+S�rurity Imtrunknt. unJ IrascholJ puym�nl+ur grounJ rem., if any. B��rroH•er ,hull pay � �
<br /> .. . these�bligationti in the munncr pn.vi�l��l in par.��r��ph�. nr il'�H,�r:�id in iha�mannrr. &►rruv►•rr.hull pay them on timc direcUy k��' '
<br /> ' to thc penon i►w��l paymrm. &►rrowcr.hall promptly 1'urni,h t��(Andcr all nntires�i!'anwun�.to Ix puiJ undcr thit purugraph. �'�''
<br /> ' �'',�;. If&irrawcr nwkc,thr�c p•rynknt�Jirerlly.Bnrr��wrr,hull prumptly lurni.h tu l.cndrr r�cript.ceidrnring thc payment,. .,r�
<br /> . Burrowcr�hull pmmptly Jischurgc uny li�n ahirh ha,priurity �wer thi,Scrurity In.trumcni unlr+�Borrowcr:lal agrcc,in
<br /> � r , .� writinF�o the p•ryment of Uk obligu�i�m scrurcd My thc licn in a n►unikr ucccptuhle tu Lcndcr: lbl c�mtr.t,in g�Nxl fuith thc lien
<br /> , , by. cir Jefc�xl. a�uin�t rnli�rcrmcm �,f�hr li�n in. IcEul pr�KrrJing+ ��hirh in the I.rndrr'� „pinion ��peratc tu prevcnt the
<br /> t i • enfiircemcnt af thc li�n:��r Ir1 �ccurc,from thc hnlJrr ut'1hr lirn an a�rrrment,aii.fart�,n a,Lrndrr+uhnniinutin�thc licn to
<br /> ,��; , thic Sccurity In+trumriM. If IAnJrrdetenninc� thut an}• parl ul'Ihe 1'ro�xnv i, .uhjcri a�a lirn uhirh ma�• altain pr�urit� ueer
<br /> • j thiti Sccurity In�trumrnt. l.endcr may �!ivr Nnrr„���cr a n�airr idcnlil'�•in} Ih�lirn. R�,rn,���cr.hc►II .;ili.l'} Ihr lirn ur tukc�►nc or �
<br /> ' .i ��,`� more of the nction�set furth ulwve within 111 Ja�•.��1 tlir giving„(n��licr.
<br /> i ;� j � � �
<br /> Form 3028 8�80
<br /> �r, � . vo,M a or tl F,
<br /> C_
<br /> f.
<br /> .91, 1 p ' :�:, .'t:. �:
<br /> l�r�a �''''"t',.` �^ y �
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