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<br /> tw ae�on�t d tbt ao0�d�pC tre dedn�atlon ot ddMdb�od nroo�bM attors�y�'t�a�
<br /> D
<br /> by MRi n M r w■r�rnd 4y trh S�oy�lq►.1�ote�w�ti w1(c)w,�'�za��s trt pee�er rirer �MMW
<br /> u�
<br /> 22. Reoap�e�'aen. Upon p�yatent�ai��li�wrrw cxurod by ttllf�Sxuriry Ia�trutrrcn�l.a�der�WI requeu'Ihutee w
<br /> rocoave the Pir �nd ih�l)auneQdar tbip Seoyrity InWnument,�rtd ap nocea evide�cW�debt securod by thi�Saurity
<br /> In�ume t w'liv� 11v�tqe�hall�re�oanvoy•tIM.Rmp�ey widiout ww�nty ud wit6vW char�e to tbe pet�ar peno�u
<br /> k�lly aulded to it. Suafi panson ac.pa�onp ahrilhpny�Y rcco�tion coate.
<br /> ?3. Sa6Wtute 7twihee..Lenda�.At i��optiun�!n�Y fran�ime w tLne remuve'iiuctes ond appoiat o wicce�sor trustco W
<br /> �qy 1tu�tee q�pointed Mm�undor by on law�umemt,�corded in the county in which thfe Securiry Instrumont ia rocorded.
<br /> WiU�out conveyaace of tha Pro�OCty.�ha cuaoo�,w4tee�iwll�uc�;ed to dl the tftla.Pown'ond du8es coafa�ed upon
<br /> ltuttee heneln wid by�pplicablo laa.
<br /> ?A. RRque�t[br NNlas. Barowor roque�sta th�t�copiac af the aottces of defwlt and x�le be ant W Bomowerk addrrss
<br /> whkh is U�Property Addrc�s.
<br /> ?S. Riders to thi�Secodl,y Idtrqraanb If ona or.mntq ridcKS er+e executed by Hort�awer and nrncded wgeN►ur wlth
<br /> thir Security Incwment. tha covepants nnd ogr+cem�nts of eaah�such rider alwU he inco�poretod into and ahall wnend�mi
<br /> suQplena�►t Iha cavenants and e�nxmaata of�hiu Seaurily 1nW11m�nt:a�iF tha rider(�)werc a part of Ibu�s Secur�ty Inspu�nt.
<br /> [Chock applicable bax(ea)1
<br /> �'�i ,'� �Adjustabla Raoa Rider �CondaininiumR3der �1-4Family Ridar
<br /> :.,,, � ,
<br /> '•r=.:` �(3iaduarod P�ynmat Rider �Planned Uni�Developmeat Rider �Biwakly Paya�cnt Wder
<br /> tLL:
<br /> nl�.��1:
<br /> :;'`�: • �B�Iloon Rider �Rntis lmpravement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> ��,.'t. y
<br /> U .� �...A�"j.�•� �r
<br /> f �x O�har(s)[specifyl Assic�nut�nt of,�nts Rtaer
<br /> ' �_, �'�'' +� ,�`�Y ' BY SIQNINO BEIAW,Bomower aecept�pnd agrees lo the term.R and wveaents coalalned in Ihls Security Inadument
<br /> '. �d„ 1 . _ a�d in any ridar(a)executed by Bormwer and�co�d with�.
<br /> ,,.
<br /> '�'�'�' �tncss: �
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<br /> ".tiy' , 'q..'. - ' . � -BOftOWtf '�R�DWQI'
<br /> " ,� ,. •�
<br /> . STATE OF I�BRAS!(A.. N�1], County ss: `';'
<br /> , ��.- :�• .,
<br /> � .: .,.,� " � ,:�'i;r
<br /> ' .+� �?�:�:,°`.•.,`"v,,' On•�h ia 23z'd day of Septe�nbe�r� 1993 . t�ePo�n ma,thc unde�signed.A NOtW'y PIIbI1C �
<br /> � �.�� � `' � ' ' . , dulycommia��nodandquuliliad�forhuidmumy,persanallycame Roi�ert L. L7bedz snd Paule�.te K.
<br /> I�ebedz (Husbattd�a�ud Wife) ,to me known to be thc
<br /> ;%.,' � : � ' . identical per.sons(x) whoco name(s►nre sub.r•critxd to the fa+egwn6 inurumem•and acknowledged the execution thareof to
<br /> J . " �« � �YI@il vnlnntal_V url nnd derd
<br /> :;r;:.,
<br /> :!'. , • � � Witne�ss my hand�nd noauial seal at Grard Island� LJpbraska in said county.�he ��.
<br /> ' � dute afotm --• /` � �':
<br /> - --- - _ -• My Commi n� COT1�,4m ii� �� � .;.�;.
<br /> .?+;' . •. . �,h�j��� NowyPublk .r .
<br /> ��" ' . '.'' �,. UEST FOR RECONVEYANCE ;"•rys`'
<br /> '� '' ' � '� '" � ;� TO TRUS7'EE:
<br /> :� .�N •�..:. . '.
<br /> ' � #�, -;' The undenigned is thc holder of ihe nrne or note,sccur�d by this DceJ uf'Itust. Said note or note�:,together with all . .
<br /> � �a` ,�� ' "• " :�r'i� othcr indebtedness sewred b this Qrd of Truxt,hu�•c Ixen r�d in full. You arc hen.b Jirertrd tu c�ncel sstid note or notes ...;°�
<br /> .A+t � �:'•,; � . :. ; , Y p' � ' y ,,,.
<br /> �� .;s�-� �; � und this Deed of 7Fus�,which art dclivcrcJ hcreby,and w rccunvey,without warrrnty,ull the eswte now held by you under ���y
<br /> �'' � .'> � lhis Deed ot7lust lo the peROn or pennns Icgally entitled thcroW. ��
<br /> tit i q � `.�,'.. .,
<br /> ;� � ��'=
<br /> `•r� ' r��'• . . :•��.�� Date: ,...
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