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<br /> �93� ��2
<br /> applicable I�w n�y�peoify for reitutatert►ent)bcfaa s�lc of�he PropenY pu�unot ta any pnwer of�ale conWned in Ih.io
<br /> Security Instriunenlc ar(b)�f a jud�ment rnforcia�thb Securl�y InWrumern, 9'ho�e c�ondidaw aro thu BoROwor: (a)
<br /> . p��l.,eader dl wma which would be dua uncbr thir Securi�y Imwment w�d the Noto as if no�ccelemdon d�d
<br /> acxu�rad;(b)cwuw any defeult of my other mvm�nl�a a�nxment�:(c)p�ye dl eapense�incumod in enfacin��hi�Sacurity
<br /> InpnumeM. iucluding.but not Wnitad to, ra:onablo�nomeya'fas:wnd ld)u�kea nuch Nctian�u+ l�nda rmy n�on�bly
<br /> rcquirc to assum Uu�t the lien of thi�Sacu�ity In�tnutKnt,Lendcr'r d�hta in the PtopcAy and Bam►wcr�obii�ation to pry the
<br /> swns sawiod by Uds Socurity In�wrn�nt ehall candnua unchwnged. Upcx� reinsu�tement by Hamnwer. thia Socurity
<br /> Ineaummt and the obliQ�tions securod he�eby shull amrin tully effoctive wr if no�ccalersllon h�d occurrod. Howevu,�lili
<br /> � ri�ht to rein.stete�lull n�N ppply in the case aF accelerotian wider poragtaph 17.
<br /> �j i9, Sde ot Natet C4�n�e ot La�a Servi�er. 'I'he Ndo or a p�rilal intor�t in�ho Ncue(togcIher wfth thir Security
<br /> lnNrumenq may ba:old one a more do�a wlthcwt prior noUce w BoRawer. A sule may rcsult in A chunga in the entity
<br /> �fcnown as the"[..o�n Servica")tluit eollocU monthly payment�due under the Nate arid thia Secwity Inawment. Therc Wso
<br /> nuiy be one or mae chw�gas of diee Laon Savicer unnel�tad to A sale of Uic Nde. If therc is A chw�ge of�ht Loan Servioer.
<br /> Borrowa wfll be given written nadce of the change in accordanco wlth puragruph 14 ubove and applicablo IAw. The notice
<br /> will ctate Ihe n�ne++nd addrass of�he new[.oan Servicer end Uro addres.4 to which paymems�Iwuld be mnde. Thc noticx wUl
<br /> also contrin eny other information requiKd by applicable law.
<br /> � Zp, 1laninlow Spbelsnoes. Bamower shali nat cause or pc�mit the prescncc.usc,disposal,staregc,or rcicase of any
<br /> Harardoua Substances o�or in t6e Properly. Borrowa shall na da,nor allow anyone else to do.any�hing afi'ecting the
<br /> , L'r�+ri�•�� Pmperty�hat ia in violation oP any Environme�tal Law. The preceding two sen�ences shoN not apply to tha prcsence.use,or
<br /> " - stor�ge oa the Property of sm�ll quantities of Hazardous Substanoes�At are generally reco�niud w bo eppropriWe to norn�al
<br /> '•�,.. ' . �1:. .�a resfdenQal uses anA ro maintenance of the Propeny.
<br /> a
<br /> , �,�;�; � ;a �' Barower shall pmmpUy give L.ender written iwtice of ony investigatfon,ciaim.demAnd.lawauit or olher xHon by uny
<br /> '.� ;�:�:.T'��;;;_'LL^'';;., govemmenlal or regulatory agency or pdvate party involving the Pnnperty and any Hazandous Substance or Errvironmenual
<br /> -� � � Law of which Borrowrr Iws actua! knowlodge. If Borrow�r kams. or is naQlied by any govemmen�l ur regulatory
<br /> ��,',�: .- .�y�:';�,,,,;: , :' '' �' aulhority,that any remove!or other remediation of any Harardous Subswnce af'fecting Ihe Property ia necessary.Bornuwer
<br /> ;:�;��-:,• .,.:;''�:'�� shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmcrnal Law.
<br /> �`'`'� �� � ' � `�'' As used in thls pamgraph 20,"H�zarclous Substances"are those subsiances defined as�oxic or hazardous subsiances by
<br /> a�,� .
<br /> �*' '`.. ;; . . -J:• Environmental L.aw and the follawing subs�ences: gasoline.kerosene.other tl:�mmable or toxic pewleum products.toxjc
<br /> �.fi'_, � ° �• �"'`�'t� •, peuicides and hetbicides. volatile solvents.materiuls containing asbcstos or iormnldehyde,and radioactive ma[e�ials. As
<br /> .
<br /> � `St�
<br /> ��}���1!�%.� u s e d i o this h 20 "Environmenwl Law"means federal laws and laws of the urisdiction where the Pio is lacuted
<br /> �.�. • ,"•: .• ���,,��.��. P��p • j I�Y
<br /> ��.it,;�;�;��., thm�late to health,sefety or environmen�al prMec�ion.
<br /> '� � �s�� :'���°'' �'' NON-UNIFOItM COVENANI'S. Borrower and L.ender further covenant and�gree as fallows:
<br /> '� �:1a,:.�:':, ' ' ° 21. Acceleratlon;Remedicv. l.eader shall give aottce to Borrower prior to occeleration(ollowinQ Borrower's
<br /> �� � ` � ' ' breoch ot nn rnvenant or agneement In Ibis Securi Instrnmeat Ibut eot rior lo s�cceleration under 6 17
<br /> '`I r�:�'.�•. .: . , udess� icable law vides Wherwise).The notietye shnll s P � P�YraP
<br /> .�-•' .����'�s'F:., detwW t;l�a dot�nM�tban 30 dAys from the datQ the o�tic�e is giv n toeBorrnwer by hkh the defoult must be
<br /> 1,�
<br /> �'�'��- ?,1.� � •.-` cured;wnd(d)t6et fwUere to cure the defwil on or before the dnte specifled in the notke mAy result fa wccelerAtBon M
<br /> '•��::, .' ;�`�;� .,� �`' 6 �. the sums secured by tdia Security l�irument and sAle oi the Property. The notice sl�ll tY�rlher int'orm Borrower ot
<br /> +�;' • '° % the dght to rilnstpte aRer accekratlon and the right to bring e court Actbn to�►ssert the non�exfsteace at A detault or
<br /> •?��,;�.. ' . � .,�� .,;;�j,;,:: : any otl►er defense ot Borcower M acceleration and s�le. It the detault is not cured on or before the date specltied in
<br /> : + ' � �.,.i;},:��: . the aotia,l,ender at its opdon may requfre immediate payment in full ot ell sums secured by Ihts Se�wrlty l�trwpeat
<br /> ` •'� • `!''+��''' witdout IWrlher demand and ma invoke the wer ot sale and an othcr rcmedies y pp
<br /> >` ' . ' ����;'":�, Lender ehall be endded to colle t all expences Mcurred in pursuing the remedles pro�vided io tl�is paragraph 2i.
<br /> '' ., � indudtog,bul not limited to�reasonable atlorneys'fees and costs ot titk evidence.
<br /> � M � • � It fhe power of Rale is invoked.7lrustee s6o11 record a notice of dePeult in eACh caunty in which Any p�rt ot the
<br /> :s{,�•, . . •� Properly is lacated nnd shall mwY copies atsuch noQce in ihe manner prescribed by applicable Iww to Borrower and to
<br /> " the other pers�►ns pn�scribed by Applicable IAw. ARer 1he time requ{red by ppplknble law.7lrustee ehs�ll give hublie
<br /> +:�� . `, ' notioe ot ss�le to the pereons and in the monner prescrfbed by applicable law 'l�ustee.without demw�d on Borrower.
<br /> sh�ll sell trie Property at public uuction to the highest bidder pt the time and place ond under the terros designated in
<br /> �:;; ��"'�'"-���•,' ' tbo notke ot sWe in one or more parcels and in any order 71�u�lee determtnes. 7lruslee mwy postpone sale of All or wny
<br /> �' ` " �: ;;t��•-' � ° parcel ot the Property by public announcement at the time and place of ony previously scheduled sale. I.ender or its
<br /> ,t;.1��•`,,,,��.`� ,. d�noe may purchase the Properly at pny Rxle.
<br /> �:t;J�,•x.;, ,.�,,;...,�, '. �
<br /> •���.:;^�:.•... . U p en recei pt o�payment of the price bid.'I�ustee shall deliver to the purchaser 7lrustee s deed conve yin g the
<br /> . � ��`�j'.::.;'�i�;,�:;�,.� : Properiy. The rccttnLS!n the 1`raslee's deed shall be prlma facie evtdence of the truth oflhe smtemcnt�made there3n. -
<br /> � ,� . •.• ;;y';;�•�� 7tustee shall ppply the prooeeds oP the snk in the following order: IA)to All casts and expenses of exercisin�the power
<br /> ,fir'�+:..`�r'. ' ., •:��
<br /> �{� ;�.
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